frank azar - google glass: the personal injury lawyer’s secret weapon?

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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For some, the creation of a wearable gadget like Google Glass simply represents another way in which technology has infiltrated our day to day lives. Others however, see an invaluable tool, particularly for personal injury plaintiffs. According to a recent report in Inquisitr, lawyers at the Adams and Diaco law firm believe that Google Glass and other wearable technology can be valuable for injury claims. Robert Adams and his partners deal primarily with cases of personal injury and insurance defense. He sees a lot of potential behind this type of technology. This first deals primarily with communication. Google Glass will allow plaintiffs to record their daily activity for their lawyers to demonstrate just exactly how their injury has complicated their lives. There is even a pilot program run by a law firm in Phoenix, Arizona that is looking to find ways of using such communications as evidence.


Google Glass: The Personal Injury Lawyer’s Secret Weapon? For some, the creation of a wearable gadget like Google Glass simply represents another way in which technology has infiltrated our day to day lives. Others however, see an invaluable tool, particularly for personal injury plaintiffs. According to a recent report in Inquisitr, lawyers at the Adams and Diaco law firm believe that Google Glass and other wearable technology can be valuable for injury claims.

Robert Adams and his partners deal primarily with cases of personal injury and insurance defense. He sees a lot of potential behind this type of technology. This first deals primarily with communication. Google Glass will allow plaintiffs to record their daily activity for their lawyers to demonstrate just exactly how their injury has complicated their lives. There is even a pilot program run by a law firm in Phoenix, Arizona that is looking to find ways of using such communications as evidence.

Adams also sees another application for Google Glass in the courtroom. Pending court approval, the Glass could be used as tool by lawyers to communicate with their office or clients during a hearing. Courts have typically been accepting of technological advancements with the use of laptops and tablets in the courtroom. This would represent the next logical step in the eyes of Adams and others like him. The introduction of Google Glass and other similar technologies would in many ways simply be the logical extension of procedures that are already in place. To read the original article, head over to the Inquisitr.

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