fr) -^^^éë fÇhills& · 2017. 12. 16. · np.w orleans, august 30.-salesof colton 7;...

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TELEGRAPHIC.Dur Cable lJl»imU-lu H.

1'AHTH, August 29. Tho Moniteur reiterates thostatement that (lie .Salzburg Coilforonco secures.Ibo pesée ol' I'urope, bul « ir apprehensions ps-cite tim Bourse, fíente* are declining.Tho Cretana «tili reniai in the mountains.ATHENS, August 29.-Advices denounce tho re¬

porta ot" Osten PASHA'S recent successes, which irvcaul to bc grossly exaggerated.BERLIK, August 29_llANcnorr dined with the

King of Prussia, [/.'ai il possible .']LtVEltPooi.. August 39-Koon.-Cotton cale:.

8000 bales. Uplands 10¡d.; Orleans 10A.I. Salon otweek 02,000 bules; exporta 10,1100; speculation 20H0.Stock 7:4,000 bale», whoreof 314,000 wcro Araori-can.

W axil t n i»t<» ia \CVV«.WASHINUTOX, August 20.--The negro Langmeil

lina applied for thc position of Hnytieii Minister.Tho 1'resident informed bim thuru wau no vacancy,adding (hal i hould a vneaney uccur, he i nw noreason why Langston's claims Hhnuld not bo con-

Hidered. On uuiuiring (if the President if howould grant Langston another interview within a

week, bo replied yes.Gen. STEUD.MAX arrived lani night and bad aloin,'

president ¡ni interview to-day.The Hei ernie receipts to-day a mimili to £571,000.Sonor'iim, the new [laban minister, wan

presented to Ibo Président lo-dny.Thc Cabinet had an hour's session.Tho coln lu tho Treasury vaults nmouiilu loin


min<silly In (.'nuntin.M ns lt 11., August SO.-Tbe Cnn uti.Lil Pilllitl-

mctltary noniinations aro attended with considcr-blo riots. Mr. Mcli'cw wau hooted down at Monte.Tinco men wero dangerously beaten. The caval¬ry charged the mob nt K isl Tort, and Iwosipiad-rone guarded tho candidates homo. There were

Ihirtv casualties, Imtnono fatal.

ii. m un mo mi

RiciiAiONi), Alignât 00.-KAPP rfc Co.'* largo to¬bacco inanulactury was seizod to-day for a viola¬tion of the llcvcnuc.Thc merchnnts hero organized a Hoard of Trade


Prom tat. Louis.Sr. LOIIIH, August 30.-Tho hull' of Uoynulds

City in Miuilaiin in burned. Thc Montana Hungere,under General IUT.NS, will move on tho Indiansshortly.

Five hundred dollars was recently paid for tbrcoIndian scalps. Tho wife ol Colonel ItaXKIICAD andtwenty-five mon of thc fith Ilegiincut died olcholera ut Tort Wallace.

Itcnlnrliy Kotri.LOUISVILLE, August HO.-Owing to Gov. HPI.II'S

sickness, the inauguration will tako placo ut hmrosidencc. Gov. lliiMiitnr and staff, and thoLouisville City 'unneil, will bo in attendance.

Ueorgln News.A IT. sra, Alignât 30.-Tho Chronicle it Sentinel

asserts on authority of a member of a Hoard ofttegistrars. tbot privato instruction;, have beenissued that no freedmen will be.permitted lotako seats in the approaching State Convention.General POPF. having boon written to to knowif there was any truth in tho report thal beintended issuing an order aUyiug the col¬lection of debts, roplica: "No conceivable cir¬cumstances could ba vi' induced mo to Interiorowith iho goners! busiiicis ot tho State, or the rela¬tions of debtor and creditor. The only orders is¬sued or to bc Issued aro .such au arc considerednecessary to execnto Ibo Tlecoustruction Acts,which do not warrant violent changea in tho ordi¬nary couran of civil business. Thu people mustlook for relief lo tho Stato Convention. 1 do not«-.onsider auch matters within my province to ad¬just."


Alnuirtpnl (Iffier is. in Maraniinli,HAVANNAH, August 30.-Them is a rumor of a

potition having gone to Gen. Popr. for tim re¬

moval of tho present Mayor and Aldermen. Acounter petition was got ten up to retain tho pres-cut Board, which was signed by all Ibo influential'.'ilizcnn and merchants.

Kroni Now Orien ny.

NEW ORLEANS, August 30.-There were twenty-six dealliH from Yellow rover yesterday. Gene¬ral CYRUS HAMLIN was interred willi Masonicceremonies. Thirty of Ibo crew and four of Iboofficers of tba iron-clad .Vafiaska aro nick withYellow Furor. They were removed to tho hutipitulyesterday ; four of tho crow havo died. They had(ana! n, d cooped up on board until thc vessel had

almost bee,uno a pest house.Order No. 129 removes T. (J. MOUAN, City

Comptroller, and appoints D. ll. MANDEL, for rea-

sous similar to Hmso readjusting Ihe City Council.Order No. 130 order.-' an elect inn on tho Bccond

.Monday in September, for police juries iii eachparish ; inapoetors of lovecs to cuter forthwithupon their duties, notifying riparian proprietors torepair and strengthen or construct now levees, orin.default thereof, to unferce the law in Hitch cane«

provided. A correct account of oxpensea for saids ps ir or emmi niel ion, whether by individuals m

psi i-, h es is to be kept ; and upon thc ac opt a nco ofthu levóos by tho State engineer, lo be paid frombe pr. s is ds oft lie Ht ate lb unis, appropriated by

the Legislature for that purpose.

From liny it

WAHHINOTON, August 29.-SouLouQiin, of Hayli, ia dead.Thc 1 lr 11 isl Consul at Capo Haïtien reporta tbot

lighting against HALNAVE han commenced.

Alomcsllc Mnrkrts.NOON DISPATCH.

Nnvr YOHK, August Iii.-Stoc':s dull. Monov -laiipercent. Gold ixl. Morling unchanged, fl'icou-pms Iltja liri. Plour inure active, lint lower.Wheat and Corn quiot. Ityo dull and drooping.Oats a shade firmer. Pork dnll ut 23¿a23 3-111.Lard imiot. Whiskey steady. Cotton dull at 27.Turpciitino firm. Itoain ranier inoro activo.

. EVEMNO lllflPATCII.Cotton bóáry, aalcs 12,000 bales nt 27. Flour

Htendy; State ill G5all0 00; s $0 00afl3.Wheat .glint and alcady. Com active nnd ad¬vanced la2c; .Mixed Western ll 13a*l l t*. Oatslinn; Southern 0öa7d. Pork iirm nt $23'Ai. Lard.¡met und',.toady. Whiskey ciuiot. Hire dull andminium!. Sugar firm and in fair domiuid; Portobiro 12J; Muscovado UfaläJ. Coffee linn andijulct. Naval stores steady. Wilmington tatld 25. Freights heavy; on grain by steam ld..stocks duli.. Money unohnnged. Gold -Iii.Vi Columns il Hi. Sterling oteadv. Primo bank¬ers bills f| ((-.IJ.

BALTIMORE, August 30.-Cotton dull ami hoary,euee dull: primo, 17.j. Block, 23,000 sucks. Flourunchanged. Wheat advanced Sc; utock small,primo and dioico Virginia 12 3ôa2 10. Corn, tmreceipts to-day; while, $1 baal 08; yellow, ll IC.Oats bettor, good to primo; I'JiifV,. Hyu $1 40aI fill. Provisions firmer, quotations unchanged.Whiskey, nothing doing.CINCINNATI, August 30.-Flour ipi ml. Corn nd-

v.Hieing nnd scarce: salon, in tho car and shelled,$1 02:il 03, Whiskey unsettle I. Pork dull, atV¿3 25a23 fiO. bird ISL Hae m Shoulders 12jclear ribbed sides, 15$; clear aides, ll!}.

WILMTNOTON, August 30,-Spirits of Tnrpentin(- piiet nt 52} ttoain ipi u nt 13 8ñall 7ü. Thu poriis almost raro of shipping. A largo number ovessels could sccuro cargoes al high rates.NP.W ORLEANS, August 30.-Sales of Colton 7;

bales-dull and deebned. Low Middlings 25cH, ci it n of tho wook 810 bale s, against 887. Kr.ports of tho week 2801 bales. Stock 15,031 balesLouisiana Sugar, univ retail demand. Fully fallfiJnlMc: eulin good to fair lOJalSJo. Molassesno 1/oiuHiana on tbo market Cuba dull al I9.i51c¿'lour dull ct f8 75a$9; choice ¿12 r.OalM. Cern iilight demand at $1 25al 30 for light and yellowOats dull at CSaOrt'. Pork nt livo at I25a20 Ol. liacon abmildern bielle; olear aide« l7$nJ8c. doh.11). Sterling 33.J-.iUi.' New York Sight F.ichaug'4 per cent, promium.

Mourir, Angnst 30.-No sales to-day. IloreiplVa bales.

\UOUHTA, Anglist 80.-Cotton ital. Sahn 1billen, Prices irregular.

Mn:, rm, M ru. Y, August 30.-Ono hundred balereceived to-day. Tho crop ia .badly hurt hy thworm, and ia cut short.

HAVANNAH, August 30,-Ootton Hat, Nolhinidoing. Middlings 25c. Itocoipta 1 ir. bales.

Mr. OANA'« forthcoming HOW paper, il js undoiHtood, will bo managed chiefly by yjung merI'.NU I. IND, formerly of tho Tribune, is to ho thc citeditor. MAvcniOK, of tho Etinimj Poul, is lo looaiter tho foreign nows. JOHN HAVAOE will Inkcaro of tho literary malton), while to KANE O'DotMELL will bo entrusted flio musical nnd drajual:criticism. Mr. DANA himself will bo thc potitieteditor. Tho ninney market man will probably IMr. Coiunnn, of tho S/iippmg Litt.

xutii'isiiATIVK STUKKü IV MOW YUlt H..

Wo lisvo, fruin Umu to limo, lately upokou <ifUto ({rent cooperativo movement now tu progressamong thc laboring classes <>r Karopo. In timNorthern port ortho United States also considera¬ble attention (ins Leen givon tn tlio subject of Inte,livery paper nlinosl Huit comes to un front thulargo citiCH of tho North contains notices relntivoIO (ho practical working Of tho system. Timi» intlie New York /AvviM or.Suiidny, August 25, wo Hudau account of sovcrnl cooperativo atores that havolc en established in timi city within tho pastmonti), anil aro now in working order, llosidosthese, says tito Herald, many other kindred botprivate iiusuciations of a similar naturo hnro bcoti[ormod, and are progressing satisfactorily.KoromonI among those ircshly orgatii/.cd inati-

tutions, may ba doncribedTUE liltsr MANHATTAN COOTBUATIVB UllOCKltV

KTOIli:lins been established under tho net of the Législa¬ture lo regulate mich iustittitioiiR, and sturts witha capital ol' Î5000, dividod into HIIIUCH of jj euell.Tho principie» of this s to IT arc io supple ita mom-huiH with groceries, provisions, wood and coal orunod quality und ot j list. weight omi measure nt nalair advance, on first cost, nnd from tho profits oftho business to pay n iiuarlcrly dividend in propor¬tion lo cacti members Irado with Ibo ulolo. Itwill he seen flinn this prenmblo (hal apartfrom all other considerations-mich ns Ibo small¬er cost or goods, by golting thom nearly ntwholesale rales-cooh mumbor of tho associationreceives prolit in direct proportion to bis pur*chases, and thus hin very espouses wo inij;lit suv,redound to bis credit, ilosidcs this, tile directoraagrca lo allow eight per cunt pur annum intereston every lolly paid up share, lo comirtcncb tineendays niter tho stnro opens for business. Thonfllccn of tho First Manhattan co-operative gro¬cery storo are a president, vico president, secre¬tary, treasurer, three trustees, niuo directors, nsuperintendent mid a buyor. All thoso officershave furnished bonds lo tho amount ol $H,0O0, IIIorder that thu snciuly eau havo claim on thomshould they abuse tho trust reposed in thom; nnd,judging by tho details of Ibo working ol'tho «lore,ibu buyer bus thu most onerous position, as bobas to innko all ibo pun-liases or gooda requiredfor keeping Ibo storo supplied, and bas to guardaganiM till the innumerable chicanery and "tricksot irado," so Hist loo members uball lune Oona/ide good nrticles lor llioir monee.The preliminary meeting for tho nrgnniv.nlinii of

this movement was held on thc ltd ol June last,and uow it may bi said to bo firmly oslublisbcd.Thc capital « ¡tuted to eutnmoiico business on(Í2.Í00) has been fully paid np nnd deposited inbank, while thu second instalment or $2500 re¬quired nuder tho articles of association bns alsoboen nearly completed. Tho officers aro nil ap¬pointed, and appear lo bo well selected. Tho sileof the store bas niroady been flxod-between thoSixteenth and went.el li Wards, adjacent to Sev¬enth nod Ninth uvomios,- nnd loca tod in Tweutv-sixth street. All appears, therefore, to bo wellwith tho first Manhattan Cooperative OroceryStore, mid it is to bo hoped, for tho furtheranceof the cooperativo principle mid policy muongour mechanics and artisans, that il will havo »pn. >piops career.Sill". MANHATTAN COOPERATIVE 1.ANU ANO HUH.DINO

ASSOCIATIONis another of llieso institutions, which goes ou amme extensive scalo than tho former,, involving agreater ftmónnl of capital aud intending to allowand enable i neb ol ils members to "boconui binown landlord," Instead ot havan- a corlain fixedmimbil- of shares, as the ronner association, thofunds of thia building society can bu increased ntthe will of tho members or shareholders, until ntaree amount or capital snail have accumulated.Kaeh member bau to pay an entronco roo of. nfl vcents mi every tasen by him, and in addi¬tion a weekly subscription of fifty conts porshave. As soon as tho runda ot Ibo society shallhave accumulated to thu amount of $ I00Ö Iberoshall be an appropriation tumlo for that anni tntko member who shall either have boughtsuch right «ii appropriation or shall bc en¬titled to it in uh) regular turn, according totho limo and order nf rotation of his standing onthe nooks i t the society. For instance, tho work¬ing of tba co o¡m a tors' plan can bo UIUH explain¬ed : John Drown is ono of tho first members thatjoins tho building association; bo lins paid au ou¬trance feo of filly cents, and a weeklv subscriptionol' lilly cents over nineo he joined tho society,which" in composai1 aay of two hundred members.At thc end of nine wooka }t will bo found, by thcaccumulation of tho entrance fees and weekly pay¬ments of Ibeso two hundred membovs, that thobuilding society possesses 41000. and then JohnHi own. by reason of bia boiug tho first member,or on account nf his paying twenty dolíais for thoprivilege, is voled an appropriation of $1000 loembie liim In imrehaso or build a house; and thiamummt of $1000 and interest ia Recured to thoother sb ai-cl,uldeiH and Hip society generally by a'luortgago ou John Brown's bunao. Thu9, at thocud ol' a curtain period uach of Ibo members has ahouse nf Iii» own. when thu society is dissolved,its purpose boin;; fully carried mit. mid each of itsmembers "hoing bia own landlord." There isdoubt that lltcso building societies work a good(leal of good na long OB thoy aro not devised ina nv speculative spirit, which bas been thc nun ofbiindrsdq jp Kngland. '¡¡i

tua UNnw ßo-;>PBiiATivr SMTU:'

ia b weil on tho same plan sa IV' first ManhattanGrocery Store, only being localed on thc oast aideof tho city to supply n wunt of Ibo samo (herc felt.Mr. John linnis, the President of tho Workingmen'sUnion, is Ibo chief agitator in tho matter, andils ie m lit I lo doubt under bia management thattba nffair will ho carried .successfully through..Several preliminary ii)oa|ipgu bave already beenheld for the purposbol ip ttm;; lin ibis associationin a thoroughly practical m a nu er.


Mr. SWINTON, of Ibo Ncjv York 7imc«, lately re¬

turned from an extensive tour ItrMUgh tho South,'gives thc following summary of public opinion intlii'.- e Sti les :

Thc Southern whites may bo divided on thoquestion of coona! ruction into tinco classas :?

1. lltii.m \! bo reject reconstruct ¡an.ou prie fiji to.2. Thoso who nccopt reconstruction on principle,il. Thoso who cither accept or reject reconstruc¬

tion .iona principio.The first cluss embraces a largo part of tbo ablest

men of tho South, including many politicians, law¬yers aud old-tn no " aristocrats."' Thoy woro Htatosovereignly men and believers in tho right of so-cession. Any munbor of timm wcro not ju favorof accession,' and, on tho contrary, thought iii a-great political blunder; but, iiovorthnleas, be¬lieved in tba right nf secession.They now wiall restoration on tho old litáis, vnih,

Ibu exception, of ooaree,'- of Slavery. WhileIbo Status arc excluded, they aro unwilling to con¬sider ¡HIT ron di fio rsi. Th uv. rejected Ibo Constitu¬tion.! Amendment. Thoy )iuW thu doctrino that,without tho'J poi at io UH imported op .tho .Central.(love) liment, by State rights', it fuiis jnpyjtablyinto despotism,1 Those uf, till-ai who register-and most ot thain that can will-will do so for thupurpose ot voting against o Convention.Thev nay that sbwild tho. Southern whites voto

tor a Convention, that* vc:riki bo lo ncqtiicsco inwhat is donn, and that no nutter what might hotho result they rfoald bo.powerless-tho very doc¬trino of Stale iiphlb would bo ' quoted'againstthem, but if thoy stand ojpof, thoy, tho "bodypolitic propcr^'pntflicmsolves in4 on attlfudo ofprotest ugainat thin thing,-and when tho min oftho present system cornea about, legislation maysunni what legislation hos enacted. Tboy saythal even if in uU|or respects thoy could accopttho terms of Congress, 'heir fl°nor engagas thomto st sud by their fcllow-citlzons vhnm Congresslute deprived ni'their'political privileges-limy willnot, to betiofittlioniscIiesTaid inproscrlbiiig menwho wero no^njorse rebol» pian tho», ¿4Macy nt them dfcolarp (hey oro.Willing to «co tho

proaent system lfn've n fair sud gelierorra frirt butIhov am perfectly convinced it must break down.Tliéy nil cjilici pat 0 . a Kar ol raocs-fa cam il ot ipwliich whites aili) )>Jaoks Will end bv invoking omni'military man to como in and save, (bom from oacbother s fury. 'I hr v believe that already liberty intim Uni led'mates is dead.Tho se -reid class is a vorv interesting on?.- They

are milch moro numerous than tho casual observerwould conçoive. In tho main, thoy hold, brif nutho war the same political creed as tho first-class ;but tho war educated thom. Thoy havo como toaccopt tho American idea. Tboy i lin .1 rat o tbo doc¬trino of political rogonoration, ont! wheroaa, beforetl my '.vere blind, mi tv they seo. Theil' very adhe¬sion in former limos to tho dootrmo ol secessionand Slate sovereignty inclinen them to tho positionthat their States aro ir. tho ci indi ti on of conqueredtonitorien, su ii LC t lo I rea ti nut under internationallaw and tire will of tho conqueror. K good manythink Congress is rather hard on them ;' bat ts eynra wiitin;; to toko Ibo boat thoy can gol, Somo ofthom, nineo tho final rigorous deffidtion of thoMilitary Dill by Congress, waver a little, but thoywill cud by accepting tho nit ti nt mn.

In this class WO nie to include hundreds ott¡muñarids nf soldlcm, sensible, practical mon, thohopo ol tbo Routh, lt niuo tm m hers a good mMy/whom tho little' experiment of tho Confederacy(whoso roal history, vfh'ûn' written, will astonishtho world,) first taught, a realizing scnao.of thobenefits of tho Union. .,,

Thu only drawback to tho rffioionoy of thin ulaasis a certain amount of soolal and conventionallimiditv, willoh causes thom to withhold thothaiiglit that is in them.' But this (s for tho mo¬ment merely. Thoy aro OSaontiallv med of inde¬pendence, and will innko themselves felt ot thoproper timo,Tue third elana, is of courso by f.u- tho most

numerous. It includes moat of tho ninotoon-twciitiotha of tho Southern population who novorowned n slave. A largo 'proportion'of thom canneilin r read ntn* write '' .

Thoso peppio, whothor thoy favorjoconatruclionor reject it, (Io sn without principio. Whoro, fromono circumstance or another, they still cönio andertho inflaenco of their old |>olitical leaders, thoyreject rooónstruallan. otherwise, thoy n?qnieaco,os do most mcu in what thoy rogard as tho in-ovitablo. Dut as in tho IMUS of mankind tho Bolf-regarding principio rules eoprsnm, this class tendsto become moro and moro detached from its oldpolitical loaders, for they porcoivo that thoso cannow do nothing for thora, whereas thoy believetboy havo aomuthipg (d gain by siding with tholtcpublican?;, .Mani'/&noy that tho triumph of theliajtlicaln will aocnro land lo tho landless.Thin class, notwithstanding life-long bitter pre¬

judices against tho blacks, soems to afnliato roadilyenough politically with tno nogro element.

is Tine covntovKiisY TO URV.\1(I,EHH Í

A recent number of tho Itichtnoud Whig lia» thofollowing common sonso admonition :

It is tho naturo or man to acquire aa muchpower un |KNiH¡b!e, and to part with nono that lioein retain. Ile disputes ovory inch of und,und only surrenders vrhon su|ienor forco ia bi oughtto hear upon linn. In oivil societv lila rocourao iato courte, niul n Hligoua man will spend hie lasti>h)llmt; to fco hie lawyer and <lefray tho oxponBosof litigation. When ho geln hie blood up bo willcarry hi* caao from Hie lowest to tho highostcourt, nu matter how email tho amount involvedmay be, and whoo hu reaahoa tho court of laat ni¬non end beam tho decision pronounced againsthim, ho is oven moro discontented than ho vraa intho beginning. Tho caso has bul ono sido in hisoyo*, and that is his side. lu niuo casos out uftun ho in animated by tho desire to hsvo his uwnway, which sottlcs down in sn inappeasable spite,which he persuades hiinsolf is principle. Howould, if allowed, go back to Ibo beginning andhave it all over again, neglecting his business andspending his lifo in itu prosecution. Hut tho lewinterposes sud proteo tn Lim from his omi folly sudhis blind passion by bringing to busr upon himthat old mid bonigii maxim, "There must ho anend of strife." Ho hos got to tho omi of his tother,and munt, of necessity, submit.

It is this nanto disposition to rn fore o Uioir willami to doniiuato others that inipolB monto ougBgoin war-thal nil,mu ratio regum. Thore can bobut one of two results from resort to tin's, tho su-prmuu court of nations-victory or defeat. Vio-tory curries with it dominancy, dofest imposossubmission. Hero, too, in this high court of na¬tions thu maxim in that "there must bo Bli end ofBl rife."Wo of tho Koutb, after years of augry controver¬

sy, chose lo submit tho «montions between usand tho North to tho arbitrament of srms, antiwo Inst our cause. Tho decision was pronouncedagainst us. Khali wo rofuso to submit in goniraith ? Shall thoro ho an end of strife ? Orshall wo endeavor to koep opon tho quent ion thatlins lieun sottlcd agiiiust us, and thus perpetuatestrife V

If wu decido to do tho lattor lot us bo candidand manly enough to acquit tho Government ofult obligations to exhibit clomoncy and kindnesslenard us. Let us ronounco all claim to protoo-lion, t<i properly, to franohisos and privileges,iud, like dosperato men, pioclaim ourselves iii aunlit ion of mt lavery. Tua only claim wo can

liavo must arise out ór obedionce,' submission andnt orderly deportment. Wo may frame nil sortsif subtlo ñrgumoiils in our attempts to ovado thoincidents of our defeat, hut they will fail to con¬vince those who defeated us. It is an oasy thing tu

ui vince unreel ve i, bocsuso wo want tu bu eu con¬vinced, but what good eau that du? Tho partytn bo convinced and satisfied is tho party that has[ho power-our conquoror. Our defeat and sur-under were both military end political, and, furmr part, wo havo resolved to fulfill tho terms ofthat surrondor, as cxprossod and as implied, inletter nnd Tu npiril. Wo aro for reconstruction,.lenee and (ho Unfon, Thine who sro not, and nholospcratoly rosolvo that thoy wiii bo a law untothemselves, will havo to tako tho conscquonces oftheir own imprudence.

Slate Items.DESI iiovv.i) ur Lum i NI NU.-Tho barn of Mr.

Daniel Hook, in Lexington District, was struck bylightning Wodncsday aflornoon and entiroly burntMt, Two mules-mn nt each end of tho barn-n ore kilted by tho shock. Mr. S. J. Hook and hisirolhur wore reolining on two halos of cotton iu.he middlo of tho bara, but fortunately esca pee Iuiliurt. Thu milton in tho building was saved.

lA'cieoerry Hermd.Mon;-. RMS.-Hinco our last issue it has done

ittle clso than rain, aud occasionally the shu sorslavo hjon heavy. So much rain must be hurtfulto cotton, which is rapidly growing, dry weatherjeme what tho plant now mods, although, so farTU liase heard of no "shoddmg." The plantlever looked so vigorous, of such largo size, andio fully "bolted" ns it now docs, and nh mid thoam not injure, or other circumstanoos interposeo affect it, tho crop iu this sootiou will yield large-y.-A'tioberry 11ermd.TllK STATE TnEAS r nv. W. aro roliahly informe.1hat thu Ktaie Treasury is now empty, tho taxesdready paid in haring boon oxnoudoa. Thoro islinnet liing over J UM,ooo outstanding in oxecutionsit tho prévient timo. At ibo last session of thoLegisluturo tho Committco on Ways and Mesns e. that tho tai bill wonld raine «GW.OOO, hilt itins fnlicn short about $300,000.- Andenon JnteUi-icncei:Tm: CBOPS.-Our fannors have, now rcachod a

.tago in their forming operations from wninh tileyiou calculate with tolerable certainty upon tho¡rowing crops. Tho goueral opinion seoms to bo.hal a sufQctonoy of grain for homo consumption¡viii he gathered. The cotton prospects aro y ul.The (llanta aro small and late, but well Alleu H Ith'mit, tvbieh a late fall will help to mature.

[ Yorkcllle Enquirer.HEAW KALI, OF RAIN.-A portion of this district

iras visited on Monday aflornoon by a fall of rain>f almost unprecedented violence. Tho "oldestinhabitant" of this town docs not romona uer tutiaro seen Its Uko, Tho rain was of brio! duration,lint did cousiderablo damage to tho bottom cumnotwithstanding. Tho émaner streams in tho dis¬trict, in tho vicinities whoro Ibo rain waa hoariest,loodod thu |ow lands adjacent.

[Yorkeille Enquirrr.Cnops.-Tho recent heavy rains must seriouslylainngo the crops. Tho cotton crops especially

mint Huffer, and it ls much feared that the He« will overtlow a great deal of land and sub-mcrgo portions of tho best corn in tho district.

[ Wmnaboro' iVeioj.I'MII.UA.TION.- Wo havo obsorved a notice, tank¬

ed on t'.o Postónico door, stating that "there willbo a meeting held at tho Gully Church on theUnit Saturday in Septembor, to take into con¬sideration tho subjeot of emigration, and to ap¬point commissions with a viow of emigrating."Wo shall wa toll with interest thea a movements, sewo fcol qnito anxious to know how auy of our fel-low-citizuns can bettor their condition by changoof country, ibo Brazil bubblo his burst, andwrecked tho hopes of many who trusted to ita do-Itisivc promises, and there appears nothing to in¬vito our pooplo to Mjoxioo. Besides, why shouldpersons who have energy, enterprise, and moneyenough to embark tn emigiation sobemos, wish toh ». vi. (h State yet? These requisites can enablethom to triumph over present tronblos, and bysticking closo to the old hark, and doing tbolrduty, help to savo it from shipwreck.'

.. [Varangian Southerner,THE WrNHsnoBo NSTVTS.-Major Wi W, Herbert

has assumed tho editorial management of ourFairfield contemporary, Th« following is thoco«.-duding paragraph of nis salutatory'i-' 'iIn tho disoussipn of tho issues before the coun¬

try at this timo, the military bill shall bo thowriter's guido, behoving as ho t|nos, that tho »e.ccptsnoo af tho Congressional pian af rtvpoastrue-tlc-q is tho only ono which tho people eau look toroi e «niuimn pf the dift)cnlUs» which surroundus ; and never haying boen an oxtromist upon anypolitical question, he will suffer no eironmstauoaito lead him to a support of any measure, wbioh, Inhis judgment, will not conduce to tho good of thewbolo people.

Cni|i lt. ms.'lim Stcamor Alon, Capt. Had on eh, which arriv¬

ed on tho 21st instant, brought p,p 28 sacks of nowrico (tho tlrstof the season), ff oin F,Ivo Oak Plan¬tation, twonty-flvo milos bolow tho city, In addi¬tion to this wo havo further to report the roeeiptof IC sacks moro of the now orop, per A, 0. Brown,also from the lowor coast.-A7. 0. Prioe* Current.Throe hales of tho now crop of Cotton woio

brought in yosterdoy. Wo learn that this lotelasno I as low rOuldliiig, and was offered at 22|c,but was not'sold. It was a dull day in oar market.

[Columbus Enquirer, 281h.Our furmem havo comm once J to pick cotton in'

good ean ind, anti in a Tow days our streets will boenlivenpd with wagons coining in from tho countryladen With that prenions Ríanlo for tho market,\v tl a view ol procuring tho benoQt ot tho open¬ing of tho cotton market. We hopo they will bolimply rewarded for their trouble and expense.

, [Deinopolii Eta.IJeports from Mississippi say that tho worms

have destroyed tho greater portion of tho cottonin Piko County, and have considerably curtailedtho crop of other counties.

Ourinc tho past two or throe wonks tho cottoncrops of this sootioti havo hoon materially injnrodby tho late heavy rains, Many largo planters com¬plain that thoy will not make more than half crops.'Tho .'..un pillara havo only made their appearancein .a few pisóos and in small numbors; hut thofleldn, which only a fow wooka ago promised abun¬dant -yields, are red and dying with rust..

[Maatton [Fia.) Aituenger, 23d inti.Messrs. Brigham, Holst A Co. have received abale,of now cotton. It was grown r,n tho planta¬tion of L. It. Bestick, Esq., Paraobuola, S. C., andis ol very good quality, and eloan,TliriRi bales of cotton of this year's crop hiveboen receive I from Quitmau, No. 10, Brookscounty, from R. W. Stephens and H. Padgett, con¬signed to A. Diitonhoffjr A Co., and Clark. Jonosfi Go., tho first now cotton received from tho Uneof tho Atlantic aud Uulf Railroad. .

¿aoannaft Nexo», 28iA.A gentleman from Forsyth, Qa., who (raveledtho wagon road through tho counties of Houston,Dooly, Worth, Mitoholl and Decatur, gives ns a

very gloomy roport of tho cotton crop in tho twofirst named counties. Ho aays tho ootton Holds hosaw wero flooded hy tho recent incessant rains, andtho cotton dostroyod. Many of the streams weroimpassable, compelling him to seek a ronlo aroundthom. ,

Tho crops III tho other throe counties woro not somuch affected by the rains thone In Mitchell andDcúatiir especially. Wo have mada dilligont in¬quiries about Uio crops in this county, and it sonni ato lie generally conceded thar tho rains, caterpillarand boll-worm will surely ont off the cotton richio no-half. This, from (ho best information wo navebeen shin to gather, ls a reliable statomcnt. Hagarcann, field peas and potatoes aro vory fine. 7?nin-bruiqe (Jeorgi in, Aug.Wh.The caterpillar, nf whleh so much approhonsionexisted, ls now in 'almost ovary portion of theemull rv, but, so lar, has dono but little damage totho cotton. However, lt is feared by many thatàhooariy and general appoaranceof this destruc¬tive insect will shorten our already slim prospectsfor an otdinary orop of thia staple.

! [Batt Florida Banner.Tho coat minos at Danville Illinois, employ fivehundfl 1 mon, and,thc Illinois Central railroad

cartis* away ono hundred oar loads daily.

Registration In the Country.Wo clip from our exchanges tho fallu wing re-turn*

of registration up tu dato :' White. Wack.Vorkvillo.369 317McConnoUsvillu.101 '¿OlBlsksvillo.121 105Cl iv Hill.CO 137Botha-iy.100 44Uuvdton.194 90Wyho's »toro.64 lit.Fort Mill.144 171Rook Hill.205 S10Darlington.228 77aFloronco. IS IBOKfflngham. C7 88Jnmos' X Reads. 27 17Lancaster C. Il. 05 120Waxhaws. 20 120Hickory Hoad.14019Hollah-.HI ttlMontgomery's.45 28euston's. 77 24Frog Lovel. 85 118Jalappa. 38 130Broadway. 20 77Longshorus.48 130Williams'. 28 173Winusboro'.72 503Columbia, on tho 29th.G5HO

Tho Dlaok Hills of Dakota, which aro an outly¬ing group uf hills belonging to tho Rocky Moun¬tain rango, aro bel ¡ovid to ul mund in gold,silver, copper, coal sud other minorais. UnlikeUio mining region of Culorado, thone hills arosaid to yiold Ano, largo timber, while thoy aruwatered bv two branohos of tho Big Choyonuc, atributary of tho Upper Missouri. Last spring nu

oxpoditiun of minors and scioutiflo men was organ¬ized to oxploro this country, but it would havohoon exponed to groat dangor from tho Indians,and would havo addod to thu oxistiug com pl ka¬llona with thom, and Bum st IN Blippedit. So strongly, howover, are tho frontiersmenImpressed with a conviction of tho mineral andmolalio wealth of that country, that n no>r expe¬dition will bo organized, and thoy say that theywill gu noxt spring, in spite of Oouoral HUUIMAN.

Tho daughtor of an Italian residing in SouthMemphis, lost tho uso of ono of hor oyna on Mon¬day ovoning, whilo exploding gun caps with ahammer, a portion of ono of tho caps Hying Intoher oyo.

TH 333

»AILv ims


PAPER ESTABLISHMENT a meal csloi.aivo and | 1


Supplied with a groat variety r«f PLAIN AND

FANCY TYPE, of tho bloat and mos» approved

styles ; and wo havo ovary facility for executing

all kinds of JOB WORE iu


GERMAN, nilli


Bill aud Lotter Hoads



DraftsRailroad and

Steamboat Printiue

Business Cards

Invitationsi &c, &c, &o.

'¿¿¿.¿.'j _1 :l


SIBING JOE WORK, will pienso

[leave their ordere with ns. Wo

will guarantee as good work, sud

nt ns CHEAP RATES, as earn be

hod in Charleston.



HAIR EXTERMINATOR,Po»1 ItfrauriEg Superfluous flair.HW TOE LADI tH ESPECIALLY, THIS INVALUAW,!X d*plUtory recommend» ItMlr as berna on olmoat uv*l«periaibu> article lo female beaaty, la »mai ly applied,«looa cot barn or Injure Ute «Un, bat acta Urteilj on UVroots. It U warranted to remove ttrperrracma halrfrooilow foceJuads, ot from any patt ot tbs body, nornjUitelr,Hly and radically exurpaUag UM aam*.laavtng thusoft, ttnodth md natural. Thia U the oo» articl*by ibo Vnerch, aid li Cia ody ntl eSXitaal dapllstory In existent». Prto» 1» cant* par paakaasv' ,| voit1*M to tuy adulta, OJ Míalpt oían order, hJ ,'mtEom, Hifuim * oo., CMM$U,March ?0 1»» Ho, 088 Uiver at.. Troy. M, Y.

,Tuo Greenville Mountain ocr18 PUBLIEuTED EVERY THOBSDAV, AT tl 50 PRU

year. In a U ance. AdrertOeraesU Inaarted at uauMratea. O. K. ELFORD,

May io IùitorandPronrletor

MA It It I KU.On tho murnini; of lin- 2Hth luataul, by tlio Rov. Ur.

HACIIMAM, II I .lill \NN IIULWINKI.K tu FANNIE H.KEAN, til ut thia elly. Nu iani H. .

0à~ 'I In i innU nm! Acquaintance* ofItio HIMM rUxusriMt, »iv renpecliillly Invited laettcMdtho Kum ral Servicia «I their «tutor. Mrs. ORAXT, utIhclr resillo ce, 1 Ibcrly Klrout. nt Tliri-u o'clock. Til ilAfttr wm.* Autia*t3t


riip Hcrvlco which ia linlil at Ibia C burch every .VuiufiiyAfternttm trill begin Tv-Morriiie, nt liall-t.a it 4 o'clock.August 31 1

aarUNI TAIMAN CUURCIL THU UKV. T. li.-IM il, hintan H tatWNl to UM Cltv. Service* will be ro-linnell lu IIIIH Church T»-Hor>i ..; nt halt-pant Ten.'cluck A. M.. unil at Fivu .'dark Í'. M.Alignai ill 1

.».O'UMIAN HOUSE 0HAWÍL.-T~IIE~11EV.ions T. WIUHTMAN. nf Uolhil Mcthodlat Kpbxojul.'hurcli, will iwinriii Divine terrica iu this chapel.r- Harrow A/I'rwxm, September 1st, nt half-pant fourrelock.I Allouât Ul

.9*BA1<T1MM. TO-MOKU0W, THE 1ST INST.,jetween Ibo bonni of 'J m li: o'clock A. M., Pruvideni-u>ormlltln|/, tho Morrli .drool llapllal Church will bavabe Mcred ur,li nm. of llaptlam adminlHlcrcJ hy IhtlrI'nntor, In Ibo Aahley Uiver, ucar Council atrri't. weatmd of TroilJ Htrect; hut If tho weather provea Ibu onlliiancii will ho adiiiiulKtcrod lu theirSmirchPrior to thc ordinance, a collection will ho taken up ID

il<l ot their Church.It EV. JACOli LKliAltK. Pastor.

JAUXH C. PAWLFV. U. (Merk. I* August Ul

a*- NOTICE IH HEItKUY GIVEN THAT ATlu* expiration nf threo montha fnim thia duy. mi ap-iliratltiti will he mado la the proper pernuna tor tcucwulif Ibo following HUIIIIH and HhH'li, bclnnglug lo Ibo catato>f lim late Dilator SAMUEL WILSON, dcatroyrd dur hu;bo rcccut war, rix :

Two nonda Noto (Till mid Jp.i Memphis and CharlestonUilroad Company, each ? lum.Uno llond. No. "¿07 Montgomery and Wait Point lull-

nod Company, Mut).BTATK SOUTH BMOLUM TllllKE m r.KKT HTUCR.No. 7C3 fur Í3077 ÜI in Fohruary Ttb, 1KIJ.Nu. 608 for $111111 lu September Kith. 18:17,No. 712 ÍOr9383 ill in October 15th. 1827.No. r.'JJ fur Î350 lu April 27th, IHIP.No. 743 for tlliäH 31, March orNovemhor Otb. 1820.


(Jimmied Kxeriilor*.AORmli li'. nu,; lu. », nopt 10, 3D, oct 111, 31

»7-TUR STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA,>.\ I.I N( l ON DISTRICT_IN EQUITY.-P. ll. I1ACOTIND T. L. UACOT, Administrator*, PKTEKlACOT. rt, THE UBtRH AND CKEDITORH OV FITTER>. BAClll'.-Upon hearing tho plradlngn lu IIIIN cane, ltt, on moilun ot W. NV. ll Alu,1.Kr, Complainant*' Hollcl-or, onlcred all and almruhir Um cm] itora nf tlio bite'.ur il. Uncut. Complainant'a lutcatatu, IMI rorpilrodo file und prove their rcapoclivu di marnbi and dobta Iniiilgmcnlu .nu] nlberwiKe against the Bald Iulcatalr, buoro thu Cninml.-oiouur of thia Court, by or heioru tho1rs! dar of November next, uud in default thereof thathey Ito debarred from Um bcncfll of any decree to bunado therein, and that thu Coiuinlaeloner nf thia Courtlo advertido IhU order once a month iu tl 11 DarlingtoniaiMmier mid tho Charh'Htou Unity AVirt, until thoaid flrat day of November mitHie oho e In Irn«OOO* Irom thu original order made

n the above caa.-, 13th ol February, LSI*,?.A. V. KDWAIIDH, C. E. ft. D.

Commimiuni 'M Ofllce, Darlington C. IL, Kebmary '22.KT.ead fl February OJ

OJ* ARTIFICIAL EYES.-ARTII'ICIAL HU-IAN EYES maile lo order and Inserted by Dra. F.lAOÜII and P. (IOUOLKMANN (formerly employed bytMMOXXCAtt, nf Parlai, No. GM llroidway. New York.April ll UT


BACELAR, WILLIAMS 4 I'A Ilk SH,\1 miniad 11 rc rs, .lobbers & Retailers







I ll270 Kiiisra-,



Hutt Hit ) -will do all that la claimod for them, andcheerfully rccoinmond Utera to public favor.

T. II. WAITH, Ki-Oovernor nf Alabama.J. W. A. HANDFORD, Alfy Oen'l of Alabama.ROBT. DÜIIOIIE.RTY, Judge Supremo Court Ala.

From TilniiAB J, JODOE, Judgo Rnprnmo Court.I bare uaod OALXJOHAN'H I'll.LS on my pUntaUonfor t ever aud Ague, and And thom all la claimed for

them. THOA. J. JIM><IK.Montgomery, Ala., HepUmlicr 30, lilia.

Ixi* .'.nen Cou*rr, Alabama.OALLIOHAN'S FEVER AND AOUE P/LLS will do.They are docldodly U10 bc«: medie lim fur i;bUle and 1 r>Tar I ever gave. 1 would not ho without them for flulimen the price. J. A. ORAIIAil.

AtntBicua, April 17, I8«T.One box of OAI.LIOHArl'S PILIxS rured mo perfocllyof Ohilta aud Fever. They are the bert medicine tor

( hill, and Fever I ever aaw. A. O. R0NALD80N,Clork Superior Court, Unmut Conoty, «a.

MniTiiournT, AL*., July P, 18«*-Meiirre. nLUNT * HALE-OaMTw: I liare need TOOT

OALUOUAN'flPILLH^nlwo oocaalona for OhUla tm*Fovcr, and find that they effect all that Uiey araltolend.rd to da. Tb/ r ara tho bern .rroedy for tho dieeaje th«!lh*vo evorti^d. I canaldcr them p«f«rty rouble.IliwrwctfulW DAN I, HA? ruc,Onal Bec arand lidgo of F. «ul A. M. cf Alabama,

ALBANY, OA., »larch ll, 1807.I have na«! OALLtQOAN'fl TlLLit lu forty caaoao

Chlllnattd Fever, with pertect aucoeaa. They area.beelFí7oraud«4ruoPUlputup. ¡, VAUT.


No, 1S3 Moe ling atreoLAnd by ail Drugglata.''(.Ty T "


J.iay 146mo_Montgomery, Ala.


"rem to No. 77 OHCRCR oTHKBT. near Bi.Michacl'a Allay. AOguM U


UPTON sro hereby lintlllrd tho lu TA ii Day iii.,charging rargn et Accommodation \Vli»rl. All goodsn«n called Tor brforo eiiniet wMI Ix- stored tl their rinktu» o iprimo. All parlies liavUc Ullin of Lading by ber,will pleaso Hbow ttii'iu to ill«, dargin,; Clerk.August ill 1 WILLIAM ROACH.

»ir TUE HTATE Ol-' MOUTH CAHOLINA,DARLINOTON DISTRICT.-IN F.gUITV-II. W. Kl)-WARDS, Administrator T. li. 1I0WLK. «>. K. S. HÜWI.K,JAMI» I>. WILSON AND OTHERS.-DILL FOR IN¬JUNCTION. ACCOUNT AND IIELIEF.-Il I» orderedtint tho CREDITORS ol THOM AS E. MOWLE, doroaaed,ho ir 'I ii.',i fruin pru. ",li ir; to recover tLulr claims atU» against tho lOtnplaluaiit, natl Ibu limy do iirovii and

IA il H 11 In' Ir demands OK*'»"' tin- Mild Hi m LI: bolarotin- I'oi LI mihi-un rr of this ('nilli, un or before Ibo Unit dayof Decoiiibcr next, and In default thereof Uiat tbny bobarred Ibo bon.-in of any deer«! lo bo iironouneeUbrrelu.The above la a truo copy from Ibc original ordor made

in thc above stated cano, 13th February, l-l7.A. r. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D.

Commtaaioiior'H OITIrp. Darlington C. H., Feb. M, 1K67.G Fubruary 2J eil

.*T»THK HTATK OK HUUTU CAHOLINA~DAULINOTON DISTRICT- IN EQUITY-llANNAll .1.HART, Administratrix, ra. liLLEN E. 11AHT..JOUNWITHERSPOON, et al_HIM, FOR INJUNCTION,ACCOUNT ANO RELIEF.-Il la ordered thst tho oredlt-ora of JOUN I.. HAUT bo enjoined from proceeding t"recover their elalnia at law against tho eoniplaluaiil, andthat tiley do provo ami ealablls'i their demands against(bo Kalil John L. Uart, before tho Couiiniwilouor olUibi Court, on or boforu tho llr..i day of November uoxl,anil In default thereof that they ko barred from thc beti-out of any docrco to be tumlo liomin.

ll la alao ordered that a copy ol tide order lie publishedat least oueo a week until (ho Oral day of Novenibor neatIn tho Darlington .v..of*.mfr aud tho Charleston DailyIftm.The above la a true copy from tho original order uiadu

In tho above ease, luth February. 1867.A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. 1). D.CouuissiDNcn's Omet, Darlington C. II., February

JJ. 18(17.n February 3:1

?OrTOE ATTKNTION OP TUE PIER DE-T'A lt 1 M1.N r ia called to the following regulation* :Any Volunteer Encino running nu any payment lu

either the lipper rr Lower Wards, whore tho street lspaved, shall |>ay a Un* or Fifty Dollara, and any WardEngine committing the aams offence thrlr pay «hall bostopped. The samo rulo shall bo applicable to thoMarketa.Every Volunteer Englua Company shall bavo nil h or

bells ur a gong attached to their Eugluo or Reel, aud theanno shall not bo niunlcd. either going or ruturuliigfiom au alarm of fire. Thc sauio rule shall bo applica¬ble lo Ward Engines, bul no Eugiuo shall return ir. aAro fatter (ban a walk.No two Sil-amura aliall work at sim aaron Fire Well.

Cue Volunteer IIsud Kngluo may draw water fruin santo»Voil whore a Steamer la drawing; and If (wollend En¬gines aro at a Flro Well no Steamer shall ba allowed touso tho salue.Two or mora Steamers may draw water from a Drain

Pit B. M. KTROBEL.August 30 dork and Sup't.«-NOTICE T j MAKIN KltH.-fJ ATr~ÁÍÑri

AND ri LOTS wishing lu anchor their vessels lu Ashleynircr, ara rt-quoalod liol to do aa anywhore v. ni nu dlreciraigo or tho hoads ol tba HAVANNAH RAILROADWHARVES, on tho Churleston and Ht. Amin w's aide oltho Ashley River; by which precaution, conlacl with theSubmarine Telegraph Cable will ba avoided.

t. C., IL M.Ilarlior Mauler's Oftlco, Charleston, February 0, IMHO.February 7

WM 118. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FORClillorcu Teething, greatly facilitates (ho processor (codilng, by eoftoulng tho gums, reducing all Inflammation-will allay aLL PAIN and apaaruotllr. action, and la SURETO REGULATE TUE ROWELS. Depend upon lt. motbors, it will elvo rost tn yourselves, and RELIEF ANDHEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS.Wo have put up aud sold thia artlclp fur years, and can

aay In confidence and troth of lt wliat wo have novarbeen ablo to aay of any other medicino-Novor baa It rall,ed lu a eiuglo lnatauco to effect a cure, wuou timely uaeil.Never did wo know au lnatauco of dissatisfaction by anyone whu uicd lt. On tho contrary, all aro delighted withit« ni» nipm, and ftpeak In terms of commendstlou of Itsmagical e Roc la and medical virtues.Wo apeak in thia matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after

yeera nf oxiMirlcncc, and plcdgo our reputation far thoful Ullin ont of what wo here declare. In almost every* in¬stauro where tho Infant ls suffering from pain and ex¬haustion, roller will bo round lu flftoeii or twenty minutesafter tho syrup le a lminlelcrod.

Full directions for ming will accompany oach bottle.Ho euro and call for

"MRS. WINSLOW'S HOOTHINO SYRUP."Ilaviug the/nc ¡¡mile nf "Cnn rm A PEIIKINU" on theoutside wrapper. All others aro baso iiultationa.Sold by Druggie!* throughout the world. Price, ouly

IIS renU per bottle.Olilcss-No. 'jis Fulton alroot. New York; No. HS High

Holborn, London, England; No. ail BL lani olroct, Mon¬treal, Canada. tutliaSmo August 27WA LADY OK UNDOUBTED ÜrLEMICA C

SKILL. HAS RECENTLY PERFECTED CHEVALIER'SLIFE FOR THE HAIR.-It poaltlvoly restores gray hairto its original color and youthful beauty; imparts life,strength and growth to the weakest hair; atopa Ita fallingout at once; keeps thu head clean: le unparalleled aa a

hairdressing. Hold by all drugglala, faahlonabU hair¬dressers, and dealer* In fancy gooda, rho trade suppliedby the wholesale druggists.

SARAH A. CHEVALIER, M. D"June H elulb Arno New York.

«ir A YOUNG LADY RETURNINO TO HE.icoomtry home, after a sojourn 'of a lew months in IL*city, waa hardly recognized by ber friendo. In placa a

a coarse, rustic, flushed face, aho had a soft ruby corr,ptaiion of almost marble smoothness, and Instead ?

tw. nty-throe she really appeared but eighteen. Upon Ioqulry ia to the causa of so great a change, abe plainlytold them that sba used th* CIRCADIAN BALM, am:coualdered lt an mveJuabU acquisition lo any lady'euillei.Dy lt* «se any Lady or Gentleman can Improve their peteons! appearance an hundred fold It la simple In lt«combination, as Nature bersaU ll simple, yet nnsurpaased tn Ita efficacy In drawing lmpurltlea from, also heallug, cleansing and beautifying tho akin and complexion.Dy Ita direct i clinu on tho cuticle lt drawa from lt all It«impurities, kindly bealing the same, and leartag the eurface as Nature Intended It should be-clear, ?oft, smoothand beautiful. Price tl, amit by Mall or Expresa, on re-oeipt or an order, by

W. !.. CLARK A- CO., Chemists,Ko. 3 West Fayolto HtreeL Syracuse, N. Y

Tho only American Agonis for the salo or tba same.March 90 lytar BATCHELOR'H HAIR DYE.-TH lb

SPLENDID ii Alli DYK I* tho beat lu the world. Theonly true and ptr/ect Dy -hanniem, reliable, instanlauruna. No diaappoluUnout. No ridjculona tinta.Natural Black or Brown. Remedies tho ill effects of Ila/V«. Invigorate* the bair, leaving ll soil and beautifulThe gennlne ls signed TPfMiam A. Battktlor. AU otb*aro mero Imitations, aud should bo (voided. Hold by allDruggist* and Porfumen. Factory, Ha 81 Uar. leystreet, New York.«S- BEWAREOF A COUNTERFEIT.Deooml>«r lu lyr



I.»Loratory, No. IO Crosby strrrt, New York30001loxes. Dollied and Flask s msnnfeclorou dally.


No. 48* BliOADWAV. NBW YORK,Whare ll, tt lo ti «lao* aro pnt tip for FamUlea. Store*Shim Dosts. Public Institution», Ac, Ac.IIU U^y%rooderful the eonfláonr» that ls now hod In

every form of Preparation* that come, from " Costar".

*%o8SSS&" EXTERMINATORS-For Raia, Mice.Roache*. Ants, ko., ka. "Only Infallible remedy known.""Not dangerous to tho human family." "Rel* come outnt their holes lo die,'* fte," COaTAB' 1 " BED-BUO EXTERMINATOR-A Uiinld,

nut up In boUl*£, and novar known to tall."WSTAB'S" BLEOTRIO POWDKR-For Molli* in

Fur* and Woollen*, is Invaluable. Nothing can exceed itfor power en/1 efficacy. Destroy* Instantly all Insect* onPlants, Fowl*, Animal», Ac.« COSTAR'»" BUCKTHORN SALVE-For Outs, Burn*.

Wounds, Bruises, Broken Br« asta. Hore Nipples, Pile* luall forms, Oki Soros, Ulcers, and all kinda of ouUnoouHaffrétions. No fami'y should bo IL It exoeediiIn rWeary all other Halves in use.


H >M8-Beauunoa the Complexion, by giving to th* eklna soft and boandiu I freshness, and ls lAooinperebty be¬yond anything now In use. Ladles of tasto and positionregard lt as an essential to tho tollrL An urmrocedentedsalo Lt ita beat recommendation. Ooo bottle la alway*followed by more. Try lt to know."COSTAR'8" BISHOP PIXLB-A universal Dinner

Pill (sugar-coited), and cd extraordinary efficacy for Cos¬tiveness, all forma of Indlgeilton, Nervous «nd Bir.L-Haadache. A FMI Oat la now rapidly «npersading allothers."COSTAB'S" COUO II BIMI OY-For Conghs, (V.lJa.

Hc»ar«one*s.rJor*ThjfOavt, Oro ip. Whooplog Cough, A«th-nuv, and all forms of Brans.-iel and Dtasase* of tn»Throat ond Lungs. ^'^^^


No. 191 Meeting street, oppoalt j Chartatton ii om.Jan.*. 11

SPECIAL NOT I C E S.IJONHftINKKH Hill STEAMER SKA CULL,Iron baltimore, aro hereby unlined tint Ihn Steamer liTat, Day <i «<.) a r«ti ,K- earg i at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves

All goods nut taken away at auunot viii rruialu onUio Wharf at t'oiiiilgiicva' ilak.August ai i MORDECAI A CO.. Ageut.,.«WltKiüHTüATlON. -I'OUHTII PRECINCT.DOLLETOM DISTRICT-TUR HOARD OF HEOISTRA-1TON for Ih'n Fourth Product, St. Barthotomewe Parlih.-iilletou District, South Carolinn, will bold ita secondtosnton aa f"How», vi* :At Jarkaoubom Poll, September 5lb aud Gib. For lo.Inion September Kith und ITU,.At Afiln'jHKi Foll, September nth IOtb au.l inti. Vat

winton Si'pt.lier Nth ami «Ml.Al Maple ('ano Poll, September Pith and nh F.u

winbin SopU'lnbiT '13nt and JI tit.Aa tho who!« duly umat bo porfurmej by thu lil ut

Mutter, thu bo.'ke will lie dosed on tim Ililli nf Septen..K T. In order lo eoiuply with paragraph SIX, OcueralRUM N.t. HS, llraihiuar'era Koeond Military District,living ampio lima for public Inspection aud rrvliion olho llata. All perrons ipaalificd to volo uudcr Ilia pro-isloua of thc Act of Congress, paaaed 2nd March 1807,'Kntltlril an Art. lo provide for tho muru rfltiient gov-rnincnlof th« Hebel Slates." and th« General Acts, sup-ilútiiculary thereto, am Invited lo »pp. ar before tholonni for llegtatrallon.llOUra fur alltiug will bo from tl A. M. lo tl P. M.

, J. K. TERRY.Chairman Hoard ol Itegiatratlou 4tb Pr. vin. i.

Cullculli [Harriet, South Carolina.Auguat 120 0

«ir UIIIKK QUARTE ltMAHTEIt'H OFFICE,IFCOND MILITARY DISTRICT, NORTH AND SOUTH.'AIIOLINA, CHARLESTON. H. C., AUGUST 17,1S07.--DKALKD PROPOSALS will be rorolvod at this uuiiutiitll ia o'clock M. on Mondan, tho 10th day or Neptunicr, 1HIÍ7. at which limo they will be oiicuod, tor tho pur¬ina« or ttl« following |inn..TI». vir.:Wroek of .teamer RUSTON, tu Aehi'|n>o River.Wrack of aleamor GKO. WASHINGTON, lu L'ooaaw

«vcr.Wreck of aleamor t H ASSEUR. In Scull Creak.Wreck ol etcetner RANDOLPH, In Charleston Harbor.Wreck of steamer KTIWAN, tu Charleston Jlarhnr.Wreck of steamer RUBY, lu Light Houaii Inlet.Ridden wilt alato the munn nt offered for each wrr. k.

'bo wrecks will be auld separately and tn Ibu blghcnlldder. unless such bid bo deemed uurvaionablo.Prop.«tais iiiuii bu addressed to the uiideralgued, and

larked "Proposals for purcbaas of wreck«."R. O. TYLER,

brevet Major-Qeucral, chief Quartermaster,Deputy guartenniitlcr-ücucral, U. S. A.

August li) 'li




3VE A. I O 1ST aCAIT. -.

lÄTILL RECEIVE FKEIOUT ON TUE JD BEPTEM-VV ur n. and leav with illapstob.All freight must bu prepaid.For Fnitght engagements, apply luJOHN FERQU80N.Auguat'17 Accommodation Wharf.




ll'ILL REOEIVE FREIGHT ON THE FIRST SE?-VV TEURER, and leave with deapatch.All Freight must be prepaid on tho wharf.For Freight engagentL ut apply toJOHN FURGUSON,Auguat 20 tollu Accommodation W ti art.


Z! I T 7ST POINT,I mu TONS 111 U l ll KN.

CAPT. S. ADKINS.WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTISWHARF, ovury TUESDAY Niant, acae o'clock, for that port.For freight or paiaage, apply nuoard or tn Hiv otllro of




WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTICWHARF, every TUESDAY NIOH1. at.j o'clock, lor die above places, eonutu-

. lug wltli tho Georgia Central Railroad atavannah, tor Huron, Mobile and New Orinan».AU Freight must be paid bera by shippers.For Freight ur Passage, apply on board or at the nih. of ItAVENEL A CO..August17_alli_Agents."BOSTON AND CHARLESTON



WILL LEAVE ACCOM-.IODATION'Wharf, Saturday, August Slat, al-o'clock.For Freight ar Paesage apply to

WILLIAM ROACH,Corner East Ray and Adger'a South Whan.August 36_«al_NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON




WILL LEAVE FROM ADOER'S SOUTH WHARFon Saturday, August SI, al & o'clock, P. U.

sis)- All outward Freight engagements must hs madait tho oilier ol COURTENAY A TRES HOLLI. No. la¿sot Bsy.By- For Passage and all malters rouuecled with lb.

nward bualnaas of the Ships, apply to STREET BROTH-¿RS A CO., Ko. 7« East Bay.






CAPTAIN OROWELL,. WILL LEAVE VANDERHOR3T*»Wharf on:Hatunlay, August SI, 1BA7, al S""o'clock, A. M.

Shippers mutt positively hand In Billsf lading on rridiy anerni«ni by S o clock.AOgruiHo_ RAVENEL A Ct».

fllltOlllill TIllKBTiSTOPLOIlllH,13 Y





TEAMER PILOT MOY....CAPT. W. T. Mc N Kl 1 YTEAMER FANNIE.CAPT. F. FKt,>."VHF. OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS WILL LVA\,J Charleston every Itcmday and Tnurtday sfsrvuaii.17 o'clock! and Havannah evrry irntnmiay and Fri f ytorminal, at 7 o'clock. Touching al lusfreon on, trip from Charleston, and rTedM-raU«, Ittp frwuivannab.Freight received dally Irom 9 A.M. tot P. M., asdBred free of charge.AB Way Freight, also BlntTton Wt»»*-, Vant* I j r»t,aid.Fer freight or passage, apply lo


N. B.-THROUQH TICKET» .off a. ^^imosViavgooey tn Charleston to poluta ba th» Atlantic and ll«lttallroad, and to Fernandina and point« CSA th» Kv John1 »

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