fourth meeting report

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STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008

Document O-015

English only

Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID)

Submitted, 26 October 2007

Source: Convener of JCA-NID

Title: Report of the 4th JCA-NID Meeting (Geneva, 18 September 2007)

Agenda item: -

Purpose: Information


1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................2

2 MEETING OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................................2

3 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA............................................................................................................................2

4 DOCUMENTATION FOR THE MEETING........................................................................................................2

5 APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF THE 3RD JCA-NID MEETING (3 JULY 2007)......................................2

6 STATUS OF THE WORK AND POSSIBLE ISSUES FOR COORDINATION...............................................26.1 ITU-T SGs.................................................................................................................................................................26.2 ITU-R........................................................................................................................................................................36.3 FG IdM......................................................................................................................................................................36.4 SDOs..........................................................................................................................................................................46.5 Forums/Consortia......................................................................................................................................................56.6 GSC-12......................................................................................................................................................................6

7 NID DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................6

8 GENERIC REFERENCE MODEL ARCHITECTURE......................................................................................6

9 NID HIGH LEVEL REQUIREMENTS (HLR)....................................................................................................7

10 NID ROADMAP.......................................................................................................................................................7

11 URGENT ISSUES WHICH NEED COORDINATION.......................................................................................7

12 NEXT STEPS............................................................................................................................................................8

13 NEXT PHYSICAL MEETING...............................................................................................................................8

14 MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................................................................................8

ANNEX A - LIST OF JCA-NID MEETING PARTICIPANTS (18 SEPTEMBER 2007)........................................10

ANNEX B - LIST OF JCA-NID INPUT DOCUMENTS (18 SEPTEMBER 2007)...................................................11

ANNEX C - LIAISON STATEMENT TO ITU-R/WP8A............................................................................................13

ANNEX D - LIAISON STATEMENT TO ITU-T/SG17 AND FGIDM......................................................................14

ANNEX E - ETSI WORKSHOP ON RFID INFORMATION DOCUMENT...........................................................16

Annex F - Liaison Statement to ITU-T/SG2..................................................................................................................18

Contact: Mr Pierre-André ProbstOFCOMSwitzerland

Tel.: +41 22 950 0507Fax: +41 22 950 0506Email:

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1 Introduction

The fourth meeting of ITU-T JCA-NID – Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID), took place in Geneva on 18 September 2007, under the chairmanship of the Convener of the JCA-NID, Mr P.A. Probst (OFCOM, Switzerland), assisted by Mr S. Polidori (TSB).

The Convener informed the meeting that Mr H. Barthel (GS1/EPC Global), C. Harmon (ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC31, ISO/TC122/104 JWG and O. Dubuisson (ITU-T/SG17) have expressed their regrets for not being able to attend the meeting.

ANNEX A to this report reproduces the final list of participants

2 Meeting objectives

The meeting agreed to the following objectives:

To approve the report of the last meeting (Doc O-010).

To progress the development of the generic reference model architecture, the set of high level requirements (HLR), the roadmap and the terms and definitions.

To review the activities in and outside ITU-T since the third JCA-NID meeting in July 2007 and

To consider new contributions and material, including the LS sent by ITU-T SGs and SDOs.

To identify urgent issues where coordination is necessary and to initiate appropriate actions.

To initiate discussions on the future of JCA-NID after the end of the present study period.

3 Approval of the agenda

The meeting adopted the agenda proposed in Doc I-082_Rev 1.

4 Documentation for the meeting

The meeting documentation is available in the FTP repository ( A web interface is also available at: ( The list of documents considered by the meeting is reproduced in ANNEX B, while their allocation to the agenda items is available in Doc I-082_Rev 1.

5 Approval of the report of the 3rd JCA-NID meeting (3 July 2007)

The report of the 3rd JCA-NID meeting, document Doc O-010 has been approved with a few modifications in the list of participants.

The revised report is available as Doc O-010 Rev1.

6 Status of the work and possible issues for coordination

6.1 ITU-T SGs

6.1.1 SG13

Mr H.J.Kim (ETRI/Editor of Y.serv-rqts) informed the participants that SG13 is considering the generic architecture model under Q2/13. At the next JCA-NID meeting, he will provide a report on the results of the discussion.

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Another issue which has been shortly addressed at the joint rapporteur meeting SG13/SG16/SG17 and which needs further discussion is the harmonization between H.MID (SG16) and Y.idserv-rqts (SG13).

The meeting noted that, according to the present work programme, Y.serv-rqts and H.MID/F.MID are scheduled for approval in May 2008.

6.1.2 SG16

The meeting considered two LS (Doc I-80 and I-81r1) sent by SG16 as results of the last SG meeting in July 2007:

- Doc I-80 is a reply to a LS from WP3/17 on ID coding for NID, sent to JCA-NID for information.

- Doc I-81Rev1 is a reply to a LS from SG13 on ID related services, also sent for information.

From the Rapporteur meeting of WP2/16 Questions 12, 13, 21 and 22/16 held the week before, JCA-NID received a copy of the answer sent to ISO/IEC/ JTC1/SC 6 on USN (Doc I-91) (see also section 6.4.1 ).

Mr. N. Koshizuka (YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory) gave a short report of the ongoing SG16 work and of the joint rapporteur meeting SG13/SG16/SG17 held on Friday morning, 14 September 2007. Unfortunately, the JRG did not have enough time to discuss, in depth, the different issues listed in the LS from the last JCA-NID meeting (Doc O-012).JCA-NID stressed the importance of the coordination between SG13, SG16 and SG17. With reference to the schedule for approval of Y.serv-rqts and F.MID/H.MID (May 2008), JCA-NID recommends to allocate enough time for the JRG during the forthcoming NGN-GSI event in January 2008. JCA-NID general opinion is that SG2 should also be involved in the discussions.After consideration on these three LS, JCA-NID concluded that SG16 should concentrate on NID aspects of service provision. It was also indicated that any overlap with IPTV work should be avoided.

6.2 ITU-R

JCA-NID has received a LS from ITU-R WP8A (Doc I-83) which is responsible for Land mobile Services (standards for IMT-2000 are under the terms of reference of WP8F!).Since network interfaces of RFID systems over land mobile communications is a possible topic of common interest, JCA-NID has agreed to send a reply to ITU-R WP8A asking to appoint a representative to JCA-NID and inviting this representative to join next JCA-NID meeting to present ITU-R activities. The Liaison is available as ANNEX C.

6.3 FG IdM

From the last FG IdM meeting (Boston, 27-30 August 2007), a LS has been sent to JCA-NID (Doc I-87). The general impression of the meeting was that the FG approach has been very user centric.Mr. T. Rutkowski (Verisign) gave additional information on the outcome of the FG work. He indicated that the FG has worked in a very collaborative environment. In his opinion, the requirements report is very network centric (various specifications are coming from OMA in order to take into account network requirements).Six reports are attached to the LS of the FG IdM to SG17. Among them, the JCA-NID meeting noted in particular the following deliverables:- ”Report on Identity Management Ecosystem and Lexicon” (TD 294Plen/SG17): this report is relevant to the JCA-NID work on definitions.

- “Report on Requirements for Global Interoperable Identity Management” (TD 296Plen/SG17) and “Report on Use Cases and Gap Analysis” (TD295Plen/SG17): these documents are of interest to progress with the development of the HLR deliverable.

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After discussion of the reports and considerations on the past and future role of the FG IdM, JCA-NID has reached the following conclusions:

1. JCA-NID recognizes the excellent FG work performed in a short period of time and considers the reports as an excellent base for further activities on the development of global standards in this area.

2. The scope of the work performed by the FG IdM is very broad and includes all aspects of management of digital identity. It is JCA-NID understanding that the NGN network aspects have not yet been fully considered.

3. JCA-NID, which is addressing the network aspects of identification systems (including RFID and USN), is of the opinion that in order to achieve inter-working and end-to-end performance, the IdM framework should be further developed with focus on the network aspects (NGN). In ITU-T, mainly SG 2, 4, 11, 13, 16, 17 and 19 have core competences in this area.

4. Considering the importance of the interworking of IdM platforms and systems, it is suggested to proceed without delay with the allocation of the work to the individual Study Groups. In addition it is suggested to establish a joint coordination activity (JCA) to perform high level coordination of the Identity Management (IdM) work across various ITU Study Groups and external organizations.

JCA-NID has agreed to forward these conclusions, via Liaison Statement, immediately to the FG IdM and SG17 (copy to TSAG, SG2, SG4, SG11, SG13, SG16, and SG19), see ANNEX D.

6.4 SDOs

6.4.1 ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6

The terms of reference and the activities of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 were presented by Ms V. Barnole (JTC1 SC6 representative) (see Doc I-89).SC6 is the sub-committee responsible for “telecommunications and networks” within ISO/IEC JTC1: "Telecommunications and information exchange between systems". Its work include Standardization in the field of telecommunications dealing with the exchange of information between open systems including system functions, procedures, parameters and equipment, as well as the conditions for their use. Since boundaries between private and public networks are vanishing, there is a clear need to establish a link between ITU-T and SC6 on networks aspects (SC6 is the only committee in ISO with network responsibilities).SG17 and SC6 are already working closely together with ITU-T: - Liaison Q.10/17 and SC 6/WG 9 for ASN.1, Fast Web Services and OID.- Liaison Q.1/17 and SC 6/WG 7 for End-to-end Multicast Communications with QoS Managing Facility, Enhanced Communication Transport Protocol (ECTP). - Liaison Q.2/17 and SC 6/WG 8 for directories.

The meeting took note with interest of the SC6 strategy for 2007-2008 (slide #21 of Doc I-89) and of the identified opportunities (slide #22 of Doc I-89: Support of the next generation network directory protocol, Sensor Networks, Initiation of a new project area, Future Network…).

Mr T. Rutkowski (Verisign) informed the participant of the joint workshop between SC27 and SG17 that will take place in Lucerne, Switzerland, on 30 September 2007 and advised SC6 to participate (see TSB-Circular 163, 20 July 2007).

In Doc I-84 presented by Mrs. V. Barnole, SC6 is proposing joint work with ITU-T SGs on USN with the objectives to develop common standards on specific topics.The Joint work on USN should be among the following SGs:

- SG13 (Q2/13, Q3/13): functional requirements and architecture including NGN view points

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- SG16 (Q22/16): Multimedia service description and requirements aspects

- SG17 (Q10/17): Security and Object Identifier aspects

A list of expected common work items is given in section 2 of Doc I-084. The meeting noted that geospatial data is missing in this list (the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc has been indicated as potential partner in this area).

At this stage, the purpose of the proposal is to seek for support from ITU-T before going more into details regarding the scope and practical arrangements for the organisation of the work.

The meeting of Q22/16, which was held the week before the JCA-NID meeting, has indicated its general support to this initiative (see Doc I-091).

The participants also expressed their support and the meeting asked Ms. V. Barnole to forward this message to the SC6 Chairman, Mr. Dae Young Kim.

6.4.2 ETSI

The ETSI activities on RFID were presented by Patrick Guillemin from the ETSI Secretariat (Strategy and New initiatives) (see Doc I-92).ETSI is active in air-interface standards with ERM Task Groups 28 and 34 and has established, at the ETSI Board level, an ad hoc group on RFID networks.In the near future ETSI is organizing two workshops on RFID.The first one on RFID and network aspects of RFID Workshop - What ETSI Standardization is required for 'The Internet Of Things'? will take place in Sophia/Antipolis/France from 3 to 4 December 2007. Mr Guillemin provided the ETSI Announcement of this Workshop, which is reproduced as ANNEX E.

A follow-up event is planned in February (26-27 February 2008).

Another presentation on ETSI activities, provided by Mr Guillemin, has been uploaded for information of the JCA-NID participants, after the meeting (see JCA-NID Doc I-93).

Mr P.Guillemin (ETSI) has been asked to provide the e-mail addresses for the other contacts point in ETSI to TSB in order to update the contact points document (Doc I-10 Rev4).

6.5 Forums/Consortia

6.5.1 OMA

Doc I-79, which is the reply to the Liaison Statement sent by JCA-NID to OMA, was reviewed by the meeting. It contains references to the existing OMA standardization work of interest to the JCA-NID. TSB will update the Roadmap document with the information provided in Doc I-79 and include Mr. Paulus Karremans (Ericsson) as contact point (Doc I-10 Rev4).

6.6 GSC-12

At the last GSC-12 meeting in Kobe/Japan (8-13 July 2007), two important resolutions related to ID have been approved:

- RESOLUTION GSC-12/03: Network aspects of identification systems

- RESOLUTION GSC-12/04: Identity Management

Both texts can be found as JCA-NID Doc I-88.

JCA-NID took note with satisfaction of Res GSC-12/03, in which the role of JCA-NID is supported. Under Resolves 5, reported below, SDOs and Forums are encouraged to designate a representative to JCA-NID:”Resolves 5) to encourage the ITU-T, PSOs, other standards bodies and fora to cooperate in order to develop harmonized, globally-compatible, NID-related standards and for PSOs, other standards

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bodies, and fora to designate representatives to ITU-T’s “Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (JCA-NID)”.

7 NID definitions

The convener expressed his disappointment that no contributions have been submitted to the correspondence group under the leadership of Mr. Y.W.Kim/ETRI.In order to progress the work, Mr. Y.W.Kim/ETRI took the initiative to produce a new document (Doc I-86) based on the compilation of definitions prepared at the last meeting. The document is intended to harmonize the definitions in ITU-T and in ISO. It includes around 60 terms and definitions. Mr Y.W.Kim indicated that the NID definition has still to be revised in order to include USN.During the discussion of the document, it has been found important to indicate the origin of the individual definition.

Considering that this document has been available only a few days before the meeting, the participants requested more time to look at the proposals.In addition, now that the FG IdM has produced its deliverables and that the work on NID and USN has progressed in various SGs (SG13, 16, 17), the proposed definitions should be compared to those used in these entities. In particular, it is important for JCA-NID to identify possible contradictions and differences, bearing in mind that each entity will feel responsible for definition in its specific domain.

The meeting found important to involve SG2 in this activity.A LS should be sent immediately, since the next SG2 meeting is scheduled from 30 October to 8 November 2007. The text drafted by the convener after the meeting is reproduced in ANNEX F.

The meeting expressed its sincere thanks to Mr. Y.W.Kim for his excellent contribution and decided to continue to work by correspondence until the next JCA-NID meeting in January 2008, with the objective to issue a first version of the Definitions document as deliverable Doc D-004.

The convener encouraged the participants to contribute actively to the work of the CG that will continue electronically.

8 Generic Reference Model Architecture

The present version of the model is described in Doc D-001.A new contribution Doc I-85 on the Generic model was introduced by Mr S.Yoneda (Softbank Telecom Corp/Japan). It is an attempt to develop a common understanding on the Generic Model between FG IdM and JCA-NID. The contribution proposes to add Figure 3 to the current Generic Model as additional information.

The meeting agreed that there should be only one network (NGN) to support IdM and NID applications. Different views were expressed on the relationship between IdM and NID, therefore further discussion is necessary. This contribution is a useful input on this issue.

Since SG13 has not yet give its views on the Generic Reference Model and since it should remain generic, it was found premature to make any modifications at this stage.

9 NID high level requirements (HLR)

As for the Correspondence Group on definitions, no contributions have been submitted also to the CG on HLR.

Mr.N.Koshizuka (YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory) took also the initiative to produce a revised version of the HLR document prepared at the last meeting (Doc I-78r2).

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After its presentation, the meeting recognized that the following issues need to be clarified and a revised version submitted to the next JCA-NID meeting in January 2008:

1) To align the definitions with those prepared in the definition document by the other CG.

2) To compare and harmonize the HLR with IdM requirements of the FG IdM Reports.[Note: according to the LS from the FG IdM (Doc I-087), the HLR document sent to the FG IdM after the last JCA-NID meeting (Doc O-011) has been used in the context of the FG work both in the Use Case report, Section 12 (TD 296Plen/SG17) and in the Requirements report (TD 295Plen/SG17).]

3) To compare HLR with the corresponding sections of the draft Recs Y.serv-reqts and F-MID/H.MID.

4) To improve the first section (scope) to better explain the purpose of HLR and the objective of the document.

The meeting expressed its appreciation to Mr.N.Koshizuka for his contribution and kindly asked him to continue to lead the work by correspondence with the objective to submit a new version for the JCA-NID meeting in January 2008.

10 NID roadmap

Regarding ETSI, mainly RF interface are addressed in the present standardization work programme. Network aspects are under consideration in the RFID ad hoc group set up by the ETSI Board. In future TISPAN may be involved. As indicated above, OMA specifications will be added according to the LS received.

It has been suggested to include also relevant CEN standards in the roadmap. On 25 September the TSB has sent a request to the Director of Pre-Standards at CEN, Mr John Kechell, who promised to check with the CEN Management for any applicable follow up.

11 Urgent issues which need coordination

JCA-NID has stressed again the importance of the coordination work performed by the JRG between SG13, 16 and 17. It is therefore important to allocate enough time during the next NGN-GSI meeting in January 2008. In addition, JCA-NID suggested promoting the participation of SG2 experts in these activities, especially regarding ID scheme and NID definition.For this purpose, an option would be to organize a JCA-NID meeting during SG2 meeting in May 2008 (13-22 May).

12 Next steps

In summary the following actions have been agreed by the JCA-NID meeting:

i) FG IdM/SG17: to send a LS as indicated in section 6.3 (see ANNEX D).

ii) Definitions: to continue the work by correspondence under the lead of Mr. Y.W.Kim/ETRI.

iii) Generic Reference Model Architecture: to ensure that SG13 gives attention and forward comments on the present version and provide guidelines to include USN functions, if necessary.

iv) High level requirements (HLR): to continue the development of the document in the correspondence Group led by Mr N. Koshizuka (YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory).

iv) Roadmap: to continue to develop the roadmap according to the information submitted by various bodies (SGs, SDOs, Forums). TSB will issue a revised version of the Roadmap including the latest information received from ETSI, OMA and CEN.

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13 Next physical meeting

The fifth JCA-NID meeting (one day) will take place during the January 2008 NGN-GSI event (Seoul, Korea, 14-25 January 2008). The JCA-NID Convener, in consultation with the host and TSB, checked for suitable dates. Decision has been taken to hold the fifth meeting on the 23 January 2008.

The sixth JCA-NID meeting is tentatively scheduled in May 2008 during the meeting of SG2 (Geneva, 13-22 May 2008).

14 Miscellaneous

14.1 Report to TSAG

The convener of the JCA-NID will prepare a status report for the next TSAG meeting (3-7 December 2007). A draft will be circulated on the mailing list for approval before submission.

14.2 Future of JCA-NID

The participants are requested to start thinking about the future of JCA-NID, in view of the end of the present Study Period 2005-2008. A corresponding proposal has to be prepared on the future of JCA-NID to be submitted to the last TSAG meeting in July 2008.


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Annex A - List of JCA-NID meeting participants (18 September 2007)N. Title Family name Given name Country Organization Email contact

1 Mr Lathia Kirit Italy Siemens SpA

2 Ms Barnole Valérie France France Telecom / ISO IEC JTC1 SC6 Representative

3 Mr Susumu Yoneda Japan Japan Telecom

4 Mr Stewart Alexander UK BT

5 Mr Kim Yong-woon Korea (Rep of) ETRI / Convener CG on Definition

6 Mr Guillemin Patrick France ETSI Representative

7 Mr Koshizuka Noboru Japan YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory / Convener CG on HLR

8 Mr Lee Jun Seob Korea (Rep of) ETRI

9 Mr Lee Chae Sub Korea (Rep of) ETRI

10 Mr Kim Hyoung Jun Korea (Rep of) ETRI

11 Mr Probst Pierre-André Switzerland  OFCOM/ Convener JCA-NID

12 Mr Takashima Youichi Japan YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory

13 Mr Rutkowski, Anthony United States VeriSign / FG IdM Management

14 Mr Narita Atsunobu Japan NTTComware

15 Mr Polidori Stefano Italy ITU/TSB

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Annex B - List of JCA-NID input documents (18 September 2007)No Source Title

10 Rev4 Convenor of JCA-NID Draft List of contact points for the participating entities (Submitted: 17 September 2007)

78 Rev2 Convener of the correspondence group on HLR

Latest draft of the JCA-NID drafting group on HLR (Submitted: 17 September 2007)

79 Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) LS Response to JCA-NID document O-008 (Submitted: 4 July 2007)

80 ITU-T SG 16 – Q22/16 LS on ID coding for NID (Submitted: 12 July 2007)

81 ITU-T SG 16 – Qs 21 & 22/16 LS on NID related services (Submitted: 12 July 2007)

81 Rev1 ITU-T SG 16 – Qs 21 & 22/16 LS on NID related services (Submitted: 17 September 2007)

82 Convenor JCA-NID Draft Agenda, 4th meeting (18/09/2007) (Submitted: 13 August 2007)

82 Rev1 Convenor JCA-NID Draft Agenda, 4th meeting (18/09/2007) (Submitted: 14 September 2007)

83 ITU-R WP 8A Liaison Statement to JCA-NID (Submitted: 3 August 2007)

84 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Chairman Proposal of common works between ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 and ITU-T SG 13, SG 16 and SG 17 (Submitted: 3 August 2007)

85 Softbank Telecom and National Institute of Informatics

A Composed Architecture Model for Network-Centric (Submitted: 29 August 2007)

86 Convener of the correspondence group on definitions

Tentative list of terms and definitions relevant to the ITU-T JCA-NID scope (Submitted: 14 September 2007)

87 ITU-T FG IdM (Boston, 27 - 30 August 2007)

Liaison to ITU-T JCA NID (Submitted: 13 September 2007)

88 Convener JCA-NID GSC Resolutions relevant to JCA-NID (Submitted: 14 September 2007)

89 SC6 representative to JCA-NIDISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6: An introduction to JCA-NID (Submitted: 14 September 2007)

90 ITU-T TSB Report: ITU-T Workshop on “Multimedia in NGN” (Geneva, 10-11 September 2007) (Submitted: 4 July 2007)

91 Rapporteurs Q21/16 and 22/16 LS on SG 16’s work on USN (Submitted: 17 September 2007)

92 ETSI representative to JCA-NID ETSI RFID information to the 4th JCA-NID meeting (Submitted: 18 September 2007)

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STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008

Document O-016

English only

Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID)

Issued: 26 October 2007

Source: JCA-NID Convener

Title: Liaison Statement from JCA-NID to ITU-R WP8A on NID.

Agenda item: -

Purpose: Action

ITU-T JCA-NID thanks ITU-R WP8A for the Liaison Statement received the 3 August 2007 (JCA-NID Doc I-83).

Since network interfaces of RFID systems over land mobile communications is a possible topic of common interest, JCA-NID would like to ask ITU-R WP8A to appoint a JCA-NID representative.

We would like also to invite this representative to join next JCA-NID meeting and give a presentation on ITU-R activities in the field. Next meeting of JCA-NID will be held on the 23 January 2008 in Seoul, Korea.

Please check regularly the JCA-NID web site for update information:


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STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008

Document O-14

English only

Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID)

Submitted, 19 September 2007

Source: Convener of JCA-NID

Title: LS to SG17 and FG IdM concerning IdM future work

To: SG17, FG IdM

CC: TSAG, SG2, SG4, SG11, SG13, SG16, SG17, SG19

Purpose: Action

Deadline December 2007

JCA-NID would like to thank FG IdM for the incoming LS (JCA-NID I-87) from the Boston Meeting which contains as attachments the set of reports submitted to SG17.

After a first review of the FG IdM reports, JCA-NID came to the following preliminary conclusions:

1. JCA-NID would like to congratulate FG IdM for the excellent work performed in a short period of time and consider the reports as an excellent base for further consideration on the development of global standards in this area.

2. The scope of the work performed by the FG IdM is very broad and includes all aspects of management of digital identity. It is JCA-NID understanding that the NGN network aspects have not yet been fully considered..

3. JCA-NID, which is addressing the network aspects of identification systems (including RFID and USN), is of the opinion that in order to achieve inter-working and end-to-end performance, the IdM framework should be further developed with focus on the network aspects.In ITU-T, mainly SG 2, 4, 11, 13, 16, 17 and 19 have core competences in this area.

4. Considering the importance of the interworking of IdM platforms and systems, it is suggested to proceed without delay with the allocation of the work to the individual SGs. In addition it is suggested to establish a joint coordination activity (JCA) to perform high level coordination of the Identity Management (IdM) work across various ITU Study Groups and external organizations.


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Annex E - ETSI Workshop on RFID information document


Subject: Announcement of an ETSI Workshop on RFID and The Internet Of Things, 3rd and 4th December 2007

Dear Madam,

Dear Sir,

RFIDs are not just "electronic tags" or "electronic barcodes". When linked to databases and communications networks, such as the Internet, this technology provides a very powerful way of delivering new services and applications, in potentially any environment.

This is according to the recent European Commission communication COM(2007) 96 (15/03/2007)1. In addition, RFID Networks has been identified as a strategic topic for ETSI, and a number of ETSI members are participating actively in RFID-related research projects.

ETSI is pleased to invite you to the following workshop:

RFID and network aspects of RFID

What ETSI Standardization is required for "The Internet Of Things"?

on the 3rd and 4th December 2007, at ETSI Headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France.

This workshop should identify and refine what standardization activities ETSI Members could perform in the context of "The Internet Of Things"2. A further ETSI workshop on 25th and 26th of February 2008 will determine how and when new standardization projects related to the "Internet Of Things" could be developed at ETSI.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge, and open to everyone. Please register in advance at:

Presentations should have a focus on international standards. Subjects should include (but not be limited to):

Privacy, Security and Data Protection Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) applicable for RFID "Data On Tag" RFID middleware RFID infrastructure (network infrastructure to support RFID applications) Wireless Sensor Networks M2M (Machine to Machine communications)

In addition, contributions are welcome on the status of work in other bodies, such as ITU JCA-NID, CEN, ISO/IEC and others.

Proposals for presentations should be sent to Mr Patrick Guillemin ( by 1st November 2007.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Walter WeigelDirector General

1 The Internet Of Things

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STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008

Document O-17

English only

Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (including RFID)

Submitted, 26 October 2007

Source: Convener of JCA-NID

Title: LS to SG2 on definitions of networks aspects of Identification systems (including RFID)

To: SG2

CC: -

Purpose: Action

Deadline December 2007

JCA-NID is at present working on a list of definitions relevant to networks aspects of ID systems (including RFID).A first draft has been submitted to the last JCA-NID meeting on 18 September 2007 (see Doc I-86 in the annex).This document is intended to harmonize the definitions in ITU-T and in ISO. It includes around 60 terms and definitions.During the discussion of the document, it has been found important to indicate the origin of the individual definition.In addition, now that the FG IdM has produced its deliverables and that the work on NID and USN has progressed in various SGs (SG13, 16, 17), the proposed definitions should be compared to those used in these entities. In particular, it is important for JCA-NID to identify possible contradictions and differences, bearing in mind that each entity will feel responsible for definition in its specific domain.

This document will be further developed by correspondence until the next JCA-NID meeting in January 2008 (correspondence group under the leadership of Mr.Y.W.Kim/ETRI).

The meeting also found important to involve SG2 in this activity and agreed to send the present LS.

SG2 is kindly requested to look at the proposals and to forward any comments and suggestions to JCA-NID before next meeting, which will take place in Seoul, Korea, on the 23 January 2008.

Attachment: 1

Doc I-86


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