foundation for self-knowledge nz hinduism how to prepare for death 4 november 2010

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                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


How to prepare for DEATH

4 November 2010

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


1.Derivation of the word ‘HINDU’

• Geographical location• People


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                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


As archelogy tells us, the journey of the Hindu civilization as

we know it today, began about 6500 BC as Indus civilization.

Later it became Indus-Saraswati civilization.

This culture still continues to exist in India under the name,

Vedic Tradition and Culture – the present form of Hinduism.

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Sindhu River

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Sarasvati River by satellite

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Prominent scholars

1.Aryabhatta: Astronomer and Mathematician

2.Varahamihir: Astrologer and Astronomer

3.Bhaskaracharya: Genius in Algebra4.Dhanvantari: Father of Surgery ( Ayurveda)

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Prominent Scholars

5. Charak: Physician of Ayurveda ( Author of Charak Samhita)

6. Sushruta: Father of Cosmetic Surgery

7. Panini: Sanskrit Grammarian. 1600 BC.

8. Patanjali: Ashtanga Yoga.

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


(Astronomer and Mathematician)

First to gift algebra to the world.

Contribution to Mathematics: 1. Value of Pi as 3.1416 to four decimal places2. Sine table3. Theory of earth’s rotation4. Theory of solving indeterminate equations

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5.Theory of planetary motions.6. Division of time7. Celestial latitude of planets8. Radian measure in minutes9. Theory of eclipses

His revelation of the earth’s rotation, and orbit around the sun was 1000 years prior to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


The culture and tradition followed by the people in the land of Hindu is known as Hinduism. It has its base in the Vedas.

1. Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life.

2. It is not based on any particular founder or a book

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


Hinduism can be compared to a tree whose roots are in the

Vedas, the branches are the different cultural practices and

customs, and trunk is the concept of God, which is central to


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Our character and personality determine the

experiences we gain in the world. Unless we learn to

master our inner life, the outer circumstances of life,

however efficient and perfect, can never bring us the

happiness we seek.

Dharma – Moral ethics

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

There is no “one God” but there is “only God” and God

is not a separate entity with a particular name and form,

but it is the name for all forms, the whole creation. In

the Vedic vision nothing in the creation is separate

from the Lord.


                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Karma- The law of action and its result




                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Absolute Truth

Brahman- Sat-chit-Ananda

The completeness or contentment that I look for in life happens to be myself.

This is why I can not settle for anything less.

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Death – the concept

Death is an event that has a tremendous impact. It brings a sense of loss and sorrow, as the person who has died will no longer be among them. Spirituality helps a person to accept death gracefully.

It is believed that matter and energy are conserved and do not

dissipate, so also an individual's existence does not come to an end at death. Death can be analyzed from three stand points. They are-

1. Physical body2. The Subtle body or the soul 3. Absolute reality

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Death ceremony and its purpose

•The religious ceremonies connected to the death of an individual, called ‘antyeshti’, is performed for twelve days. They are quiet profound and elaborate.

• Many features of the ceremonies facilitate the mourning process.

•Prayers are done for the well-being of the departed soul.

•Various offerings are made to the departed and to one’s ancestors.

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Death Rituals

1. The funeral rites are done by the eldest son, if available. If none, the spouse or the closest male relative is entitled to perform the same.

2. The dead body needs to be cremated as soon as possible, after performing the funeral rites.

3. The body will be given a ceremonial wash and clothed with new clothes. It will also be decorated with sandal paste and flower garlands.

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ

Death Rituals

4.The body will be taken to the cremation ground in a ceremonial procession, carried by close relatives and friends and led by the sons. Ladies and children are not allowed to enter the cremation ground.

5.Until the body is cremated, food is not cooked in the house where death has occurred.

6.The death rituals continue for 12 days. For the 12 days, mourning is observed, eating a simple meal a day and avoiding participation in any celebration or worship.

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Death Rituals

7. During these ceremonies, lots of charities are given. The giving of charities with the chanting of the Vedic mantras is very crucial and constitutes the core of the rituals.

8.Charities done, while a person is living are meant for the welfare and betterment of one’s family and charities done, after the death during these ceremonies are for the welfare of the departed soul.

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


Hindu philosophy accepts death as an apparent phenomenon, but emphasizes on the absolute truth of oneself, which is deathlessness or immortality. The purpose of life is to understand this truth and make living a celebration, a dance of immortality in the realm of death and mortality!

                                Foundation for Self-Knowledge NZ


Thank You

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