form 3 electricity part 1

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 form 3 electricity part 1


    CHAPTER 7 : ELECTRICITY7.1 : Electrostatics7.2 : Electricity

    7.3 : Measuring Electricity

    7.4 : Ohms Law7.5 : Concept of Series & Parallel

    Circuit 7.6 : Current, Voltage & Resistance in

    a Series Circuit

    7.7 : Current, Voltage & Resistance in a

    Parallel Circuit 7.8 : Magnestism7.9 : Electromagnetism

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsStructure of an ATOM

    Atom : thesmallest particlein an element

    Has nucleus(proton +neutron) andelectrons

    Differentelements have

    different numberof electrons,protons andneutrons in theiratoms

  • 7/27/2019 form 3 electricity part 1


    7.1 : ElectrostaticsProducing Static Electrical Charges

    Electrostatic :The study ofstatic electricalcharges(+ve & -ve)

    When 2 objectsare vigorouslyrubbed againsteach other, 1

    object receiveselectrons & theother loseselectrons

  • 7/27/2019 form 3 electricity part 1


    7.1 : ElectrostaticsProducing Static Electrical Charges

    A charged objectattractsunchargedobjects

    Objects with likecharges repeleach other

    Objects withunlike chargesattract eachother

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsProducing Static Electrical Charges

    Electroscope :To detectstaticelectricalcharges

    Gold leaf of anunchargedelectroscopediverges

    when achargedobject isbrought nearits metal cap

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Lightning :

    Due to static electrical charges in thethunderclouds escaping from cloud tocloud/ a cloud to the earth producing

    bright flashesFriction between water molecules in the

    clouds & the air molecules produces alarge quantity of electrical charges in the

    cloudsLightning is produced when the electrical

    charges in the clouds escape & producesbright flashes of light & loud sounds ofthunder

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Lorry carrying petrol storage tank :

    Lorry petrol tanker is in danger ofcatching fire because petrol flammable

    As the lorry moves along a road, frictionbetween the lorry & air produceselectrical charges on the lorry

    But the rubber tyres of the lorry preventthe charges from escaping to the earth

    A metal chain attached to the lorrytouches the road so that electricalcharges are conducted by the metal chainto the ground

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Car spark plugs :

    Car spark plugsare use to ignitethe petrol

    vapour in the

    car engineWhen the car

    engine starts,static electricalcharges jump

    across the gapat the end of thespark plug,producingsparks to ignitethe fuel in the


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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Aeroplane :

    Aeroplane flyingthrough the airbuilds up static

    electrical chargeon its body dueto friction withthe air

    When aeroplanelands, its specialconductive tyresare able toconductelectricalcharges to the


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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Photostat machine :

    Rolling cylinderin the machinebecomes

    charged withstatic electricalcharges & thepaper rolls out isalso charged

    Charge paperattracts carbonpowder to it toproduce a copyof the originaldocument

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsEveryday Phenomena Related to Static

    Electrical Charges Dry hair :

    Dry hair stands upwhen it isvigorously combed

    on a dry day

    When the hair iscombed, frictionbetween the hair &the comb produces

    static electricalcharges As the hair has like

    charges, the strandsof hair repel one

    another & stand

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    7.1 : ElectrostaticsSafety measures for Electrical Charges

    Care must be takenwhen dealing withelectrical charges forthey can injure/kill/damage

    Examples :

    Tall buildings

    installed withlightning conductorsto prevent thebuildings from being

    damaged by lightning

    People living onmountains should notuse zinc sheets asthey attract lightning

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