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Forest Hill Church: diverse, inclusive, welcoming

3031 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland Hts OH 44118

216-321-2660 Fax: 216-320-1214

Email: Website:

Rev. Dr. John C. Lentz, Jr., Pastor

Rev. Tricia Dykers-Koenig, Parish Assoc.

Rev. Lois Annich, Interim Assoc. Pastor

Anne Wilson, Director of Music

Kate Burleigh, Dir. of Children’s Ministries

Shannon Headen, Dir. of Youth Ministries


Service of Worship

September 24, 2017 at 11:00 am Welcome! Thank you for joining us today for worship.

Please join us in wearing a name tag so that we might greet you.

Our ushers have hearing devices, large print editions of the bulletin,

activity bags for children staying in worship, and directions to our

nursery for babies and young children.

Prayer of Preparation God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you, and voices to sing

your praise. Fill us with your Spirit,that we may celebrate your gloryand worship you in

spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Choral Introit South Africa

“God Welcomes All”

Greeting Our God with Joy

Call to Worship Linnea Koops

One: Friends, let us worship God today, for God is great –

All: God has blessed us with life, with faith, and with community.

One: Let us worship God today, for God is good –

All: God forgives us, and encourages us, and loves us.

One: Let us worship God today –

All: Because we are God’s people.

One: Let us worship God.

* Processional Hymn No. 611 “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”

*please stand if able


Renewing Our Relationship with God

Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we come before you in humility,

For we do not live as we ought.

We do not love you with our whole heart and mind and strength.

We do not love our neighbor as ourselves.

So we pray, in all humility,

That you will change our hearts and minds,

That you will show us again how to love others the way You love us,

That you will put power and courage in our hearts to do your will.

This we pray in Jesus’ name and for His sake. Amen.

Time of Silent Confession

Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy) Paraguay

Affirming the Good News in Our Lives

Assurance of Pardon

* Gloria Taizé

All sing first time. Second time: low voices, begin;

high voices enter two measures later; children and

youth enter two measures after that.


Anthem American traditional

“”All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir”

Descant Choir; soloists: Capri Gerteis, Cassie Webster,

Vaughn Ullom, Henry Dyck

Opening Our Hearts to God’s Word

Minute for Mission Jessica Kelley

“World Peace Offering”

* Hymn No. 475 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Children in Pathways may leave during the hymn

Prayer requests to be read during the Prayers of the People

may be passed to the ushers during this hymn

Scripture Lessons

Exodus 16: 2-15

The whole congregation of the Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron

in the wilderness. The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the hand

of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of

bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole

assembly with hunger.” Then the LORD said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread

from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough

for that day. In that way I will test them, whether they will follow my

instruction or not. On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it

will be twice as much as they gather on other days.” So Moses and Aaron said

to all the Israelites, “In the evening you shall know that it was the LORD who

brought you out of the land of Egypt, and in the morning you shall see the glory

of the LORD, because he has heard your complaining against the LORD. For what

are we, that you complain against us?” And Moses said, “When the LORD gives

you meat to eat in the evening and your fill of bread in the morning, because

the LORD has heard the complaining that you utter against him—what are we?


Your complaining is not against us but” against the LORD. Then Moses said to

Aaron, “Say to the whole congregation of the Israelites, ‘Draw near to the LORD,

for he has heard your complaining.’ “And as Aaron spoke to the whole

congregation of the Israelites, they looked toward the wilderness, and the glory

of the LORD appeared in the cloud. The LORD spoke to Moses and said, “I have

heard the complaining of the Israelites; say to them, ‘At twilight you shall eat

meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know

that I am the LORD your God.’“

In the evening quails came up and covered the camp; and in the morning there

was a layer of dew around the camp. When the layer of dew lifted, there on the

surface of the wilderness was a fine flaky substance, as fine as frost on the

ground. When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For

they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “It is the bread that

the LORD has given you to eat.

Leader: Hear what the Holy Spirit is telling God’s people.

People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon Rev. Lois Annich

“Bread and Whine”

Prayers of the People

Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,

thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not

into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the

power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Ritual of Friendship



Offertory music by Anne Wilson; poem by Jean Reinhold

“You Are Beside Me in Everything I See”

* Doxology

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God all creatures here below,

Praise God above ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.

* Prayer of Dedication

Going Forth to Live as God’s People

* Closing Hymn No. 649 “Amazing Grace”

* Commission and Blessing

* Choral Benediction “Sanctuary”

* Passing of the Peace


Postlude J. S. Bach

“Prelude in A Major”

Welcome Visitors! We look forward to greeting you and answering any questions you may have.

Welcome bags are available in the foyers and the narthex. Take one home with

you! Be sure to visit our website,, for a list of upcoming

events, education programs for all ages, and past sermon texts and audio.

Notes & Announcements

Chancel Flowers: Today’s flowers are given by Margaret and George Sentell in

memory of loved ones; by the Weissbrod family in memory of their dad, Ray

Weissbrod; and by Patricia Jenkins in honor of the wedding of Adrienne Watson

and Joseph Jenkins.

Prayers are requested this week for: Joe and Betsy Andrews, Max Harmon,

David Hunter, Florence Klein, Wafa Kuri, Krystal Lafontaine, Jeanette Nemcek,

Ron Register, George Sentell, and Dorothy Turick.

Please remember these homebound members in your prayers: Marge

Drollinger, Emma Jane Gibbs, Iris and Al Gilbert, Ron Klein, Emelia McGuire, Joyce

Peters, Margie Stauffer, Elaine Tapié, Lorian Thomas, and Pat Weissbrod.

The Deacons encourage you to stop by the Greeting Card Table in

Fellowship Hall before or after worship to sign a card for one or more of

our homebound members. We will address and mail the card for you.


Care Group: The Bethlehem Care Group is responsible for assisting the clergy in

meeting members’ needs during September. Please call the church office to

report an illness, hospitalization, family emergency, birth or death. Information

will then be passed on to the Care Group leaders.

Thank you to head usher Roger Heineman and today’s ushers. Please contact

the church office if you are interested in joining an usher team.

Coming Up


Help Support our Senior High Youth Mission Trip! Did you know that your gallon

of milk (and secret addiction to Doritos) can help our Senior High Youth raise

funds for their summer mission trip? When you purchase a $25 or $100 grocery

gift card through Forest Hill Church, you get the full amount to spend at the store

and you support the youth as well! Gift cards are available for Giant Eagle,

Dave's, Zagara's and Heinen's. Please bring cash or check to Fellowship Hall

following any church service to purchase your gift card. You are going to the

grocery store anyway. Help our youth reach their mission goal along the way!


Bible Study: The lessons for this week are: Exodus 17: 1-7; Psalm 78: 1-4, 12-

16; Philippians 2: 1-13; Matthew 21: 23-32

Bible and Bagels discusses next Sunday’s text(s) on Wednesday mornings

from 7:30 to 8:30. All are welcome!


Adult Education, 9:30 in South Hall: The fall Adult Education series focuses on

the Reformation with a series of classes taught by Kermit Lind. Next week: the

life and contribution to the Reformation of Ulrich Zwingli, a minister in the

churches of Zurich, Switzerland. He died fighting against a Swiss Catholic army


in the battle of Kappel—a truly militant Protestant Reformer. Come to get yet

another perspective on the Reformation, this time in Switzerland in the City

where John Calvin was later to take charge.

British Black History Month: The Black History Team will celebrate immediately

after worship with afternoon tea and a presentation on Mary Seacole: The Creole

with the Teacup.

Cookie bakers are needed! Please contact Ann Williams

( if you can help.

Scotland and the Iona Community: On October 1 at 7 pm, Anne Wilson will

present a program in Fellowship Hall called Scotland and the Iona Community.

There will be beautiful slides, Scottish music and Scottish appetizers prepared by

Morag Keefe. Invite friends!


October 4: Forest Hill, St Paul’s Episcopal and Olivet Institutional Baptist are

joining together to discuss The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing

World, by Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. There will be three sessions

(October 4, November 1 and December 6), one at each church. The first session

will be at Olivet Baptist on October 4 at 6 pm. Dr. Lentz has copies of the book

available for $20.

October 7: Charity McDonald and Ahren Stock request the pleasure of your

company at their wedding, October 7 at 3 pm in the sanctuary. Cake and punch

will be served afterwards.

Iris Circle and Hilltoppers invite you to join them on Tuesday, October 10, at

11:30 am in Bodwell Hall for a potluck lunch and a presentation by Rev. Lois


Annich of her Ireland pilgrimage. RSVP to Nancy Burcham (216-233-8864 or

News from The Group: There’s a Progressive Dinner coming on October 14 –

save the date and watch for information. On November 5 we’ll go see the

musical Shrek at Heights High at 4 pm, followed by dinner at Anatolia Café on

Lee Rd.

Youth News Every Sunday: Logos (Mid High) meets from 9:30 – 10:30 am in the Ruah Room.

Today: High School Unwind, 12:30-2:00, Youth in grades 9-12. Plan to stay after

worship for our first official “High School Unwind.” We will eat, hang out, and

catch up. We will also make plans for our incredible year together – we have so

much to talk about!

September 30, 2 pm: Ekkelsia Event ( High School): Martin Luther on Trial at

the Ohio Theater, Playhouse Square, $30

October 14, 9:00 am: Shane Claiborne, theologian at Pilgrim UCC in Tremont.

All are welcome (you don’t have to be a youth).

Join us for a presentation and conversation with well-known

theologian and author, Shane Claiborne, on Christian faith and the

work of overcoming division. From picket fences and gated

neighborhoods to office cubicles and prison cells, we live in a world of

walls. We can end up lonely people… stuck in the ghettoes of poverty

and the ghettoes of affluence. But God is all about tearing down walls.

We are not alone. Stories of compassion and reconciliation invite us

into the promise that the walls and gates will not prevail. Poverty and


injustice become personal, as we gain the eyes to see the suffering

around us.

Contact Shannon Headen (, 216-496-6462)


Calendar: September 24 – October 1, 2017 Sunday, September 24

8:30 am Nominating Committee

9:00 am Child care begins

Exploring Membership class

9:30 am Adult Education

Youth Education: Logos (Mid Hi)

Descant Choir

10:15 am Descant Choir activity

10:30 am Continental Breakfast

Chancel Choir

Cherub Choir rehearsal

11:00 am WORSHIP

Children’s Worship class

11:15 am Pathways to the Promise Land

12:15 pm Coffee and Conversation

Waking Up White discussion

Ekklesia: High School Unwind

1:30 pm Messiah Chorus rehearsal

5:00 pm Faith Leader class

Monday, September 25

6:00 pm Progress not Perfection (AA)

7:00 pm Al Anon

7:30 pm Borton Group (AA)

Boy Scout Troop #403

Tuesday, September 26

12:00 pm Abundance Pantry registration

1:00 pm Abundance Pantry

5:00 pm Fitness Fusion

7:00 pm GCC Housing mtg

7:15 pm Black History Team

Wednesday, September 27

7:30 am Bible & Bagels

12:30 pm Wed. Women’s AA

7:00 pm Session meeting

Thursday, September 28

12:00 pm Abundance Lunch

5:00 pm Fitness Fusion

6:20 pm Voices in Bronze rehearsal

7:30 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Friday, September 29

10:00 am Al Anon meeting

Saturday, September 30

2:00 pm Sr High to MLK on Trial

Sunday, October 1:

World Communion Sunday

Peace and Global Witness Offering

9:00 am Child care begins

9:30 am Adult Education

Youth Education: Logos (Mid Hi)

Descant Choir

10:15 am Descant Choir activity

10:30 am Continental Breakfast

Chancel Choir

11:00 am WORSHIP: Communion

Children’s Worship class

11:15 am Pathways to the Promise Land

12:15 pm Coffee and Conversation

Black History Tea

1:30 pm Messiah Chorus rehearsal

5:00 pm Faith Leader class

7:00 pm Program: Scotland Pilgrimage


Staff Emails

Rev. Lois Annich Interim Assoc. Pastor

Becky Austin Finance

Lynda Bernays Administration

Kate Burleigh Children

Ann Donkin Building mgr.

Stavros Gazis Custodial

Shannon Headen Youth

Rev. Dr. John Lentz Jr. Pastor

Peg Weissbrod Outreach

Anne Wilson Music


Theses 4-8


“So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those

who were near.” —Ephesians 2:14-17

As followers of Christ, our call to work for peace begins in our own

neighborhoods and extends to the ends of the earth. It is a demanding call, but

one that Presbyterians at all levels of the church are seeking to follow.

The Peace & Global Witness Offering supports the holistic and wide-ranging

witness of the whole church. Twenty-five percent of the Offering stays in your

congregation and 25% is retained by your mid council, enabling you the

freedom to provide support where you need it the most. This Offering sustains

our witness in many forms and at all levels of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),

but all are bound together in Christ. Together they are a living proclamation of

the peace we know in Christ, who puts an end to hostility and speaks peace to

all, near and far.

There are 3 ways to give:

• An offering will be collected at Forest Hill Church on Sunday, October 1

• Text PEACE to 20222 to give $10

• Visit


Did you know the main cartoon characters in Calvin and Hobbes were named

after the reformation theologian John Calvin and the philosopher Thomas


Question: Which of the Protestant Reformers had a daughter who remained

Catholic and eventually persecuted Protestants? Hint: there is a well-known

cocktail named after this daughter.

A) Martin Luther

B) William Tyndale

C) Henry VIII

D) Menno Simmons

Answers from last week: John Knox, Desiderius Erasmus and Saint Augustine

(the Bishop of Hippo).

Come join us next Sunday at 9:30 am for the continuation of our series on the


Alex Heston (Adult Ed Team, Ministry of Worship)

Cover image: ‘The Gathering of the Manna’ by James Tissot

(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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