fordybelsesseminar akademiet for talentfulde unge · fordybelsesseminar akademiet for talentfulde...

Post on 10-Jul-2019






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Fordybelsesseminar Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge

Med VIA Design og VIA Fysioterapi uddannelserne 


16.00-16.45 Introduktion til VIA læring og metoder16.45–17.15 Sandwich i LunchBoks17.15-19.15 Workshops Strategic Design Practice

Teori og teoretisk refleksionPraktisk øvelse

19.15 – 19:30 Afslutning

DESIGN -as a way of thinking!= Design Thinking

Hvad er design?

At designe er et udtryk for den proces, hvor-ved man formgiver noget. I denne proces overvejer man ofte resultatets æstetiske og funktionelle egenskaber. Design kan også være at give en ting en lyd, f.eks. en el-bil således den ikke er lydløs, dette kaldes skeuomorfisme. wikipedia

Design Thinking

”Design thinking is a rigorous process we use to come up with things that don’t exist”

”[It’s] synonymous with abductive thinking & characterised by creative leaps & connects things that would otherwise seem disconnected”

Tom Fisher , dean – College of Design. University of Minnesota

Design Thinking

“It is a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.”

Tim Brown – CEO IDEO

Change By Design by Tim Brown 

Design Thinking

The design thinking process consists of these 5 steps:

Dschool Stanford

Design Thinking er en proces.

Det indebærer empati for konceptet af problemet, kreativitet i at generere indsigt og innovative løsninger og rationalitet til at analysere løsninger på problemets kontekst.

The Design Community

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Målet med designtænkning er ifølge Tim Brown, ”at matcher folks behov med, hvad der er teknologisk muligt og rentabelt som en forretningsstrategi "

Design Thinking1969 – Herbert Simon: The Science of the Artificial Design as a way of thinking

1970s - Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber write Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning showing that design and planning problems are Wicked Problems as opposed to "tame", single disciplinary, problems of science.

1973 – Robert McKim: Experiences in Visual Thinking. Design Thinking as a method of creative action

1980s – Donald Norman: User-Centred Design. Focus on user interests

1980 - Bryan Lawson, professor of architecture at University of Sheffield, publishes ”How Designers Think”

1980s – Rolfe Faste: First Academic Research Symposium, Stanford


Design Thinking1982 – Nigel Cross Professor of Design Studies and Editor of Design Studies Journal writes Designerly Ways of Knowing showing Design as its own culture to be taught in schools by contrasting it with Science culture and Arts and Humanities culture. This is based on the idea that "There are things to know, ways of knowing them and ways of finding out about them that are specific to the design area.”

1983 – Donald Schön. “Den reflekterende praktiker” - an epistemology of practice implicit in the artistic, intuitive processes which [design and other] practitioners bring to situations of uncertainty, instability, uniqueness and value conflict

1991 – IDEO Founded

1992 – Richard Buchanan’s article”Wicked Problems in Design Thinking is published

2004 – Stanford founded


Englands first coffeehouse 1650

Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

[Herbert Simon, The science of the artificial (1969): ]

In VIA we belive that the future will require extra toolsin the skills tool kit likedevelopment of ”T” shapedskills, and a more creativeapproach to innovation, problem solving and decision making.

Design Thinking WHY ?

T-shaped skills

The concept of T-shaped skills, or T-shaped persons is a metaphor used in job recruitment to describe the abilities of persons in the workforce.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking PROFIL

DTE Det tværprofesionelle element

Online crowdsourcing platform

VIA Connect#FoodMaker

Design Thinking PROFILDesign Thinking: Personlighedsprofil Empati - ”people first" Integrativ tænkning

intuition , logik og fantasi

Tim Brown Harvard Business Review 2008

Den integrative tænkningsproces som alternativ til den traditionelle problemløsningsstrategi

1. Formulerer problemet

2. Analyser elementerne

3. Forestiller jer løsninger/veje at gå ad

4. Løsning


Enkelt fokus på iøjnefaldende problem/ forhindring

Analyserer ud fra devisen: Jo mere løsning A, desto større hindring B

Bryder problemerne ned og anskuer dem adskilt

Træffer et valg. Cost‐benefit


Søger mindre iøjnefaldende, men relevante elementer

Prøver at komme udenom enten‐eller ved at finde fordele ved begge poler –”holder kompleksiteten”

Ser helheden: Hvordan hænger problem stillingerne sammen?

Prøver at finde løsning, som indeholder vigtigste elementer fra begge poler

Kilde: Harvard Business Review 2007

Design Thinking PROFILDesign Thinking: Personligheds profil Empati - ”people first" Integrativ tænkning; intuition , logik og fantasi. Optimisme - mindst én potentiel løsning er bedre

end det eksisterende alternativ. Eksperimenterende - kreativ nye retninger Samarbejde - multi disciplinære teams; ikke det

”ensomme” kreative geni

Tim Brown Harvard Business Review 2008

Design Thinking PROFIL

Design Thinking PROFIL

Design en løsning med Strategic Design Practice

Wicket problem 1.

Hvordan ser fremtidens sunde studie miljø ud, hav især/også fokus på selve arbejdssituationen omkring modtagelsen og forberedelsen af/til



Paul J McElheron 

Se mere om modellen her

Praktisk info

• Sandwich

• Toiletter

• 6 grupper

• Min SDP profil

Design Thinking PROFIL

Paul J McElheron 

Se mere om modellen her

Paul J McElheron 

• Identificere det reelle problem…

• Observere vores brugere…

• Research og undersøgelser…• Associations mapping

• Empathy mapping

• Personas

• Undersøge teknologiske muligheder…

• Se på fremtiden – udfordringer og muligheder…


Find – empati1. Interview

4min. Sessions – ekstern 9 min.

2. Dig Deeper4min. sessions

Noter fra første interview


Noter fra andet interview

Empathy mapping


[Eric Ries – The lean Startup]

Empathy mapping:

Research og undersøgelser om temaet


”A Pilot Study of the Effects of Accumulating 10.000 Steps on Health and Fitness Among University Students”.

Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2011, 8, 663 -667

© 2011 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Paul J McElheron 

Frame – real needs

3. Capture findings 3min. 4. Define problem 3 min.



Needs are:………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………Supprisingly / because /


Paul J McElheron 

Form - generer flere alternativer…

5. Lav minimum 5 radikale måder, I kan møde din brugers behov 5 min.

Husk din problemstilling

Form - generer flere alternativer…

Lyt og få gaver. Del kommentar med resten af gruppen.

Multidisciplinary teamsAbductive tænkning

SensemakingSynthesis of ideas

Pattern recognitionDivergent thinking

Be Visual!

6. Del jeres løsninger & få feedback. 8 mins (2 X 4 mins.)

Husk din problemstilling


Skitser din endelige idé, suppler evt. med detaljer

7. Reflekter og generer en ny løsning (2 mins.)

Paul J McElheron 

Fabricate – Prototype: build & test

8. Lav en prototype


8 minutter



Fabricate – Prototype: build & test

9. Præsenter løsning og få feedback 2x 4 mins.

+ What worked?

? Questions

- What could beimproved?

! Ideas

Paul J McElheron 


Customer Co-creation

Assumption Testing

Test Launch

10. Customer Co-creation, assumption testing, test launch

Test Launch at VIA

The End – or is it the Beginning?

Strategic Design Practice 5F

Afklare under frokost…

Hvilken Idé vil vi arbejde

videre med?

Brown, Tim: Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation. HarperBusiness (September 29, 2009)

Cross, Nigel: Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and WorkBloomsbury Academic (May 15, 2011)

Lawson, Bryan: How Designers ThinkRoutledge; 4 edition (November 30, 2005)

Liedtka, Jeanne. Ogilvie, Tim: Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for ManagersColumbia University Press; 1ST edition (June 28, 2011)

Lockwood, Thomas: Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value.Allworth Press; 1 edition (November 10, 2009)

Martin, Roger L.: The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive AdvantageHarvard Business Review Press; Third Edition edition (October 13, 2009)

Norman, Don: Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday ThingsBasic Books; 1 edition (May 11, 2005)

…Video Strategic Design Practice

Tværfaglige kompetencer er attraktive

Kilde: Soulaima Gourani, Ignite Your Career p 11.


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