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Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Be it remembered, IT is this Day agreed by and between Samuel Greg, of Styal, in the County of Chester, of the one Part, and Ann Bolt of Newcastle. Ann Bolt agreeth that Ann Bolt her Daughter of the other Part, is as follows: That the said Ann Bolt shall serve the said Samuel Greg in his Cotton-Mills, in Styal, in the County of Chester, as a just and honest Servant, Twelve Hours in each of the fix working Days, and to be at her own Liberty at all other Times; the Commencement of the Hours to be fixed from Time to Time by the said Samuel Greg, for the Term of Eight Years at the Wages of Nine pence per week for the first year and one shilling per week the remaining part of the Term M Greg engages allso to find the said Ann Bolt with Meat + Drink Washing and Lodging sufficient for her. And that if the said Ann Bolt shall absent herself from the Service of the said Samuel Greg, in the said working Hours, during the said Term, without his Consent first obtained, that the said Samuel Greg may abate the Wages in a double Proportion for such Absence; and the said Samuel Greg shall be at Liberty, during the Term, to discharge the Servant from his Service, for Misbehaviour, or Want of Employ. As Witness their Hands, this Tenth Day of July 1794

Dear Sir, I take this opportunity of addressing a few lines to you upon a subject that may appear somewhat strange to you. You are aware that I have two daughters and my mind is seriously engaged dayly and hourley as to what will be the best means to secure their future welfare. I know well that the means I have at command will neither feed, clothe, nor educate them as I could wish. Trade in Manchester has been very bad a long time consequently I have been altogether deprived of the means to accomplish these three desirable objects, and after much study and trouble of mind I have come to this conclusions and I hope to be sucsessfull, viz, of sending them to the Apprentice House, where I know they would be well done for. It is a thing I have experienced myself and I know it is good. I mentioned it to my friend Jonathan Bailey some time ago and he seemed to think with me that it would be one of the best things I could possibly do for them and if you would be kind enough to lay the thing before Mr. Fletcher it would save me a great deal trouble and then send me word what Mr. Fletcher thought upon the subject – Oh sir, when I walk through the streets of Manchester and see the 100s of young girls from 14 to 20 yrs of age as common as the dirt under my feet and as voided of shame as the (cont’d)

Brutes of the Field it is then that my heart ringed with painfull refflections, for I

cannot garrantee that the shall not come to that and – I will not say more at this

time as I think you will understand this short adress from from what is already

said – hoping you will bear this in mind I remain yours truly—Peter Jackson.

I hope you and your wife and children are quite well. I am not quite so well myself

neither are some of my children as I could wish them to be.

Direct—Peter Jackson

Wakers Court Wt. Bottom St.

Chapel St. Salford

Dear Mother, I cannot let the post go out without writing a few lines to announce my safe arrival in

the great city, though I shall be late for today’s mail if I attempt to write a long letter.

I reached this yesterday afternoon after an extremely fatiguing journey in the

Diligence, in which terrible vehicle I was cooked up during 3 days & two nights. I am

not however any worse for it, and I dined yesterday with a large party at the table

d’hote. I must tell you in the first place what I am sure you will wish most to hear

after saying that I am well, namely that I am comfortably though not sumptuously

lodged at the Hotel de Mirabeau. I breakfast with Robert Batt and his tutor who

have excellent rooms in the hotel, when we go to the theatre our plan is to dine at a

restauranteur, when we do not we shall dine at the table d’hote, and go to a café

for the evening. These are my present plans & hope they will soon be interupted

by Isaacs coming. Robert Batt’s tutor is a pleasant little man, and we talk French

entirely as I speak about as well as RB. About speaking I find no difficulty in making

myself understood & I got on quite well as in that respect as if I had been travelling

in England, and with a short residence here I think I should soon speak the

language fluently. (cont’d)

If I. Hodgson is with you tell him that my direction is Hotel de Mirabeau, Rue de la

Paix, Place Vendome, but I shall write to London to meet himthere. I will write to

Agnes tomorrow or the next day an account of my journey in the Diligence, of my

companions &c. As much as I have seen of French cooking I like it extremely and

though I have tasted everything I have seen, I have found nothing but what is good.

The weather which was tremendous, dreadful rain, and blowing a perfect hurricane

from the moment we landed till last night is now changed and a beautiful morning

and cloudless sky invites me to go forth and examine this famous city the city of the

great Emperor, for till I have seen the Louvre, Thuleries &c, it would be ridiculous to

say I am disappointed with Paris. It would be like the two old ladies whom Isaac met

with, who after two days residence in Paris declared there was no such thing as

domestic happiness in France.

With dearest love to all at home believe me

your truly affectionate son

Robert Greg.


I will indevur to write a few lines to what I can remember in the Art Treasures Exhibiton,

The day we went was on the Wakes Wednesday Sep 2nd and we arrived there by Railway

at little before a 11, a.m. On our entrance we turned to look at the Ancient Marsters

paintings, and the first which took our notice was Samson Disstroying the Temple of the

Phillistiens. Next was a painting of Peter the great in full statue, of Charles 1st on

horseback, several catholic pictures, showing the different customs they wore the birth of

Christ, Joseph and Mary and the Ass with Christ going to Egypt The last supper. Next a

large butchers shop with men all striped cutting the meat up. A beautiful painting of Christ

on the cross with two angeles one on each side, one with two cups catching the blood

from his hand and side and the other with one cup catching the blood from the other hand,

We then turned to the right side of the Ancient department, and saw a many of the visiter

noticing a gropy of Ladyes and gentlemen, whilest one the gentlemen was talking very fast

and pointing out the paintings to them He was inform so that they were the Royal Family of

Wintemburg, There was several pictures on this side we noticed, but we cannot think at

them now, We rember one of Charles 1st family, We then went accorass the main Transip

to the modern Marsters, and the first thing which took our attention was a beautiful statue

of the greek slave, We thought these paintings very beautiful and notice a many of them,


We then went down the main Transip and cast a look at the Briths portaits of

Kings and Queens, and particularly the pretty statues on each side,

next was the Indian Tent and many other curiosities, from there we went and

looked at the wauter coulered for a short time we sat down to hear the Organ

and band plaid, and it was very pleasant to liston to the music, Afterwards we

looked at a grand carved bed by a man from Warrington With these few lines I

conclude feeling myself unable sufficiently to express my thankfullness for the

farous I have received at your hands, Hoping the Baby, yourself and Mr. Greg

are in good health, I am your

Obedient In Scholar,

Ann Ollier Styall


I am sorry that I have been so ungrateful not to have returned thanks for your

kindness in sending me to the Exhibition we had a beautiful ride to the Exhibition on

that morning we went to about half past ten and on our entrance we were struck

with the beauty and elegence of the pictures we past the refreshments rooms and

we saw Adam and Eve eating of the tree of Knoledeg. we saw David killing Goliath

we saw Juses Chirst our Saviour on the cross we saw Juses with his parants on the

crosses we saw a many kings and queens and some Catholic prists we went to

anothe part and we saw some splendid Statues some beautiful horses with men

upon them and their were very perfect Their were some men making medals with A

Machine And Women were selling them I saw two little boys selling programs and

they shouted any programs please a penny a pice we went to the indian tent we

were much amused with all in that room especially the Slippars that were turened

up at the toes their was some muslin dress pices in the same room their were some

laughable pictures in one room One boy was eating his porradge and another was A

girl curling her hair and her mother with the tongs as if she was going to pinch them

of we went througe severly rooms that looked very nice and we did not know the

names of them We went into another room and saw that beautiful carved bed their

were some very nice lines such as watch and pray the Organ wagon to play about

One Oclock and we got our baskets and then came out

I reaimn Madam yours Obedently

Hannah Henshall

Tuesday Feb. 24th ...21-16, 19-21 & 20-21. Capt. Vernon came & talked a good bit, he is ridiculously

like Arthur Greg plus a well bit of Uncle Carly, but he tells his stories like Arthur

Greg, his eyes & whole manner being like. Sighted Port Said about 11.30. Had

lunch & then disembarked onto a launch about 1pm which took us, the Egypt lot,

to the Customs house where none of our baggage was opened. We changed our

money & got into the special with the help of the Semiramis Hotel man. Most of

the men on the P&O were going to play a cricket match against the English at

Port Said, a young sapper Helen danced with came & saw us off. We kept along

the Suez Canal & then the Ismailia Canal got to Cairo 6.45. There was a glorious

Egyptian sunset over the fertile delta flats, all the Arabs were returning from their

work in the fields & walking at all the level crossings. Not very struck by the first

appearances of the Semiramis, then found we had left Helen & long cabin box at

Port Said (later recovered) the uninteresting hero of the rather smart people at

dinner, & general dislike of having changed quarters coupled with a feeling of

heaving floor & sickliness made us glad to get to bed.

Wednesday Feb. 25th

Got a nice dragoman & after fixing us our return at Cooks went in a small carriage

to the Sultan Hasan built in 1356-59 for Sultan Hasan, no longer used. Beautiful

courtyard & fountain, side halls have many hundred chains hanging from the roof

once for lamps. Fine pulpit & inside the domed hall is the tomb of the Sultan, the

roof is wonderfully carved & painted, the whole place is a beautiful old grey blueish

fruit colour & very cool. Next we went to the Mosque of Mahammed Ali, famous

because of its alabaster courtyard & the inside walls, but it is new finished in 1857,

decorated with ugly overcoloured rugs paintings etc, hardly worth seeing. In the

distance it is very fine dominating the Citidelle & from round a corner a magnificent

view is had of all Cairo, the hills behind the Nile and the Pyramids of Mena House

& Sakkarah, while the British Barracks are just behind dominating both the Turkish

& Egyptian barracks. Next we went through some very dirty bad roads & dilapitated

house to the tombs of the Mamelouks (body Guard of the Sultan 360 of which

were slain in one day at the Citadelle). This is not very interesting, the tombs of the

Khedives family seems also here, by the shape of the heads at the end one can

tell whether they are of a man or woman or if small they are children. They are

ornate & but there are some magnificent rugs on the floor renewed every year by

the Khedive. (cont’d)

After this we drove back & went to the Blue Mosque, an old mosque whose walls

are tiled with beautiful Chinese of Persian blue tiles. School is held here & some 2

doz. teachers saw of low chairs surrounded by some 20 or 30 boys & men sitting

crossed legs & shoeless before them learning to read the Koran. They seemed to

thoroughly enjoy their lessons. On a blackboard was the remains of their Arithmetic

of the early hours of lessons, with same ÷ & × signs as we have. It was also very

cool here though the blue Mosque is only quite small compared to the other two.

Got back to lunch & had At. B & Uncle C. Clarke, At. B has been laid up with

measles in the hospital here caught on the P&O. Went to them at the Savoy to tea.

Uncle Robert came to see us about 6.15. A lovely sunset which we see across the

Nile from the Hotel terrace. Great ball in the evening.

Thursday Feb. 26th All four of us vaccinated by D? Phillips Went to the Museum near the Highlanders

barracks. Had no guide unfortunately. Very wonderful things, the toys of models of

early Egyptian life & the funny spotty toy animals, the beautiful jewlery of the rather

nasty mummies of Rameses II & others. After lunch Uncle Robert took us in his

Landaulet to Mena House. We walked round the big Pyramid, sat in the shade of

the 2nd

& went down around the Sphinx, he is not as impressive as I had thought,

too much sand heaped up around him; the pyramids are much more wonderful.

Returned to tea with Uncle R. His rooms are like a museum of Eastern things,

rugs, alabasters, bronze mummie statues etc. Had Dr & Mrs Phillips to dinner.


Attention is particularly directed to that portion of the Factory Act which forbids

any work whatever being done by Women, Young Persons, or Children, during

meal times, whether the Machinery is running or not. Any such person therefore

who is found taking cuts off, picking cuts, cleaning boxes, oiling, brushing, or

doing any other kind of work in connection with the manufacturing process, will be

liable to be suspended for a first offence, and be dismissed for a repetition of the


Quarry Bank Mill, February 3rd

, 1910.


Any Person working at this Mill sustaining any Injury whatever while on the

premises, must report the same immediately at the Office, otherwise any claim

under the Workmen’s Compensation Act will not be entertained.

Quarry Bank Mill, November 1st, 1911.

Dear Mother

Thank you very much for your dea letter. I am quite well & enjoying the warm

spring weather, it is very nice on board in warm weather. From what the Jersey boy

tell me, it sounds very hard work perhaps harder than I can manage, the boys name

is Sinnott + he is very nice. It is such a shame I have been moved into the 1st class

+ they are in the middle of everything + I can’t to do what anything what they do

because I have not learnt + I shall be bottom, whereas if I had stopped in the other I

should have been pretty high up it is a shame I wish I could leave. I asked to be

moved down again but they would not let me. May I come home when Bor comes

back from London. I shant be able to do you or any one else credit in this class I

cannot do any of the work except the History, Geography, Scripture. Jessie is

staying on board with Miss Miller she was at church this morning. I go such nice

walks with Johnston and Sinnott right into the country it is so nice to see the nice

green on the hedges again. I saw a lot of fungee, green goslings yesterday

afternoon. I had a nice letter from Bor + Miff, oft as he calls her this morning. Miff

seems to think I am going to Crewe works after I leave here I rather wish I was

going there. How sad about Dindys mother being so ill poor Dindy I hope she wont

die. Thank you very much for watering my bank + getting me those violets. I hope

your party went off successfully + the cake was not to small. That Jersey boys

name is Sinnott. Was Ernest nice this time + love to all. Good bye from your loving

son Jack.

PS. Please send me some stamps.

Monthly Report.

J. T. Greg

Mathematics: Has made very good progress in algebra, Euclid, Still backward Arith.

Fair, Takes great pains with his work. J. V. – Mathematical papers very weak. Poor

Algebra unsatisfactory. Euclid bad.

Latin: Grammar – Very good. Translation fair. J. V. – Did a very satisfactory grammar

paper but a weak translation paper.

French: Is making fair progress W. L. – Papers show considerable increase in

vocabulary but composition is still very inaccurate.

German: Rather slow, but does his best; his written exercises are good WYMS –

Did a very satisfactory grammar paper. Decidedly must listen here.

Conduct Good

1, Douro Terrace, Jersey, Nov. 11th 1888

The Leas, Hoylake

Report For The First Half Term

Name: R.P. Greg Date: November 2nd 1908

Height: 4 ft. 9 1/8 in. Chest: 23 1/4in. Weight: 5 st. 4 lbs. 0 oz.

Form: VI Av. age: 9 yrs. 7 mo. Place: 2 out of 10

Classics: He works carefully, is very attentive + makes satisfactory progress.

A. G. S. S.

History: Good; has some turn for this subject. A. A. McI

Geography: A steady worker.

Scripture: Good. A. A. McI

English: He reads nicely. Writing + spelling are very fair. A. G. S. S.

Mathematics, Set VII – Place 3 out of 9 – Quite satisfactory. He works quickly and

accurately. His books are kept neat + clean. A. G. S. S.

French, Set VI – Place 4 out of 11 – He has worked well. He is attentive + is

making good progress. A. G. S. S.

General Report: He has made a very good start at school. He seems singularly

free from any nervousness, and gives me the impression of having been here some

time. His work has been good and so far his mathematics have been better than

we anticipated. His health has been very good, but for one small cold.

My dear Father

There was to have been a match against an old boy’s team yesterday, but it was

put off, as he could not get his side together, so we played cricket till 4 and then

after tea went down to bathe in the sea. We went beyond the channel which we

call the gutter and almost as far as Hilbre and enjoyed it very much. There were

small rolling waves and it was great fun jumping up against them. A few who did

not bathe came with us and and paddled round the edge.

We are going to Hilbre for the picnic on the first hot day. We generally start after

12 and get there in time for lunch and bathe afterwards. Mrs. Jones who lives on

the island generally shows us over the lifeboat and we come back soon after 4.

I was second in the exam order which was read out on Monday. We have not

had the Scripture exam yet, perhaps we are not going to have one. I can’t swim

yet, but in the rings I can just manage to get along. This term we are having

photographs of the clever and various things connected with the school in the

magazine: they have all been taken by Mrs. Ilwaine.

With best love

your loving son

Robert Greg.

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