footwear sector awaits a

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7/23/2019 Footwear Sector Awaits A 1/3

Footwear sector awaits a boomPosted on November 30, 2010 | Leave a comment!1

Footwear sector awaits a boom

"#ports ma$ e#ceed a biion doars b$ 2013 i% power is ensured

& %ie photo shows a customer oo'ing at shoes at a cit$ shop. Loca shoe manu%acturers, on the basis o% both the current growth in shipments and the increased production capacit$ in %actoriesunder construction, caim that (angadesh coud have a biion doar %ootwear e#port sector b$2013. ) *ocusbanga photo

Kazi Azizul Islam

(angadesh coud have a biion doar %ootwear e#port sector b$ 2013, caim oca shoemanu%acturers on the basis o% both the current growth in shipments and the increased productioncapacit$ in %actories under construction.

7/23/2019 Footwear Sector Awaits A 2/3

+% their assessment is correct, in a three$ear period the eve o% e#ports can increase %ive%od%rom the -20 miion worth o% shoes that were e#ported in the ast %isca $ear that ended in une2010.

+n the %irst %our months o% the current %isca $ear there have been - miion worth o% e#ports, a per cent increase %rom the same period ast $ear.

a'ing this rate o% growth into account, shoe industr$ e#ecutives estimate that the current %isca$ear4s %ootwear e#port is i'e$ to cross -300 miion.

apan and 5erman$ are now the biggest mar'ets %or (angadeshi %ootwear but 67 bu$ers areincreasing$ showing interest in sourcing %rom (angadesh.

hough in the ne#t two $ears the e#isting %actories are i'e$ to e#port more shoes, it is the newcapacit$ 8e#panded and new %actories9 that wi come on stream %rom ear$ 2011 that is e#pectedto cause the huge spurt in growth.

he "#port Processing ones at present have 1 shoe and eather goods %actories but there are ateast seven arge %actories under construction, most$ owned b$ big manu%acturers in the shoeword.

he %actories under construction incude ;orean compan$ <oungone4s %ootwear compe# whichis said to be the argest in &sia.

his $ear <oungone ) which produces sportswear %or Ni'e and other eading brands )estimates that it wi e#port - miion worth o% %ootwear.

=owever, when the new %actor$ is competed ne#t $ear the compan$ e#pects to increase e#portsto at east -20 miion b$ the end o% 2013, said its operation director, 7i'dar >esbahauddin&hmed.

?+ thin' that revenue %rom the e#port o% shoes coud ver$ wi increase to -1 biion b$ 2013,4 hesaid.

he compan$ started construction o% its mega shoe compe# in @hittagong si# months bac'. he%irst part o% the compe# wi go into production b$ the midde o% ne#t $ear, and the compan$4s

e#ecutives said the$ woud be abe to manu%acture about 30 miion pairs o% shoes b$ 2013.

+n addition, aiwanese shoe manu%acturer Pau @hen, which empo$s about A,00,000 wor'ers inits %actories in @hina and 0,000 in Bietnam, is aso buiding a arge manu%acturing %aciit$ in@hittagong.

&ustraian manu%acturer (onbon 7hoe, a suppier to =ugo (oss, and Cen @hen and 5en%ord o%aiwan, are aso buiding %ootwear %actories in (angadesh.

&pe#&dechi aso has a new %actor$ that wi soon start production.

Dith an annua turnover o% about -100 miion, the (angadesh+ta$ Eoint venture is now theargest e#porter o% %ootwear.

=owever, with a new Eoint venture %actor$, (ue Fcean *ootwear, due to go into production b$

*ebruar$ 2011, &pe# wi get invoved with a turnover o% near$ -200 miion o% %ootwear e#port b$ 2013.

7$ed Nasim >anGur, &pe#&dechi4s managing director, tod New &ge that he aso thought ?a biion doar %ootwear e#port industr$ is not uni'e$ b$ the 20131A %isca $ear as indicated b$the current growth in shipments and new production %aciities that wi be read$ %or productionwithin the ne#t coupe o% $ears4.

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