food box subscription

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Japanese Treats

Japanese Candy Subscription Service

Free Shipping worldwide

We deliver to almost every country in the world!!

$22 US Dollars a Month!

That's right. Only $22 a month no matter where you are located.

Unique Candy From Japan

All our candy is sourced locally in Japan.

Any Questions?

Head over to our FAQ Page to find all the answers.

About Us

Get To Know Us. was set up in 2014 in Tokyo, Japan to give people all around the world a chance to sample the latest and best Japanese candies, sweets, chocolates and snacks. Unfortunately, most of the candy companies in Japan sell locally, leaving the rest of the world disappointed with the lack of Japanese treats available.

We decided that a surprise package of Japanese treats would be ideal for people to experience different Japanese treats every month and discover new and interesting flavors. We also provide the latest information about treats from Japan over at our Blog.

"We're All About Japanese Treats!"

We're passionate about bringing quality Japanese Treats to your home!

Candy Snack Subscription


Food Box Subscription strive to provide the best food box subscription in Japan. Each month, we research all the latest candy, popular candy and new seasonal candy available in Japan.

Japan is well know for it's unique and delicious snacks and candy. There are no shortage of candy makers who are constantly working to make delicious Japanese Snacks and Candy.

The candy markers in Japan are always trying to stay ahead of each other in such a saturated market. To do this, candy companies are constantly creating new sweets and seasonal snacks.

Kit Kat Green Tea

Kit Kat Green Tea is such a popular snack from Japan that we have made a special page for it.

Kit Kat was first introduced to the market back in 1935 in England. Since then it has been exported and manufactured in numerous countries around the World.

Fan ReviewsJapanese Treats Candy Box Review

Ohayo Okasan Japanese Treats Review

Japanese Treats review from Chic Pixel

Yummy Unchi Japanese Treats Candy Review

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