follow up of the auditor-general s performance …

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MARCH 2013 Organisation: Audit Office of NSW
Name: Mr Rob Mathie
Date Received: 17/06/2014
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – Implementation of recommendations NSW Police Force PAC Submission No 7
Audit Office Comments 1. We note the outcome of work on this recommendation. PAC may wish to get current data on the number and age of drug exhibits and other high profile goods held by NSW Police Force, showing improvements as a result of this initiative. NSW Police Force’s response to this recommendation in the audit report also indicated that it proposed to build audit and reporting capabilities into its EFIMS system. PAC may wish to inquire whether this is still being considered. 2. a) We note the outcome of work on this recommendation.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 1
Audit Office comments 2. b) NSW Police Force’s response to this recommendation in the audit report indicated that a legislative change may have been required to dispose of drug exhibits in a more timely manner. PAC may wish to get an update on this proposal, in particular whether legislative changes are needed, and when the work of the interagency working party is expected to be completed, and when it proposes to implement any changes recommended by the working party. 2. c) We note the progress made on this recommendation. PAC may wish to get an update on whether this has now been completed.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 2
Audit Office comments 3. PAC may wish to ask for an explanation of why there does not appear to have been more progress on this recommendation. In response to the audit report, the NSW Police Force had indicated a completion date of June 2013 for the consultation process with FASS. 4. We note the progress made on this recommendation. PAC may wish to get an update on how many facilities across the state are authorised by EPA for the destruction of drug exhibits, and what has been the outcome of the exhibit bag research conducted by UTS.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 3
Audit Office comments 5. We note the outcome of work on this recommendation.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 4
Audit Office comments 6. We note progress made on this recommendation. PAC may wish to understand how NSW Police Force intends to finalise and promulgate the changes to these policies and procedures, particularly as the audit report found some non-adherence to relevant legislation and SOPs. 7. We note the outcome of work on this recommendation. 8. We note the outcome of work on this recommendation. 9. We note progress made on this recommendation. PAC may wish to get an update on whether this has now been completed.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 5
Audit Office comments 10. PAC may wish to ask for an explanation of why there does not appear to have been more progress on this recommendation. In response to the audit report, the NSW Police Force had indicated that it would ensure all vehicles and vessels are recorded in EFIMS by June 2013. 11. We note the outcome of work on this recommendation. PAC may wish to understand how NSW Police Force intends to ensure contract holding yards are inspected as required, particularly as the audit report found some non- adherence to this requirement.
Report No 227 – Managing drug exhibits and other high profile goods – NSW Police Force – PAC submission No 7 6
Report No. 225 - Monitoring Local Government PAC submission No 8 Implementation of Recommendations - Office of Local Government, Department of Planning and Environment Overview I’m encouraged that the Office of Local Government (OLG) accepted all of the audit’s recommendations and is making progress in implementing them. The main achievements to date have been the:
• June 2013 amendment of the Local Government Act 1993, which enhanced the ability of the Minister to intervene when councils are dysfunctional or failing to meet their legal obligations. The Minister is currently exercising this power in respect of one local government authority.
• October 2013 release of Comparative information on NSW local government 2011-12, which is beginning to present information about the sector and individual councils in a more accessible way. OLG is working with councils to develop indicators to improve future performance reporting on finance, asset management, governance and service delivery
• January 2014 release of the Improvement of Intervention Framework, which provides OLG with a transparent approach for appropriate, targeted and proportionate improvement and intervention strategies in respect of councils
The Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) advises that some of our recommended timeframes have not been met for two reasons. Firstly, it needs to take into account the work of the NSW Independent Local Government Review Panel and the Local Government Acts Taskforce. This work was informed by our audit and other reviews undertaken by the Government. The Panel and the Taskforce re leased their respective reports for public comment in early January 2014. OLG is consulting the sector about these reports and expects that consultation to culminate in a number of reforms including a new local Government Act in 2015-16. Secondly, OLG is consulting councils to improve performance measurement and reporting frameworks. We recognise that effective consultation takes time and needs to take into account the diversity of councils. However, it is important that these initiatives be progressed to ensure greater accountability, as NSW councils continue to be subject to less public scrutiny than other councils in Australia. As the Department will not finalise its reform agenda until after further consultation occurs, we rate the implementation of many recommendations as in progress.
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 1
Report No 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Implementation of recommendations Office of Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment PAC submission No 8
DATE STATUS and COMMENT Audit Office comments
1 By September 2013 the Division of Local Government should propose amendments to the Local Government Act 1993, or consider other initiatives, that clarify who monitors councils to ensure compliance with the Act
ACCEPTED To be considered as part of the review of the Local Government Act.
2015/16 The final reports of the Independent Local Government Review Panel and the Local Government Acts Taskforce have been released for public comment. Both reports envisage the need for legislative change. The Reports are currently being considered by the Government.
Progress We welcome the Government’s major review of the Local Government Act. The PAC may wish to request further information on when Government consideration of the reports will be complete.
2 By September 2013 the Division of Local Government should propose amendments to the Local Government Act 1993, or consider other initiatives, that strengthen public reporting on the financial viability of councils and the efficiency and effectiveness of council performance.
ACCEPTED 2(a) Treasury Corporation (TCorp) financial assessments for all councils have been finalised and available on OLG website.
2(b) OLG is developing a new suite of performance indicators to provide a balanced picture of council performance.
Complete 2014/15
Progress The TCorp assessments improved information on council viability. However, we note that the infrastructure backlog data used by TCorp was unaudited.
The Indicators are being developed in consultation with the sector, NSW agencies and other experts.
The PAC may wish to request further information on progress in improving performance information.
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 2
STATUS and COMMENT Audit Office comments
The new indicators will cover the areas of financial performance, asset management, community leadership and service delivery. The indicators will be incorporated in a new "Your Council" publication.
2(c) Amendment s to be considered as part of a new Local Government Act.
2015/ 16
The measures will be tested with a pilot group of councils.
The final report of the Independent Local Government Review Panel recommends that the NSW Auditor-General takes responsibility for local government audits. The Government is currently considering the report.
We suggest that the PAC request further information on progress in establishing pilots for the new indicators.
Progress We note that councils play an important role in implementing State programs. The exclusion of councils from our mandate has limited the scope of some recent and planned audits including Regional Road Funding (May 2014) and the audits underway into managing land contamination and regional water infrastructure. The PAC may wish to request further information on when Government consideration of the report will be complete.
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 3
STATUS and COMMENT Audit Office comments
3 By September 2013 the Division of Local Government should propose amendments to the Local Government Act 1993,or consider other initiatives, that empower DLG to make directions such as requiring councils to have an Audit and Risk Committee , an internal audit function and fraud control procedures.
ACCEPTED To be considered in the proposed new Local Government Act.
2015/ 16 The Independent Local Government Review Panel Report (Rec 22) recommends strengthening requirements for internal auditing. The Government is currently considering the report.
Progress We welcome the Government’s review. The PAC may wish to request further information on when Government consideration of the report and its recommendations will be complete. The PAC may also wish to ask OLG about using its existing powers to direct individual councils to improve internal audit functions
4 By September 2013 the Division of Local Government should propose amendments to the Local Government Act 1993,or consider other initiatives, that include a suite of penalties for non- compliance with legislative requirements and DLG directives .
ACCEPTED New early intervention powers contained in the Local Government Act commenced on 25 June 2013.
Complete The provisions include ministerial power to issue a performance improvement order and power to suspend councillors and appoint an interim Administrator.
Completed and implemented
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 4
STATUS and COMMENT Audit Office comments
5 The Division of Local Government complete its work to establish a risk- based framework for assessing council performance and determining how to respond to performance issues by February 2013.
ACCEPTED The Office's Improvement & Intervention Framework has been developed and is available on the Office's website: www
Complete Completed We suggest that PAC seek information from OLG about its successes and challenges in implementing the framework.
The Division of Local Government complete its work to establish improved measures to identify councils at financial risk by July 2013.
ACCEPTED 6 The OLG Financial Risk matrix will be reviewed and made available on its website. This work will follow finalisation of: a) The Performance
Measurement Framework, which is scheduled to be completed by June 2015
b) a new Financial Sustainability Program. This Program aims to utilise current resources in a more efficient and effective way to improve the sustainability of the local government sector.
June 2015 The Financial Sustainability Program is being developed in consultation with local government stakeholders. Roll-out of the Program is subject to the Government 's consideration of the Panel and Taskforce Reports.
Partial progress While we recognize the importance of a consultative approach, OLG needs to address threats to council viability expeditiously. The PAC may wish to request further information on when Government consideration of the reports will be complete.
The Division of local Government complete its work to establish non-financial performance indicators for councils so it can monitor how well they are delivering services by July 2013.
ACCEPTED Performance Measurement Framework is currently in development. It will be a suite of performance indicators for the following areas: • Community Leadership • Financial Performance • Asset Management • Service Delivery
June 2015 The indicators are being developed in consultation with the Local Government sector and other stakeholders. Next steps will include piloting the measures and considering legislative change. The indicators will be published in “Your Council” which will take the place of the Comparative Information publication (see 2c above).
Progress. We suggest that the PAC request further information on progress in developing and piloting the Performance Measurement Framework.
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 5
STATUS and COMMENT Audit Office comments
8 The Division of Local Government complete its work to establish systems to better use the data it has to identify sector wide trends and risks by July 2013.
ACCEPTED The Comparative Information publication has been overhauled and a new publication produced for the 2011/12 period that makes better use of existing data. This publication will continue to be refined and improved.
Complete An internal group has been established to share information, identify trends and consider improvement and intervention for individual councils. This group considers intervention options under the Improvement and Intervention Framework. The Group’s work is informed by complaints data and media monitoring.
Progress The most recent Comparative Information publication is a marked improvement which OLG is committed to further improve. We suggest that PAC may wish to request further information on OLG’s use of data to identify sector wide trends and risks.
Report 225 – Monitoring Local Government – Department of Planning and Environment – PAC submission No 8 6
Submision No 9 cover page
Submission No 9
Submission No 9
Submission No 9a

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