fly pitcher presentation p k n cape town 26 03 09

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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fly-pitch slang, a street pitch; hence fly-pitcher, one who operates a fly-pitch, a street-trader. 

1934 Evening News 9 July 11/2 There are the ‘*fly pitches’, spots..where the cheap-jacks take their stand... The most famous is at the foot of the Irving statue at the side of the National

Portrait Gallery. Whenever you see a really big crowd collected at this spot you can be sure that one or other of the familiar *fly-pitchers of London is doing his stuff. It may be the coloured

Prince of Tipsters, proving vehemently that he..holds the secret of making money out of racing. 1939 J. B. PRIESTLEY Let People Sing x. 256 ‘Bin workin' a fly pitch in the Sat'day gaff,’ said

Micky Barnet. 1965 Sun 26 Oct. 7/6 Charlie one of the two dozen or so licensed chestnut men in London. There are others, called ‘fly pitchers’, who sell without a licence.

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