flow tek

Post on 09-Feb-2016






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Ball valve selection guide


FlMek,A Subsidiory of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, lnc.



BALL VALVESELECTION GUIDE3-PiecelFlongedlMulti-PortlThreodedllnstrumentlCommerciol lV-Conirol lCryogenic

5000 & 6000 SERIES

Full Pert 1/r" lhrough 4"


Fuli Pori 1/a" through 4"

Stsnd,:rrei Port 3/a" through 2 Vz"

&Acterials Stoinless Steel & Corbon Steel

Pressure Rcriingr Full Port: 2200 psi WOGStondord PorI:2200 psi WOGFP & SP: vp to 425 psi WSP

Feotures include live looded Smort Siem seols through 2", o

redundont body seol design, onti-stotic protection ond locking

sofety hondles. Hex heod cop screws ioin end connections to the

topped center section. Speciol body ond trim moteriols ovoiloble

r Fire sofe to API 602

. Designed in occordoncewith ASME B16.34

. ISO 52ll Secure Mountoctuofor top flonge


lr:be Bore Fort 1/r" lhrough 2"



7000 & 8000 SERIES

Full Ferl 1/r" lhrough 12"


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ldoteric:ls 2000 Stoinless Steel

8000 Corbon Steel

Merterisls 5000 Stoinless Steel

6000 Corbon Steel

Vi:lve Sizes 1/2" lhrough 4"

iAcieriais Stoinless Steel

Pre:sure Rolings 1/t"-4": 1000 psi WOG

Specificolly designed for high purityopplicotions. The boll ond end connec-tions hove the some l.D. os ihe tubepiping sysfem. Volves come stondordwith 20 RA moximum (SFV-1) surfocefinishes ond oll ore solution cleoned ondbogged. Feotures include live loodedSmort Stem seols through 21/2" ondlocking sofety hondles.

. Comply with ASME BPE

. USP Closs lV soft goods

. ISO 52ll l/r"-2"1Secure Mounioctuotor top flonge

Fressur'* 1/t"-4": 1000 psi WOGRelingr 6"-12":400 psi WOG

Feotures include live looded Smort Stem

seols through 21/2" , onli-slolic proiectionond locking sofety hondles. These volvesore olso ovoiloble with covity filler seots

for speciol service requirements. Speciolbody ond trim moteriols ovoiloble.

. ISO 52ll Secure Mountoctuotor top flonge

(( (

Fressure 1/t"-2": 1000 psi WOGRetingi 21/2"-4":800 psi WOG

All the benefits of o 3 Piece body designot on economicol price. Feotures include oswing out center section for eose of instol-lotion ond mointenonce, odiustoble stem

pocking, heovy duty internol entry stems

ond stoinless steel sofety locking hondles.

. ISO 52ll Secure Mountociuotor top flonge

3 PIECE - STANDARD END CONNECTIONS ro..r.ro m end connections contoct your Flow-Tek representative

Ihr,eoddd, rBut Weld :'Eitended Weld Socket Weld , Flongedrr Weld Tube Quick Clormp

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Multi-Port boll volves offer o wide rongeof flow potterns: 90' ond

,l80' T & L port

3-woy bolls, ond 90', lB0' ond 270'4-woy bolls. Feotures include o 4th seotto prevent leokoge ond mointoin properboll olignment, live looded stem seol ondlocking hondles.

Ported 3 & 4-woy boll volves offeringexcellent versotility for mixing onddiverting opplicotions.

. ISO 521 I Secure Mountoctuotor top flonge

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Moieriols Stoinless Steel

Pressure 1/t"-11/a": I 000 psi WOGRoiings 1Vz"-2":800 psi WOG

230 & 240 SERTES

1/d" through 4" 230 - 3 Woyl'ull Pcrt 240 - AWoy

Mcrteriols Stoinless Steel

& Corbon Steel

Fressure 1/t"-1": 1000 psi WOGRotingl: 11/.r"-4":800 psi WOG


i'uNl Pcrt MPF150 up to 10"MPF300 up to 6"

Maieriols Stoinless Steel

& Corbon Steel

Pressure MPFl50: ASME Closs I50Rctings MPF300: ASME Closs 300

r End connections designedto ASME 16.5

MULTI-PORT - STANDARD END CONNECTIONS ro. cusrom end connections contocr your FlowTek representot'ive

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BeCy 2 Piece

Fuil Fort Vz" through 3"

Moteriols Stoinless Steel

Pressure Rctings \rz"-3": 1000 psi WOG/l5Opsi WSG

Designed for eose of outomotion, feotures include live loodedSmort Stem seols through 2", onti-stotic profection, reploceobleseots ond seols, ond sofety lotch hondles.

. ISO 52ll Secure Mount octuotor top flonge

SBO SERIESBody 2 Piece


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v SZO & S9O SERIESBody 2 Piece

S2O SERIESBody I Piece

Full Pcrt 1/t" lhrough 4" Stondord Port 1/r" through 3" Redueed Port 1/a" lhrouqh 2"Moteriols Sioinless Steel A,{oteriols SZ0 Stoinless Steel

S90 Corbon SteelPressurre 1/t"-4": 1000 psiRotings WOG/15OpsiWSG

Series S80 boll volves hove been de-signed to meet the needs of the chemicol,textile ond process industries. An econom-icol full port volve feoturing odiustoblestem pocking, sofety lotch hondles, ondoptionol ovol hondles.

. Optionol seol welded body


Pressure 1/a"-1": 20OO psi WOGRotings 11/t"-2": 1500 psi WOG

2Yz"-3": 1000 psi WOG15OpsiWSG

An economicol soluiion for high pressureopplicotions in the process industry. Feoturesinclude odiustoble stem pocking, integrollycosi octuotor mounting pod, sofety lotchhondles, ond optionol ovol hondles.

Moiericrls Stoinless Steel

Pressure Rotings 1/t"-2": 1000 psi WOG/15Opsi WSG

An economicol, compoct, one piece body design thot suppliesmoximum sfructurol strength while reducing leok poths. Feqturesinclude low operoting torque ond sofety lotch hondles. Opiionolovol ond wing hondles ore ovoiloble

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Body I Piece

Reduced Pori 1/a" through 2"

Moieriols Stoinless Steel

Pressure 1/t"-2": 2OOO psiRotings WOG/l50psiWSG

One piece body design supplies moxi-mum structurol strength while reducingIeok poths. Feotures include live loodedstem seols, sofety lotch hondles, ondoptionol ovol hondles.

o Con be furnished Fire sofe to API 607






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Mcieriols Bross

Pressure Ratings 1/.t" -2": 600 psi WOG21h"-4"'.400 psiWOG1/t" -4"'. 150 psi WSP

End Connectior:s NPT Threoded


TNSTRUMENTATIoNVALVES V:3 Piece Sociy Vq" lhrough 1"

M<.rteriois Stoinless Steel

Pressure Rcrtings HP: 6000 psi WOGHX:

,l0,000 psi WOG

3HP: 6000 psiWOG

[nd Conneciiens NPT Threoded


2 Pieee Body 1/t" through 4"

l5' SloitedJU90"


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Volves Series Sizes Avoiloble

2000/8000 Vt'-12"

Triod Vz'-4'

Fl 5/F30 Vz"-12"

RFr5/RF30 1"-12',

When combined with Flow-Tek's

line of Pneumotic ond Electric Ac-tuotors ond controls, the V-Controldelivers exceptionol performonce.


30. 4a' 50'


With chorocterized V-ports, slot-

ted ports or cusiom ports, V-Con-

hol Boll Volves provide occuroteflow control. Avolloble in 3-Piece

ond Flonged bodies, V-Control

volves offer superior rongeobil-ity, repeotobility ond hlgh flowcopocity. These quorter turn

volves ore eosily outomoted ondmoke on ideol control element inprocess piping systems.

Round Bore

90" V Port

60 \/ lori

30'V Port

l5 VPori

e l

ffi6 I FlowIek" irAr.yi srt.lrcin GriDr

60' 70' 80' 90'


Output Torque: 50 to 44,'l30 lb-in ot 80 psi

Rock & pinion, opposed-piston pneumofic octuotors ore self contoined with integrol

internol porting. Units ore suitoble for both on/off ond throtiling opplicotions'

. Double Acting Rototion: 90o, 135', I 80" & Spring Return Roiotion: 90'

. Supply pressure up to 145 psi (10 bor)

. Temperoture Ronge: -20"F l-29"C1 to +200"F (+95"C)


Output Torque: 300 to '18,000 lb-in

This design offers greotly reduced spoce requirements, lighter weight ond eose ofinsiollotion ond mqintenonce.

. Designed lo meet NEMA 4, 4x llP 65) or NEMA 4,4x,7,9

. 120 or 220 VAC single phose permonent split-copocitor reversible induciion UL

listed motor, 24YDC motor optionol

. 90o reversible rototion

o Temperoture Ronge: -40'F (-40"C) to +,l50'F (+65"C)

Outpui Torque..."...... .............5,3'10 to 20,000 lb-in

Opiions: .. Locking Device, Choin Wheels, Horizontol Flog lndicotor, 2" Squore

lnput Drive Nut, Greose Fiiting & Flow Pottern lndicotors for Mulitport Volves

Feoture o ductile iron housing, oluminum bronze geor segment ond one piece

steel worm geor input shoft with topered roller beorings on both ends.

Adiusioble trovel st,cps provide precise odlustmeni in both open ond closed

positions. Housings ore seoled ond weother proof to fully isolote internol ports

from otmospheric conditions.


Spring Return (Deodmon) Hondles ore monufoctured from heovy duty stoinless

steel components to withstond frequent doily use in refueling, sompling, droins,

ond other OSHA opplicotions thot require positive sofety closure of o monuol

volve. Eoch SRH Hondle hos o stondord locking device.

Avoiloble in three sizes ihqt mount directly to the rugged investment cost ISO

52,l 1 mounting pods on compotible Flow-Tek lull or stondord port boll volves.

llq^fisl<.A Subsidiory of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, lnc.

8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Housion, Iexos77041832.912.230A Fox 832.912.2301www.flowJek.com

All slotemenls, technicol informotion, ond recommendolions in this

bulletin ore for generol use only. Consult FlowTek representotives

or foctory for thl specific requirements ond moteriol seleclion foryour intended opplicotion. The rightto chonge or modifyproductdesign or product without prior notice is reserved.

Flow-Tek@ is o registered trodemork of Flow-Tek, lnc.

@ 2013 Flow-Tek, lnc.F-2 I 0r _EN_VSG_2o',I 3-05

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