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Post on 26-Mar-2020






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Flora of Southwest Nature Preserve (SWNP), Arlington Plant List Compiled by Jeff Quayle, contributions by Jeff Quayle-JQ (CTMN), Sonnia Hill-SH, Jan Miller-JM (CTMN), Bob O’Kennon-RO (BRIT) & Jim Varnum-JV (NTMN) SWNP ID: RO=Bob O’Kennon, JQ=Jeff Quayle, JV=Jim Varnum, JM=Jan Miller, RN=Robert Neill Updated 21 February 2016 426 species





Acanthaceae Dyschoriste linearis var. linearis Snake Herb NP ++++5678910++++ Light Purple x RO Acanthaceae Ruellia humilis Prairie Petunia NP +++456789++++++ Light Purple x RO Adoxaceae Caprifoliaceae Sambucus nigra ssp.

canadensis Elderberry NP ++++56+++++++++ White x JQ

Adoxaceae Caprifoliaceae Viburnum rufidulum Rusty Blackhaw NP ++34+++++++++++ White x JQ Amaranthaceae Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator Weed IP ++345678+++++++ Silvery white x JV Amaranthaceae Amaranthus tuberculatus=rudis Tamarix Amaranth NA +++45678910++++ Green/White x JV Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album Lambsquarters IA +++456789++++++ White x JQ, JV,

RO ?

Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium berlandieri var. berlandieri

Pit-Seed Goosefoot NA ++++++789++++++ x RO, JQ ?

Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium murale Nettleleaf Goosefoot IA ++++++789++++++ ? JQ Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium

simplex=hybridum var. gigantospermum

Mapleleaf Goosefoot NA +++++678+++++++ ? JQ, JV

Amaranthaceae Chenopodiaceae Dysphania ambrosioides=Chenopodium

Wormseed IAP +++++++891011++ White x RO, JQ, JV

Amaranthaceae Froelichia floridana Field Snake Cotton NA +++++678910++++ White x RO, JQ x

Amaranthaceae Froelichia gracilis Slender Snake Cotton NA +++++678910++++ White x RO x

Amaryllidaceae Liliaceae Narcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil IP +F3++++++++++++ Yellow x Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae=Liliaceae Nothoscordum bivalve Crow-Poison NP +F345+++910++++ White x Anacardiaceae Rhus copallinum Flameleaf Sumac NP +++++67++++++++ Inconspicuous x RO, JQ x

Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac NP ++++5++++++++++ Inconspicuous x RO, JQ x

Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron pubescens (fruits white-yellowish gray, leaflets w/ broad, brunt apex)

Atlantic Poison Oak/Ivy NP +++45++++++++++ Inconspicuous x RO x

Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron radicans ssp. Eastern Poison Ivy NP +++45++++++++++ White x JQ

negundo (fruits white-yellowish gray, leaflets w/ narrowed apex)

Apiaceae Ammoselinum popei Plains Sand Parsley NA ++345++++++++++ White x RO Apiaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri var.

tainturieri Smooth Chervil NA ++34+++++++++++ White x RO,


Apiaceae Daucus pusillus Southwestern Carrot IA +++456+++++++++ White x JQ Apiaceae Limnosciadium pumilum Prairie Dogshade NA ++++56+++++++++ White ? RJO Apiaceae Polytaenia nuttallii Nuttall's Prairie Parsley NP +++45++++++++++ Yellow x RO, JQ Apiaceae Ptilimnium nuttallii Nuttall's Mock Bishop's

Weed NA +++4567++++++++ White x RO

Apiaceae Sanicula canadensis Canada Sanicle NP +++456+++++++++ White x RO, JQ Apiaceae Spermolepis divaricata Forked Scaleseed NA +++456+++++++++ White x RO Apiaceae Spermolepis echinata Bristly Scaleseed NA ++345++++++++++ White x RO Apiaceae Spermolepis inermis Spreading Scaleseed NA +++45++++++++++ White x RO Apiaceae Torilis arvensis Hedge Parsley IA +++456+++++++++ White x JQ Apiaceae Torilis nodosa Knotted Hedge-Parsley IA +++456+++++++++ White x RO Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum Dogbane NP +++4567++++++++ White x JQ, JV Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Asclepias asperula ssp.

capricornu Antelope Horns NP +++45678910++++ White x

5/30/15 JQ

Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior Butterfly Weed NP ++++567++++++++ Yellowish-Orange

x JM x

Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed NP ++++567++++++++ White x RO, JQ x

Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Asclepias viridis Green Milkweed NP +++456+++++++++ Green x JQ, RO Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Gonolobus suberosus=Matelea

gonocarpus Anglepod NP ++++56+++++++++ Purple/Brown x RO

Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Matelea cynanchoides Milkvine NP +++45678+++++++ Dark Greenish Brown

x JQ, JV x

Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua Possum Haw NP ++345++++++++++ White x JQ Aquifoliaceae Ilex vomitoria Yaupon NP +++4+++++++++++ White x RO x

Araliaceae Apiaceae Hydrocotyle verticullata var. verticullata

Umbrella Pennywort NP ++++5678910++++ Yellowish-Green/White

x RO

Asparagaceae Agavaceae Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia Curve Leaf Yucca NP ++++56+++++++++ White x JQ Asparagaceae Agavaceae Yucca necopina Glen Rose Yucca NPE-

NCT ++++5++++++++++ White S1S2 x RO, JQ x

Asteraceae Achillea millefolium White Yarrow NP +++45++++++++++ White x JQ Asteraceae Amblyolepis setigera Huisache Daisy NA ++3456+++++++++ Yellow x 11/2 JQ Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed NA +++++++891011++ Inconspicuous x JV

Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya=cumanensis

Western Ragweed NP +++++++891011++ Inconspicuous x JQ x

Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida Giant Ragweed NP +++++++891011++ Inconspicuous x JV Asteraceae Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax Large-Leaf Pussy Toes NP ++34+++++++++++ Grayish white x JQ Asteraceae Aphanostephus skirrhobasis Arkansas Lazy Daisy NA +++456+++++++++ White x RO Asteraceae Aster ericoides var.

ericoides=Symphyotrichum Heath Aster NP ++++++++910++++ White x JV

Asteraceae Baccharis neglecta Roosevelt-Weed NP ++++++++91011++ White x JQ Asteraceae Baccharis texana Texas Baccharis NP +++++++8910++++ White S4 x RO Asteraceae Bidens frondosa Beggar Ticks NA ++++++++910++++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Bradburia

pilosa=Heterotheca=Chrysopsis Soft Golden Aster NA ++++5678910++++ Yellow x RO x

Asteraceae Carduus nutans Musk-Thistle IA +++456789++++++ Pink/Purple x 5/30/15


Asteraceae Chaetopappa asteroides Least Aster NA ++3456+++++++++ White x JQ x

Asteraceae Cirsium texanum Southern Thistle NP +++456+++++++++ Purple x JQ Asteraceae Cirsium undulatum Wavy-Leaf Thistle NP ++++567++++++++ Pink x JQ, JV Asteraceae Conyza canadensis var.

canadensis=Erigeron Hairy Horseweed NA ++++5678910++++ White x JV

Asteraceae Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis NP +++45++++++++++ Yellow x JQ, RJO

Asteraceae Coreopsis tinctoria Plains Coreopsis NA ++++56789++++++ Yellow x JQ, RJO

Asteraceae Crepis pulchra Showy Hawk's Beard IA ++++45+++++++++ Yellow x RO, JV x

Asteraceae Croptilon hookerianum var. validum

Scratch Daisy NA ++++++78910++++ Yellow x RO

Asteraceae Diaperia candida=Evax Silver Evax NA +++45++++++++++ Inconspicuous S3 x RO Asteraceae Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann's Daisy NP JF3456+++++++++ Yellow x JQ Asteraceae Erigeron strigosus var.

strigosus Prairie Fleabane NA +++456+++++++++ White S2 x RO x

Asteraceae Eupatorium serotinum White Boneset NP +++++67891011++ White x JQ Asteraceae Facelis retusa Facelis IA +++45++++++++++ Inconspicuous x RO, JQ Asteraceae Gaillardia aestivalis Prairie Gaillardia NA ++++567891011++ Red/Yellow x RO, JV x

Asteraceae Gamochaeta pensylvanica=Gnaphalium peregrinum

Pennsylvania Cudweed NA ++3456+++++++++ Whitish Gray x JQ

Asteraceae Gamochaeta purpurea=Gnaphalium purpureum

Spoon-Leaf Cudweed NA +++45++++++++++ Whitish Gray x RO, JV

Asteraceae Grindelia ciliata=papposa=Prionopsis ciliata

Saw-Leaf Daisy NA ++++++7891011++ Yellow x JQ

Asteraceae Gutierrezia texana var. texana Texas Broomweed NP ++++++7891011++ Yellow x JQ Asteraceae Helenium amarum var. amarum Yellow Bitterweed NA ++++567891011++ Yellow x JQ x

Asteraceae Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower NA ++++567891011++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian Sunflower NP +++++67891011++ Yellow x JV Asteraceae Heterotheca subaxillaris Camphorweed NA JF34567891011++ Yellow x JQ x

Asteraceae Hymenopappus artemisiifolius var. artemisiifolius

Ragweed Woollywhite NB +++456+++++++++ White x JQ x

Asteraceae Hypochaeris glabra Cat's Ear IA +F345++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Asteraceae Iva annua Marshelder NA ++++++++91011++ White/Brown x RO Asteraceae Iva asperifolia var. angustifolia Narrow-Leaf Marshelder NA ++++++++91011++ White/Brown x RO Asteraceae Krigia virginica Carolina Dwarf Dandelion NA ++34+++++++++++ Yellow x RO, JQ x

Asteraceae Lactuca canadensis Wild Lettuce NB ++++5678+++++++ White x RO Asteraceae Lactuca floridana Woodland Lettuce NA +++++++891011++ White x RO, JQ x

Asteraceae Lactuca ludoviciana Western Wild Lettuce NB +++45678+++++++ Yellowish x RO Asteraceae Lactuca serriola Prickly Lettuce IA +++45678+++++++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Liatris punctata var. mucronata Narrow-Leaf Gayfeather NP +++++++891011++ Lavender x JQ Asteraceae Packera obovata Golden Groundsel NP +F34+++++++++++ Yellow x RO, JV Asteraceae Packera plattensis=Senecio Prairie Groundsel NB ++345++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Asteraceae Packera tampicana=Senecio Groundsel NA ++345++++++++++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Palafoxia callosa Small Palafoxia NA ++++567891011++ Pink x RO Asteraceae Pluchea odorata Marsh Fleabane NA +++++++891011++ Pink x RO Asteraceae Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium Fragrant Cudweed NA ++++++7891011++ White x JQ Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Carolina False Dandelion NA +++456+++++++++ Yellow x JQ x

Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus=multicaulis

Texas Dandelion NA ++3456+++++++++ Yellow x RO

Asteraceae Ratibida columnifera Mexican-Hat NP +++45678910++++ Red/Yellow x Asteraceae Rudbeckia

amplexicaulis=Dracopis Clasping Coneflower NA ++++5++++++++++ Yellow x

5/30/15 JQ

Asteraceae Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima

Black-Eyed-Susan NA ++++567++++++++ Yellow x x

Asteraceae Senecio vulgaris Common Groundsel IA JF345++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Asteraceae Silphium radula var. radula Rough-Stem Rosenweed NP +++++67++++++++ Yellow S2 x JV

Asteraceae Solidago altissima ssp. altissima=canadensis var. scabra

Common Goldenrod NP +++++67891011++ Yellow x RO, JQ

Asteraceae Solidago petiolaris Downy Goldenrod NP ++++++++91011++ Yellow x RO, JQ Asteraceae Solidago radula Rough Goldenrod NP +++++++891011++ Yellow x RO, JQ Asteraceae Solidago ulmifolia var.

microphylla Elm-Leaf Goldenrod NP ++++++7891011++ Yellow x RO

Asteraceae Sonchus asper Prickly Sow-Thistle IA ++3456+++++++++ Yellow x Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow Thistle IA ++3456+++++++++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Taraxacum laevigatum Red Seed Dandelion IP JF3456+++++++12 Yellow x RO Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion IP JF3456789101112 Yellow x x

Asteraceae Tetragonotheca ludoviciana Sawtooth Nerveray NP ++++5678+++++++ Yellow x 5/30/15

JQ x

Asteraceae Tetraneuris linearifolia=Hymenoxys

Slender Leaf Daisy NA ++34567++++++++ Yellow x RO x

Asteraceae Thelesperma filifolium var. filifolium

Greenthread NP +++456+++++++++ Yellow x JV

Asteraceae Tragopogon dubius Goat's-Beard IA *F3456+++++++++ Yellow x RO Asteraceae Verbesina encelioides Cowpen Daisy NA ++++567891011++ Yellow x JQ, JV Asteraceae Vernonia baldwinii Western Ironweed NP +++++6789++++++ Purple x Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur NA ++++++7891011++ x Berberidaceae Nandina domestica Heavenly-Bamboo IP ++++56+++++++++ Creamy-White x JQ x

Boraginaceae Lithospermum incisum Puccoon NP ++34+++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Boraginaceae Myosotis macrosperma Spring Forget Me Not NA +++45++++++++++ White x RO, JQ Boraginaceae Myosotis verna Early Forget Me Not NA +++45++++++++++ White x RO Brassicaceae Boechera canadensis=Arabis Sicklepod NP ++++56+++++++++ White/Yellow

white x RO, JQ

Brassicaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's-Purse IA JF345++++++++++ White x 11/2 RN Brassicaceae Cardamine parviflora var.

arenicola Sand Bittercress NA +F34+++++++++++ White x RO, JQ

Brassicaceae Descurainia pinnata ssp. pinnata

Yellow Tansy Mustard NAB +F34+++++++++++ Yellow/White x RO, JQ

Brassicaceae Lepidium austrinum Southern Pepperweed NA ++345++++++++++ White x JQ Brassicaceae Lepidium virginicum var.

virginicum Virginia Pepper-Grass NA ++345++++++++++ White x JQ

Brassicaceae Rapistrum rugosum Bastard Cabbage IA JF345++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Cactaceae Escobaria missouriensis var.

similis=Coryphantha Plains Nipple Cactus NP +++4+++++++++++ Yellow x JV

Cactaceae Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri

Texas Prickly-Pear NP ++++56+++++++++ Yellow x

Cactaceae Opuntia humifusa=compressa Eastern Prickly-Pear NP +++456+++++++++ Yellow x JQ, JV Callitrichaceae Callitriche heterophylla Large Waterwort NA ++34+++++++++++ x RJO Campanulaceae Triodanis leptocarpa Slimpod Venus Looking

Glass NA ++++56+++++++++ Blue Purple x JQ

Campanulaceae Triodanis perfoliata=perfoliata var. perfoliata

Venus'-Looking-Glass NA +++45++++++++++ Purple x

Cannabaceae Ulmaceae Celtis laevigata Texas Sugar Hackberry NP ++34+++++++++++ NA x Cannabaceae Ulmaceae Celtis reticulata Net-Leaf Hackberry NP ++34+++++++++++ NA x x

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera fragrantissima Sweet-Breath-of-Spring IP JF34+++++++++++ White x JQ, RJO, JV

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle IP ++34567++++++++ White/Yellow x x

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera maackii Bush/Amur Honeysuckle IP ++3++++++++++++ White/Yellow ? JQ Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sempervirens Coral Honeysuckle NP JF34+++++++++++ Red x JQ Caprifoliaceae Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Coralberry NP +++++678+++++++ Pink x JQ Caryophyllaceae Loeflingia squarrosa Loefingia NA +++45++++++++++ x RO Caryophyllaceae Petrorhagia dubia Childing Pink IA +++456+++++++++ Pink to Purple x RO,


Caryophyllaceae Silene gallica Common Catchfly x RO, SH

Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media Common Chickweed IA JF34+++++++++++ White x Cistaceae Helianthemum georgianum Georgia Sun-Rose NP ++++56+++++++++ Yellow x JQ x

Cistaceae Helianthemum rosmarinifolium Rosemary Sun-Rose NP ++++567++++++++ Yellow x RO Cistaceae Lechea mucronata Hairy Pinweed NP +++++67++++++++ Reddish Purple x RO x

Cistaceae Lechea san-sabeana San Saba Pinweed NPE +++456+++++++++ Reddish Purple S4 x RO Cistaceae Lechea tenuifolia Narrow-Leaf Pinweed NP ++++567++++++++ Yellow x RO x

Commelinaceae Commelina erecta var. erecta Widow's Tears NP ++++56++910++++ Blue x x

Commelinaceae Tradescantia occidentalis Western Spiderwort NP +++456+++++++++ Blue x RO Commelinaceae Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort NP ++3456+++++++++ Blue x x

Commelinaceae Tradescantia tharpii Tharp's Spiderwort NP ++34+++++++++++ Deep Rose or Purple/Blue

x JQ

Cornaceae Cornus drummondii Rough-Leaf Dogwood NP ++++5++++++++++ White x Cucurbitaceae Ibervillea lindheimeri Balsam Gourd NP +++456789++++++ Yellow x JQ Cupressaceae Juniperus ashei Ash Juniper NP ++3++++++++++++ x RO, JQ

Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar NP ++3++++++++++++ Inconspicuous x x

Cyperaceae Bulbostylis capillaris Hair Sedge NA +++++6789++++++ x RO x

Cyperaceae Carex cherokeensis Cherokee Caric Sedge NP +++45++++++++++ x RO Cyperaceae Carex muehlenbergii var.

muehlenbergii Muhlenberg Sedge NP +++45678+++++++ x RO

Cyperaceae Carex planostachys Cedar Sedge NP ++345++++++++++ x RO Cyperaceae Carex reniformis Kidney Sedge NP ++++56+++++++++ x RO Cyperaceae Carex retroflexa Reflexed-Fruit Caric

Sedge NP ++345++++++++++ x RO

Cyperaceae Carex tetrastachya=brittoniana Four Angle Caric Sedge NP ++345++++++++++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus acuminatus Taper Leaf Flat Sedge NP ++++5678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus croceus Baldwin Flatsedge NP ++++5678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus echinatus=ovularis Globe Flatsedge NP ++++5678910++++ x RO x

Cyperaceae Cyperus esculentus Yellow Nutsedge NP ++++++7891011++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus lupulinus=filiculmis Slender Flatsedge NP ++345678910++++ x RO x

Cyperaceae Cyperus pseudovegetus False Vigorous Flat Sedge NP +++++678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus retroflexus Oneflower Flatsedge NP ++++5678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Cyperus retrorsus Twisted Flat Sedge NP +++++678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Eleocharis atropurpurea Purple Spike Rush NA x RO Cyperaceae Eleocharis montevidensis Sand Spike Rush NP ++3456+++++++++ x RO Cyperaceae Eleocharis obtusa Blunt Spike Rush NA +++45678910++++ x RO Cyperaceae Eleocharis palustris Largespike Spike Rush NP ++++56+++++++++ x RO Ebenaceae Diospyros virginiana Eastern Persimmon NP +++456+++++++++ Yellow x JQ Ericaceae Vaccinium arboreum Sparkle-Berry/Farkle-Berry NP ++345++++++++++ White x JQ Euphorbiaceae Acalypha gracilens Slender Copperleaf NA +++++678910++++ Red x RO, JQ x

Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus texanus Texas Bull Nettle NP +++4567++++++++ White x x

Euphorbiaceae Croton capitatus=var. lindheimeri

Woolly Croton NA +++++678910++++ Green/White x RO

Euphorbiaceae Croton glandulosus var. glandulosus

Lindheimer Croton NA +++++678910++++ Green/White x RO x

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia dentata Toothed Spurge NA ++++5678910++++ White x JQ x

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tetrapora Weak Euphorbia NA ++345++++++++++ White x RO Euphorbiaceae Tragia betonicifolia Betony Noseburn NP ++++56++910++++ x JQ, JV Fabaceae Acmispon americanus var.

americanus=Lotus unifoliolatus Pursh's Deer Vetch NA ++++567++++++++ White/Pink x

Fabaceae Albizia julibrissin Mimosa/Silktree IP ++++56+++++++++ Pink x 5/30/15

JQ x

Fabaceae Astragalus distortus var. engelmannii

Engelmann's Milk Vetch NP ++345++++++++++ Pink-Purple, Lilac-White

x RO, JQ

Fabaceae Astragalus nuttallianus var. nuttallianus

Small Flowered Milk Vetch NA ++3456+++++++++ Pink to Purple x JQ

Fabaceae Baptisia nuttalliana Nuttall's Wild Indigo NP +++45++++++++++ Cream Yellow x RO x

Fabaceae Centrosema virginianum Butterfly-Pea NP +++++6789++++++ Lite Purple x RO x

Fabaceae Cercis canadensis var. canadensis

Eastern Redbud NP ++34+++++++++++ Maroon x ?

Fabaceae Chamaecrista fasciculata=Cassia=Senna

Partridge Pea NA ++++5678910++++ Yellow x JV x

Fabaceae Clitoria mariana Pigeon Wings NP ++++56789++++++ Lite Purple x RO x

Fabaceae Dalea compacta var. pubescens

Showy Purple Prairie-Clover

NP ++++567++++++++ Purple x 5/30 15


Fabaceae Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois Bundleflower NP ++++56+++++++++ White x JV Fabaceae Galactia volubilis=regularis Downy Milk-Pea NP ++++56789++++++ Pink x JQ, RO x

Fabaceae Gleditsia triacanthos Common Honey-Locust NP +++4+++++++++++ x Fabaceae Lathyrus hirsutus Singletary-Pea IA +++45++++++++++ Purple/Pink x Fabaceae Lespedeza procumbens (stem

hairs spreading) Trailing Bush Clover NP ++++56789++++++ Rosy Lav. to Pur x ?

Fabaceae Lespedeza repens (stem hairs appressed)

Creeping Bush Clover NP ++++56789++++++ Purple x ?

Fabaceae Lespedeza stuevei Tall Bush-Clover NP ++++56789++++++ Lav. Pink to Rose-Pur.

x x

Fabaceae Lespedeza virginica Slender Bush Clover NP +++++6789++++++ Purple x Fabaceae Lupinus texensis Texas Bluebonnet NAE ++345++++++++++ Blue x Fabaceae Medicago arabica Spotted Bur Clover IA ++34+++++++++++ Yellow x JQ Fabaceae Medicago minima Bur Clover IA JF345++++++++++ Yellow x Fabaceae Medicago orbicularis Button Clover IA +++456+++++++++ Yellow x Fabaceae Melilotus albus White Sweet Clover IA +++45++++++++++ White x Fabaceae Melilotus indicus Yellow Sour-Clover IA +++45++++++++++ Yellow x Fabaceae Mimosa roemeriana=Schrankia Sensitive Briar NP +++45++++++++++ Pink x Fabaceae Neptunia lutea Yellow Puff NP ++++56+++++++++ Yellow x Fabaceae Pediomelum digitatum Palm-Leaf Scurf-Pea NP ++++567++++++++ Lite Purple x x

Fabaceae Pediomelum hypogaeum var. hypogaeum

Edible Scurf Pea NP ++345++++++++++ Purple/Lavender x JQ, RO

Fabaceae Pediomelum hypogaeum var. scaposum

Edible Scurf Pea NPE ++345++++++++++ Lavender-Purple x JQ, RO x

Fabaceae Pediomelum latestipulatum var. latestipulatum

Scurf-Pea NPE +++45++++++++++ Lite Purple x

Fabaceae Pediomelum linearifolium Wand Psoralea NP ++++56+++++++++ Lite Purple x Fabaceae Pediomelum rhombifolium Round-Leaf Scurvy-Pea NP ++++567++++++++ Red/Brown x RO x

Fabaceae Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa

Honey Mesquite NP +++45++++++++++ Yellow White x JQ

Fabaceae Psoralidium tenuiflorum Slender Scurvy-Pea NP +++4567++++++++ Lite Purple x Fabaceae Rhynchosia latifolia Broad-Leaf Snout-Bean NP ++++56++9++++++ Yellow x RO, JV Fabaceae Sesbania vesicaria=Glottidium Bagpod NA +++++++89++++++ Reddish

Brown/Yellow x

Fabaceae Strophostyles helvula Trailing Wild Bean NA ++++++78910++++ Pink/Purple x Fabaceae Strophostyles leiosperma Slickseed Wild Bean NA +++++6789++++++ Pink/Purple x x

Fabaceae Tephrosia virginiana Goat's-Rue NP ++++5++++++++++ Pink/Yellow x JQ, JV Fabaceae Trifolium vesiculosum Arrowleaf Clover IA ++++5678+++++++ White to Pink x

5/30/15 JQ

Fabaceae Vicia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana

Deer Pea Vetch NA ++345++++++++++ Pink x

Fabaceae Vicia minutiflora Small Flowered Vetch NA ++34+++++++++++ Pale Blue to Lavender

x JV (GPS?)

Fabaceae Vicia sativa var. sativa Common Vetch IP +F345++++++++++ Pink x Fabaceae Vicia villosa var. villosa Hairy Vetch IA +++45++++++++++ Violet x Fagaceae Quercus fusiformis Escarpment Live Oak NP x Fagaceae Quercus marilandica Blackjack Oak NP x x

Fagaceae Quercus shumardii Shumard Red Oak NP x Fagaceae Quercus stellata Post Oak NP x x

Gentianaceae Sabatia campestris Meadow Pink NA ++++567++++++++ Pink x JM Gentianaceae Zeltnera texense=Centaurium Lady Bird's Century NA ++++5678+++++++ Pink x

5/30/15 JQ

Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium Filaree IA JF345++++++++++ Lavender x Geraniaceae Erodium texanum Stork's-Bill NA ++34+++++++++++ Purple x RJO,


Geraniaceae Geranium carolinianum Carolina Geranium NA ++345++++++++++ White/Pink x Hypericaceae Clusiaceae Hypericum hypericoides ssp.

hypericoides Upright St. Andrew's Cross

NP ++++56789++++++ Yellow x x

Hypericaceae Clusiaceae Hypericum hypericoides ssp. multicaule

Sprawling St. Andrew's-Cross

NP ++++56789++++++ Yellow x

Iridaceae Sisyrinchium langloisii=pruinosum

Pale Blue-Eyed Grass NP ++345++++++++++ Violet/Blue x RO

Iridaceae Sisyrinchium minus Least Blue-Eyed-Grass NA ++345++++++++++ Lite Pink/White x RO x

Juglandaceae Carya illinoensis Pecan NP +++4+++++++++++ NA x Juglandaceae Juglans nigra Black Walnut NP +++4+++++++++++ NA x JQ Juncaceae Juncus diffusissimus Slimpod Rush NP ++++56+++++++++ x RO Juncaceae Juncus dudleyi Dudley's Rush NP +++++6+++++++++ x RO Juncaceae Juncus interior Inland Rush NP +++4567++++++++ NA x RO x

Juncaceae Juncus marginatus Grassleaf Rush NP ++++567++++++++ NA x RO x

Juncaceae Juncus nodatus Jointed Rush NP +++++67++++++++ x RO x

Juncaceae Juncus texanus Texas Rush NPE +++++67++++++++ x RO Lamiaceae Hedeoma hispida Rough Mock Pennyroyal NA +++45++++++++++ Blue/White x Lamiaceae Lamium amplexicaule Henbit IA JF345++++++++++ Lite Purple x Lamiaceae Monarda citriodora Lemon

Beebalm/Horsemint NA ++++567++++++++ Pink x

Lamiaceae Monarda clinopodioides Basal Beebalm NA ++++56+++++++++ Pink x Lamiaceae Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot NP ++++567++++++++ Pink x Lamiaceae Monarda punctata Spotted Beebalm NAE ++++567++++++++ Yellow White x x

Lamiaceae Salvia coccinea Tropical Sage NP +F34567891011++ Red x JV Lamiaceae Teucrium canadense Wood-Sage NP +++++678+++++++ Pale Lavender x Lentibulariaceae Utricularia gibba=biflora Cone-Spur Bladderwort NP ++++5678+++++++ Yellow x RO Linaceae Linum medium var. texanum Texas Flax NP ++345678+++++++ Yellow x Linaceae Linum sulcatum Grooved Flax NA +++45678910++++ Yellow x Lythraceae Ammannia coccinea Purple Ammania NA ++++++78910++++ Rose-Purple x JV Lythraceae Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle IP +++++678910++++ Pink/White/Red x JV Meliaceae Melia azedarach China-Berry IP +++45++++++++++ Purple x x

Menispermaceae Cocculus carolinus Carolina Snailseed NP +++++67++++++++ Yellow x x

Molluginaceae Mollugo verticullata Green Carpetweed NA ++++5678910++++ Green White x x

Montiaceae Portulacaceae Phemeranthus parviflorus=Talinum parviflorum

Prairie Flameflower NP ++++56789++++++ Pink/Purple x RO, JQ x

Moraceae Maclura pomifera Bois d'arc NP +++45++++++++++ x Moraceae Morus alba White Mulberry IP +++4+++++++++++ x x

Moraceae Morus rubra Red Mulberry NP ++34+++++++++++ x x

Myricaceae Morella cerifera=Myrica Southern Wax-Myrtle NP ++34+++++++++++ x JM Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis gigantea Giant Four O'Clock NPE +++45678910++++ Purple x x

Oleaceae Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens

Elbowbush NP ++3++++++++++++ Green x

Oleaceae Ligustrum lucidum Glossy Privet IP ++++++78910++++ x Oleaceae Ligustrum quihoui (pedicelled) Quihou's Privet IP ++++567++++++++ x Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense (sessile) Chinese Privet IP +++45++++++++++ x x

Onagraceae Ludwigia peploides Water-Primrose NP ++++5678910++++ Yellow x JQ Onagraceae Oenothera biennis Common Evening

Primrose NP +++++++8910++++ Yellow ? RJO

Onagraceae Oenothera laciniata Cut Leaf Evening Primrose

NP +++456+++++++++ Yellow x x

Onagraceae Oenothera rhombipetala Four Point Evening Primrose

NP ++++56789++++++ Yellow x x

Onagraceae Oenothera speciosa Evening Primrose NP +++4567++++++++ Pink/White x Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum engelmannii Engelmann's Adder's-

Tongue NP JF3456+++++++12 x RO

Orchidaceae Spiranthes cernua Nodding Ladies'-Tresses NP ++++++7891011++ White x Orobanchaceae Scrophulariaceae Castilleja indivisa Indian Paintbrush NA +F345++++++++++ Red x Oxalidaceae Oxalis stricta Yellow Woodsorrel NP +F+456+++++++++ Yellow x Papaveraceae Argemone albiflora ssp. texana White Prickly-Poppy NA ++34567++++++++ White x JQ Papaveraceae Fumariaceae Corydalis micrantha ssp.

micrantha Small-Flower Corydalis NA +F34+++++++++++ Yellow x

Passifloraceae Passiflora incarnata Maypop NP +++++678+++++++ Bluish Lavender x RO Passifloraceae Passiflora lutea Yellow Passion Flower NP +++++67++++++++ Yellow x JV x

Pedaliaceae Proboscidea louisianica Devil's-Claw NA ++++56789++++++ Lite Pink x 11/2 RN Phyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus abnormis Drummond's Leaf Flower NA ++++5678910++++ x JQ Phyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus polygonoides Knotweed Leaf Flower NA +++4567+910++++ x RO Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana Pokeweed NA ++++56789++++++ Lite Pink x x

Phytolaccaceae Rivina humilis Pigeon-Berry NP +++++678910++++ Lite Pink x JQ, RO Plantaginaceae Scrophulariaceae Gratiola neglecta Yellow Seed Hedge-

Hyssop NA +++456+++++++++ White, pale

yellow x RO

Plantaginaceae Scrophulariaceae Nuttallanthus texanus=Linaria canadensis var. texana

Texas Toad-Flax NA ++345++++++++++ Lite Blue x

Plantaginaceae Scrophulariaceae Penstemon laxiflorus Beardtongue NP +++45++++++++++ Lite Pink/White x JQ Plantaginaceae Plantago aristata Bracted Plantain NA ++++56+++++++++ NA x RO x

Plantaginaceae Plantago patagonica Bristlebract Plantain NA +++456+++++++++ NA x RO Plantaginaceae Plantago rhodosperma Redseed Plantain NA +++45++++++++++ NA x RO Plantaginaceae Plantago virginica Paleseed Plantain NA ++345++++++++++ NA x RO Plantaginaceae Plantago wrightiana Wright's Plantain NA +++456+++++++++ NA x RO x

Poaceae Aira elegantissima=caryophyllea var. capillaris

Hair Grass IA +++456+++++++++ x

Poaceae Andropogon gerardii=ssp. gerardii

Big Bluestem/Turkeyfoot NP +++++++891011++ NA x JV

Poaceae Andropogon glomeratus var. glomeratus

Bushy Bluestem NP ++++++++91011++ x

Poaceae Andropogon ternarius Split-Beard Bluestem NP ++++++++91011++ x Poaceae Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge Bluestem NP ++++++++91011++ x Poaceae Aristida purpurea var. purpurea Purple Threeawn NP +++45678910++++ NA x Poaceae Bothriochloa ischaemum var.

songarica King Ranch (KR) Bluestem

IP ++++567891011++ x

Poaceae Bothriochloa laguroides var. torreyana

Silver Bluestem NP ++++567891011++ NA x JV

Poaceae Bothriochloa longipaniculata=saccharoides var. longipaniculata

Longspike Silver Bluestem NP ++++567891011++ x 11/2 JS

Poaceae Bouteloua curtipendula var. caespitosa (bunch form)

Side-Oats Grama NP +++++67891011++ x 11/2 JS

Poaceae Bouteloua curtipendula var. curtipendula (rhizome form)

Side-Oats Grama NP +++++67891011++ NA x JV

Poaceae Bouteloua hirsuta ssp. hirsuta=Chondrosum

Hairy Grama NP +++++67891011++ NA x

Poaceae Bouteloua rigidiseta Texas Grama NP ++345678910++++ NA x Poaceae Bromus arvensis=japonicus Japanese Brome/Field

Brome IA ++++56+++++++++ NA x

Poaceae Bromus catharticus Rescuegrass IA ++345++++++++++ NA x Poaceae Bromus tectorum Cheat Grass IA +++45++++++++++ NA x RO Poaceae Cenchrus incertus=spinifex Common Sandbur NP ++++5678910++++ NA x x

Poaceae Chasmanthium latifolium Inland Seaoats NP +++++6789++++++ NA x Poaceae Chloris verticullata Tumble Windmill Grass NP +++456789++++++ NA x 11/2 JS Poaceae Coleataenia anceps=Panicum Beaked Panicum NP ++++++7891011++ NA x Poaceae Coleataenia longifolia ssp.

combsii =Panicum rigidulum var. combsii

Red-Top Panic NP +++++678910++++ x RO

Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Grass IP ++++5678910++++ NA x Poaceae Dichanthelium aciculare Needleleaf Rosette Grass NP +++456+++++++++ x RO Poaceae Dichanthelium acuminatum var.

acuminatum Woolly Rosette Grass NP +++456+++++++++ x RO

Poaceae Dichanthelium linearifolium Slim-Leaf Rosette Grass NP ++3456+++++++++ NA x Poaceae Dichanthelium

oligosanthes=var. scribnerianum

Scribner's Rosette Grass NP +++456+++++++++ NA x x

Poaceae Dichanthelium pedicellatum Cedar Rosette Grass NP ++3456+++++++++ x RO Poaceae Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon Round Seed Rosette

Grass NP ++3456+++++++++ x RO

Poaceae Digitaria cognata=Leptoloma Fall Witch Grass NP +++++++8910++++ NA x RO Poaceae Echinochloa colona Jungle Rice IA ++++++7891011++ x RO, JQ Poaceae Echinochloa crus-galli Barnyard Grass IA +++++678910++++ NA x 11/2 JS Poaceae Elymus canadensis Canada Wildrye NP ++++56+++++++++ NA x Poaceae Eragrostis hirsuta Big-Top Love Grass NP ++++++++91011++ x 11/2 JS Poaceae Eragrostis secundiflora ssp.

oxylepis Red Love Grass NP ++++567891011++ NA x x

Poaceae Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Love Grass NP +++++++8910++++ NA x 11/2 JS Poaceae Eragrostis superba Wilman's Love Grass IP ++++++789++++++ x 11/2 JQ/JS Poaceae Eriochloa sericea Texas Cupgrass NP ++++5678910++++ x 11/2 JS Poaceae Hordeum pusillum Little Barley IA +++45++++++++++ NA x Poaceae Lolium perenne Perennial Rye Grass IP ++3456+++++++++ x Poaceae Nassella leucotricha=Stipa Speargrass/Needlegrass NP +++45++++++++++ x RO Poaceae Panicum capillare Witch Grass NA ++++5678910++++ NA x RO Poaceae Panicum coloratum Klein Grass IP ++++56789++++++ x 11/2 JS Poaceae Panicum virgatum (Lowland) Lowland Switchgrass NP +++++++891011++ NA x RO Poaceae Paspalum dilatatum Dallis Grass IP ++++567891011++ x RO Poaceae Paspalum floridanum Florida Paspalum NP +++++++891011++ x RO Poaceae Paspalum notatum var. notatum Broadflowered Bahiagrass x RO x

Poaceae Paspalum pubiflorum var. glabrum

Smoothseed Paspalum NP ++34567891011++ NA x RO

Poaceae Paspalum setaceum Fringeleaf Paspalum NP ++++5678910++++ NA x RO Poaceae Poa arachnifera Texas Blue Grass NP ++34+++++++++++ NA x JQ, JM Poaceae Polypogon monspeliensis Rabbit's Foot IA ++++56+++++++++ x JQ

Poaceae Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium

Little Bluestem NP +++++++89101112 NA x x

Poaceae Sorghum halepense Johnson Grass IP ++++567891011++ NA x Poaceae Sporobolus compositus var.

drummondii Meadow Dropseed NP +++++++891011++ x 11/2 JS

Poaceae Sporobolus cryptandrus Sand Dropseed NP ++++567891011++ NA x 11/2 JS Poaceae Tridens albescens White Tridens NP +++45678910++++ NA x JV Poaceae Tridens flavus var. flavus NP +++++++891011++ NA x x

Poaceae Triplasis purpurea Purple Sand Grass NA ++++++++910++++ x RO Poaceae Vulpia octoflora var. octoflora Hairy Six Weeks Grass NA +++45++++++++++ NA x RJO Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis rubra Standing-Cypress NB +++4567++++++++ Red x Polygalaceae Polygala incarnata Pink Milkwort NA ++++567++++++++ Pink x RO Polygonaceae Eriogonum annuum Annual Wild Buckwheat NA ++++567891011++ White x Polygonaceae Eriogonum multiflorum Heartsepal Wild

Buckwheat NAB +++++++891011++ White x RO

Polygonaceae Persicaria aviculare=Polygonum

Prostrate Knotweed IAP ++++567891011++ Green/White/Pink x RO

Polygonaceae Persicaria hydropiperoides=Polygonum

Swamp Smartweed NAP +++++67891011++ White/Pink x RO

Polygonaceae Rumex crispus Curly Dock IP +++45++++++++++ NA x x

Polygonaceae Rumex hastatulus Engelmann's Dock NA +++456+++++++++ x Portulacaceae Portulaca pilosa Shaggy Portulaca NP +++++678910++++ Purple x RO Portulacaceae Portulaca umbraticola ssp.

lanceolata Wing Pod Portulaca NA ++++++789++++++ Yellow w/red or

copper x JQ

Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton nodosus Longleaf Pondweed NP +++456+++++++++ NA x Ranunculaceae Anemone berlandieri Ten-Petal Anemone NP +F34+++++++++++ Pink/White x Ranunculaceae Delphinium carolinianum ssp.

virescens White Prairie Larkspur NP ++3456+++++++++ White x

Ranunculaceae Ranunculus sceleratus Blister Buttercup NP ++3456+++++++++ Yellow x Rosaceae Crataegus crus-galli Cockspur Hawthorn NP +++4+++++++++++ White x JQ, RO Rosaceae Crataegus

reverchonii=stevensiana Reverchon's Hawthorn NP +++4+++++++++++ White x RO

Rosaceae Geum canadense var. camporum

White Avens NP +++456+++++++++ White x

Rosaceae Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw Plum NP +F34+++++++++++ White x Rosaceae Prunus caroliniana Cherry Laurel NP +F34+++++++++++ White x x

Rosaceae Prunus mexicana Mexican Plum NP +F34+++++++++++ White x

Rosaceae Prunus persica Peach IP ++34+++++++++++ Reddish White x Rosaceae Pyrus calleryana Callery Pear/Bradford

Pear IP ++34+++++++++++ White x x

Rosaceae Rubus oklahomus Showy Dewberry NP +++4+++++++++++ White x x

Rosaceae Rubus trivalis Southern Dewberry NP ++34+++++++++++ White x x

Rubiaceae Diodella teres=Diodia Buttonweed/Poor-Joe NA ++++5678910++++ Pinkish x RO x

Rubiaceae Diodia virginiana Virginia Buttonweed NP +++++6789++++++ White x RO Rubiaceae Galium aparine Bedstraw NA ++34+++++++++++ White x Rubiaceae Galium circaezans Woods Bedstraw NP +++45678910++++ White-Green x Rubiaceae Galium pilosum Hairy Bedstraw NP ++++56+++++++++ Brown Red x x

Rubiaceae Galium virgatum Southwest Bedstraw NA +++45++++++++++ Light Green/Yellow


Rubiaceae Houstonia pusilla=Hedyotis crassifolia

Small Bluets NA +F34+++++++++++ Lite Blue x

Rutaceae Zanthoxylum clava-herculis (9-17 leaflets)

Eastern Hercules'-Club NP +++45++++++++++ x x

Rutaceae Zanthoxylum hirsutum (5-11 leaflets)

Western Prickly Ash NP +++45++++++++++ x 11/2 JQ

Salicaceae Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides

Cottonwood NP ++34+++++++++++ x

Salicaceae Salix nigra Black Willow NP ++34+++++++++++ x Santalaceae Phoradendron

leucarpum=serotinum ssp. tomentosum

Mistletoe NP JF3++++++101112 x

Sapindaceae Aceraceae Acer negundo var negundo Box Elder NP ++34+++++++++++ x RO Sapindaceae Cardiospermum halicacabum Balloonvine/Heartseedvine IA +++++67891011++ x JQ, RO Sapindaceae Sapindus saponaria var.

drummondii Western Soapberry NP ++++56+++++++++ x

Sapindaceae Ungnadia speciosa Mexican Buckeye NP ++34+++++++++++ Pink x JM Sapotaceae Sideroxylon lanuginosa ssp.

oblongifolium=Bumelia Chittamwood/Bumelia NP ++++567++++++++ Yellow White x x

Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus Common Mullein IA ++++567++++++++ Yellow x Smilacaceae Smilax bona-nox Saw Greenbrier NP +++45++++++++++ x x

Smilacaceae Smilax hispida= tamnoides Bristle Greenbrier NP +++45++++++++++ x RO Solanaceae Datura wrightii Sacred Datura NP +++++678910++++ White to

Lavender x JQ, RO

Solanaceae Physalis cinerascens var. cinerascens

Beach Ground Cherry NP +++45678910++++ Yellow x x

Solanaceae Solanum dimidiatum Western Horse Nettle NP ++++567++++++++ Lite Purple x Solanaceae Solanum elaeagnifolium Silver Leaf Nightshade NP +++456+++++++++ Lite Purple x Tamaricaceae Tamarix ramosissima Salt Cedar IP +++++67++10++++ x JV, JQ Tetrachondraceae Buddlejaceae Polypremum procumbens Juniper-Leaf NP +++4+678910++++ White x x

Typhaceae Typha domingensis Narrow-Leaf Cat-Tail NP +++4567++++++++ NA x Ulmaceae Ulmus alata Winged Elm NP ++3++++++++++++ NA x Ulmaceae Ulmus americana American Elm NP +F3++++++++++++ x x

Ulmaceae Ulmus crassifolia Cedar Elm NP +F3++++++++++++ x Urticaceae Parietaria pensylvanica Cucumber Weed/Pellitory NA +++456+++++++++ Green x Valerianaceae Valerianella amarella Hairy Cornsalad NA ++345++++++++++ White x Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida var.

bipinnatifida=Verbena Prairie Verbena NA JF3456+++++++++ Pink x

Verbenaceae Glandularia pumila=Verbena Pink Verbena NA +F345++++++++++ Pink/Lavender x RO Verbenaceae Verbena brasiliensis Brazilian Vervain IA ++++5678910++++ Lilac/Purple x JQ Verbenaceae Verbena halei=officinalis ssp.

halei Slender Vervain NP +++45678910++++ Lavender Blue x

Violaceae Viola affinis=sororia var. sororia Bayou Violet NP +F345++++++++++ Dark Violet/Lite Purple

x RO

Vitaceae Ampelopsis cordata Heart-Leaf Ampelopsis NP ++++56+++++++++ Green x RO Vitaceae Cissus trifoliata=incisa Cow Itch NP +++++67++++++++ x Vitaceae Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper NP ++++567++++++++ NA x Vitaceae Vitis mustangensis Mustang Grape NP +++4+++++++++++ x x

Woodsiaceae=Dryopteridaceae Woodsia obtusa ssp. occidentalis

Common Woodsia NP +++++6+++++++++ x JV, JQ, RO

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