flora cameo treatment

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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Cameo Roles concept work...


Treatment: “Cameo Roles” by Flora Cook

An American Autumn.

The song has some U.S influences and we spoke about the stuff ‘City and Colour’ had done so my basic plotline was ‘Flora goes for a walk through the woods’.

Stunningly original I know. Obviously it wouldn’t be that simple - I was thinking some internal shots in a library maybe, as if it’s an afternoon off uni/college and you’re filling time. Target audience-wise I thought that was quite appropriate.

We could do a montage through a few autumnal scenes. Maybe some shots of you driving and the landscape outside. maybe try some stuff on the beach too with a bit of an ‘Eternal Sunshine...’ feel.

There is a gorgeous deciduous wood just outside Elgin with some standing stones which might work.

I figured we could do some pulled focus shots, some close ups on the guitar and your lovely face and for the wider stuff we could mimic the steadicam look of the ‘City and Colour’ vids.

It would mean a daytime / Early Evening shoot which is easy to schedule and we’d be able to complete it with a tiny crew.

We could intercut with some static performance stuff using my lighting rig to give it a slightly more MTV feel if that’s what you’re looking for.

Do some Lensflaring and whatnot.

If you want to get more complex we could bring in a motif like a moleskin notepad or something and do a little motion gfx annotating your surroundings - a bit like demetri martin etc.

Stop me if I’m way off here - and let me know what you’d prefer...

So the basic colour pallette is the orangey brown, meets grey with some green highlights.

I thought we might do a ‘going back to school/uni’ type feel...it fits with the season I think.

Relaxed, casual clothes - fully committing to the bohemian introspective style...

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