flipped classroom lesson plan

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Students add and subtract integers using animations on a number line and understand that subtracting an integer is the same as adding its opposite. This dynamic model (Geometer’s Sketchpad software) helps students visualize integer addition and subtraction. The animation of integer subtraction gives students a way of understanding how the signs of the operands come into play. Students should have the understanding that integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites as a prerequisite for this particular lesson. This lesson is using a flip classroom model.


Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Barbra Ann Pearl

Type of lesson: Flipped Classroom

Lesson Plan Title: Right or Left: Adding and Subtracting Integers

Discipline/Topic: Students add and subtract integers using animations on a number line and understand that subtracting an integer is the same as adding its opposite. This dynamic model (Geometer’s Sketchpad software) helps students visualize integer addition and subtraction. The animation of integer subtraction gives students a way of understanding how the signs of the operands come into play. Students should have the understanding that integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites as a prerequisite for this particular lesson. This lesson is using a flip classroom model.

Target Population: This lesson will be presented to heterogeneous Grade 6 or 7 students.

Curriculum Links: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

6.NS Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

1. Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation.

2. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.

a. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite

sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a

number is the number itself, e.g., –(–3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.

b. Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes.

c. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or

vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs of integers and other

rational numbers on a coordinate plane.

3. Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

a. Interpret statements of inequality as statements about the relative position of two numbers on a number line diagram. For example, interpret –3 > –7 as a statement that –3 is located to the right of –7 on a number line oriented from left to right.

b. Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts. For example, write –3 oC > –7 oC to express the fact that –3 oC is warmer than –7 oC.

c. Understand the absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line; interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world situation. For example, for an account balance of –30 dollars, write |–30| = 30 to describe the size of the debt in dollars.

4. Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order. For

example, recognize that an account balance less than –30 dollars represents a debt

greater than 30 dollars

7.NS Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.

1. Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.

a. Describe situations in which opposite quantities combine to make 0. For example, a hydrogen atom has 0 charge because its two constituents are oppositely charged.

b. Understand p + q as the number located a distance |q| from p, in the positive

or negative direction depending on whether q is positive or negative. Show that a

number and its opposite have a sum of 0 (are additive inverses). Interpret sums of

rational numbers by describing real-world contexts.

c. Understand subtraction of rational numbers as adding the additive inverse, p –

q = p + (–q). Show that the distance between two rational numbers on the number

line is the absolute value of their difference, and apply this principle in real-world


d. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract rational numbers.

Objectives: Students will be able to add and subtract integers on a number line; realize

that subtracting an integer is the same as adding its opposite, or its additive inverse;

recognize that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero and that the

absolute value is always a positive value

ISTE Student Standards/Profiles Objectives:

5. Digital citizenship

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.

a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning

6. Technology operations and concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

a. Understand and use technology systems

b. Select and use applications effectively and productively

c. Troubleshoot systems and applications

Materials and Timing:

Students will be using Padlet app and Geometer’s Sketchpad app on an iPad. Students will

spend on an average 10 minutes video clip at home which is available on the class

website. For those who do not have internet access at home, send them a copy of the

video clip on a CD. Students will spend 60 minutes exploration activity in regular


Scope and Sequence:

1. Students are expected to watch the video clip before coming to class.

2. With the use of Padlet app, the students are to this question: “How do you represent

real world situations using integers?" Have a whole classroom discussion on this


3. Ask students to consider the relationship between addition and subtraction of

integers as they work. As you are adding and subtracting integers using the

Sketchpad model, think about how adding and subtracting integers are

related. How are they similar? How are they different?

4. Assign students to computers and tell them where to locate Right or Left.gsp. Distribute the worksheet. Tell students to work through step 25 and do the Explore More if they have time. Encourage students to ask their neighbors for help if they are having difficulty with Sketchpad.

5. Let pairs work at their own pace. As you circulate, here are some things to notice.

In worksheet step 3 and for all activity questions, encourage students to write clear and detailed explanations using complete sentences. By clearly describing what they observe, students acquire a strong mental image of

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

operations with integers. If time is limited, you might have students write their explanations for homework.

In worksheet step 8, have students predict what will happen in the Sketchpad model before pressing any buttons. What will the model of-6 + (-3) look like? Why? Try to get students to concentrate on the behavior of the model rather than on the numeric answer.

In worksheet steps 10 and 11, encourage students to explore these questions by dragging to change the values of the integers without pressing Reset. Students can quickly view several problems before making a conjecture. In worksheet step 12, students must interpret different parts of the Sketchpad model. As you walk around, observe students to be sure they understand each part and can model any problem they are given. When students successfully model all the problems, ask them to look for patterns. Students may notice that the sign of the answer is the same as the sign of the longer arrow. They may not recognize this as the integer with the greater absolute value; that’s okay. Students are focusing on the visual model at this time. Discuss absolute value later.

In worksheet step 14, students start subtracting integers. The concept of additive inverse is not explicitly named, but it plays a prominent role in the model. Ask students to think about why the second integer is flipped in a subtraction problem.

As students are creating new subtraction problems, ask them to predict what the model will do each time before pressing the action buttons. Can you predict what the model of this subtraction problem will look like? Why do you think it will act that way? Students can test their conjectures using the step-by-step buttons.

In worksheet step 24, ask students what patterns they see and how they could predict the answer from the two numbers being subtracted.

In worksheet step 25, students are asked to write an addition problem using the same first number and the same answer. Students can test their addition problems by going to page “Addition.” Switching back and forth between the two pages will reinforce the idea of using addition to rewrite a subtraction problem: To find the answer to a subtraction problem, you add the additive inverse (opposite) of the second number.

If students have time for the Explore More, they will investigate the behavior of addition and subtraction independent of specific values, and they will use special cases to identify the position of zero on the number line.

6. Gather the class. Students should have their worksheets with them. Begin the discussion by opening Right or Left.gsp and going to page “Addition.” Work through the different types of addition problems with the class.

Have volunteers model the problems they recorded for worksheet step 9. What happens in the model when you add two negative integers? Students may make this sample response: When adding two negative integers, the arrows both point left, so the answer is always negative. How does this compare to adding two positive integers? Students may reply that in both cases the arrows point in the same direction. With positive integers, the

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

arrows point right. With negative integers, the arrows point l e f t . Next have volunteers model the problems in worksheet step 12. What happens in the model when you add a positive and a negative integer? Students may make the following response: If the negative integer is greater, the arrow pointing left will be longer, so the answer will be negative. If the positive integer is greater, the arrow pointing right will be longer, so the answer will be positive.

At this point, you may wish to introduce the term absolute value and the absolute value symbol. Absolute value is the distance a number is from zero. What represents the absolute value of a number in this model? Help students see that the length of an arrow is the distance from zero. What is the absolute value of -2? [2] What is the absolute value of 2? [2] Work through several problems with the class, each time focusing on the length of the arrow. Students should understand that opposites, or additive inverses, have the same absolute value. Can the absolute value of a number ever be negative? Students should realize that because distance is a positive value, the absolute value can never be negative.

When adding a positive and a negative integer, how can you look at the numbers and tell whether the answer will be positive or negative? Students may make the following responses.

The sign of the number with the longer arrow will be the sign of the answer.

The sign of the number with the greater absolute value will be the sign of the sum.

7. Go to page “Subtraction.” Have volunteers model subtracting two positive integers, a Negative and a positive integer, a positive and a negative integer, and two negative integers. How are adding and subtracting integers related? How are they similar? How are they different? Students may respond with the following answers.

When you subtract two integers, you flip the second number, so its arrow points the other way. You don’t do that with addition.

In subtraction, after you flip the second number, the model is similar to addition. The answer is where the second arrow ends.

Subtraction is just adding the second number flipped.

In subtraction you are adding the opposite of the second number.

8. If time permits, discuss the Explore More. Have students explain how they determined the position of zero.

9. Explain the different ways you can get a negative answer when you subtract two integers. You may wish to have student’s respond individually in writing to this prompt. Here are the possible ways: If both integers are positive, the second integer must be greater than the first one. If the first integer is negative and the second integer is positive, the difference will be negative. If both integers are negative, the second integer’s absolute value must be smaller than that of the first integer.

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

Evaluation of Students: (using a rubric)

Math Workshop Part icipation Rubric

Categories 1 2 3 4Listening Does not listen during

instruction and does not complete

workshop activities (demonstrating off

task behavior)

Does not show active listening (fidgets, distracted, etc.)

Demonstrates active listening but does not participate (hand not

raised, etc.)

Demonstrates active listening and actively participates (raises

hand, extends conversation, asks/answers


Ski l ls Does not apply mini lesson skills

throughout math workshop

Begins to apply previous or current

mini-lesson skills with intensive support (only during teacher time)

Attempts to apply previous or current mini lesson skills independently

Independently applies previous and current mini lesson

skills in their independent work without teacher


Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

Use of Time

Does not use time wisely (off task

behavior, incomplete work)

Works part of the time but

demonstrates off task behavior

Works part of the time during rotations or

does not follow workshop procedures

Completes all work during each rotation, following

workshop routines and procedures

Objectives Needs Improvement



Students will be able

to add and subtract

integers on a number


No attempt is made to construct a mathematical representation.

An appropriate and accurate mathematical representation is constructed and refined to solve problems or portray solutions.

An appropriate mathematical representation is constructed to analyze relationships, extend thinking and clarify or interpret phenomenon.

Students will be able to realize that subtracting an integer is the same as adding its opposite, or its additive inverse;

No connections are made or connections are mathematically or contextually irrelevant.

A mathematical connection is made. Proper contexts are identified that link both the mathematics and the situation in the task.

Some examples may include one or more of the following:• clarification of the

mathematical or situational context of the task

• exploration of mathematical phenomenon in the

Mathematical connections are used to extend the solution to other mathematics or to a deeper understanding of the mathematics in the task.

Some examples may include one or more of the following:• testing and accepting or

rejecting of a hypothesis or conjecture

• explanation of phenomenon

generalizing and extending the solution to other cases

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

context of the broader topic in which the task is situated noting patterns, structures and regularities

Students will be

able to recognize that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero and that the absolute value is always a positive value

No strategy is chosen, or a strategy is chosen that will not lead to a solution.

Little or no evidence of engagement in the task is present.

A correct strategy is chosen based on the mathematical situation in the task.

Planning or monitoring of strategy is evident.

Evidence of solidifying prior knowledge and applying it to the problem-solving situation is present.

An efficient strategy is chosen and progress towards a solution is evaluated.

Adjustments in strategy, if necessary, are made along the way, and/or alternative strategies are considered.

Evidence of analyzing the situation in mathematical terms and extending prior knowledge is present.

Evaluation of the lesson:

The whole activity is based on the objectives. The dynamic model (Geometer’s Sketchpad

software) helps students visualize integer addition and subtraction. The animation helps

the abstract concept easy to understand and remember. As long as the teacher circulate

and make sure the student grasp the concepts, I believe this lesson will be successful

along with routine and procedures already established in the classroom. The use of Padlet

app makes use of the time more efficiently than the regular post it notes.

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl


Right or Left? Name:

In this activity you’ll add and subtract integers on a number line.


1. Open Right or Left.gsp and go to page “Addition.” If necessary, drag the circles to model the addition problem 8 + 5.

2. Press Add. Observe the model in action.


+ 5 drag


3. How does the final position of the arrows onthe number line show the answer for this addition problem?

4. Press Reset. Drag the circles to model 2 + 6.

5. This time, press Show Steps. Then press each numbered button in order to see the model step by step.

6. Drag the circles to model another addition problem using only positive integers. Record your problem and its result.


Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

7. How do the two top arrows in the sketch relate to the two bottom arrows?

8. Model -6 + (-3). What is the sum? drag –6

drag + –3

9. Model two more addition problems using negative integers. Record each problem and its result.

Right or Left?continued

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

10. How is adding two negative integers similar to adding two positive integers? How is it different?

11. Can you add two negative integers and get a positive sum? Explain.

12. Model the following eight addition problems. Record each problem and its answer.

7 –4

+ –4 + 7

–5 0 –5 0

–5 0 5 –5 0 5

2 + (-5) -2 + 5

13. When you add a positive and a negative integer, how can you look at the numbers and tell whether the answer will be positive or negative?

Now you’ll explore a subtraction model.

14. Go to page “Subtraction.” If necessary, drag the circles to model the subtraction problem 8 - 5.

15. Press Subtract. Observe the model in action.


– 5 drag



Right or Left?continued

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

16. During the animation, what happens to the arrow for the integer 5? What does this show?

17. Press the Reset button. Then drag the circles to model 2 - 6.

18. This time, show the animation step by step. Describe in your own words what the step 3. Make Inverse does.

19. Drag the circles to model two more subtraction problems that use positive integers but have a negative result. Record each problem and its result.

20. If both integers in a subtraction problem are positive, how can you tell whether the answer will be positive or negative?

21. Model 4 - (-3). What’s different about the step 3. Make Inverse

this time?4

drag – –



22. Model two more problems in which the first integer is positive and the second integer is negative. Record each problem. What do these models have in common?

Right or Left?continued

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

23. Model three problems in which the first integer is negative and the second integer is positive. Record each problem. What do these models have in common?

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

24. Model the following eight subtraction problems. Record each problem and its answer.

7 –4

– –4 – 7

–10 –5 0 0 5

2 - (-7) -2 - 7

-6 - (-5) -5 - (-6)

25. For each subtraction problem in step 24, write an addition problem that has the same first integer and the same answer. What do you notice?


26. Go to page “Explore More.” You will see two number lines, one that shows the sum a + b and another that shows the difference a - b. With the numbers hidden, drag a and b and observe the behavior. How do addition and subtraction behave similarly? How do they behave differently?

27. On each number line, use your number sense to figure out where zero must be located. Drag a gold arrow to mark this location, and then press Show Numbers to check your answer.

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

Lesson Plan Template Definitions/Instructions

TYPE OF LESSON -- Flipped Classroom


DISCIPLINE / TOPIC -- i.e. Art, English, Health, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music,

Physical Education, Science, History, Education, etc. / give the specific topics to be

covered by the lesson (shouldn't be more than a few lines


o Grade Level: -- Post-Secondary, graduate/undergraduate

o Population Characteristics: -- describe the characteristics of the learners

o Lesson Groupings: -- choose Individual, Pairs, Small Groups, or Whole Class

CURRICULUM LINKS -- tell how this lesson fits with the rest of the unit and/or

curriculum, what goes before it (and how will you link to this prior knowledge), what

comes after it (and how will you link it to what follows)

OBJECTIVES -- what are the main concepts, skill, behaviors, values, attitudes, etc.

you want students to get from the lesson; objectives should be stated in terms of

what students will be able to do AFTER completing the lesson, DO NOT tell what

students will do DURING it (that's scope & sequence). State your objectives in

measurable terms. State your objectives in the form of: Students will be

able to....

ISTE Student Standards/Profiles Objectives-- what are the media literacy

competencies that you want students to gain from this lesson.When you get to the

site, scroll down your grade level. Copy and paste the appropriate performance

indicators, which is the list of "experiences with technology and digital resources,"

not the categories, into your lesson plan, from the link below. The "experiences with

technology and digital resources" are located below each grade level (grade range).

Post secondary educators, I suggest you follow the standards for high school.

Profiles for grades PK-12

MATERIALS / TIME -- what stuff will you need to teach this lesson / the amount of

time it will take to complete the lesson

Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

SCOPE & SEQUENCE -- outline of lesson itself; what you will teach and in what order;

include the major points you want to make, all the activities students will undertake,

and the products they will deliver at the lesson's end. Important - Use a flip

classroom model, using the video lecture capture you created. In the flip

classroom model, indicate what is to be done in each respective learning

environment--live classroom and online. The two environments should

support each other for achieving learning objectives. Provide a link to your

flipped classroom lecture capture. Your flipped classroom lesson should

include students using an iPad app of your choice or some other

application used in this course to create something, where they

demonstrate meeting the lesson's objective. Check out the bulletin board

to see if one of your classmates has posted an app for iPad that may be

useful to you.)

o Day one...

o Day two...

EVALUATION OF STUDENTS -- how you will grade or otherwise evaluate students'

participation in this lesson; please specify requirements for differential "grading"

(remember it is very important to value computer-based learning in the economy of

your classroom for it to be valued by the students and integrated into the culture of

the classroom). A maximum point value for the lesson plan will be given only if the

evaluation of students is described by a rubric. Create a rubric--see

downloaded lesson plan template for an example.

Objectives Needs Improvement



Flipped Classroom/BA Pearl

EVALUATION OF THE LESSON - how you will judge whether or not the lesson was

successful; this should relate back to its objectives. This section is not a check list or

a place to ask questions.

(Lesson plan template based on work done by Karen Swan, modified by Sabrina Johnson-Taylor.)

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