flipbook: the impact of modern digital technology on children

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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The Impact of Modern

Digital Technology

on Children

By: Daniel Morgan

Image by double-h

Children these days are exposed to VAST amounts of technology at YOUNGER and YOUNGER ages with each

passing year.

Image by flickingerbrad

Image by po1yester

In 2006, 90% of parents reported that their children younger than 2 years

of age had consumed some form of electronic media.

Image by emilylt

In the United States a survey concluded that almost a THIRD of children 2-3 years old had a television IN THEIR BEDROOM.

Image by MrPessimist

Another survey found that 83% of

middle school children, 39%

of fifth graders,

and 20% of third graders had their very own mobile


Image by Michael of Scott

But, how does all this tech exposure affect these children?

Studies have found that exposure to digital technology can affect children in both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE ways.

Image by Kate Dreyer

One negative impact of this new digital era is a lack of FOCUS

and a decreased attention span in


Image by thills1988

Image by natala007

Studies have found that children exposed to the internet have their brains wired to FOCUS FLEETINGLY on any one thing and

lack the ability to do one task for an extended period of time.

Image by Frank Gruber

It has also been shown that the


within children because it provides all visuals, leaving little to the


Image by v i p e z

With the advent of the digital age children have also been negatively impacted physically.

Image by polaire801

Children on average

spend about 7 hours a

day interacting with some form of


Image by MRHSfan

That is 7 hours that could have been spent

playing outside with friends or enjoying some sports.

Image by nicolee_camacho

Modern digital technology doesn’t just negatively affect

child brain development and

physical development. It can

also have an EMOTIONAL


Image by TheBeachSaint

One major cause of this emotional impact is CYBER

BULLYING, which has caused numerous children PAINand SUFFERING every year.

Image by Frank Reese

However, even though a number of problems have been brought about by modern digital technology, there have been many

POSITIVE outcomes created by it as well.

Image by Dennis Burger

VIDEO GAMES have actually shown many positive results in the development of children, such as: increased attention spans, improved visual

and spatial capabilities and better reaction times.

Another POSITIVEaspect of digital technology is educational games and apps.

Image by flickingerbrad

Image by flickingerbrad

Educational apps and games provide a great interactive environment

for kids to learn in, and provides lessons

in all sorts of subjects.

Image by Guy Fawkes

Due to the amazing power of digital technology, educational apps can easily be used all around the world, including DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Some companies are trying to start programs to get

educational apps into the hands of children in developing countries so that they can learn just as well as those in first world countries.

Image by Michael Salisbury

Overall digital technology is both amazing and destructive at the same time. Whether it is amazing or destructive depends on how it is used. But, hopefully as the world ages

people will learn how to use digital technology only for good.

Image by theloushe

Creating a happy and healthy digital

world for all children.


• http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/01/education/technology-is-changing-how-students-learn-teachers-say.html?_r=2&

• http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/disruptions-what-does-a-tablet-do-to-the-childs-mind/

• http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/128/5/1040.full

• http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-power-prime/201212/how-technology-is-changing-the-way-children-think-and-focus

• http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-power-prime/201304/is-big-media-slowly-killing-our-children

• http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57411576-93/one-fifth-of-third-graders-own-cell-phones/

All images are sourced from flickr with Creative Commons Licenses.

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