fleischmanns steam lauodty -...

Post on 26-Aug-2019






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L O C A L A N D f g a t S C W A I .

Mrs. Homucd Gavett was « busi-noss caller in Opopecstop!n on Sat-iirday.

Mrs. Fred Swart, Mrs. Howard Swart and Mrs. Ivan Cairns were Oneonta caUezs on Tuesday.

Attorney Adrian Leslie Wessler of New York dty visited his aunt, Mrs. Leo Kom, over the weekend.

Miss Mildivd Hess visited at the h(xne of her aunt, Mrs. Susie K. Ploss, in Kingston over the week-end.

The Junior Aid society will be entertained by Miss Rouse and

Barnes on Tuesday evening, Feb. 27.

Mrs. Richard Adickes spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Stoutenburgh, at Stamford.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olson of Brooklyn spent the weekend at the home <rf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester DePuy.

Miss Mary Lockwood, Miss Isabel Delameter and Herman Haddow were Kingston visitors on Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Haynes at Dry Brook.

The Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet at the hOTne of Mrs. Lester DePuy on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 20, at 2 o'dodc.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold O'Connor of Stamford were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bell and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Sdiaefer on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Parsons and son, Robert, and Melvin Par-sons of Roxbury returned home on Saturday after spending a vaca-tion touring Florida.

Miss Mabel Hess of Far Rocka-way. Miss Blandie Laurenze of Woodmere, L. I., and Kegan Sark-isian spent the weekend at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Hess.

Mr. and Mrs. L. O. DePuy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olson were entertained at a spaghetti supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-don Cowan of Andes on Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adickes and sc«i, Hoyt, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stoutenburgh of Stamford visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burhans at Glasco on Sunday.

Mrs. Dalton Sanford and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Hanson, of Bovina Center spent the holiday weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel in Brooklyn.

William Kirchof of the Bronx spent from Sunday until Wednes-day visiting at the home of his cousin, Mrs. John Rotermund. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brandt of Nut-ley. N. J., were also guests there.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Delameter and daughter, Betty, and son, "Stubby," and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gavette visited at the homes of Mr and Mrs. Larry Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. John Churchill at Walton on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Terry and dauiJiter, Mildred, of Unadilla, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Terry and son, Claude, of Arena, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald George and children of Pine Hill were Sunday dinner guests at the h(Mne of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Terry.

The card party held at the Le-gicm rooms on Monday evening for the benefit of llie Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society was well at-tended. Pinochle and bridge wene played. Hig|h scores for bridge went to Mrs. Layman Snyder and Rev. O. W. Chapin, and h i ^ scores for pino(^e went to Mrs. Ivan Delameter and John K i ^ .

Mrs. n m ^ , ing a c o i | ^ ^feefcs jviutii^ tives in New YoHc dty-

^ spen^ rela-

Die Sewing dub was entertained at the hMne of Mrs. Herman Widcham on Wednesday after-noon.

Miss Ida Hamiltmi of Sdien^-tady was a Friday overnight guest at the home ai her sister, Mrs. S. L. Blair.

Mrs. Fred Myers ^ n t Monday with Mrs. Deborah Stewart at the h(Hne of Sheriff and Mrs. Alford Austin at Delhi.

-This week ^^bursdity |uid Ftidey the Galli-Cufd theatre presents the screoi's Idng ct song. Nelson

Mrs. Winton Ruff, Mrs. Dewey Bell, Mrs. Fred Myers and Mrs. Sheldon Birdsall were callers in Kingston on Thursday.

Miss Doris Chandler, who has spent the past two weeks at her home in Cairo, has returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Barber.

The Ladies' Aid sodety of the Presbyterian church will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. N. R. Osbom on Tuesday aft-ernoon, Feb. 20.

Dr. Swan <rf Rochester will speak in Margaretville on Feb. 27 in the high school building on the symp-toms and treatment of cancer. This is sponsored by the Women's Field Army.

Mrs. O. B. Marks underwent a major operation at the Margaret-ville hospital Tuesday morning under the knife of Dr. Beatty of this village assisted by Dr. Wake-man of Andes.

Due to the fact there has been much sickness the Margaretville hospital is having difficulty in lo-cating nurses. If there are any graduates looking for work the hospital would be glad to hear fro mthem.

Mrs. Albert Cross entertained 10 friends at a surprise dinner at her home on Monday eevning in honor of the birthday of her sis-ter, Mrs. Lena Brown. After the dinner, bingo Md Chinese checkers were played. Each guest present-ed Mrs. Brown with a birthday gift.

Eddy, and the bl(»de beauty, Ikma Massey in "Balalaika." It is a tale of love between a prince and the daughter ct a revolutionary. Songs indude "Ride, Cossadc, Ride," Volga Boat Song and many others.

Maisie meets a man her match in the first feature on the double bill S a t u r ^ . "Congo Maisie," with Ann iSothem and Jdm Car-n ^ , the story oi a giri stranded in the Congo. Co-featured is Wil-liam Boyd as H<^>along Cassidy in "Santa Fe Marshal." Also q;)edal stage message.

Hie dancing event the world has been waiting for o p e ^ Sunday for a three-day run. Fred Astaire and Eleancn* Powell swing and sway to the exotic riiythms of Cole Porter's great hits in "Broad-way Melody of 1940." Cast in-dudes that dancmg actor, George Murphy.

Wednesday, in addition to the announcement from the stage, the feature picture "is "Eternally Yours," a gay and amusing pres-entation of a sophisticated love, starring Loretta Young and David Nive^ The latest news events and selected short subjects com-plete the week's program.

Andes Teacher Invited For Big Fair Program

Walter Coddingttm, music in-structor at the Andes central schol, has recently been invited to appear with his school band at the New York World's fair next summer. As a further tribute to his musical' ability he has been asked to judge a^^licants for Dela-ware and Sullivan counties WIK) are competing for a trip to South America. TTie ones chosen will constitute an ordiestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski and spon-sored by N. Y. A. Prof. Codding-ton is one of the most capable musicians in this area and Andes feels proud of the progress he has made in all phases of his musical work.—^Andes Cor.

Florida Visitors Suffer From Cold Spell

An interesting letter from Mrs. E. J. Ballard, who is spending the winter at Bradenton, Fla., states that Floridans were suffering cold there while we were having our extreme cold in the north. While we had 20 below zero weather, they were equally uncomfortable when the thermometer dipped to 18 above, freezing the vegetables and dtrus fruits, which, however, wer% not as hard hit £is the vege-tables. Among Roxbury people spending the winter in Bradenton are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ballard, Mervyn E. Ballard and son, Paul, Thomas J. Riley, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Suter. A former Roxbury resident, Mrs. Jennie Hubbard, now of Kington is also spending the winter in Bradenton with a party of friends.—Roxbury Cor.

Weather Breaks Candlemas Day The weather, since the break

occured February 2, is milder. The long cold spell, whidi extended from about the fifteenth of De-cember until last week, had rav-aged coal bins, frozen water pipes, and in many other ways made a nuisance of itself, was broken last week and real springlike weather has been the result.—^Halcottville Cor.

Entertains 16 Friends Miss Genevieve Morse entertain-

ed 16 friends at a party at her home at Denver Saturday evening. There were games and d ic ing , induding a "broom dance," and refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lawrence, Cedl Woolheater, Miss Bessie Ballard, Miss Helen Ham-mond, Stanton Hogan, Harold Ballanl, Misses Janis Roberts and Evelyn Lawrence and Christopher Fusscas.—Roxbury Cor.

Here's a Half-Witted Duck Mudi interest has been aroused

recently by the sighting of a wild duck on the water below the dam and in the tail waters ctf the mill. Conjecture is rife. Is it a sign of spring or is it just a coinddence that the dude should remain here, a remnant of the flodc that was on the lake last fall?—Haloottville Cor.

Frozen Water Pipes Thawed Quickly and Safely

Frozen water, pipes thawed quickly and safdy ^thont expen-sive digging fhroug^ lawns, shnib-bery, under sidewalks or roads.

Don't use a dangerous blow torch for tiiawing frozen water pipes inside a btdlding, by or through partittons and under floors.

Our flat charge for thawing frozen i^pes, inside or outside of bnilding is $5.00 and up, deprading on the time It takes and tiie dis-tance.

FOB THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE ELECTRICITY we have just bought two new outfits. One is a new complete steam tiiaw-ing outfit and can thaw 200 feet of frozMi pipes; also have a 100-lb. preasae hot water thawing outfit which will thaw SOO feet. This Is the most economical way tiiere Is.

We thawed J. V.'s 200-S00 ft. of frozen pipes with our high pressure hot water system and many others. On a l<Mig run steam Is too slow.

We do numMng, Heating, Elec-tric Refrigeration (both Commer-cial and Houseiiold) as well as Thaw your frozen pipes, anywhere, anytime witiUn 25 miles distance one way from Margaretville.

Phone 8-F-4 (Day or Night) IRVING J. SQUIRES

Goanuiteed 4-can Kehinator MHk Cooler, in8tal lMl. .^l9iW i

IBie Lady C^naiyn

Mrs. Ida Gordon i m « veiy i|k-r teresting hd[>by—that of raidng canaries. She has several panrs of beautiful birds, i ^ d i are now building their nests. Watdiing them as they work is worth talk-ing about. They are very industri-ous—the ladies doing most of the work. T h ^ go about the business of home-making as if they enjoyed it.—Halcott Center Cor.

Ust Your Pln>pcrty H t̂li E. A. STRQUT REALTY

AGENCY ^ tVlAllMMyATe. Stagstqa. N. T.

A postoaid wm our r^Hreeentattre

JOmr A. BATBM^BMM to caO dn you

Hie Nussbaiim Family Wish to announce that



Will operate this Coming Season under the same management and ownership as it has for the past 20 years. To all our Patrons & Friends we extend our kindest re-gards & express our desire to continue to serve you.



Open Daily 6:30 to U TEUEPHONE 75

2 lbs. Sabadilla Seed (He

Naylors Dilators 79c

Horse T M I I C 45c

K B O for Bats- 29c

Sloan's liniment _ - 59c Alka SeltEer Tablets. 49c Mineral Oil -89c Milk Magnesia 19c Penma Tonic . . .-$1.09 5 lbs. Epsom Salt 28c Miles Nervine 88c

50c Lysol 4Sc

40e Castoria Sic

60c Syrup of Figs 49c

75c Listerlne 59c

$1.00 Cod Liver, OU 79c

Wampoles Cod l iver Oil 89c

^tiphylogestine 29c

Fever Thermometer 69c

gonite —28c

Sal Hepatica 49c

msmmiL VALUE

50c size Rexiilana Cough Syrup and 25c size of 30 Rexatt

Cold Tablets A combination to give you help In everconing that


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