flags presentation 11 19 09

Post on 18-May-2015






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Presentation from the Fairfax FLAGS work session held Nov. 19, 2009. This is a quick update and a breakdown of committees to help in the Fairfax FLAGS mission to preserve the quality of Fairfax County schools and elementary foreign language programs.


Update & Work Session

Nov. 19, 2009

Since we last met… Meetings

Fairfax Education Foundation Corporate funding not optimistic

Schools hosted meetings with School Board & County reps

Kent Gardens, Lake Anne, Great Falls, anyone else?

Community dialogues Huge turnout from early foreign language Most stayed on message to not attack other

programs & advocate for FCPS funding

Since we last met… Continue to establish liaisons & streamline

Please check out our liaison list on the website Let us know of contacts at “vacant” schools

Various discussion & advocacy groups Lake Anne, Great Falls, Laurel Ridge,

Cunningham Park discussion & info sites FACE: Elementary Band & Strings Advocacy Any others?

Check out www.fairfaxflags.org

Check out www.fairfaxflags.org

Fan “Fairfax FLAGS”

Facebook & www.fairfaxflags.org Content will build & evolve

Schools can feed latest events & information by emailing fairfaxflags@gmail.com with “website” as subject line

Post discussion topics on FB Will continue to upload relevant links & videos Always seeking feedback & ideas for sites

Moving forward…

"The core issue is not one program vs. another program, but rather the level of funding we receive. We have only three

options as we prepare for FY’11: additional State funding, additional county funding, or

cutting programs.”

– FCPS Superintendent Jack Dale

Facing issues How to get more funding for FCPS?

Educate the community this is a BIG issue for FCPS not just foreign language

Spread the word to all stakeholders (website) not just FCPS parents

When talking about solutions say… “Fairfax County must increase funding for FCPS to

preserve its programs that make it a world-class school system.”

State funding is improbable

Taking Action Attend community dialogues: Dec. 2 Organize rally for community dialogues? Submit online budget feedback forms Highly active schools should…

Set up meetings w/ district county supervisor Invite all FCPS schools under that supervisor

Letter writing now – spread the word County supervisors & Chairman Sharon Bulova State officials to voice concerns & take action to

advocate for FCPS Must involve PTAs: Issue is FCPS

Contact Fairfax County Council PTA (FCCPTA)

Fairfax FLAGS Role Serve as the platform to unite & promote

advocacy efforts to maximize impact Website & Facebook provide centralized

resource for information, ideas & strategies Connecting schools to share best practices &

ideas for advocacy success Communicate with & through liaisons Provide support & guidance to liaisons, schools,

committees when requested

Role of Liaisons Set up advocacy team in school Communicate & publicize advocacy

Reach parents by using or building email distribution list

Update FLAGS on latest efforts in your schools & successes to share with other schools

Solicit help with committees as needed Talk it up & get others to help motivate parents

to TAKE ACTION Publicize website & Facebook as a source of

information & action items

Organization of Committees Prefer two leaders per committee

Provide us with contact information for website Ensure committee is on track & making

progress toward advocacy goals Provide updates to FLAGS leadership Communicate any pertinent findings to other

FLAGS committees Request support from leadership & other

committees when needed Solicit more committee members if needed Solicit experts or specialists for guidance or as

resource if needed

Committees Budget (SK)

Analysis of FCPS & County Grant/Alternative funding Research & identify cost-

savings possibilities Stay current with latest news

Media & Publicity (TM) Organize rallies Letters to editors Create & distribute business or

“promo cards” Press releases & packets Video productions

Political Outreach (SK) School Board County Board of Supervisors State, Federal, PACs Embassies

Organizational Outreach (TM) Businesses Government Agencies Influential Organizations Community & Associations University Outreach

Public Hearings & Meetings (SK) Prepare for public hearings &

solicit variety of speakers Organize & publicize district


Advocacy Communications (TM) Discussion groups Facebook monitoring News & info scouring Letter campaign tracking Gather testimonials

Budget Analysis of FCPS & County

Follow online budget questions submitted by School Board & Board of Supervisors

Identify potential cost savings & suggestions Research & answer budget questions by group

members Stay current with budget changes & issues

Grant/Alternative funding Research grant possibilities Explore corporate funding options Endowments Fees for services

Political Outreach Ensure relationship-building, calls to action

& constant communications with: School Board County Board of Supervisors State officials Federal officials Political Action Committees Embassies

Keep FLAGS community informed

Media & Publicity Organize rallies or public demonstrations

Figure out venue & timeline Letters to editors Create & distribute “promo cards” Press releases & packets Provide necessary responses to articles Provide talking points when needed Video productions Gather video clips & photos for promotions

Must have permission from parents

Organizational Outreach Ensure relationship-building, calls to action &

constant communications with: Businesses: local & global

Volkswagen, Hilton, Deutsche Bank, etc. Government Agencies

CIA, State Department, Military, Homeland Security Influential Organizations

ACTFL, CAL, The Language Flagship, NNEL, Japan Foundation Los Angeles, French-American Foundation

Community & Associations Chambers of Commerce, FCCPTA,

University Outreach Area universities, internat’l studies, business schools, etc.

Public Hearings & Meetings Prepare for public hearings

Work on public hearing strategy Start identifying potential speakers by working

with organizational & political outreach committees

Organize online registrations for speakers Support & organize district meetings

Motivate & schools host cluster-wide meetings with County Supervisor & FCPS Board Member

Ensure all concerned school are invited when possible

FLAGS leadership will be involved

Advocacy Communications Daily monitoring & tracking of information

Discussion groups Facebook News & info scouring Letter campaign tracking Gather testimonials

Report new findings or inappropriate postings

Keep group & leadership informed Make recommendations for improvement

Let’s Get to Work! Break into your committee of interest Those serving on multiple committees, be

sure they have your contact info Before leaving, provide committee contact

info to Sandy or Tina Before leaving, committees report their

initial ideas of how they will move forward

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