fixing the program my computer learned: end-user debugging of machine-learned programs

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Fixing the program my computer learned: End-user debugging of

machine-learned programs

Dr Simone Stumpf

City University London


1996 BSc, Comp Sci w/ Cog Sci, UCL

2001 PhD Comp Sci, UCL

2001 - 2004 Research Fellow, UCL

2004 - 2007 Research Manager, Oregon State (OSU)

2007 - 2009 UX Architect, White Horse

2008 - present Asst Professor (Senior Research), OSU

2009 - present Lecturer, City University London


What are machine-learned programs?

•! Systems that “predict” –! Spam filters, “smart desktops”, web page recommendations

•! Learn from and adapt to user after deployment

•! Probabilistic machine learning algorithms

•! Resulting behaviour is a program

How do you debug a program that was written by a machine

instead of a person? Especially when you don’t know much

about programming and are working with a program you

can’t even see?


A quick machine learning detour…

“Simple” algorithm like Naïve Bayes –! Have input (features) and outputs (labels or classes)

–! From training data they learn a function: weight*input = class

–! As they further learn weights are changed

eg. spam filters (bag-of-words approach)

–! take all words appearing in the training data as features

–! throw out stop words (a, the, ?)

–! do stemming (walking, walked = walk)

–! learn how prevalent certain words are in spam messages

–! use that function to predict whether new email message is spam


Current debugging approach


Based on your interest in:

We recommend:

! ! ! "

Problems and opportunities for end users

•! Are not machine learning experts or programmers

•! Only they can fix if incorrect behaviour occurs –! Cannot inspect source code

–! Can only observe results at run-time

–! Can usually only give more training examples to influence future behaviour

–! Need to provide lots of training data to change behaviour

•! Much richer knowledge could be exploited

•! Could increase usability and trust

How can the program communicate its reasoning to the end

user? How could the user talk back?


Formative study

•! Enron email dataset folders (farmer-d): Personal, Resume,

Bankrupt, Enron News (122 messages)

•! Lo-fi prototypes with explanations –! Rule-based

–! Similarity-based

–! Keyword-based

•! 13 participants, talk-aloud


Explanations by ML program

Simplified yet faithful


•! Rule-based best understood but no clear overall preference

•! Serious understandability problems with Similarity-based

•! Negative keyword list with keyword-based problematic

(negative weights)

Matters if they they think reasoning is sound and it is

communicated clearly, word choices important


What does the user tell the program?

•! Select different features (53%) –! It should put email in ‘Enron News’ if it has the keywords “changes”

and “policy”.

•! Adjust weights (12%) –! The second set of words should be given more importance.

•! Parse/extract in different way (10%) –! I think that it should look for typos in the punctuation for indicators

toward ‘Personal’.

•! Employ feature combinations (5%) –! I think it would be better if it recognized a last and a first name


•! Use relational features (4%) –! This message should be in ‘EnronNews’ since it is from the

chairman of the company. 9

What knowledge do they use?

•! Commonsense (36%) –! “Qualifications” would seem like a really good Resume word, I

wonder why that’s not down here.

•! English (30%) –! Does the computer know the difference between “resumé” and


•! Domain (15%) –! Different words could have been found in common like … “Ken



Putting it into practice…


Folders Message List

Message Explanation

Usability of prototype

•! System doesn’t heed user, learning too much or too little

•! “Unlearning” important

•! Users take care in selecting feedback but lack support to

make good choices



A why-oriented approach to debugging ML

Folders Message List Message


Why Questions

Barriers for end users

•! All encountered barriers, Selection and Coordination most


•! Some users get “stuck” within a Selection barrier loop

Systems need to support where to debug and the effects of



What helps end users debug?

•! What information regarding logic of a learned program is

particularly useful

•! Machine-learning saliency –! exposure of useful and accurate pieces of information about the

logic of a machine-learned program


Study set-up

•! Domain of “coding” transcripts

•! 9 participants with coding experience

•! With and without explanations


Natural Programming approach


Saliency principles

•! SP1: Expose the ML Program’s Reasoning Process –! Data (features)

–! Reasoning (probabilities, absence)

•! SP2: Support a Flexible Vocabulary –! Word combinations, punctuation, relational information

–! Extensible by user

•! SP3: Illustrate Effects of User Changes –! Impact of user actions

–! “sandbox”


The AutoCoder prototype


Machine-generated Explanation (W1),

Absence Explanation (W2), User-generated Suggestion (W4)

Prediction Confidence widget (W3), Impact

Count Icons (W5), Popularity Bar (W7), Change History Markers (W6).

Saliency study

•! 74 participants, no coding experience

•! 4 versions –! Basic (VB): machine-generated explanations, user suggestions,

change history markers

–! Code-oriented (V1): Basic + Absence + Impact Count

–! Runtime-oriented (V2): Basic + Confidence + Popularity

–! Comprehensive (V3)

•! Each participant experienced two versions and two



Saliency widgets useful for debugging

•! Explanations

•! Confidence

•! Popularity

•! Change History

•! Impact Count

•! Absence

•! Runtime version preferred over code-oriented,

combination of both clear winner

•! Problems with misinterpretation of Popularity

•! Demonstrates saliency principles are good starting point


Most helpful

Least helpful

WHAT DO WE DO WITH IT? Getting feedback from users….Great!


Changing the machine’s reasoning

•! Simplest way: adjust feature weights

•! Constraint-based –! No substantial improvements in accuracy

–! Hardness of constraints difficult to set

•! User co-training (new) –! Exploits unlabeled data

–! Substantial improvements for some users, especially if no user feedback approach resulted in low accuracy

–! Some losses for others

Quality of feedback matters otherwise there is “noise” 23

End-user feature engineering

•! Process of designing features for use by a ML algorithm –! What to attend to/what counts as input

•! Critical for performance

•! Typically done by a machine learning expert with a domain

expert before deployment



•! Option 1: Add user-defined features to algorithm (+1%)

•! Option 2: Add them and weight them more heavily (-2.5%)

•! Higher increases for individuals with weighted approach

(+27%) but canceled out by individual decreases (-30%)

Need to spot unpredictive features (“noise”)


Identifying unpredictive features

•! Characteristic 1: Poor test data agreement –! # of test segments with feature F and class label C divided by # of

test segments with feature F

•! Characteristic 2: Under-representation of a user-defined

feature in its assigned class in test data –! # of test segments with feature F and class label C divided by # of

test segments with class label C


Evaluation and implications

•! Filtering features based on these characteristics –! 94% of the 100 worst user-defined features can be filtered (but 64%

of 100 best user-defined features are removed)

–! 5% macro-F1 increase overall, 32.2% best individual increase for Option 2

•! Can compute approximations in absence of much test data

•! Build user interface approaches to help identify when

unpredictive features are added

How much do we trust the user feedback? How much does

the ML algorithm trust itself? 27

Future Work

•! New explanations, new interfaces for new algorithms –! Other approaches (recommender systems, neural nets etc)

•! Debugging strategies and debugging support –! User competence models

–! ML Confidence models

–! User languages to change data and reasoning

–! Unlearning

–! Cost/Benefit

•! Learn from other users or “common sense”



•! New, exciting research area combining HCI and AI

•! Can make ML systems much smarter and quicker by

harnessing knowledge of end users

•! Increase usability of these systems for end users



•! S. Stumpf, V. Rajaram, L. Li, W. Wong, M. Burnett, T. Dietterich, E. Sullivan, and J. Herlocker,

"Interacting meaningfully with machine learning systems: Three experiments," Int. J. Hum.-Comput.

Stud., vol. 67, 2009, pp. 639-662.

•! T. Kulesza, W. Wong, S. Stumpf, S. Perona, R. White, M.M. Burnett, I. Oberst, and A.J. Ko, "Fixing

the program my computer learned: barriers for end users, challenges for the machine," Proceedings of

the 14th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA: ACM,

2009, pp. 187-196.

•! S. Stumpf, E. Sullivan, E. Fitzhenry, I. Oberst, W. Wong, and M. Burnett, "Integrating rich user

feedback into intelligent user interfaces," Proceedings of the 13th international conference on

Intelligent user interfaces, Gran Canaria, Spain: ACM, 2008, pp. 50-59.

•! S. Stumpf, V. Rajaram, L. Li, M. Burnett, T. Dietterich, E. Sullivan, R. Drummond, and J. Herlocker,

"Toward harnessing user feedback for machine learning," Proceedings of the 12th international

conference on Intelligent user interfaces, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: ACM, 2007, pp. 82-91. 30

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