five9 plus adapter for microsoft dynamics crm€¦ · 2015-10-01  · softphone log ... with mac,...

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Cloud Contact Center Software

Five9 and the Five9 logo are registered trademarks of Five9 and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. The product plans, specifications, and descriptions herein are provided for information only and subject to change without notice, and are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Copyright © 2016 Five9, Inc.

Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRMAdministrator’s Guide

October 2016

This guide describes how to install and configure the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM®, which enhances the Microsoft application to help develop leads, nurture contacts, and track sales.

ii Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

About Five9

Five9 is the leading provider of cloud contact center software, bringing the power of the cloud to thousands of customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually. Since 2001, Five9 has led the cloud revolution in contact centers, delivering software to help organizations of every size transition from premise-based software to the cloud. With its extensive expertise, technology, and ecosystem of partners, Five9 delivers secure, reliable, scalable cloud contact center software to help businesses create exceptional customer experiences, increase agent productivity and deliver tangible results. For more information visit


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What’s New................................................................................. v

Chapter 1Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM ...............1Downloading the Five9 Integration Solution..................................................... 2Importing the Five9 Integration Solution into Your Microsoft Account...................... 3Configuring the Five9 Integration Solution ...................................................... 4Creating Custom Entities ........................................................................... 7

Creating Entities ................................................................................ 8Adding a Handler ............................................................................... 9Creating Custom Fields ....................................................................... 12Adding Custom Fields to the Page Layout ................................................. 15Enabling the Custom Entity Solutions ...................................................... 15Adding Records to Custom Entities ......................................................... 17Verifying Your Implementation.............................................................. 20

Configuring Search Options ....................................................................... 21Searching with Call Variables ................................................................ 21Searching with CRM fields .................................................................... 23Searching Phone Numbers .................................................................... 24

Configuring the Application Logs.................................................................24

Chapter 2Configuring Single Sign-On ............................................................ 26Preparing to Configure Single Sign-On .......................................................... 26Configuring Single Sign-On ........................................................................ 27

Configuring a Relying Party Trust ........................................................... 27Configuring Assertion Consumer Service ................................................... 34Configuring a Rule to Set the Federation ID............................................... 35

Configuring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator Application .......................... 39Obtaining the Metadata ...................................................................... 39Configuring Your Five9 Domain .............................................................. 40Adding a Federation or Persistent ID to Users ............................................ 41

Testing Single Sign-On ............................................................................. 42

Chapter 3Managing the Software for Your Agents ............................................ 43Installing the Adapter.............................................................................. 43Configuring the Browser ........................................................................... 45

Chrome .......................................................................................... 45Adding Exceptions ........................................................................ 45

iii Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Installing the Extension .................................................................. 47Troubleshooting the Softphone......................................................... 49

Firefox........................................................................................... 49Adding Exceptions ........................................................................ 49Enabling the Five9 Softphone Plug-In..................................................51

Internet Explorer.............................................................................. 52Enabling Pop-Up Windows ............................................................... 52 Adding your Domains to Trusted Sites ................................................ 53Configuring Optional Browser Features ............................................... 54

Safari ............................................................................................ 56Enabling Pop-Up Windows and Plug-Ins ............................................... 56Enabling Cookies .......................................................................... 57Installing the Extension .................................................................. 58

Chapter 4Collecting Logs........................................................................... 59Browser Logs ........................................................................................ 59

Chrome .......................................................................................... 59Firefox........................................................................................... 60Internet Explorer .............................................................................. 61Safari ............................................................................................ 61

Softphone Log .......................................................................................62Application Log ..................................................................................... 62

iv Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 3

What’s New

This table lists the changes made in the last six releases of this document:

Release Changes

October 2016 • Added an important note for each browser that your agents will use. You must remember to add the browser exceptions to your Group Policies. For more information, see Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

July 2016 • Initial release.

v Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 1

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM enables you to integrate the Five9 Cloud Contact Center with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM. After your agents have installed the adapter, they can use the Five9 softphone, a call control tool.

For detailed information about the business and technical requirements to use Five9 products, see the VCC Technical Requirements or contact your Five9 representative. With Windows, you can use the adapter with Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla® Firefox®, and Google™ Chrome™, and Apple® Safari®; with Mac, Safari only.

This guide describes for administrators how to download, install, and configure the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and how to configure the required and optional elements. Administrators must understand these elements:

• Microsoft Dynamics CRM configuration best practices.• Five9 VCC administrator configuration.• Five9 Configuration Web Services.• Overall call center integration and configuration.

Downloading the Five9 Integration SolutionImporting the Five9 Integration Solution into Your Microsoft AccountConfiguring the Five9 Integration SolutionCreating Custom EntitiesConfiguring Search OptionsConfiguring the Application Logs

Important Each browser limits the number of parallel connections for each host. Because all opened tabs and windows share these connections, opening no more than five tab and browser windows will avoid performance issues associated with updating the Five9 adapter in multiple windows. This limitation applies whether the content of the windows (case, opportunity, or other) differs, or the windows are opened in different browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari).

For more information about the connection limits that apply to your browser and its versions, refer to your browser vendor.

Note Lists are not synchronized between Five9 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You may request that your domain be enabled for your agents to return missed calls.

1 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Downloading the Five9 Integration Solution

Downloading the Five9 Integration SolutionThis section describes how to download and import the Five9 Integration Solution into your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account. You can export or remove the managed version to your account as needed.

1 To access the Five9 download page, log into your Five9 account.You may need to answer a security question before continuing.

2 Click CRM Integrations.

3 Click Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.The section expands to display all download and configuration items for agents and administrators.

4 In the section for administrators, step 3, click Five9 Integrations Solution.The file is a ZIP archive:

2 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRMImporting the Five9 Integration Solution into Your

Importing the Five9 Integration Solution into Your Microsoft Account

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, locate the Menu > Settings > Solutions menu.

Click Import and follow the wizard.

When done, the Five9 Integration Solution is displayed in the list of solutions, and the adapter is displayed at the top.

3 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring the Five9 Integration Solution

Configuring the Five9 Integration SolutionTo configure the basic features of the solution, open the Five9 Integration solution that you imported. To customize your integration, see the following sections.

1 In the list of solutions, click Five9 Integration.

4 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring the Five9 Integration Solution

2 In the Configuration section, enter or select the information from the table below.

Feature Description

Network Domain By default, the adapter is started from the domain. You may change this option if you use the EU domain:• COM domain: (default)• EU domain:

IdP Login URL URL that agents will use to log into your CRM and the adapter.• Single sign-on not configured: Leave field blank.• Single sign-on configured: Enter the login URL of

your IdP host as follows: https://<IdP host>/adfs/ls/IdpInitiatedSignOn.aspx

Click 2 Dial search Optionally, enable Click 2 Dial:• Disabled: No search is performed, and no pop-up

window is displayed. The currently opened object is used for the call log.

• Enabled: A search is performed, and a pop-up window is displayed. The behavior is similar with all call types, such as inbound, preview, or outbound.

Predefined Campaign Field Name

Enter the field or attribute name that contains the campaign name for Click 2 Dial calls. The campaign is selected as follows:• Attribute name is specified:

– If the contact contains this field and the field value is not empty, and the campaign name is in the list of available campaigns for manual calls, Click 2 Dial occurs. Otherwise, an error is displayed.

– If the contact does not contain this field, and the field value is empty, the number field is entered automatically, and the agent selects the campaign.

• Attribute name is not specified:The number field is entered automatically, but the agent manually selects the campaign.

5 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring the Five9 Integration Solution

Screen Pop Settings Select the type of entity to display when no matching records are found during a search. If you select None, no pop-up window is displayed to agents. The list contains the entities selected in the Supported Entities list.

Single matches are displayed in the main panel. When the search returns no matches, a new entity form is opened.Pop-up windows are displayed only for the page in focus.

Supported Entities Default and custom entities are used during the CRM searches and for Click 2 Dial and are tracked during calls to add entries to the Name and Related To call log menus.You cannot disable these default entities:

You may also enable other entities in the list. When you do so, these additional entities are displayed in the list under Screen Pop Settings.These entities are used for the Name objects: Contact, Lead, Account. All other entities, default and custom, are used for Related To objects.

Feature Description

• Account• Case• Contact• Contract• Invoice

• Lead• Opportunity• Order• Quote

6 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

3 When done, click SAVE.

4 If you have finished configuring your solution, reload the MS Dynamics page and reopen the Five9 Adapter to ensure that the new settings are used by all agents.Otherwise, perform this step after you finish all configuration.

Creating Custom EntitiesThis section is optional. Custom entities enable you to track the page for the entity when agents use Click 2 Dial and the Name and Related To objects of the call log. These entities are used for the Name objects: Contact, Lead, Account. All other entities, default and custom, are used for Related To objects.

This section describes how to create an entity and fields necessary to use Click to Dial.

Creating EntitiesAdding a HandlerAdding Custom Fields to the Page LayoutEnabling the Custom Entity SolutionsAdding Records to Custom EntitiesVerifying Your Implementation

To see the Activities flag, navigate to Components > Entities > <entity>. In the right pane, scroll down to Communication & Collaboration. See the figure below.

Feature Description

7 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

Creating EntitiesCreate as many entities as you need to track the objects relevant to your business.

1 In the main menu, select Settings > Customize the System.

2 Click Entities and New.

3 Enter this information:

Field Description

Display Name Name that will appear in the list of entities and that your agents and other users will see.

Plural Name Plural name of the custom entity that you are creating.

Name The field name is entered automatically in lowercase.

Display in Activity Menus Enabled.

Areas that display this entity

Enable all the areas of your business in which you want to use the entity, such as Sales or Marketing.

Communication & Collaboration

Ensure that Activities is enabled. You cannot change this option later.

8 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

4 Click Save and Close.

Adding a HandlerAdd a Five9 OnLoad form handler to the Main Form of the entity.

1 In the navigation pane, open the Entities menu and the entity that you created.

2 Click Forms.

3 In the Form Type column, find Main:

9 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

4 To open the entities editor, click the name of the form.

5 In the Home tab, click Form Properties:

6 In the Events tab, add these files:a In the Form Libraries section, click the Plus sign, locate five9_/Scripts/ in the list, and click Add.

10 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

b In the Event Handlers section, ensure that these options are selected:

c Click the Plus sign, locate five9_/Scripts/ In the Function field, enter Five9.OnLoad.e Click Enabled and OK.

When done, the Form Properties menu appears as follows:

Option Value

Control Form

Event OnLoad

11 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

7 Click OK.

8 In the ribbon, click Save and Publish.

9 Close the Form Properties window.

Creating Custom FieldsYou can then add these entities to the page layouts that your agents see. This example describes how to create fields named Phone and C2D campaign name if you want to use click to dial.

1 Click the Fields menu of the entity.

12 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

2 Click New.

3 Enter this information:

Field Name Field 1 Field 2

Display NameName that will appear in the list of fields and that your agents and other users will see.

Phone C2D Campaign Name


Enter the field name in lowercase.new_phone


FormatSelect the type of data appropriate for the field.

Phone Text

13 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

4 After each field, click Save and Close.

14 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

Adding Custom Fields to the Page LayoutYou need to add the fields to the layout that your users will see.

1 Return to the Forms menu.

2 Open the Main form.

3 Drag the new fields from the list on the right to the layout.

4 Click Save and Publish.

5 Close the fields menu but keep the customization window open.

Enabling the Custom Entity SolutionsVerify that all custom configuration is correct in the solution menu.

1 In the Five9 Solution menu, open the Five9 Integration.

2 If necessary, enable Click to Dial.

3 In the solution, if the field name for the campaign does not match that in the customization window, correct it.

15 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

4 Enable the new custom entity.

16 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

5 Click SAVE.

6 Close both configuration windows.

7 Refresh the Microsoft Dynamics CRM page.

Adding Records to Custom EntitiesThis section describes how to create objects for click to dial.

1 Locate the business area where you enabled the custom entity.In this example, the custom entity was enabled for the Sales area.

17 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

2 Click your new entity.

3 Create a record with appropriate information, for example:

Field Description

Name Object name.

Phone Phone number.

Campaign name Name of the campaign that you want to use for click to dial.

18 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

4 Click Save & Close.The record that you created is displayed.

5 Remain in this view.

19 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Creating Custom Entities

Verifying Your ImplementationThis example uses click to dial.

1 Open and log into the adapter.

2 Click New Call.

3 Open the object that you created.The phone number is added to the phone number field of the adapter.

20 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring Search Options

4 To start the call, click the number in the adapter.The phone number is transferred to the dialer, and the correct campaign is selected. In addition, search results are displayed below the phone number.

Configuring Search OptionsCall variables and CRM fields (defaults and custom entities) are used by your integration to display the most appropriate call and record information to your agents. The search is conducted in this order: Five9 call variables in the MSDynamics group > Five9 CRM Fields > ANI search.

Searches are conducted for calls (inbound, outbound, and preview), voicemail, and queue callbacks.

Searching with Call VariablesCall variables apply to phone calls only. To search with call variables, create the MSDynamics variable group in the VCC Administrator application. Name the variables according to this format: <entity name>.<field name>.

• <entity name>: Name of the entity, such as Account, in the list of entities in solution customization page:

21 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring Search Options

• <field name>: Field label in either the Name or Schema Name column of the attribute of the entity.

Example Call variable names for the Email field of the Account entity: account.emailaddress2 or account.EMailAddress2

If multiple variables have the same entity name, such as account, the search is performed for all fields of that entity. The search results contain all fields that have the name of the entity.

If multiple entities are configured, the search is performed for all fields of that entity. The search results contain all entities that contain the name of the field.

Example An incoming call has these call variables:– account.emailaddress2 =– account.emailaddress1 =– lead.firstname = Paul

Two searches are performed:– Email address: (account.emailaddress2 == &&

account.emailaddress1 ==– First name: lead.firstname == Paul

The result contains the account objects that match the first condition and lead objects that satisfy the second condition.

22 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring Search Options

This figure shows a MSDynamics call variables group.

Searching with CRM fieldsThe search can be done with all fields data types, except Lookup or Image. You can find the data types in the Fields section of each entity. This table describes the mapping between the Microsoft Dynamics data types and Five9 call variable types:

Microsoft Dynamics Data Types Five9 Call Variables

Currency String, number, or currency

Date and Time Date and time. Time zone settings may differ between the Five9 VCC and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Therefore, use UTC offsets between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Five9 VCC time zones when creating call variables.

Decimal Number String or number

Floating Point Number String or number

Multiple Lines of Text String

Option Set String or number (search is done by option value instead of label

Single Line of Text String

Two Options String (true, false) or boolean

Whole Number String or number

23 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring the Application Logs

Searching Phone NumbersPhone numbers are searched if no call variables exist or if no objects are found by the call variables. In this case, the search uses fields that have the Phone format. This figure shows the Telephone 3 field of the Account entity.

Configuring the Application LogsWhen softphone issues occur, you may need to obtain the logs located in the agent’s workstation. By default, application logs are in these locations:

• Softphone logs are located in %appdata%\Five9\Logs. They are saved for four days before being deleted.

• Event logs are located in the softphone under Help > Start Logging. The process takes 30–60 seconds. When logging stops, the agent downloads and sends the logs to you. The file name is similar to this one: Five9 - CRM adapter - Mon, Apr 6, 2015 4_14 PM.txt.

24 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuring the Application Logs

You may redirect the softphone logs to a custom directory. To do so, set the F9_SOFTPHONE_LOG_DIR environment variable in the agent’s workstation. For example, you may redirect the logs to a NAS share mounted in the agent’s workstation.

25 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 2

Configuring Single Sign-On

This chapter describes how to configure single sign-on user authentication with Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). AD FS enables you to synchronize authentication and authorization data between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Five9 so that agents can use single sign-on (SSO) to access both systems simultaneously:

• If you enable single sign-on, your agents use only one set of credentials that enable them to automatically log into the adapter when they log into Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

• If you do not enable single sign-on, your agents must log into Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Five9 separately by using two sets of credentials. If you do not plan to use single sign-on, skip this chapter.

This feature is available only with the Plus adapter.

Preparing to Configure Single Sign-OnConfiguring Single Sign-OnConfiguring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator ApplicationTesting Single Sign-On

Preparing to Configure Single Sign-OnContact your Five9 support representative to request that your Five9 domain be enabled for the Plus applications.

Install and configure the basic features of AD FS, noting the domain name of the AD FS server. The domain name is the Identity Provider or IdP host that you will need when you configure single sign-on.

26 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

Configuring Single Sign-OnConfiguring a Relying Party TrustConfiguring Assertion Consumer ServiceConfiguring a Rule to Set the Federation ID

Configuring a Relying Party TrustThis section describes how to create a relying party trust for Five9 in AD FS.

1 Open Server Manager.

2 Click the Tools tab at the top, and select AD FS Management.

27 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

3 In the navigation pane, open Trust Relationships.

4 Select Relying Party Trusts.In the central panel, you see the current trusts.

5 In the Actions pane on the right, click Add Relying Party Trust.The wizard opens.

6 Click Start.

7 In the Select Data Source step, select Enter data about the relying party manually, and click Next.

28 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

8 Enter the name that will appear in the Display Name column of the list of Relying Party Trusts, and click Next.

9 Select AD FS and click Next.

29 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

10 In the Configure Certificate step, click Next.

11 In the Configure URL step, click Next.

30 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

12 In the Configure Identifiers step, enter a relying party trust identifier in the field, and click Add and Next.Be sure that the URL matches your Identity Provider host: https://<IdP host>/appsvcs/saml/metadata/alias/msdc

<IdP host> is your Five9 host: or

13 In the Configure Multi-factor Authentication Now step, click Next.

31 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

14 In the Choose Issuance Authorization Rules step, click Next.

15 In the Ready to Add Trust step, click Next.

32 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

16 In the last step, disable the Open the Edit Claim Rules... option, and click Close.

The relying party trust is added to AD FS.

33 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

Configuring Assertion Consumer ServiceThe Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) handles the SAML response for identity initiated login when link is clicked.

The Federation ID or other persistent ID that you select must match the ID that you will enter in the Federation ID field in the user’s properties of the Five9 VCC Administrator application.

1 In the list of Relying Party Trusts of AD FS, right-click the trust that you created, and select Properties.

2 In the Endpoint tab, click Add SAML.

3 Add two ACS endpoints for your Identity Provider host with the same information, except for Binding:

Endpoint type SAML Assertion Consumer

Binding First endpoint: ArtifactSecond endpoint: POST

Index 0

Trusted URL https://<IdP host>/appsvcs/saml/metadata/alias/msdc

<IdP host> is your Five9 host: or

34 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

4 Click OK.This figure shows both endpoints in the properties window.

5 To exit the properties, click OK.

Configuring a Rule to Set the Federation IDYou can use any ID, such as the email address.

1 In the main AD FS window, select a Relying Party Trust in the list.A section for that trust appears in the Actions navigation pane on the right.

35 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

2 Click Edit Claim Rules, and Add Rule.

3 Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, and click Next.

36 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

4 Enter or select this information:

5 Click OK.

6 Again click Edit Claim Rules, and Add Rule.

7 Select Transform an Incoming Claim, and click Next.

Claim rule name Email

Attribute store Active Directory

Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types

E-Mail-Addresses >> E-Mail Address

37 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On

8 Enter or select this information:

9 Click Finish.

10 In the list of claim rules, click Apply.

Claim rule name Transform Email to email

Incoming claim type E-Mail Address

Outgoing claim type Name ID

Outgoing name ID format Email

38 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator Application

Configuring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator Application

You need to enable your agents and your domain in the VCC Administrator Application.Obtaining the MetadataConfiguring Your Five9 DomainAdding a Federation or Persistent ID to Users

Obtaining the MetadataThe information that you will enter in the VCC is located in this XML file that you need to download:

https://<IdP host>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml

Prepare the X509 certificate that you will need to enter in the VCC as follows:1 Copy the hash in the X509Certificate element to a file as follows:

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<hash from X509Certificate>


2 Save the file with the CER extension.

39 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator Application

Configuring Your Five9 DomainTo enable single sign-on in your Five9 domain, complete these fields with the information in the metadata file.

1 Log into the VCC Administrator’s application.

2 Select Actions > Configure > Single Sign-On.

3 Enter the information from the metadata file in the fields.Do not import the file.

Field Description

Issuer URL Located in the entityId attribute of the EntityDescriptor element.URL of the IdP host, starting with the server name

SingleSignOnService HTTP-POST Binding URL

Located in the location attribute of the SingleSignOnService element.Main login address for your domain, starting with the IdP host name.

SingleSignOnService HTTP-Redirect Binding URL

Located in the location attribute of the alternate SingleSignOnService element.Alternate login address for your domain, starting with the IdP host name.

X.509 certificate Format of the public key. The field may remain blank after you upload the file.

Valid Until Expiration date and time of the certificate in the specified time zone. You may leave as is.

Default NameID Format Format of the Name ID: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress

40 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Configuring Single Sign-On in the VCC Administrator Application

4 Click Save.

Adding a Federation or Persistent ID to UsersThe value in this field is synchronized with the value in your CRM.

1 In the Administrator’s application, open Users.

2 Open a user’s name.

3 In the Federation ID field of the General tab, enter the agent’s Five9 user name or another name reserved for single sign-on.In this figure, the Federation ID matches the Five9 user name.

41 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Single Sign-On Testing Single Sign-On

4 Click Save.

Testing Single Sign-OnWhen SSO is configured, an additional login button labeled SSO Login appears below the standard login button in the agents’ softphone.

1 Log out of the adapter and of your CRM.

2 Log into your CRM with the user name that you configured for single sign-on.Depending on your configuration, you see the login or the station setup window:

3 Click SSO Login or set up your station.

42 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 3

Managing the Software for Your Agents

This chapter describes how to configure your agents’ browser. If you want to allow your agents to prepare their browser, forward to them the instructions for the appropriate browsers.

You can use the adapter with Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla® Firefox®, Google™ Chrome™, and Apple® Safari®. For detailed information about the supported browsers, see the VCC Technical Requirements.

The Five9 softphone supports system and agent spaces:• System space: You may prepare the browsers and install the softphone remotely

by using Windows Group Policy or Mac Active Directory.• Agent space: When agents log into the softphone for the first time, they may

download it and any additional software required for your integration.

Installing the AdapterConfiguring the Browser

Installing the AdapterInstall the softphone with the system space installer. Even if your agents use more than one browser and if you use more than one Five9 product, you need to install the softphone only once because the installers are identical:

• Windows: The file name is Five9Softphone.msi.• Mac: The file name is Five9Softphone.dmg.

1 To install the softphone, double-click the installer and click Run.

Important Be sure that your firewall and other security software does not block the installation of the Five9 softphone.

43 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Installing the Adapter

The process may take a couple of minutes.

2 When done, click Finish.

Occasionally, the softphone adapter may need to be updated. Five9 recommends that you do not prevent your agents from installing the automatic softphone and add-on updates because your agents are prevented from working until the updates are installed.

To prevent installation problems for your agents, ensure that they have permission to do so if they will use the softphone and install the adapter at least once to resolve any potential issues due to your browser, firewall, and operating system.

44 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Configuring the BrowserChromeFirefoxInternet ExplorerSafari

ChromeYou need to add exceptions to the browser and install and configure the adapter.

Adding ExceptionsInstalling the Extension

Adding ExceptionsAdd exceptions for Five9 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM so that notifications can appear in the adapter.

1 Click the Chrome menu in the top-right corner of the browser.

2 Select Settings.

3 At the bottom of the Settings tab, click Show Advanced Settings.

Important In addition to adding exceptions to the browser, remember to also update your corresponding Group Policies with the same information. Otherwise, the current Group Policies will overwrite your browser settings.

45 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

4 In the Privacy section, click Content Settings.

5 Scroll down to Pop-ups.

6 Click Do not allow any site to show pop-ups.

7 Click Manage exceptions.

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Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

8 Add these exceptions, ensuring that the selected behavior is Allow:[*.]


[*.] and [*.]

9 Click Done, Done, and close the Settings tab.

Installing the Extension

You may install the extension from the Chrome Web store now, or you may allow agents to install it when they log into the adapter for the first time. In this last case, agents will be prompted to reinstall the extension when an update is available.

Chrome Web Store. Click this link to the extension in the Chrome Web store.

Note If your agents have permission to access multiple domains, you need to install one extension for each domain.

47 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

1 Click Add to Chrome.

2 Click Add.After the extension is installed, the button changes from blue to green.

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Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Chrome Extension File. To distribute the extension to your agents’ workstations, save the CRX file. For instructions about distributing the extension, see Extensions: Other Deployment Options in the Chrome Developer Center. This option does not appear in the agent’s guide.

Troubleshooting the SoftphoneIf the softphone appears connected in one browser window but disconnected in another, refresh the page of the window in which the softphone is disconnected.

Refresh all pages after you install or remove an extension.

FirefoxAdd exceptions to the browser and install and activate the adapter.

Adding ExceptionsEnabling the Five9 Softphone Plug-In

Adding Exceptions

Add exceptions for Five9 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM so that notifications can appear in the adapter, and install and activate the adapter.

1 Click Tools or the menu button in the top right corner, and select Options.Depending on the version of your browser, the Options menu opens either in a Windows menu or in a browser tab. However the features are the same.

2 Select the Content tab.

Important In addition to adding exceptions to the browser, remember to also update your corresponding Group Policies with the same information. Otherwise, the current Group Policies will overwrite your browser settings.

49 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

3 Check Block pop-up windows, and click Exceptions.

4 Add these exceptions, ensuring that the selected behavior is

[*.] and [*.]

5 Click Save Changes.

6 Depending on your browser version, close the tab or click OK to close the settings window.

50 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Enabling the Five9 Softphone Plug-InPerform this procedure after the adapter is installed.

1 Click Tools > Add-ons.

2 Click Plugins.

3 Locate Five9 Softphone Plugin, and select Always Activate if it is not already selected.

4 Depending on your browser version, close the tab or click OK.

51 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Internet Explorer

At a minimum, you need to enable pop-up windows, and if agents see error messages, complete the appropriate other sections.

Enabling Pop-Up WindowsConfiguring Optional Browser Features

Enabling Pop-Up Windows

You must add exceptions for Five9 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM so that notifications can appear.

1 Select Tools > Internet Options.

2 Click the Privacy tab.

3 Check Turn on Pop-up Blocker, and click Settings.

4 Add these exceptions:

Important In addition to adding exceptions to the browser, remember to also update your corresponding Group Policies with the same information. Otherwise, the current Group Policies will overwrite your browser settings.

52 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser



* and *

5 Click Close, and OK.

Adding your Domains to Trusted SitesIf you use Internet Explorer 11 with single sign-on, follow these steps.

1 Select Tools > Internet Options.

2 Select the Security tab.

3 Select Trusted Sites.

4 Click Sites.

53 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

5 Add two domains to the list: your Five9 host ( or and your AD FS host.For example, if your AD FS login URL is, your AD FS host is

6 Click Close.

Configuring Optional Browser FeaturesFollow these steps only if error messages are displayed.

Disabling Protected Mode

Disabling Protected Mode. By default, Protected Mode is enabled for the Internet, Local Intranet, and Restricted Sites zones. If it is enabled for the Web site opened in the current tab, an error message states that the Five9 adapter cannot run. To disable Protected Mode, follow these steps.

1 Select Tools > Internet Options.

2 Select the Security tab.

3 If you are using Internet Explorer 11, select Trusted Sites.

4 Click Sites.

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Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

5 Add two domains to the list: your Five9 host ( or and your AD FS host.For example, if your AD FS login URL is, your AD FS host is

6 Click Close.

7 Select a Web content zone, and disable Enable Protected Mode.

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Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

SafariEnable pop-up windows, plug-ins, and cookies in the Safari Preferences, and install an extension.

Enabling Pop-Up Windows and Plug-InsEnabling CookiesInstalling the Extension

Enabling Pop-Up Windows and Plug-InsBy default, your browser prevents pop-up windows. You must disable this feature.

1 Click Security.

2 Disable Block pop-up windows.

3 Enable Allow Plug-ins and click Website Settings.

4 For the Five9 Softphone Plugin, select Allow Always, and Click Done.

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Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Enabling CookiesBy default, the browser limits cookies to only the pages that are visited. This feature prevents logging into the Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM the first time.

1 Click Privacy.

2 In Cookies and website data, click Always allow.

57 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Managing the Software for Your Agents Configuring the Browser

Installing the ExtensionSafari extension

To distribute the extension to your agents’ workstations, download and save the Five9Softphone.safariextz file. However, agents can install the extension when they log into the adapter for the first time. When an update is available, a notification appears in the softphone.

Note If your agents have permission to access multiple domains, you need to install one extension for each domain.

58 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Chapter 4

Collecting Logs

This chapter describes how to collect logs from the workstation of agents who use the Five9 Plus applications:

Browser LogsSoftphone LogApplication Log

Logs are always displayed in UTC.

Browser LogsChromeFirefoxInternet ExplorerSafari

ChromeFollow these steps to locate the console logs.

1 In Chrome, click the menu icon in the top-right corner of the browser.

2 Select More Tools > Developer Tools.

3 In the browser console, select the Network tab, WebSockets, WS, and Frames.

59Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s GuideFive9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Collecting Logs Browser Logs

4 Select the Console tab.

5 Click the filter, and select the items that you want, such as errors and warnings.

FirefoxFollow these steps to locate the console logs.

1 Open the console: Ctrl+Shift+J.

2 Click and select the objects that you want.

60 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s GuideFive9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Collecting Logs Browser Logs

Internet ExplorerFollow these steps to locate the console logs.

1 To open the console, press F12.

2 Select the console tab.

SafariFollow these steps to locate the console logs.

1 To enable Web Inspector in the browser toolbar, open the Safari preferences.

2 Select the Advanced tab.

3 Enable Show Develop menu in menu bar.

61 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s GuideFive9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Collecting Logs Softphone Log

4 To access the Web Inspector, click the Develop menu in the menu bar, or press Command-Option-I.

5 Select console.

Softphone LogYou or Five9 Customer Support may request these files, which contain information about the adapter. Softphone logs are saved in the agent’s computer for four days before being deleted. Log files are located in these folders:

• Windows: %appdata%\Five9\Logs\websoftphone • MAC: ~/Library/Application\Support/Five9/Logs/websoftphone

Application LogAll actions performed by agents are saved in logs that can be used to troubleshoot problems with their station. You or Five9 Customer Support may request application logs to troubleshoot issues. By default, all agents can collect logs that apply to voice and text interactions and send a basic report. These logs contain the events that occur during the agent’s current session because logs are not saved when the agent closes the browser.

The log window gathers all available information. The process takes 30–60 seconds. During that time, if you click Stop Logging or close the window, the content that has been logged so far is not saved, but the rest of the session information is retained unless the session has timed out. The log is complete when no more information is added.

These logs are located in the softphone.

1 In the Help menu, click Start Logging.

62 Five9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s GuideFive9 Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Administrator’s Guide

Collecting Logs Application Log

2 To save the content that you need to send to Customer Support, click Download.The file name is similar to this one: Five9 - CRM adapter - Mon, Apr 6, 2015 4_14 PM.txt. The file is saved in your default download folder.

You may redirect the softphone logs to a custom directory. To do so, set the F9_SOFTPHONE_LOG_DIR environment variable in the agent’s workstation. For example, you may redirect the logs to a NAS share mounted in the agent’s workstation.

For more information about enhanced logging, see Reporting Problems in the Plus Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Agent’s Guide.

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