five day bodybuilding workout plan

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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For more detailed info please visit: and Simple & easy to follow 5 day bodybuilding workout plan - designed for both men & women, and beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes. Explanations, additional tips for beginners and pros, and even workout videos included. Enjoy your free ride! ;)



Men & Women

Beginners & Pros

Five Day Bodybuilding Plan

What you need?

The first thing you'll need is some space: use your basement, or clear some space in your living

room or family room. You'll need at least about 8 by 8 feet.

Time is an asset you'll definitely need to set aside to get results -- just 30-45 minutes from start to

finish for these workouts!

You'll need cardio equipment: dust off the old treadmill or exercise bike. If not, you can always use

a skipping rope! Some cardio exercises don't require any equipment at all!

A chair or bench is also recommended. A sturdy low coffee table can work. If you use a chair, just

be sure it doesn't have wheels! Some exercises can be performed on the floor - you can use an

exercise mat.

2 weights or 1 barbell: you'll need at least 2 weights. They can be dumbbells, or 2 weight plates, or

2 big soup cans from the pantry! Grab 2 water bottles if all else fails.

Women & Men * Beginners & Advanced

- WOMEN: Complete beginners - start with 1 or 2 kg (per dumbbell) and slowly progress to 3 or 4

kg. Use heavier weights when you're working on your legs than when you're working on your arms

for example.

- MEN: Complete beginners start with 3 kg dumbbells for their arms and chest, but use a kilo or two

more for the back and legs. If you are training to build visible muscle, you should aim for heavier

weights. Complete beginners should remember not to overestimate themselves because they

might be injured. Start as suggested and increase weight in the next training if you feel you are up

to it.

If you are intermediate and advanced: 20 kg or more for larger muscles like legs and back, and

10 kg or more for smaller muscles like biceps and triceps.

The heavier the weights - the lower the number of repetitions (6-10 repetitions).

How much repetitions? How heavy?

The heavier the weights - the lower the number of

repetitions (6-10 repetitions).

For more info, additional tips, and workout

videos, please visit:

5 Day Bodybuilding Workout Schedule


Five day bodybuilding plan for men and

women, beginners and pros

Three or 4 cycles/sets x the same number of

repetitions (for example 8 repetitions). A cycle/set is

when you perform 8 repetitions. Following this principle

you would perform:

• 8 lunges.

• Break/pause (1 or 2 minute pause, depending on

the heaviness of the weights you're lifting).

• 8 lunges.

• Break/pause.

• 8 lunges.

• Break/pause.

Others follow these lifting principles …

Others follow the "pyramid" principle - perform the

highest number of repetitions in the first set and then

decrease, for example:

• 10 lunges.

• Break/pause.

• 9 lunges.

• Break/pause.

• 8 lunges.

• Break/pause.

And others follow this principle when lifting weights:

• 9 lunges.

• Break/pause.

• 10 lunges.

• Break/pause.

• 8 lunges.

• Break/pause.

I want to build bigger muscles

When you're lifting weights to build

bigger muscles go for heavier

weights and a lower number of

repetitions (usually a max of 8

repetitions per cycle).

Day 1: LEGS For better info & workout videos visit: 5 day bodybuilding workout plan

Start with a warm up

Legs - 3-4 rounds

8- 20 squats with weights + Squat variations

8-20 lunges

>>> and if you are working out in a gym:

- Leg extensions

- Leg curls for hamstrings.

- Standing calf raises - you can perform these at home too.

>>>> ADDITION FOR WOMEN: BUTT WORKOUT, instead of performing it on Day 1, you can add this part of routine to

another day.

Day 2: Back & Biceps Back: 3-4 rounds

8-20 repetitions of Lat machine pull-downs to the front.

8-20 repetitions of Chin up.

8-20 repetitions of Seated cable rows or One arm dumbbell rows.

20 repetitions of Hyper-extensions or less if you are performing with weights.

Biceps & Forearms 3-4 rounds

8-15 repetitions incline dumbbell curls

8-15 repetitions standing dumbbell or barbell curls

8-15 repetitions Reverse Curls

8-15 repetitions Hammer curls

Day 3: Chest & Triceps

Chest: 3-4 rounds

8-20 repetitions of the Incline chest press with dumbbells and/or flatbenchchest press.

8-20 repetitions Chest flies or incline chest flies.

Use slightly lighter weights compared to the chest press because this exercise can be stressful for your shoulders. - this exercise can be performed on a ball - Works your back and legs, but if

you are using heavier weights, perform it on a bench due to stability.

8-20 repetitions Cable crossovers - with both arms or one arm only.

An example of a chest workout in a video:

Day 4: Cardio & Abdominals

Steady cardio workout:

- A minimum of 30 minutes (up to 45 minutes) of steady cardio workout - treadmill, bike or stepper, or

HIIT >>> read more about HITT and how to perform it @home here *** WORKOUT VIDEOS & ADDITIONAL TIPS

included 5 day bodybuilding workout plan

Abdominal workout &


Crunch-less AKA back friendly exercises: &

Day 5: Shoulders & Arms For better info with workout videos included, please visit: 5 day bodybuilding workout plan

8-15 repetitions Standing side dumbbells raise - perform either with both dumbbells simultaneously or interchange arms when

raising dumbbells

8-15 repetitions Standing front dumbbells raise - perform either with both dumbbells simultaneously or interchange arms when

raising dumbbells (as in the previous exercise except raise weights in front of your body)

8-15 repetitions Standing (or sitting) dumbbells press - palms facing in

8-15 repetitions Barbell press behind the neck aka Military press

8-15 repetitions Arnold dumbbells press (shoulders & triceps)

8 - 15 triceps press to chin

8-15 repetitions incline dumbbell curls.

8-15 repetitions Reverse curls

8-15 repetitions Zottman curl

Take a rest - it will make you stronger

Many bodybuilders do not realize the importance rest

plays in obtaining maximum performance and results

from the hours spent in the gym.

Resting time allows your muscles that you have broken

down to heal and recover. It is the rest that allows you to

recover so you can be strong, and thereby handle the


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