fit and trim

Post on 23-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Fit and Trim

What is fitness and what does it mean to be physically "fit?"

Physical fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have

or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical


Fit and Trim Nutrition Foundation of India reports that a third of males and more than half of the

females belonging to upper middle class in India are currently overweight (BMI>25). This amounts to 40-50 million overweight Indians. Prevention and control of overweight must claim priority attention, as overweight could emerge as the single most important public health problem in adults. Overweight/obesity may not be considered as a specific disease but it is certainly the mother of important degenerative diseases in adult life.

Because most people put on a pound or two every year, the first, and easiest, goal should be to stop any more weight gain, which has big health benefits itself. After that, getting weight down to a healthy level should be the next step.

Quick weight control tips? Get active, choose smaller portions, and eat more s-l-o-w-l-y.

Why Fit and Trim

Generally fat does not accumulate easily because we burn around 70% to 80% of energy in our daily life. Unfortunately the metabolic rate reaches a peak and begins to fall gradually from the age of 30, and if you don't take steps to improve your metabolic rate a “beer belly” and unwanted fat becomes distinct possibilities. It's wise to learn how to get yourself in good shape before the kilos begin to pile on.

Weight is a tough issue. Most people know how important it is to keep weight in check yet struggle to do so. And it's understandable in today's world where calorie-packed food comes fast and easy. But, the health benefits of staying at a healthy weight are huge and well worth the effort. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, keeping weight in check can also lower the risk of many different cancers, including breast,colon, kidney, pancreas, and esophagus.

Why Fit and Trim

Fearful of weight gain, many of us resort to different slimming methods to try and stem the spread. Theoretically our weight will drop with a lower energy intake, but in fact we are born with an ability to adapt ourselves to hunger. If you diet continuously over a two-week period it will lead to malnutrition. In such a situation the body tends to store energy and slow down the metabolic rate in order to maintain basic brain functions. Those who take this drastic route to trimming away kilos will lose weight at the very beginning, but the loss will not last long and the body weight can easily bounce back.

How can I lower How can I lower my health risks?my health risks?

To lose weight and keep it off over time, try to make long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits.

Choose healthy foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat meat and dairy products more often.

Eat just enough food to satisfy you. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, on most or all days of the week.If you are overweight, losing as little as 5 percent of your body weight may lower your risk for several diseases, including coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you weigh 200 pounds, this means losing 10 pounds. Slow and steady weight loss of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week, and not more than 3 pounds per week, is the safest way to lose weight.

Physical Activity

What is Physical Activity? Physical activity simply means movement of

the body that uses energy. Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a baby stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being active. For health benefits, physical activity

should be moderate or vigorous intensity.

Moderate physical activities

Walking briskly (about 3 ½ miles per hour) Bicycling (less than 10 miles per hour) General gardening (raking, trimming shrubs) Dancing Golf (walking and carrying clubs) Water aerobics Tennis (doubles)

Why Is Physical Activity Important? Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits.

People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being physically active.

The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits.

Being physically active can help you: Increase your chances of living longer Feel better about yourself Decrease your chances of becoming depressed Sleep well at night Move around more easily Have stronger muscles and bones Stay at or get to a healthy weight Be with friends or meet new people Enjoy yourself and have fun

When you are not physically active

Get heart disease Get type 2 diabetes Have high blood pressure Have high blood cholesterol Have a stroke Physical activity and nutrition work together for better

health. Being active increases the amount of calories burned.As people age their metabolism slows, so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating less.

Ways To Stay Fit and Trim Set Your Weight Goal Plan Your Diet Check Your Calorie Intake Question Your Hunger Start Eating Slowly Hydrate Yourself Add More Fiber Reduce Stress Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!!! Adequate Sleep

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