fishing impacts on the marine inorganic carbon cycle

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  • 8/8/2019 Fishing Impacts on the Marine Inorganic Carbon Cycle


    Fishing impacts on the marine inorganic carbon cycle

    Simon Jennings1,2* and Rod W. Wilson3

    1Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0HT, UK; 2School

    of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK; and 3School of Biosciences, Hatherly

    Laboratories, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon EX4 4PS, UK


    1. Teleost fish excrete precipitated carbonate and make significant contributions to the marine inor-

    ganic carbon cycle at regional and global scales. As total carbonate production is linked to fish size

    and abundance, fishing is predicted to affect carbonate production by modifying fish abundance

    and size-structure.

    2. We draw on concepts from physiology, metabolic ecology, life history theory, population

    dynamics and community ecology to develop, validate and apply analytical tools to assess fishingimpacts on carbonate production. Outputs suggest that population and community carbonate pro-

    duction fall rapidly at lower rates of fishing than those used as management targets for sustainable


    3. Theoretical predictions are corroborated by estimated trends in carbonate production by a

    herring population and a coral reef fish community subject to fishing. Our analytical results build

    on widely applicable relationships between life history parameters and metabolic rates, and can be

    generalized to most fished ecosystems.

    4. Synthesis and applications. If the maintenance of chemical processes as well as biological process

    were adopted as a management objective for fisheries then the methods we have developed can be

    applied to assess the effects of fishing on carbonate production and to advise on acceptable rates of

    fishing. Maintenance of this ecosystem service would require lower rates of fishing mortality than

    those recommended to achieve sustainable yield.

    Key-words: community, ecosystem approach, ecosystem services, fish carbonate, fisheries,

    management, population


    Fisheries managers tend to focus on achieving sustainable and

    profitable fisheries while minimizing impacts on non-target

    species and habitats (Sinclair & Valdimarsson 2003). However,

    fisheries also impact ecosystem services and these impacts needto be assessed to determine whether they should be managed.

    One important ecosystemservice provided by teleost fishis car-

    bonate production, as a recent (conservative) estimate suggests

    they contribute 315% of new oceanic carbonate production

    globally per year and that this may account for 77262%

    of carbonate dissolution in the top 1000 m of the ocean,

    with implications for the acidbase balance in the upper ocean

    (Wilson et al. 2009). Higher than average rates of fish carbon-

    ate production and dissolution are expected in shelf seas and

    upwellings, as >50% of global fish biomass occurs in these

    regions (Jennings et al. 2008).

    Teleost fish living in salt water precipitate carbonates in the

    intestine and subsequently excrete them in mucus-coated tubes

    or pellets and in the faeces (Walsh et al. 1991; Wilson et al.

    1996; Wilson, Wilson, & Grosell 2002; Grosell 2006). Follow-

    ing excretion, the organic parts of the tubes, pellets or faeces

    rapidly degrade, leaving inorganic crystals of calcium carbon-ate (Walsh et al. 1991). Carbonate precipitates are formed

    whether or not the fish are feeding (Wilson et al. 1996; Taylor

    & Grosell 2006) because the essential process of drinking

    seawater results in the supersaturation of calcium and magne-

    sium carbonates in the intestine (Wilson et al. 2002; Wilson &

    Grosell 2003). Walsh et al. (1991) suggested that carbonate

    excretion might make a significant contribution to the

    inorganic carbon cycle, and this has since been confirmed by

    the global analysis of Wilson et al. (2009). Fish carbonates

    have a higher magnesium content and are therefore expected

    to have greater solubility than other marine carbonates. This

    would result in faster dissolution with depth, providing a novel

    explanation for much of the increase in titratable alkalinity

    within upper 1000 m of the ocean (Wilson et al. 2009).*Correspondence author. E-mail:

    Journal of Applied Ecology 2009, 46, 976982 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01682.x

    2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 British Ecological Society

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    The rate of carbonate production by fish is assumed to be

    proportional to the seawater drinking rate and metabolic rate

    (Takei & Tsukada 2001). This is because osmoregulatory pro-

    cesses such as drinking and active ion transport serve to coun-

    terbalance passive ion and water fluxes (primarily at the gills)

    and these passive fluxes (water loss and ion gain in marine fish,and the opposite in freshwater fish) are directly proportional to

    gill ventilation and perfusion and therefore proportional to the

    oxygen uptake rate and metabolic rate (Nilsson 1986; Gonz-

    alez & McDonald 1992). As the metabolic rates of individuals

    and species vary with environmental temperature and body

    size (Clarke & Johnston 1999; Glazier 2005), the temperature

    of the surrounding environment as well as the size composition

    and total abundance of a fish population or community, will

    determine the total rate of carbonate production.

    Fishing takes place in all the global oceans and has substan-

    tially modified the structure of fish populations and communi-

    ties. Of those factors that influence rates of carbonate

    production by fish communities, both total biomass and size

    structure are affected by fishing (Quinn & Deriso 1999; Bianchi

    et al. 2000; Shin et al. 2005). Comparisons among areas subject

    to different fishing intensities and temporal comparison within

    areas where fishing effort has increased over time, have both

    shown that increased fishing mortality is associated with

    decreases in total biomass and a shift in the size distribution

    from larger to smaller individuals (Bianchi et al. 2000; Shin

    et al. 2005).

    Here, we develop, validate and apply methods for describing

    relationships between fishing intensity and carbonate produc-

    tion by fish populations and communities. These methods can

    be used to predict how the size composition and abundance offish communities changes in response to fishing mortality and

    the consequent impact on rates of carbonate production. Our

    new methods provide a quantitative approach for assessing

    whether the management of renewable resources should focus

    on chemistry as well as biology, an important step in incorpo-

    rating concerns about the sustainability of ecosystem services

    into environmental management.

    Materials and Methods

    The analyses comprise fourstages: (i) development of a model linking

    fish carbonate production to body mass and temperature, (ii) devel-

    opment of a model of fishing effects on population carbonate produc-

    tion, (iii) development of a model of fishing effects on community

    carbonate production, and (iv) validation and application of the

    models, based on data that demonstrate fishing-related changes in

    the body size composition and abundance of a population and


    C A R B O N A T E P R O D U C T I O N

    A model that links the rate of carbonate production to fish body size

    and temperature was used to estimate rates of carbonate production.

    This is based on the observation that rates of drinking by fish are

    directly proportional to metabolic rate, and that drinking rates deter-

    mine rates of carbonate production (Takei & Tsukada 2001; Wilsonet al. 2002; Taylor & Grosell 2006). Given this indirect link between

    carbonate production and metabolic rate, changes in relative rates of

    carbonate production with temperature can be approximated with

    the Arrhenius relationship. This relationshipprovidesa good descrip-

    tion, but not a causal explanation, of the effects of temperature on

    metabolic rate(e.g. Clarke& Johnston 1999). TheArrhenius relation-


    R AeE=kT eqn 1

    links the rate coefficients of a chemical reaction (R) to the absolute

    temperature T, where A is a prefactor, E is the activation energy of

    the reaction and k is the Boltzmann constant (or the Gas constant

    when E is expressed in molar units). Over biologically relevant tem-

    perature ranges E is assumed to be independent of temperature and

    the minor temperature dependenceofA is regarded as negligiblecom-

    pared with the temperature dependence of the e)E kTterm (Clarke &

    Johnston 1999).

    Takingthe natural logsof the Arrhenius equation gives:

    loge R Ek1T loge A eqn 2

    thusa plotof logeR vs T)1 is a straightline of slope Ek and intercept

    logeA. This approach was used to estimate )Ek from the data com-

    pilation of Clarke & Johnston (1999) that listed temperature and pre-

    dicted resting (standard) metabolic rates for a range of fish species at

    body mass 50 g. Therelationship washighly significant F = 81451,88

    (P < 00001), slope ()Ek) was )472736 (95% C.I. )36864 to

    )57683) and theintercept was 1427(95%C.I. 10591795).

    We assumed that the scaling of metabolism with body mass (W),

    both within and among species, could be approximated as W075. In

    reality, the value of the exponent can vary within and among species

    (Clarke& Johnston 1999; Glazier 2005) but we consider W075 an ade-

    quate approximation for developing a generically applicable

    approach, and the exponent could easily be modified in the subse-

    quent equations if species-specific data were available. We combined

    the relationship between body mass and metabolism with the Arrhe-

    nius equation describing temperature effects following the approach

    of Gillooly et al. (2002). Assuming that the rate of metabolism is pro-

    portional to the rate of carbonate production C (given the effects of

    metabolism on drinking rate; Takei & Tsukada 2001)

    C aqaW0:75AeE=kT eqn 3

    where a is a constant. Constantsa andqwere added to correct experi-

    mentally measured mass specific rates of carbonate production (Wil-

    son et al. 2009) for the ratio between carbonate production in activeand resting fish (a) and the relatively higher resting metabolism and

    drinking rates of fish species living in the water column (q) (Clarke &

    Johnston 1999; Takei & Tsukada 2001). Alpha exceeds one in wild

    fish because metabolic rate, and hence drinking rate and carbonate

    production, rise above resting (experimental) levels during normal

    activity (Kerr 1982). Carbonate production per unit mass can thus be

    expressed as

    C=W aqaW0:25AeE=kT eqn 4

    To fit equation (4) to data for resting unfed benthic fish, the values of

    a and q were both set to one. This equation was fitted to data for car-

    bonate production per unit mass by Gulf toadfish Opsanus beta andEuropean flounder Platichthys flesus, as recorded experimentally in

    Fishing impacts on the carbon cycle 977

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    resting unfed fish (Walsh et al. 1991; Wilson et al. 2002; Taylor &

    Grosell 2006; Taylor et al. 2007), to determine constants a and A, giv-

    ing the equation

    C=W aq9:81 108W0:25e47271=T eqn 5

    where carbonate production per unit mass is expressed as l mol C

    kg)1 h)1 (molarC = g C12), Wis bodymass in g and Tis tempera-

    ture in Kelvin (C+273) (Wilson et al. 2009). We set the valueofa to

    25 to q 24 based on the differences between resting and activity

    metabolism and the relative activity levels of bottom living and pela-

    gic fishes reported in Wilson et al. (2009). For simplicity, and given

    the very limited data currently available to parameterise the model,

    we assume the same model applies within and among species. How-

    ever, the general formof the model willallow it to be re-parameterised

    if additional data on rates of carbonate productionare collected.

    F I S H I N G E F F E C T S O N P O P U L A T I O N S

    Total carbonate production by a population at a given temperaturedepends on size composition and abundance. Changes in carbonate

    production by a cohort (year class) with time are a function of the

    changes in the number of individuals owing to mortality and the

    changes in the size of individuals owing to growth. The number of

    individuals in a cohort at time t can be estimated using (e.g. Quinn &

    Deriso 1999)

    Nt N0eMFt eqn 6

    where N0 is the number of individuals present at t = 0, F is fishing

    mortality and M is natural mortality. The von Bertalanffy Growth

    Equation can be used to describe W at time t as a function of the

    asymptotic mass W(e.g. Quinn & Deriso 1999)

    Wt W11 eKtt0 3 eqn 7

    where t0 is the time when W is theoretically zero and K is the Brody


    Following equation 3, carbonateproduction at time t will be

    Ct NtaqaW0:75t Ae

    E=kT eqn 8

    where Nt is the number of individuals present at time t as determined

    from equation (6) and Wt is determined from equation (7). Assuming

    temperature is constant through the cohort lifespan, the time when a

    cohort is producing the maximum amount of carbonate tCmax can

    thus be determined by substituting (6) and (7) into (8), differentiatingwithrespect to t andsolving for tCmax whenthe first derivative is set to


    tCmax t0 loge 1 9



    M F

    1=Keqn 9

    Equation (9) can be substituted into (7) to give the weight of fish in a

    cohort when they are producing the maximum amount of carbonate

    WCmax andthe equation for WCmax reduces to

    WCmax W1 1= 1M F


    3eqn 10

    The advantage of equations (9) and (10) is that for F = 0, the

    MKratio, which is relatively constant among many fish populations

    (Beverton 1992), can be used to predict the time and body mass when

    an unexploited cohort is producing most carbonate. This allows the

    application of the method when Mand Karenot known separately.

    Observed values of tCmax and WCmax in fished populations can be

    compared with theoretical values for unfished populations, providing

    an indicator of the relative impacts of fishing on carbonate produc-


    As most fish populationassessments areage based, a summation of

    Ct across age classes up to the maximum age tmax provides an ade-

    quate assessment of total carbonate production throughout the life-

    span of a cohort Ctotp (and hence the carbonate production of a

    populationat steady state). This is given by

    Ctotp Xtmaxt0

    F MtNtaqaW075t Ae

    E=kT eqn 11

    The methods of population-based analysis were applied to the her-

    ring population in the North Sea, for which there are long-term age-

    structured data and very large fluctuations in abundance and mortal-

    ity over time (ICES 2007). We estimated carbonate production based

    on a full age-structured population assessment for the fished popula-

    tion and for the population in the absence of fishing. The life history

    parameters of the herring population were W = 332g, t0 = )11,

    K = 04 and mean M = 031, with age-specific M based on ICES

    (2007) in the age-structured analysis. Mean sea temperature in the

    North Sea was taken as 105 C (ICES, unpublished data).

    F I S H I N G E F F E C T S O N C O M M U N I T I E S

    To assess the potential effects of fishing on carbonate production by

    fish communities we modified a model that captures the direct and

    indirect effects of fishing on community abundance and size structure

    (Pope et al. 2006). The model predicts interrelationshipsbetween fish-

    ing, population and community dynamics that are supported by

    empirical analysis and uses 15 parameters to describe a 13 speciesfish community, where species are defined by their maximum body

    size (asymptotic length L) and size-related life history parameters.

    An overall Facts on all species and can be modified by defining spe-

    cies and size selectivity. The parameter values followed the key run

    of Pope et al. (2006) but the exploitation pattern was modified so that

    all species were fished at the same F. This pattern is indicative of

    exploitation in many multispecies fisheries where small and large

    fishes are targeted. The model is intended to mimic the effects of fish-

    ing in a shallow (typically

  • 8/8/2019 Fishing Impacts on the Marine Inorganic Carbon Cycle


    of areas subject to different levels of fishing effort thatincluded lightly

    or unfished areas (Jennings & Polunin 1997).

    Fish abundance was determined by underwater visual censusin ten

    reef fishing grounds on the western coast of Kadavu Island, Fiji. The

    boundaries of each fishing ground enclose areas of reef where people

    from specific villages have exclusive rights to fish. As a result, varia-

    tions in human population density and reef area among grounds

    mean that they are subject to a range of fishing intensities. Reef fishes

    in the families studied do not move extensively among grounds and

    thus their abundance is determined by the recruitment of larvae from

    the plankton, natural mortality and local fishing intensity. Further

    details of the study areas, associatedfish communities, datacollection

    andprocessingare provided in Jennings & Polunin (1997).

    All fish census work was conducted in 1995 and 1996 and 144 spe-

    cies were censused. Abundances were determined at seven randomly

    selected replicate sites in each of the fishing grounds. At each site, the

    abundance and size of census species 8 cm length was estimated

    within 12 adjacent census areas of 7 m radius by counting each fish

    and estimating its length to 1 cm. Species in each census area were

    recorded sequentially, with the most active species being first. Whena count for one species was complete, all further movements of that

    species were disregarded. Fish lengths were converted to mass from

    published lengthmass relationships. Carbonate production was cal-

    culated from mass at a temperature of 275 C, the annual mean

    water temperature (NOAA 2007).

    An index of fishing intensity in each fishing ground was calculated

    by dividing the number of people in the villages that have fishing

    rights in the fishing grounds by the length of reef front. In Fijian vil-

    lages, all villagers have fishing rights and so the population approxi-

    mates the number of fishers and consumers (Jennings & Polunin

    1997). Human population data were obtained from the most recent

    census. The length of reef front was measured on aerial photographs

    or navigational charts.


    The theoretical analysis of relationships between the body

    weight at which a cohort has maximum carbonate production

    WCmax, asymptotic weight W and fishing mortality F

    showed that WCmax was 216% ofW in the absence of fish-

    ing and decreased to 60% from the value when

    F = 0. Total carbonate production by the population (Ctotp)

    as a proportion ofCtotp when F = 0 is almost linearly related

    to WCmaxW (Fig. 1c).

    Estimated carbonate production per recruit by the North

    Sea herring population fluctuated from 1960 to 1996 (Fig. 2a)

    and, when CR was expressed as a proportion of CRF = 0, it

    was negatively correlated with fishing mortality (Fig. 2b).

    Total carbonate production varied substantially among

    cohorts and among years, with both trends tending to precede

    decreases in total population biomass (Fig. 3).

    The relationship between the age at maximum carbonate

    production tCmax or WCmax and Ffor herring (Fig. 4) showedthat tCmax or WCmax would be expected to occur early in life

    and at low body mass if the population were fished at

    F = 068; the mean F in the period 19601996. At the target

    F of 025 (ages 26) which applies when spawning population

    biomass is >13 106 tonnes (ICES 2007), carbonate produc-

    tion at tCmax or WCmax would be more than double the value at

    F = 068. The predicted tCmax or WCmax for the population

    are broadly consistent with the values calculated from the age-

    structured assessment, with the age 0 group always having

    highest estimated carbonate production from 1960 to 1996 and

    average mass of this group being 13 g.

    The model of the effects of fishing on carbonate production

    suggested that the greatest decreases in community carbonateproduction would occur at relatively low rates of mortality

    Fishing mortality












    00 02 04 06 08 10

    Fishing mortality

    00 02 04 06 08 10










    005 010 015 020 025









    Fig. 1. Relationships between (a) body mass at maximum carbonate

    production as a proportion of asymptotic mass (WCmaxW) and

    fishing mortality, (b) relative carbonate production per recruit (con-

    tinuous line) or yield per recruit (solid line) and fishing mortality and

    (c) relative carbonate production by the population (CtotpCtotpF=0)

    and body mass at maximumcarbonate production as a proportion of

    asymptotic mass (WCmaxW). We assumed W = 1000, k = 03

    and MK = 15.

    Fishing impacts on the carbon cycle 979

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    (Fig. 5a). At F = 05, relative carbonate production had fallen

    to about 60% of that in the unfished community. At higher

    rates of F, there was relatively little change in the rate of car-bonate production. The rate of decrease in carbonate produc-

    tion with fishing was slightly lower than the rate of decrease in

    total biomass (Fig. 5a). The mean mass of individuals in the

    modelled community broadly declined with increasing fishing

    mortality while the mean rate of carbonate production per unit

    mass showed a corresponding increase (Fig. 5b). In these simu-

    lations, F = 025 corresponded to the multispecies Fat which

    the maximum sustainable yield could be taken from the most

    vulnerable species, while maximum multispecies yield would

    be taken at F > 10.

    Fishing intensity in the Fijian reef fisheries was expressed in

    terms of effort rather than F, owing to the absence of data

    describing population-specific exploitation rates. The range of

    fishing effort spanned more than an order of magnitude with

    one ground infrequently fished. Community biomassdecreased rapidly with low and increasing levels of fishing

    effort but stabilized at higher effort (Fig. 6a). Estimated car-

    bonate production was highest in the least frequently fished

    ground, on average 20% higher than at other grounds, where

    production was lower and more variable, and did not show a

    clear relationship with fishing intensity (Fig. 6b). Carbonate

    production per unit biomass increased with fishing effort,

    probably reflecting the dominance of smaller fishes that pro-

    duce more carbonate per unit mass in the more heavily

    exploited grounds (Fig. 6c).


    For populations and communities, lower rates of fishing mor-

    tality than those associated with obtaining high and sustain-

    able yields lead to substantial reductions in population

    carbonate production. Relatively small changes in rates of

    carbonate production at higher fishing mortalities imply that

    current management interventions intended to achieve high

    and sustainable yield will have limited effects on carbonate

    production. The analytical methods and hence the results

    depend on widely applicable relationships between mortality,

    population and community size structure and metabolism, and

    we therefore expect they can be generalized to populations and

    communities in most fished ecosystems. In general, fishingmortality reduces total carbonate production and CR in the

    Fishing mortality F

    00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18










    Year class

    1960 1970 1980 1990










    Fig.2. Predicted carbonate production per recruit for the North Sea

    herring stock for the year classes from 1960 to 1996 (a) and the rela-

    tionship between CR as a proportion CRF = 0 and thefishing mor-tality (Fforages 36) in each of thesecohorts (b).

    Year class or year

    1960 1970 1980 1990









    120 Populationbiomass(106tonnes)







    CaCO3 by cohortsCaCO3 by yearspopulation biomass

    Fig.3. Trends in estimated CaCO3 production by the North Sea

    herring population by cohorts (closed circles, solid line) and by years

    (open circles, broken line) from 1960 to 1996 Total population

    biomass over the same time period is shown with the dotted line and

    small circles.


    ax t








    Fishing mortality F

    00 02 04 06 08 100





    Fig.4. Relationship between WCmax (solid line) and tCmax (broken

    line) andfishingmortalityfor the North Sea herring population.

    980 S. Jennings & R. W. Wilson

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    population because the abundance of fished cohorts will fall

    more rapidly with age. However, carbonate production per

    unit mass increases with fishing mortality in fished populations

    and communities because these are dominated by smaller indi-viduals.

    The model that links size and temperature to carbonate

    production assumed that the intercepts of relationships

    between R and C and W were the same for all species. This

    would not be the case in reality, as active species of pelagic fish

    (e.g.tunas) have higher metabolic rates than less active bottom-

    dwelling species (e.g. groupers, flatfishes) at a given body size

    and temperature (Clarke & Johnston 1999) and this would

    influence their drinking rates. However, the model structure is

    sufficiently general that it could easily be parameterised with

    species-specific data as they become available. In the case of

    the community analysis, larger bottom-dwelling species do

    tend to be more vulnerable to fishing than smaller pelagic

    species and changes in their relative abundance could lead to

    relative increases in the rate of carbonate production per unit

    biomass at different fishing intensities. The predicted trend in

    carbonate production with fishing will also be influenced by

    the proportion of teleosts (carbonate producing) and elasmo-

    branchs (not carbonate producing) in the fish community.

    Elasmobranchs tend to have relatively large body sizes and to

    be more vulnerable to fishing owing to their low intrinsic rates

    of increase (Stevens et al. 2000), so it might be expected that

    they will form a smaller proportion of total biomass at high

    fishing mortality. This would exaggerate any predicted

    decrease in carbonate production.

    The relationship between WCmax and W provides a linearindicator of the extent to which relative carbonate production

    Fishing effort (persons km2 reef front)

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300010











































    Fig. 6. Relationships between (a) biomass, (b) carbonate production

    and (c) carbonate production per unit mass and fishing effort on

    Fijian reef fishing grounds. Vertical bars are 95% confidence inter-


























    Fishing mortality F

    00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14

    00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14























    Fig. 5. (a) Changes in total carbonate production (continuous line)

    and relative biomass (broken line) of a fish community as a function

    of changes in the rate of fishing mortality The rate of carbonate pro-

    duction (Ctotc) and biomass (B) are expressed as a proportion of their

    values with no fishing (F = 0). (b) Relationship between mean indi-

    vidual body mass (continuous line) or carbonate production per unit

    biomass (broken line) and fishing mortality in the modelled fish com-


    Fishing impacts on the carbon cycle 981

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    per recruit and total carbonate production of a population at

    steady state is influenced by fishing. WCmax can be calculated

    without a natural mortality for the species concerned, by tak-

    ing advantage of the MK ratio, and thus provides a simple

    method for assessing the relative effects of fishing on carbonate

    production. The disadvantage of this simple technique overage-structured assessment ofCR is the assumption of a single

    value ofMin all age classes, when fish typically exhibit higher

    Mwhen younger. If size or age-related natural mortality data

    are available for some well-studied populations, our analyses

    show that it would be straightforward to modify existing popu-

    lation assessment methods to predict the effect of various rates

    of fishing mortality on Ctotp and CR.

    This analysis suggests that fishing will alter the rates of car-

    bonate production by fish populations and communities, but

    the analysis would be refined by significant additional research,

    to include (i) obtaining carbonate production data for a wider

    range of species, body sizes and temperatures to better para-

    meterise the model linking these variables, (ii) accounting for

    differences in the relative activity levels of fishes in the carbon-

    ate production modeland in the predictions of changes in com-

    munity structure, (iii) accounting for the effects of fishing on

    carbonate production by the smaller size-classes of fish, and

    (iv) accounting for changes in relative abundance of teleosts

    and elasmobranchs in the model of fishing impacts. In addi-

    tion, while the analyses provide a method for giving manage-

    ment advice on the effects of fishing on an ecosystem service

    other than food production, considerable work would still be

    needed to identify realistic management objectives for this

    service. Such objectives would ultimately be a matter of choice

    for society, albeit informed by science (Jennings 2007). Ourunderstanding of the wider consequences of changes in the

    rates of fish carbonate production on ocean chemistry and the

    consequences for biota will need to be improved to inform any

    debate on objectives.


    We thank Andrew Clarke for providing the compilation of teleost oxygen con-

    sumption data from Clarke & Johnston (1999) and John Pope for allowing us

    to modifythe size-based model of Pope etal. (2006)for thisanalysis.S.J. thanks

    UK DFID (formerly ODA) and NERC for funding the collection of the fish

    community data used in this analysis, and the EC and Defra for funding this

    research. R.W.thanks BBSRC andThe Royal Societyfor fundingfundamental

    studieson intestinalcarbonateproduction in marine fish.


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    Received7 March2009;accepted 9 June 2009

    Handling Editor: NickDulvy

    982 S. Jennings & R. W. Wilson

    2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 46, 976982

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