fishing grounds of the gulf 1 08

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Jeffreys Ledge bears S. ? W. from the lightship off Portland, 19 mls to the upper edge and 22 miles ...


Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 08

Jeffreys Ledge bears S. ? W. from the lightship off Portland, 19 mls to the upper edge and 22 milesS. in the buoy around the Hue and Cry to the fringe of the shoal.

A ridge telling lies NW. of Cashes Banking institution and nearly parallel with the main financialinstitution, only separated by a narrow deep station, is about 7 miles very long by 1? miles vast. Thespecies and the seasons are the same in this article as on Cashes Lender.

Harvey Blacks Ridge. This is certainly SE. ? S. from the lightship off Portland, distant 42 miles, andSE. from New Ledge, distant 8 miles. From Glovers Rock, off Tiny Point, Me. this ridge lies SE. by S.? S. 41 miles. It extends within an ENE. and WSW. direction about 4 miles very long by I mile broad.Depths typical 70 to 100 fathoms over a base of discolored clay and gravel. Cod are taken right hereall the calendar year. Haddock are found in the deep water early in the year: cusk each of the year indeep drinking water, together with hake in summer, also around the muddy base in serious water.Pollock and other surface-schooling minn kota maxxum are found within their suitable season.

The Shoal Ground, stretching easterly from Thacher Island, has depths from twenty to thirty fathomsmore than a bottom of sand and gravel. This area is approximately 15 a long way long by 5 mls wideand is an important pollock ground within their spawning time as well as a good fall cod-sportfishing ground. It is about 12 miles E. by N. from Thacher Island to its center and 21 a long way S. through the Isle of Shoals. Flounder draggers also operate in this article on the shoal groundand around Thacher Island but mostly to eastward And southeastward.

Jeffreys Ledge. Of somewhat small dimensions, even though jeffreys Ledge can be considered one ofthe best fishing grounds inside the Gulf of Maine. It appears to be an extension in the shoal floorthat makes off in an easterly direction from Cape Ann, it is about 20 kilometers long in a NE. andSW. course and about 4 miles wide. Its southern limits is 42? 54' and its upper limit 43? northlatitude; its western and eastern boundaries may be placed at 69? 70 and 58'? 18' western longitude.The base is rocky on the shoaler parts, with gravel and pebbles on the edges. Depths on the bankinginstitution are from 27 to 35 fathoms, falling to 40 or 50 on the corners. The shoalest water issituated from 4 to 5 miles N. by E. from the buoy, where there is 22 fathoms. Ordinarily there is verylittle or no tide, by having an occasional current SW. You will find, however, robust westerlycurrents with the weighty easterly wind, and often right after a period of mild weather with nostrong tides there will instantly develop a weighty SW. circulation, indicating the approach of yourstrong northwester. This would seem a general tip in the Gulf of Maine and is, probably, prevalentaround much of our North Atlantic coast.

Howard Nunans Ridge. Of similar mother nature to the final, this goes up 4 miles inside of andparallel into it, lying 14 miles from Cape Porpoise on the same bearings (SE. by S. ? S.). This isapparently made up of two shoals, the northern growing to 50 fathoms water over a difficult, brokenbottom part about 3 miles extended by 1 mile wide, deepening southwesterly to a filter, muddy gully,where are 80 fathoms, and soaring again to 60 fathoms over rocks and shattered ground. The wholeground is about 8 a long way long with average widths of from 1 to 1? mls. This floor furnishes greatcod angling and haddocking within the fall and early winter months and yet again in the springmonths.

The Cod Ridge (formerly External Harris Terrain). This is situated NE. from your Northeast Peak ofNew Ledge, distant 7 miles. It extends in a ENE. and WSW. route, the ground thinning and the h2odeepening to the eastward, the shoal soil having 45 fathoms on a bottom of small pebbles and fineblack sand and gravel, depths increasing in every other directions to 100 fathoms in the mud andsloping off of somewhat steeply, especially about the southeast side, where the drop is very razor-sharp. The length of the earth is about 5 miles, the width 1 mile. It becomes an all-the-year codground, the season of greatest large quantity being from May 1 to December. The haddock areusually Within their greatest phone numbers here from January 1 to Apr. Possibly because thenormal water is not deep enough for that former, with the exception of the small minn kota maxxum,that happen to be of very little value towards the fishermen; and the ground will not be muddyadequate for the latter species, apparently no great number of cusk or hake are taken on this pageon the ridge. Both varieties, however, are found about the ends in the deep water, the cusk in thesharpest, hardest part of the bottom (perhaps most frequent in Feb and March), the hake, as usual,about the muddy components about it.

John Dyers Ridge. This lies 14 miles S. by E. from Toothakers Ridge, 40 mls S. by E. from MonheganIsle, and 7 miles NE. from Cashes Bank. It really is about 5 miles lengthy by 2 miles large, lyinginside an ENE. and WSW. course. The water is shoalest in the western side, where come from 45 to50 fathoms over a well-defined, pebbly bottom; thence the floor slopes to the NE. into 75 and 80fathoms across a hard, gravelly, and dirty bottom, in all other guidelines falling off sharply to 90 and100 fathom soundings over a muddy bottom.

Southeast Jeffreys. Off the southeast edge of Jeffreys, about 24 miles SE. from Boon Island, is a pieceof minn kota maxxum ground having a difficult bottom ofpea gravel and beach sand, and rocks,where depths slope out gradually from your 50-fathom soundings near the main body of your banktowards the 90-fathom label farther out. This area is an excellent ground for haddock and cod in thespring and winter along with a hake floor in March. This minn kota maxxum place is about 3 or 4miles square and is bounded on all but the american side by muddy bottom, which is of little worthas a minn kota maxxum terrain. Usually there may be good haddocking in Mar on the outside ofJeffreys, on its southeastern edge as well as in the cove between it and Tillies in 70 and 60 fathomdepths on the broken and muddy bottom. This spot lies SE ? from the Isle of Shoals, 27 a long way tothe centre.

Platt's Financial institution or New Ledge. This bears E. by N. ? N. from Thacher Tropical isle, fromwhich the shoal area of the ledge is distant 53 miles. From Portland Lightship it is 30 miles SSE. tothe core of the ground. The financial institution is about 12 miles lengthy, NE. and SW.. andapproximately 8 miles wide. The western shoal, which is of small magnitude and difficult and whichincludes a considerable amount of lifeless shells on it, is located near the center, its degree being 29fathoms. Using this shoal for the Southwest Top is about 11 miles SW. by S. Another shoal lies E. 3miles, having about 30 fathoms over yellow sand and gravel, which is a excellent fall soil forhaddock. East-northeast from the western shoal 3 kilometers brings us to a rocky ridge, with spotsof hard dirt and pebbles between, in 65-fathom range, which is a great winter cusk ground, thesefish remaining right here until April. Over much of the bank the depths cover anything from 30 to 35fathoms with a base of gravel and rocks. From the edge of the shoaler area the bottom slopesgradually to 50 or 60 fathoms, beyond which it droplets suddenly to 80 or 90 fathoms over a dirtybottom.

Wild Kitty Ridge. Extremely heavy tides sweep more than this terrain, making it difficult to haul gearin minn kota maxxum upon it, whence, it is said, comes the name. It is placed NNE from HighlandLight-weight, Cape Cod, 18 a long way to its the southern part of edge; SE ? S from Thacher Tropicalisle 31 miles; and is about 7? miles long inside a north and south direction by about 3? miles large.

The bottom is difficult, of shattered shells and sand, and depths are from 45 to 60 fathoms. Thereare 100 fathom depths inside of the ground and from 100 to 110 fathoms outside of it. But littlefished at any moment other than the wintertime seasons, though apparently, this is an all thecalendar year ground for cod, cusk, and haddock.

A comparatively unknown and obviously as nevertheless unnamed ridge lies E. by S. 15 kilometersfrom the buoy on Cashes Ledge, that is reported to be good minn kota maxxum ground, especiallyfor cod and cusk. With both types present in this article the year about, the cod is said to be mostample in April and May: as well as the cusk, as they are the tip on these outlying ridges, appears inlargest amounts in March and April. Haddock seem to be considerably rare right here.

This ridge lies in a SE. and NW. path, extending fairly indefinitely but for at least 10 miles by about3 miles in width. About the ridge the base is shattered--a hard base of black colored gravel, whichgenerally means an effective minn kota maxxum spot--the depths on this page being from 85 to 90fathoms. There are numerous muddy spots between these harder pieces of terrain where soundingsrun to 100 fathoms or slightly more. The surrounding bottom is generally of dirt, and the depthsaverage from 100 to 125 fathoms. There are a number of pieces of gravelly hard floor in the location,each of which probably would furnish equally good sport fishing for cod and cusk with the sameconditions as in the ridge.

Tillies Bank. [13] This bears E And S from Eastern Point Light just dropping Thacher Island Lighting,then 3 miles farther for best sport fishing: and E. by S. ? S. from Thacher Island, Cape Ann, throughwhich the shoal on the centre of the ground is distant 18 miles. This is a small rocky spot withdepths of from 25 to 28 fathoms, outside of which the water deepens to 40 fathoms over aconsiderable area. The size of the entire terrain is about 10 miles in a E. and W. path and the sizeabout 5 miles. Prior to reaching the mud at still higher depths but an area of shoal normal waterconnects this ground with West Jeffreys, at the edge it drops off speedily to depths of 50 to 60fathoms. The base is rough and rocky on the greater section of the bank. Tillies was earlier regardedamong the best minn kota maxxum grounds off Cape Ann which is still resorted to for haddock andcod in the spring season and drop; for hake from thespring and summer, and slip, and for pollock inthe fall and spring. The fishing is mainly by trawling, together with the gillnetters working on theshoal grounds in just 50 fathoms.

A few-Dory Ridge. Outside New Ledge and about midway between it and Harvey Blacks Ridge is asmall ridge about 3 a long way long, jogging NE. and SW., and approximately ? mile wide. This issituated SE. by S. from your Portland Lightship. 38 a long way to the shoal of 55 fathoms, whichhappens to be near its center. Using this the ground slopes away on all sides to 63 and 65 fathomdepths over which area the base is made up of fine sand, gravel and mud and rocks. At thesereduced depths are found "water lines" (clay-based cylinders), the location where the fishing endsunexpectedly. All about the ridge are depths of 80 to 100 fathoms over a bottom of mud. This reallyis almost completely a cod ground, very good from Might to August.

[Dinner table 3--Outside Minn Kota Maxxum Grounds, showing the principle varieties taken afterthem.]

Fippenies Bank. This consists of two shoals averaging 80 fathoms in depth with a channel of 90fathoms between them. These run NE. and SW., the eastern shoal about 8 a long way long by 1distance wide, the western about half as sizeable. Fippenies bears E. 1/4 S. from Thacher Island,distant 61 miles; from Portland Lightship, SE. by S. ? S, 57 kilometers to the american point of thenorthern shoal in 35 fathoms. Your budget is nearly 10 miles extended NE. and SW. and averages 4?miles vast. The bottom is ofgravel and pebbles, and clay, experiencing depths over much of the shoal

around 30 fathoms but also from 36 to 60 fathoms. It is fished by the shore fleet in the spring andearlier summer. The fish and months are as on Cashes Bank. It has changed in recent years, eventhough previously twice as a lot of haddock were actually taken right here as on Cashes or on PlattsBank. Halibut are considered here in acceptable numbers in 45 to 55 fathom depths inJuly and June,and August on the "black gravel" from the western and southern edge. The "white gravel" on thenorth shoal is of small account as a fishing ground, since it is composed generally of the seashells ofdeceased scallops.

Lying about SE. by S. ? 5. from the Isle of Shoals 20 miles, 13 miles S. by W. through the whistlingbuoy on Jeffreys, and 43 miles S. by W. from Cape Elizabeth can be a broken part of bottom havingfrom 75 to 85 fathoms water over it, which is a haddock ground from January to April plus a hakeand cusk ground each of the year.

Cusk are plentiful on this page in the spring, by incorporating in the drop. Cod are taken each of theyear all around, the Spring school simply being the largest. Hake are most numerous In the drop andspringtime months, and haddock usually are not common however are most several in winter.

On the ledgecod and haddock, and cusk are taken in the full winter season and springseasonperhaps, spring and winter furnishing the best minn kota maxxum. In addition there are moreor less pollock, and hake constitute a crucial part of the get. In individuals seasons when herringmake their appearance in these waters the seiners make good attracts here, mainly of meals fish, asthe big herring are termed from the trade. The mackerel, also, appear on these grounds and also onthe smaller grounds nearer to shoreline to northward and westward in good-sized universities,usually from July 1 through September. For many years the haddock get from this financialinstitution has been of considerable significance, and this document remains correct for the pastseveral years as well.

On and about every one of these shoals the sail fleet makes good catches, mostly consisting of codbut with a fair proportion of pollock, also, and in the deeper h2o close to them, in summer andspring, a considerable amount of haddock. An occasional sizeable halibut is taken, and also goodgrabs have been documented. There were documented in the everyday report of your Boston MinnKota Maxxum Bureau between Could 15 and August15 and 1920, 10 trips created by the smallervessels of the halibut fleet that landed fares of from 2,000 to 10,000 pounds of the species using thisarea. Maybe more would be taken when the halibut fishery were to be followed right here as in otherplaces. "Rip minn kota maxxum," as carried out here, is done "at a drift," moving over the shoalsand, as they transfer off from them, sailing straight back to repeat the process. The fish areundertaken by hand-lining with "cockle" lure or by "jigging" the minn kota maxxum with a gleamingpiece of metallic representing a herring or similar seafood, below which are established twin hooks,the sea food simply being struck after it is felt looking into the bait. This fishery generally is carriedon during June, Might and July and August. In the herring and mackerel seasons these reasonsusually furnish good minn kota maxxum for such species, the minn kota maxxum usually impressivehere from May 15 to July 15.

Jerry Yorks Ridge. This lies just inside and paralleling Jeffreys Ledge WNW. from its shoal water andabout 5 kilometers distant from the ledge and about 18 miles SE. by S. ? S. from Cape Porpoise. Thisground has from 45 to 48 fathoms water on a rocky broken bottom part. It is about 5 kilometerslong, NNE. and SSW., and averages 1? mls wide. This is a great haddock and cod ground From thefall and up to Jan, these minn kota maxxum coming back here early in the year months.

Due E. in the buoy on Ammens Rock and roll about 12 miles is placed a ridge that rises from the 100to 120 fathom depths about it to a depth of around 80 fathoms over a bottom of shattereddirt and

floor, and shells. This shoaler piece is some 3 mls long. N. by E. and S. by NW., by 1 mile wide. Itfurnishes good minn kota maxxum for cod, hake, and cusk in the spring, April being the mosteffective season.

Nantucket Shoals. This expand of cafes and greater waters. among, roughly triangular in kind withits apex at the north, lies over the western edge of the Southern Channel, increasing S. and SE. fromthe southern conclusion of Cape Nantucket and Cod Island. From Monomoy Denote Rogers Sportfishing Soil, on the eastern edge of Phelps Bank, it is SSE. 80 miles. Its width from Southeast Rips tothe american edge of New South Shoal is 40 miles. The region includes numerous "fishing spots" andshoals, among which the following are the most important: Pollock Rip Crown, Increased andTerrain Shoal, Fantastic Rip, Davis Bank, Sportfishing Rip, New and Outdated South Shoal, andPhelps Bank.

A small cove makes for a shorter distance in the western area of Jeffreys Ledge at about 20 milesfrom Boon Tropical island in a SE. by S. ? S. route. The bottom within the cove is broken and muddy,with depths of around 60 fathoms. Thence, the ground slopes away to the jaws, where the endsabout the entry ways are rocky and have 75 and 70 fathom depths. These rocky places are cuskgrounds inJanuary and February, and March, during which weeks the cove itself generally furnishesgreat haddock fishing. Outdoors these depths the water deepens westward across a muddy bottompart, where come from 80 to 90 as well as 100 fathoms of water. Minn Kota Maxxum here is mainlyby trawl and gill nets.

Eastern Shoal Water of Cape Ann. This is generally considered part of Jeffreys and is often talked ofas West Jeffreys by the fishermen. It stretches In an ENE. direction from Cape Ann for a range offrom 15 to 18 miles. It is, in reality, a south west continuation of Jeffreys Ledge, the two developinga practically continuous ridge running NE. from Cape Ann a distance of around 42 miles. Depths onthe so-called Eastern Shoal Normal water vary from 20 to 45 fathoms, the base being of rocks,pebbles, and coarse gravel over most of its extent. mud and Sand arise on the ends. The eastern partof the terrain is resorted to from the haddock fleet during the drop and earlier winter, as well asother parts are visited essentially during the entire year forcod and haddock, and pollock by boatsand vessels from Cape Ann and by craft of various varieties from Portland and Boston-line trawlers,gill-netters, and a few of the new type of small otter trawlers, this latter fleet of create constantlyincreasing in variety.

East part of Cape Cod. The sea bottom off the east part of Cape Cod is mainly sandy and slopes awayfrom gradually from your beach, hitting depths of 30 to 40 fathoms at 5 to 7 miles from land. Listedbelow Chatham the slope is even more gradual. Within these limits good catches of cod are taken attimes, and to a less magnitude the same is true of haddock. Far away from the shore, in from 40 to80 fathoms and from the point 8 or 10 miles off the Highlands of Cape Cod to another stage lying 20miles or more SSE. from Chatham Lighting, is a ongoing stretch of excellent haddock grounds forwinter angling. The deep drinking water off Chatham furnishes exceptional hake fishing in summerand fall.

The Ridge (in the southern part of Fippenies). This is certainly SSE. from your light-ship at Portland75 miles and possesses a base of discolored pebbles and dirtpebbles and depths of 75 to 95 fathoms.Cod are present within December and January; cusk the entire year around, but a majority ofnumerous in February and March; haddock in January and December; hake in October andSeptember. The length of this bank is from 4 to 5 a long way and the breadth somewhat under 2 mls.It is based on an ENE. and WSW. direction.

This shore furnishes excellent mackerel angling throughout most of the period when these fish are in

upper waters. Hardly any gill-netters run here, the distance to market becoming great and thechance of rough weather and the lack of harmless harbor which makes it dangerous for small craft.From this stretch of shore (mostly from off Chatham) there were landed at Boston in the year 1923,66 fares with a overall of 1,797,826 pounds priced at $76,875.

Seemingly the great quantity of cod on this ground is due to the fantastic quantity of shrimps andsoft-shelled crabs located on the muddy underside and on the rocks that compose this ground. Thereseem to be many of these deep-water grounds about and between the shoaler reasons, as in closeproximity to Cashes, Fippenies, and Jeffreys, which seemingly serve as fairways over that yourschools of hake, cod, and cusk, move from Georges Financial institution into the Gulf of Maine in thespring of the season.

In the inner areas of this soil, particularly, the gill-net fleet operates widely, mainly from the full andspring, on northwest Jeffreys 8 to 12 miles E. and SE. from Thacher Island, where the bottom part issand and rocks. Other gill-netting grounds are 8 to 15 a long way NE. by E. from Thacher Tropicalisland in 22 fathoms on a hard bottom of dirt and blended material of sand and gravel. The Cove ofJeffreys, NE. by E. 12 to 15 miles from Thacher Isle, is a beloved haddock soil in the spring (Apr 20to May 15) in 45 to 70 or even 80 fathoms, although gill nets are not often fished in than 50 fathomsbecause of the, weight of your nets within the deeper water. In the spring (in April and might), thehaddock are available in on Scantum, 10 miles NNE. from Thacher Island between Jeffreys Ledge aswell as the Isle of Shoals, on the broken bottom of stones and light blue clay in 55 to 70 fathoms.

Morris Ledge. This is situated eastward of Chatham and is also a favorite soil for certain codfishermen throughout spring and early summer. Schooners and small craft operate right here.

A little shoal in the western area of the Cove of Jeffreys, having 50 fathoms over a base of blue clayand rocks and rising from your 70 and 60 fathom soundings about it, is all about 1? a long way longby about 3/4 mile wide. This shoal is SSE. from Benefit Island 15 miles. It is actually a winter floorfor cod and haddock.

Fifty-five Fathom Bunch. West of Cashes Bank is a rocky ridge extending ENE. and WSW. about 4miles and achieving a width of about 1 mile. This is certainly mainly a cod terrain, the seasons forthe kinds being as on Cashes Bank.

Clay-based Ridge. At various factors about the ends of Jeffreys Ledge are small unattached ridges,which in their year are good minn kota maxxum grounds. The present bit of ground is situated 26mls S. by W. from your lightship at Portland, which course and distance deliver us towards thenorthern advantage. Elsewhere soundings average from 65 to 70 fathoms over a underside ofdifficult clay, although there is a 50-fathom shoal of small dimensions upon it. The length of the soilis about 4 miles NNE. and SSW., and the breadth about 1 mile. This furnishes excellent haddockingin January, Feb .. and Mar. the latter four weeks showing the ideal minn kota maxxum.

This is certainly essentially a cod soil for the entire calendar year, the kinds being most abundantfrom May 1 to October. It is a cusk ground all the year about the hard bottom of the much deeperApril, components and March showing the largest schools. Hake also are ample in 70 fathoms anddeeper in the mud in fall and summer season.


This became considered one of the most effective fishing grounds for cod and haddock in the Gulf ofMaine, but the haddock catch here has fallen off just recently. Hake are very ample during the

summer season and often while in October about the muddy bottom part near the side. Inside 100fathoms, with a "punkin" bottom of rocks and gravel, near the soil, haddock are normally found fromDecember to March. Cod, pollock, and cusk occur from May to October, the first kind on the difficultand gravelly portions, the second on the serious soundings, with the Northeast Peak the bestsummertime ground. This is an specially good slip and winter season soil for haddock. Halibut arefrequently found in 35 fathoms (modest minn kota maxxum) from Sept through December; also Inspring and early summer. This floor is fished by vessels from Cape Cod, Size., to Cutler, Me., mostlyby trawling, some hand-coating, but no gill netting of value as but.

Outer Crab Ledge. The center lies about 14 miles ESE from Chatham Lights. It extends about 5 or 6miles in a N. and S. direction and is about 1 mile broad. Depths operate from 19 to 23 fathoms; thebase is difficult. The fishing is principally for cod inside the winter, slip and springtime. Vessel minnkota maxxum is principally early in the year.

Another large ridge, paralleling the 100-fathom curve of Georges Financial institution at about 20mls N. of it, lies SE by S from the buoy on Cashes Ledge, forty miles to its center; SE by S 110 a longway from Portland Lightship; ESE 92 kilometers from Cape Ann to its western stop, and E. by S. ? S.from the ship at Boston 100 miles. This ridge is also of fairly indefinite area, being possibly 20 a longway long in a ESE by WNW course by 1? to three miles wide. Obviously depths are fairly standardfrom 85 to 95 fathoms, the bottom of the ridge being of coarse black colored sand and getting bluesoil in the greater area around it. This is said to be a good cod and cusk ground the year round.

Off N and Newburyport. and SW. in the Isle of Shoals are gill-netting reasons that are significantlyused. Trawling and netting are maintained, beginning in 40 fathoms in February and March andworking off to 70 fathoms off Salisbury Bench in May. Cod are on this ground about two weeks inOctober and in February and March are found in abundance away from Boars Head. Hake exist hereall of the fall and are found all along the southeast side of these grounds in depths of 45 to 60fathoms. A certain amount of halibut may be taken in most years at various points over a bottom ofhard gravel in spring season and very early summer in 35 to 65 fathoms. In most several years alarge amount of mackerel is adopted Jeffreys, particularly so in 1925. Herring, also, are usuallyabundant here in "herring years".

The gill-net fishery on these grounds is of excellent and progressively growing value, though earlierthis fishery was nearly entirely maintained by trawlers and hand-liners. Of late the larger part of thehaddock catch has been taken by the "otter-trawl" technique, this equipment being run by steamersof considerable size and upon the better distant grounds, such as Georges Bank, the South Station,and the Traditional western Bank. Exactly the same change to sportfishing reasons farther offshorehas to a great extent occurred in the fleet of larger sailing vessels, as a result leaving Jeffreys andother inshore banks for the smaller craft; except that, with the high prices of haddock and cod in thewinter months, it is often successful for these greater vessels to work off to in close proximity to-bybanks for one set and return to slot the same day.

Big Ridge (near Cashes Bank). This is a broken and rocky component of bottom running from theidea of the southeastern part of the terrain, at about 10 miles S. in the buoy on Ammens Rock andabout 82 miles SE. ? S. in the lightship at Portland, to a point about 20 miles S. by E. from the buoynamed. Its length is just not to be mentioned definitely, which is probably in excess of here shown.The size averages about 1? to 2 kilometers. Depths come from 65 to 80 fathoms and more, improvinggradually since it goes outside the main financial institution. The kinds and their conditions of greatquantity here are as on Cashes Bank. Probably this is even more of a cod and cusk ground than isthe major part of Cashes Bank, the cusk simply being particularly plentiful during Mar and Apr.Halibut also are found in May and June in from 50 to 60 fathoms of water. A considerable amount of

the fish shown within the table in the catch in the area a part of Cashes Banking institution mayperfectly have come with this piece of ground.

This bank is now mostly an Italian boat floor and is employed by small art from Gloucester andBoston. Gill-netting here is specifically extensive in November and December, mostly for pollock.Netters operate about 22 mls SSE. from Eastern Reason for 22 to 25 fathoms on a difficult bottom.Excellent pollock attracts are made in 25 to 40 fathoms around the eastern and southeastern slopeswithin the latter element of November and early Dec. Haddock are here from November 1 to Mar 1and from April 20 to May 15. Cod are present all the calendar year, the largest university occurringin the course of August, October and September. This is a cusk floor from Nov to March in thegreater water. What seems a somewhat unconventional occurrence in these later many years wasthe appearance of a considerable university of halibut on the north slope of Stellwagen over the lasthalf of Apr 1926, several small craft getting from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds in their fares.

Pollock Rip Grounds. These lie between Pollock Rip Shovelful and Lightship Lightship and expandnorthward to Pollock Rip Shoal. These grounds are 3 miles long, E. and W., by 2 miles N. and S. Thedepths range from 4 to 12 fathoms. These are fished from Monomoy as well as in stormy weatherconditions from Chatham instead of going to the Crab Ledge. Late in the spring and early in the slipthe cod move inshore. In winter the cod abandon Pollock Rip for the deeper water.

Stellwagen Financial institution also called Middle Bank. This separates Massachusetts Bay fromyour open h2o of the Gulf of Maine and runs from close to Cape Ann nearly to Cape Cod. The centerof this ground bears S by E ? E from Thacher Island and N by W ? W from Highland Lighting, CapeCod. The Southern Part of the Banking institution is faraway 5? miles from Competition Point CapeCod, along with its northwest prong reaches to within 12 or 15 miles of Eastern Position Cape Cod.The shoaler portion, with depths from 9? to 19 fathoms, is 17? miles lengthy in a N by S and W by Edirection and has a width of 4 kilometers. This aspect is sandy but the eastern slope, in depths offrom 25 to 55 fathoms, contains coarse yellow sand pebbles and gravel. On this gravelly slope codand haddock happen to be taken plentifully over a lasting of several years, the cod in the drop andspring and the haddock in the winter months. About the southern stop of the lender and in betweenthis and Race Point cod are plentiful in winter and fall. The entire bank is yet another mackerel soilwhen the seafood will be in these oceans, the best from the season averaging to be from July 15through Sept.

Maurice Lubee's Ground. This is placed outside of New Ledge (Platts Bank) 47 miles SSE. from thelightship at Portland. Extending in a ENE. and WSW. course, its limitations are considerablyindefinite. It is perhaps 8 miles long by 3 miles vast and has depths from 95 to 110 fathoms morethan a bottom consisting mostly of mud.

[Footnote 13: We have seen some speculation as to the beginning of the somewhat unusual title ofthis lender. The writer would note that there was an Edward Tillie within the Company of CaptainJohn Smith when he explored this region in 1614 plus a Tilly (possibly the same person) whooperated a minn kota maxxum station at Cape Ann throughout the years 1624 and 1625.]

Tobins. A name made available to a piece of floor about 20 miles rectangular lying S. by E. from theHighland Light. It runs from about 40 miles to around 60 a long way offshore, the depths slowlyincreasing as the bottom ski slopes away evenly from the shoreline from 75 to 95 fathoms over abottom of clay, fine sand, and pebbles. Cod are taken in thesummer and spring, and fall, andhaddock inMarch and Feb, and April. Compared to the grounds off Chatham, this is not that needconsidering a hake ground, even though a few hake are undertaken here in summer.

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