fiscal year 2018 state and regional primary care ... continuation (ncc) progress report ... progress...

Post on 21-Apr-2018






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Fiscal Year 2018

State and Regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Non-Competing Continuation (NCC) Progress Report

Technical Assistance Webinar December 13, 2017 – 1pm EST

Technical Assistance Website:


• Overview

• Components

• Reminders and Review

• Technical Assistance Resources

• Questions




• Progress Reports must be submitted in the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHB) to receive continued funding for the FY 2018 budget period (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019)

• Complete the submission by providing the following:

- Updates on activities since the start of the current project period (July 1, 2017) through December 31, 2017

- Activities planned for the FY 2018 budget period

• Forms are completed directly in EHB; attachments must be uploaded

‒ Single-spaced narrative documents with 12 point, easily readable font

(e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri) and one-inch margins

‒ Smaller font (no less than 10 point) may be used for tables, charts, and



Key Information

• Instructions available on the PCA Technical Assistance (TA) website at

• Progress Reports were made available in EHB on December 8, 2017

• Progress Reports are due February 16, 2018 by 5:00 PM ET

• Notices of Award for the FY 2018 budget period will be released on

or around July 1, 2018

• To submit the Progress Report in EHB, you must be listed as the Project

Director (PD) in the grant folder in EHB or have the EHB privileges needed to





Submission Components



• SF-PPR and SF-PPR2

• Budget Information: Budget Details Form

• FY 2017 PCA Progress Update

• FY 2018 Project Work Plan

• Budget Narrative

• Attachments 1 - 7


Budget Forms

SF-PPR and SF-PPR2 - Prepopulated information can be updated as needed

Budget Details Form • Section A: Budget Summary

- FY 2018 funding amount is prepopulated and cannot be edited • Section B: Budget Categories

- Provide the object class category breakdown for the funding amount specified in Section A (e.g., Personnel, Fringe Benefits)

- Provide information for Year 2 and Year 3 of the project period assuming level funding

- The total in Section B should match the prepopulated amount in Section A • Section C: Non-Federal Resources

- Leave blank - do not provide other sources of funding


Budget Narrative

• Provide a detailed line-item Budget Narrative attachment that explains each cost in the upcoming 12 month budget period (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019)

― Must be consistent with amounts requested for each object

class category in Section B of the Budget Details form

• Detailed instructions are included in the FY 2018 PCA NCC Instructions document

• A sample is available on the PCA Technical Assistance website


Knowledge Check Question 1

True or False:

On the Budget Details Form, you will only enter budget information for FY 2018.

A. True

B. False


Funding Restrictions

• Unallowable uses of funding include, but are not limited to:

― Construction/renovation of facilities

― Activities not approved under the cooperative agreement

― Reserve requirements for state insurance licensure

― Lobbying/advocacy

― Conference sponsorship


FY 2017 PCA Progress Update

• Prepopulated with the information submitted in your

approved project work plan

• Report progress on PCA activities from July 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 via the editable fields:

― Goal Target Progress

― Formal T/TA Session Target Progress

― Participation Target Progress

― Activity Progress

• FY 2016 are pre-populated for your reference


FY 2018 Project Work Plan

• Prepopulated with the information submitted in your approved

FY 2017 Project Work Plan

― Update each activity as needed to outline activities for the next

budget period (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019)

― Goal Targets were set for a three-year period and are not editable

― 2016 UDS data are included for reference

― NEW: Activity Name Field – provide a unique name for each

activity the can be used to quickly distinguish between activities


Attachment 1: Project Narrative

Discuss the following:

1. Significant progress, challenges, and changes to the approved PCA project

2. Significant changes to evaluation plans and dissemination of lessons learned

3. Significant changes that have occurred in linkages or partnerships

4. Significant changes to project staffing

5. Major expected changes, plans or considerations for activities beyond the upcoming budget period (beyond July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019)

6. Regional PCAs Only: Significant changes to Memorandum of Agreement with the state PCAs


Knowledge Check Question 2

True or False:

Conference content is an allowable cost.

A. True

B. False




1: Project Narrative

2: Organizational Chart

3: Staffing Plan

4: Position Descriptions for

Key Personnel

5: Biographical Sketches

6: Summary of Contracts and Agreements

7: Other Relevant Documents

Reminders and Review


Submission Reminders

• Submissions are due in EHB by 5:00 PM ET on February 16,


• The following are required for submission: • SF-PPR and SF-PPR2

• Budget Information: Budget Details Form

• FY 2017 PCA Progress Update

• FY 2018 Project Work Plan

• Budget Narrative

• Attachment 1: Project Narrative


Incomplete Progress Reports

• Progress Reports without all required information will be considered incomplete or non-responsive

‒ Incomplete submissions will be returned via a Change Requested notification in EHB with a request for the missing information

‒ If HRSA does not receive the submission by the established deadline or receives an incomplete or non-responsive submission, a delay in NoA issuance or a lapse in funding could occur


Technical Assistance Resources


PCA Technical Assistance Website

• PCA NCC Instructions

• PCA NCC EHB User Guide

• Frequently Asked Questions

• Presentation Slides

• Technical Assistance Webinar Recording

• Sample Documents

Staffing Plan

Budget Narrative

PCA Progress Update

Project Work Plan


Knowledge Check Question 3

True or False:

If significant progress is described in Attachment 1: Progress Narrative, then the FY 2017 PCA Progress Update is not required.

A. True

B. False


PCA Technical Assistance Contacts


Topic Contact

General Technical Assistance

PCA Technical Assistance Website

PCA Budget/Fiscal Questions

Vera Windham

Office of Federal Assistance Management

Division of Grants Management Operations or call 1-301-443-6859

NCC Progress Report Requirement Questions

PCA Response Team Submit a Web Request at For Issue Type, select “Application/Progress Report: Instructions/Requirements Questions” and for Application Subcategory, select “Primary Care Associations (PCA)” or call 1-301-594-4300

EHB Submission Assistance

BPHC Helpline Submit a Web Request at For Issue Type, select “Electronic Handbooks (EHB)” or call 1-877-974-2742



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