first united methodist church of chula vista first united...

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First United Methodist Church

1200 East H St

Chula Vista, CA 91910

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First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista Daytime: (619) 656-2525 -- FAX: (619) 421-7190

Email: Website:

Rev. Dr. Brian T. Parcel: Lead Pastor

Rev. Francisco Garcia-Velasquez: Associate Pastor

Rev. John Farley, District Superintendent

Rev. Minerva Carcaño, Bishop



8 am Day Break 9:30am Children/Youth Escuela Dominical 10am

9:30am Sounds of Grace 11:00am Adults Reunión de Alabanza 11:30am

11 am the Crossing


6:30pm Classes & Studies 9 am—Noon & 4 —6:30 pm M-F (619) 482-8228

9—Noon Saturday only 9 am– 5 pm M-F


Beginning Ministry Together By now, we hope most of you have had the opportunity to meet our new Associate Pastor, Rev. Francisco Garcia-Velasquez and his wife Anika. They began their ministry here at FUMCCV July 1. Pastor Francisco’s appointment is unique in that he is responsible for the Hispanic Ministry of FUMCCV and also a new ministry called Foundry UMC in the Eastlake area. Five years ago Foothills UMC in La Mesa began the Foundry work with their Associate Pastor, Rev. Christian DeMent. This past spring our Bishop and her Cabinet discerned a new appointment for Rev. DeMent and she asked FUMCCV to assume the Foundry ministry as an extension of FUMCCV. Much work has gone into this unique transition and we are thankful to the clergy team, office admin team and lay teams who have spent countless hours assuring a smooth transition. Seven weeks into this ministry we can report that the Hispanic Ministry has stabilized and is undergoing long term training designed to prepare the existing group to serve as a launch team next spring so that we can “re-launch” this ministry and push the vitality, health, strength and numbers of this ministry beyond anything they have been in the past. We can also report that after the usual attrition of losing a founding pastor, Foundry has stabilized and there is a strong core of 35 ready to take this ministry to the

next step as well. We are thankful for these first months of Pastor Francisco’s ministry in our midst, some of which were difficult amidst the pain of change, and we continue to pray for these ministries that allow us to make new and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ.


Making New and Stronger Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.


August 26, 2015 Volume 2015 | 8th

Pathway The Alpha Course

Are you spiritually curious? Need a stronger foundation for your Christian Faith? Need some tools for sharing your faith with

others? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Alpha Course is for you! Alpha is a ten week video and discussion

course that is for everyone. Alpha lays a great foundation for understanding the Christian faith and growing in faith…..the

existence of God, the purpose of life, the afterlife, the claims Jesus made and more are all covered in this course. Each week will be

led by a trained facilitator and will include a bite to eat, 30 minute video and discussion. Alpha is a safe place to ask questions,

discover your faith in a deeper way, and make some great friendships.

The Alpha Course will begin Wednesday September 9th, 6:30 pm. in the Kid Zone and continue each Wednesday for 10

weeks. Jennifer Fuentecilla will be facilitating the course.

For more information contact Jennifer Fuentecilla, Director of Christian Education,, 619-656-2525.

Disciple Bible Study

The Bible is the primary document of Christianity and as Christians we should be invested in learning the Bible but it can be confusing, difficult and discouraging at times. Disciple Bible Study is a dynamic process of video learning from top scholars,

personal reading/study and group discussion that will open your eyes to the richness and truth of the biblical text. This is perhaps the best curriculum on the market today and we will be using it this next year at FUMCCV. There are multiple courses and times

offered to best fir your schedule.

Disciple I – 34 week overview of the Old and New Testaments

Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 pm., facilitated by David Hall & Jason Matias

Thursdays 10:00am-noon, facilitated by Eric Swanson

Disciple II – 34 week next step study for those having completed Disciple I

Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 pm, facilitated by James Kolar

Thursdays 10:00am-noon, facilitated by Melissa Spence

For more information contact Jennifer Fuentecilla, Director of Christian Education,, 619-656-2525


Mooney Fund Supports Youth Mission Trip

The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that this year’s distribution from the Mooney Endowment Fund will be given to the Youth Group for their upcoming Mexico Mission trip.

The Mooney Fund was established by the family of Ruth Collett to provide an annual gift to FUMC-CV in memory of Ruth. Ruth is the late wife of Pastor Gene Collett, Senior Pastor of FUMC-CV from 1968-1985. Ruth was an active member of UMW and many other ministries, and a much beloved member of this church family. We thank the Mooney family for their generous lasting gift to FUMC-CV.

If you would like information about FUMC-CV’s existing endowment funds, or how to establish a new one, please contact Karl Bunker at or Sue Meyer at

Confirmation is the process by which young Christians learn about having a real relationship with Christ. During the course, students

will explore what being a Christian means for their daily lives and what it means to be a United Methodist. At the end of the class they

will have the choice to confirm before the congregation their decision to be a disciple of Christ and a member of the United Methodist

Church. In many United Methodist congregations (including ours), confirmation begins when youth enter their middle school years

(6th-8th grades). The class is 15 weeks long and meets Sunday mornings at 9:30am (September 6th-December 13th).

Look online for more information and to register -

Youth Mexico Mission Trip

This month the Youth Group will be taking a team of 17 students and leaders to Ensenada, Mexico to build a home for the Ruiz family. Currently, Brenda (mother) and Brenda (16-year-old daughter) are sharing a one-room makeshift home in the community of Cañon Buena Vista, Ensenada.

For many of our students, this will be the first time serving on an out-of-country mission trip. It is an opportunity that they are excited for and an opportunity we are excited to see change them. God has been working in our hearts, the hearts of the Ruiz family, and the hearts of all those we will encounter.

Now, we ask that you all continue to keep our team and the Ruiz family in your hearts and prayers. Specifically, we ask you to pray for safety, a spirit of teamwork, and that those who see us see Christ in us.

Thank you for all of your support in this mission so far, we couldn't do it without you!

One Worship Service – Sunday, October 4th

Sandwiched in between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II there was a great awareness of conflict and differences between nations that spilled over into the daily lives of Christians. As a result of this dissonance, World Communion Sunday was begun as a way of celebrating the oneness of the Body of Christ and the unity of all Christians

worldwide. Given the divided world in which we live it is appropriate for World Communion Sunday to continue being a witness to the unity of all Christians and the power of Christ.

World Communion Sunday is always observed on the first Sunday of October, and this year at FUMCCV, we have special plans in place. On October 4th all of our worship services will combine for one service at 10 am. in the sanctuary. You will have an opportunity to sing and listen to a variety of music genres — some in different languages — but most importantly, you will

take part in celebrating God’s goodness alongside people who are part of FUMCCV but that you may not be too familiar with. These combined services have been engaging and powerful over the past few years.

We hope you will join us for this one, Sunday October 4th, 10 am. Sanctuary. A little added bonus this year is a meal for purchase and fellowship on the quad following worship.


Pathway (USPS 953400) is published monthly by the First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista, 1200 East H Street,

Chula Vista, CA 91910-7728. Office hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri. Articles deadline: 15th of every month. Mailed: 4th Tuesday.

Periodicals paid at Chula Vista, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pathway

1200 East H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.

Scriptures In September

September 6 Romans 8:28-39

September 13 Romans 12:1-21

September 20

Psalm 1 & James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

September 27


Planning Retreat It is not hard to look around the landscape of

churches in America and notice that there seems

to be some churches that are slowly dwindling

and other churches that are growing &

dynamic. All churches, even those in decline, are

filled with faithful people. What separates these from the growing &

dynamic churches is that the latter are filled with faithful people who have a vision and

strategy for reaching new people for the Gospel.

Each year at FUMCCV our leadership gathers to present their visions and strategies for the

future. This is a tremendous afternoon together where one could hear of the amazing plans

we have discerned for the church from God.

This year the planning meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday September

13th. The afternoon begins with a potluck meal at 4:30 pm., presentations follow and the

afternoon ends around 7 pm. with a brief service of communion & prayer. All who are

interested in the future of FUMCCV are invited to attend. If you have questions please call

the church office and if you would like to reserve a spot in childcare please contact the



Children’s Choirs Resume

What: Cherub Choir (K-2nd grade) & Voices in Praise (3rd-6th grade)

When: Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm

Registration Deadline: Late registration is being accepted, space permitting

Cost: Free

Join us for a fun-filled season of praise and worship! Students will learn music skills, sing songs, engage in music activities and games,

and perform at Sunday worship services and special events. Both choirs are accepting new, as well as returning, singers. Voices in

Praise will be directed by Korrie Paliotto and will meet in the choir room on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. The Cherub

Choir will be taught by Traci Schuck and will meet in the Chapel on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:15pm. You can register by

picking up a form at the church office.

For more info, email We look forward to sharing the joy of music with you and your child!

Sanctuary Choir The Sanctuary Choir has begun the 2015/2016 season with regular Thursday rehearsals at 7:00pm. This is a great time for you to join the choir. All experienced levels are welcome. If you have any questions please contact Justine Hansen at 656-2525 or


Join Us In Prayer

Immediate Concerns (July 16 – August 14, 2015): Ann Eveland (from John & Barb Eveland); Anna Lizarraga’s children; Audrey Kornides, and son Michael (first time guest); Becki Wright’s sister, Pat Fischer & her daughter-in-law, Kara; Claudeth Ramirez Iarrea; Darlene Pitney (from Ken & Gwendolyn Pitney); Dave Robinson & daughter’s friend Teresa (from Jaime & Tammy Alarcón); Debbie Kinney (Perk & Tom Snow’s friend); Dick Carey (friend of Michiko Lohorn and Tom Snow); Dolores Nostrates and her children; Esther Natividad – Joy!; Fernando De La Garza (from Judy Jondall); Heather Daglish’s mother, Gloria; Helena Basa, Frances Knight, Barbara Wilson, Roxanne Miller, Mr. Cundagen (from Errol & Pamela Basa); Jamie & Elijah James Alarcón; Jane Foley; Jeff Kishpaugh (from Jan & Chuck Kishpaugh); Jennifer Cole’s uncle, William Waclo and Jennifer’s aunt, William’s caregiver, Shirley Waclo; Jim Brown – Joy!; Kathleen Roseberry & family; Kevin & Mary Leonard (first time guests); Linda Gorman’s husband, Tappin; Luz Flores Velasquez and daughter Celene Cadena; Marisa Matias & Suzan (from Jason Matias); Medina Schneider; Mike, Nicole, & 1-yr baby daughter Micaiah Empizo (neighbors of Traci Schuck’s friend, Cyndee Schneidau); Paul & Mary Price & daughter Patti; Rebecca, baby & baby’s dad and Jim (from James & Kathy Kolar); Santa Maria UMC – Joy!; Silvia Jardine’s brother, Bill; Stephanie Colter (office call-in); Tonyette Pope’s brother Theron Green; Typhoon Soudelor victims (from Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño); Villanueva Lopez family; Villegas Flores family.

Long Term Prayer: Anna Nagy; Betty Bixler; Carl Polk; Carolyn Gaetske; Charlotte Helms; Claude & Nancy Yates; Claudia Mulcahey (from Margret Frank); Denise Rios (Mireya Sixsmith's niece); Francie Krauel (from Paula Potter); Genevieve Potter (Dave Potter’s mom); Ginny Fleming; Homer & Mary Craft; Inez Scott; Jack & Kay Mundell; James Alfaro (Jim & Vicki Bolin’s grandson); James & Jennifer Olschlager, Jr. (Janine Hatz Allen's son-in-law & daughter); Janine Hatz Allen; Jean Hay (Alan Hay's mom); Jessie Long; Jim Tesch; Jon & Kathy Peterson (Karen Polk's brother & sister-in-law); Kathy McFadin (from Paula Potter); Keri Balk; Mercy Ruano; Mickie Pruitt; Mireya Sixsmith; Nina Welch; Norma Redmond; Patti Scott (Paul and Mary Price’s daughter); Phillip Nittolo (from Janine Hatz Allen); Robert Sack; Rosemary Yanaitis (Paula

Potter’s mom); Speck and Ruth Ratliff; Tonyette Pope; Trish Black.

DEPLOYED MILITARY and their Families: Dan Schuyler (USN)

FUMC-CV was once again pleased to award college scholarships to some hard-working, deserving students. This year's recipients were: Amber Balk, Marissa Barajas, Tyler Gormley (pictured), Mathias Munoz (pictured), Geovonni Najera, Melissa Spence, and Jenna Yutsus. This wonderful annual tradition is made possible by the generous donations of people who value the importance of higher education and want to make that education a bit easier to attain for the students of FUMC-CV.

If you would like to add your donation to the Scholarship Fund, you can do so at!

Let Us Pray Almighty God, through your grace, we have

come to know your love, and learn that we are not to hold it to ourselves. Rather, your purpose is that we share that love whenever we can, in all

the ways that we can, and to everyone we can. So we ask that you bless the ministries of this

church, support our goals and plans, and fulfill our prayers that in everything we do … your will

be done!

On August 2, 2015 RaeLynn Fuson preached her first sermon to introduce the seven week theme of Romans.

We welcome Justine Hansen to the FUMCCV staff as the Director of Adult Choirs. Justine previously taught choral music at The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, CA, where she taught high school and middle school choirs. In the

community, Justine is currently the Assistant Artistic Director for the San Diego Women’s Chorus. Past work includes K-12 choral music in the Milwaukee Public Schools and adult ensemble, “Women's Voices Milwaukee”. Justine is particularly interested in the vocal health and pedagogy of changing voices, and aims to help every person discover their singing potential. Singing classically for the last 15 years, Justine currently sings professionally with the San Diego Pro-Arte Voices and as a free-lance soprano. She holds a BFA in Choral Music Education from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a Master of Choral Music Education degree from Kent State University, OH. Justine is a member of the American Choral Director's Association, the National Association for Music Education, and holds a board position on the California Music Educator's Association.


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