first conjugation deponent verbs for mastery - slu · first conjugation : deponent verb-list with...

Post on 01-Apr-2018






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First Conjugation : Deponent Verb-List with Meanings

First Conjugation Deponent Verbs for Mastery

arbitror, -ârî, âtus sum to decide, judge, think, imagine cônfâbulor, -ârî, âtus sum to converse, talk about congrâtulor, -ârî, âtus sum to congratulate, wish joy, rejoice with cônor, -ârî, âtus sum to try, attempt, exert oneself cônsôlor, -ârî, âtus sum to console, soothe, alleviate contemplor, -ârî, âtus sum to observe, notice, gaze at, contemplate contiônor, -ârî, âtus sum to address an assembly, deliver a speech, attend a public meeting cunctor, -ârî, âtus sum to delay, impede, hold up, linger dîgnor, -ârî, âtus sum to consider worthy dominor, -ârî, âtus sum to rule over, dominate epulor, -ârî, âtus sum to feast hortor, -ârî, âtus sum to encourage, cheer, urge imâginor, -ârî, âtus sum to imagine, conceive imitor, -ârî, âtus sum to imitate, copy iocor, -ârî, âtus sum to joke, say in jest laetor, -ârî, âtus sum to be glad, rejoice lâmentor, -ârî, âtus sum to bewail, lament, complain that mîror, -ârî, âtus sum to be amazed at, wonder, look on with admiration miseror, -ârî, âtus sum to pity, view with compassion moror, -ârî, âtus sum to delay, stay behind opitulor, -ârî, âtus sum to help, aid ôsculor, -ârî, âtus sum to kiss percontor, -ârî, âtus sum to inquire peregrînor, -ârî, âtus sum to travel about, sojourn in a foreign country, wander perîclitor, -ârî, âtus sum to try, prove, test, risk, endanger populor, -ârî, âtus sum to ravage, lay waste, plunder precor, -ârî, âtus sum to beg, implore, pray, supplicate rixor, -ârî, âtus sum to quarrel violently, brawl, dispute scîscitor, -ârî, âtus sum to ask, question, try to find out by asking sector, -ârî, âtus sum to follow continually, pursue, run after speculor, -ârî, âtus sum to watch, observe, spy out, explore stomachor, -ârî, âtus sum to be angry, boil with rage suspicor, -ârî, âtus sum to suspect, suppose testor, -ârî, âtus sum to bear witness, swear, testify tûtor, -ârî, âtus sum to guard, protect, defend, avert vagor, -ârî, âtus sum to wander, roam veneror, -ârî, âtus sum to revere, honor, venerate, beg vênor, -ârî, âtus sum to hunt

First Conjugation Deponent Verbs, All Personal Forms, Exercises

1. congrâtulantur 2. cunctâbiminî 3. percontâtus erit 4. scîscitabuntur 5. cônfâbulâtus sîs 6. populâbar 7. speculâtus sum 8. imâginâbor 9. cunctâtî essêtis 10. venerêmur 11. cunctâtus est 12. imâginâtî estis 13. populantur 14. percontâtî eritis 15. dominabântur 16. tûtâtus erit 17. contemplârentur 18. populêmur 19. cônfâbulâbiminî 20. imâginârêtur 21. dîgnâtus esset 22. imitâtus essês 23. morâbimur 24. cônsôlâtî erâtis 25. mîrâbar 26. vênâtî erant 27. pergrînâbâris 28. testâtus sit 29. dîgnârêmur 30. rixâtî erant 31. congrâtulabântur 32. rixâtî erimus 33. suspicâtî estis 34. precârentur 35. tûtâberis 36. suspicâtus erô 37. contiônâtus erâs 38. cunctâmur 39. testâbimur 40. vênâbâtur 41. mîrâtus es 42. scîscitêmur 43. arbitrabântur 44. imâginâbâmur 45. operârer 46. contemplâbiminî 47. morantur 48. contemplâtî sumus 49. mîror 50. operâtus erô 51. scîscitâbâris 52. imâginâtus essês 53. dîgnâtus erat 54. ôsculâtus sit 55. sectârentur 56. lâmentârentur 57. vagârêre 58. rixâtus erâs

59. morâtî erimus 60. cônâbâre 61. morârêris 62. precâtur 63. venerâtî sitis 64. testâbâminî 65. lâmentâtî essêmus 66. lâmentâtî sumus 67. hortâtus sîs 68. contiônâtus sim 69. congrâtulâtî sunt 70. tûtâtus essês 71. stomachâbar 72. stomachâris 73. congrâtulâbor 74. hortâbimur 75. dîgnâtus essês 76. testârêmur 77. morâtus erô 78. imâginâtus sîs 79. testâtî simus 80. sectâris 81. vagâtî erimus 82. vagâtus esset 83. ôsculâtî eritis 84. mîrentur 85. cônfâbulêris 86. cônsôlantur 87. suspicâbiminî 88. lâmentâtî essêtis 89. populâtî sunt 90. morâtî erâtis 91. cônsôlâtus esset 92. vênâtus esset 93. morâtus sim 94. cônfâbulâris 95. miserârêmur 96. hortâtî essent 97. vagentur 98. perîclitantur 99. imâginâtî sunt 100. pergrînâtur 101. epulâtus essês 102. dîgnor 103. congrâtulâtî estis 104. sectâtus sim 105. operârêris 106. tûtâtus erô 107. perîclitâbâre 108. dîgnâbâmur 109. contiônârêris 110. opitulâtus erô 111. vênâbiminî 112. tûtâbâmur 113. operâtus esset 114. testâmur 115. stomachâbere 116. ôsculâtus erat

117. precârêris 118. epuler 119. scîsciter 120. mîrâtus erô 121. congrâtulâbâris 122. imâginâbâtur 123. rixâtî erâtis 124. arbitrâbitur 125. cônsôlâtî sint 126. testâtî estis 127. rixâtî essêmus 128. epulêris 129. cônfâbulâbâre 130. sectêre 131. testâtî essêtis 132. pergrînâbimur 133. imitêminî 134. populârer 135. cônâtî sint 136. operâbor 137. dîgnârêre 138. perîclitâtî erunt 139. precêris 140. rixâbor 141. pergrînâbâmur 142. contemplor 143. percontâtus essem 144. cônârer 145. scîscitâtus erit 146. speculêtur 147. cunctâtus es 148. precâtus erô 149. opitulâbitur 150. cunctâtî essêmus 151. congrâtulentur 152. sectâtî essent 153. hortâtî simus 154. cônfâbulâminî 155. cunctâminî 156. vagêtur 157. contiônâmur 158. laetâberis 159. miserâtî erâtis 160. pergrînâtus essem 161. testentur 162. testâtî essêmus 163. epulâminî 164. imitâtî essêmus 165. speculantur 166. scîscitârêre 167. contemplâberis 168. imitâtî erant 169. rixâberis 170. perîclitâbâris 171. hortâbâre 172. testâre 173. venerâtus erit 174. hortabuntur

175. ôsculâtus sîs 176. arbitrâtus est 177. tûtâbâris 178. perîclitârêtur 179. imâginâtus erit 180. opitulârêris 181. imitâberis 182. cônâtî sunt 183. venerer 184. imâginâtî eritis 185. stomachâtî sitis 186. precâtus eram 187. rixâtî sumus 188. opitulâtus sim 189. precêtur 190. stomachâtus erâs 191. contiônâtî erant 192. cunctâtus essês 193. tûtâtus esset 194. scîscitâtî erâtis 195. hortantur 196. testâtus es 197. cônsôlâtî sunt 198. cônfâbulâbâtur 199. morâtus erâs 200. rixâtur 201. cônsôlâberis 202. populâtî erunt 203. congrâtulâris 204. venerâtus sîs 205. dîgnâtî sumus 206. hortâtus es 207. iocâtî sunt 208. ôsculâtus sim 209. pergrînâris 210. sectâtî estis 211. cônfâbulârêre 212. percontâtî essêmus 213. populabântur 214. contiônâtus essês 215. imitâbiminî 216. scîscitâtus sim 217. vagâbâmur 218. cunctâris 219. tûtâtî estis 220. vênâtî eram 221. cunctâbor 222. cunctantur 223. imitâtî erâmus 224. operâtus sit 225. percontâtî essent 226. testâbar 227. arbitrâtî essêmus 228. dîgnârêminî 229. suspicâtî erunt 230. tûtârêris 231. cônsôlâtus essem 232. opitulâtus erit

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 2

233. precâtus sim 234. epulabuntur 235. imitêris 236. lâmentâtus erat 237. pergrînâtî simus 238. cunctâtî simus 239. hortâtus esset 240. iocârêmur 241. miserâtî essêtis 242. vênabântur 243. contiônâbitur 244. suspicabuntur 245. arbitrâtus erit 246. epulâtus es 247. imitêtur 248. percontâbere 249. rixêmur 250. tûtâris 251. cunctentur 252. percontabântur 253. scîscitâtî eritis 254. populabuntur 255. rixâtî essêtis 256. morêmur 257. percontâtus est 258. stomachâtî simus 259. pergrînêmur 260. rixârêris 261. tûtâminî 262. populâbâtur 263. testâtî erunt 264. cônâtus essês 265. cunctâtî eritis 266. congrâtulêre 267. hortâmur 268. suspicabântur 269. sectârêris 270. arbitrâtî erant 271. lâmentâbimur 272. populâtus es 273. sectâtî erimus 274. contiônâtî sitis 275. imitâbere 276. sectâbâris 277. vagâtî erâtis 278. morêre 279. arbitrâbâminî 280. contiônâtî erâmus 281. mîrâtus essês 282. tûtâtî eritis 283. dominâtî erunt 284. imitâbâmur 285. opitulâtî erunt 286. percontâtus sîs 287. sectabântur 288. dîgnârer 289. sectârêre 290. imâginêmur 291. dominârêre 292. vênâberis

293. perîclitâtus eris 294. epulâtus erat 295. operâris 296. venerâtus es 297. imâginâtî erant 298. imâginor 299. opitulêminî 300. perîclitâbimur 301. cunctâbâre 302. opitulâtus eram 303. suspicâtus sum 304. rixârentur 305. congrâtulâtus erâs 306. rixârêminî 307. contemplârêminî 308. congrâtulâre 309. tûtâbar 310. iocâminî 311. dîgnâtî sint 312. rixentur 313. pergrînâtus est 314. speculer 315. cunctâtus eris 316. ôsculâbâtur 317. imâginâtus esset 318. dîgnâbâtur 319. epulâbimur 320. ôsculentur 321. venerâtus essem 322. iocâbiminî 323. scîscitâtus eris 324. cônsôlêre 325. hortâtî estis 326. miserêminî 327. speculâtî essent 328. lâmentâbar 329. scîscitâre 330. tûtârer 331. iocâtus eram 332. lâmentâbâminî 333. rixâbiminî 334. dîgnâtus essem 335. cônâre 336. venerâtî sint 337. cunctâtus eram 338. testâminî 339. operêmur 340. congrâtulâbâminî 341. lâmentâre 342. epulâtî eritis 343. operâtus erit 344. hortârentur 345. mîrabuntur 346. dominabuntur 347. testârêtur 348. speculârêmur 349. imitâtî sitis 350. mîrâtus essem 351. suspicâtus essem 352. lâmentâtus eram

353. precêre 354. ôsculârêtur 355. scîscitêre 356. hortabântur 357. miserârêre 358. vênâtus essês 359. epulâbiminî 360. laetêris 361. iocâtî eritis 362. suspicâtî erâtis 363. epulâbâmur 364. congrâtulâtî erant 365. cônfâbulâtus sum 366. mîrâtî erunt 367. operâtus essês 368. cônâtî erunt 369. venerârêminî 370. mîrârentur 371. perîclitâtî essêtis 372. opitulâtus erat 373. scîscitâtî estis 374. tûtâbimur 375. perîclitâtî simus 376. venerâbâminî 377. precâtî sitis 378. tûtârêmur 379. rixârêtur 380. hortâtur 381. cônâtî sumus 382. cônsôlêminî 383. morâbâminî 384. morâtî essêmus 385. percontâtus es 386. opitulâbar 387. cônâbâris 388. laetâtî essent 389. cônfâbulâtî erant 390. contemplâtus erâs 391. arbitrârentur 392. miserâtî sunt 393. suspicârêmur 394. dominâtus eram 395. ôsculâtus erô 396. populâtî sitis 397. rixâtus erat 398. suspicârêre 399. congrâtulâtî erâtis 400. cunctâbâris 401. dominâtus sum 402. mîrârêre 403. mîrârêmur 404. operâtus essem 405. rixâtus sit 406. arbitrêtur 407. hortâtî sint 408. opitulâtî estis 409. precâtî essêmus 410. stomachâbâmur 411. suspicârer 412. arbitrâtus sim

413. imitâtus erô 414. mîrârer 415. epulâtî sint 416. percontâtus eris 417. precentur 418. sectâtus erat 419. contiônârêtur 420. laetâbâminî 421. cônfâbulâtî sitis 422. contiônâtî estis 423. tûtârêre 424. cônsôlâtî sitis 425. contiônâtî simus 426. dominârer 427. suspicâbor 428. tûtâtus essem 429. miserâtus eram 430. populâtus sit 431. vênâtus es 432. contemplâbor 433. iocêminî 434. percontantur 435. dîgnâtus erô 436. lâmentâtus essês 437. morâtus esset 438. percontêminî 439. dominâbâminî 440. iocâtus esset 441. lâmentâbere 442. opitulâtî sumus 443. cunctâbâtur 444. mîrârêris 445. stomachârêminî 446. arbitrârêminî 447. scîscitabântur 448. testâtus sim 449. epulâtî erunt 450. ôsculâbiminî 451. laetâtî essêmus 452. ôsculâbâris 453. speculârêtur 454. arbitrer 455. imâginabântur 456. opitulentur 457. perîclitâtî eritis 458. testor 459. operârêminî 460. scîscitâbor 461. opitulabântur 462. cônsôlârêre 463. dominâbâre 464. mîrâtî erimus 465. epulâtus sum 466. contemplâtî erâmus 467. precâbimur 468. percontâris 469. speculâtî erâmus 470. speculâtus est 471. arbitrâre 472. dominâtus erat

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 3

473. ôsculâtî sunt 474. speculâbiminî 475. arbitrâtus essês 476. precâris 477. sectâtus eram 478. iocâbâminî 479. contiônâtî sint 480. vênâtus erit 481. contiônâbimur 482. iocâtî sumus 483. percontâtus esset 484. pergrînêtur 485. dîgnabuntur 486. vagabântur 487. cônâtus sîs 488. rixâtî sint 489. vênabuntur 490. iocâtus eris 491. contiônârêminî 492. laetâminî 493. miserâbâris 494. contiônâtus erit 495. iocâtî essêtis 496. cônfâbulâtus eram 497. ôsculâtî essêtis 498. vagantur 499. contiônêris 500. sectêmur 501. cônfâbulâre 502. scîscitâtus erat 503. stomachabuntur 504. rixâtî sitis 505. testâbâmur 506. tûtêtur 507. contemplâbitur 508. dîgnâbâre 509. stomachâbâris 510. congrâtulâtî erimus 511. laetabântur 512. speculârêris 513. venerantur 514. iocâbar 515. mîrâtî eritis 516. cunctâtus erit 517. mîrâre 518. imitârentur 519. dîgnâtî erunt 520. percontêtur 521. speculabântur 522. cônsôlâtî erant 523. lâmentâtî simus 524. iocâtus erâs 525. cônfâbulâtus erô 526. vêner 527. vagâtî essêmus 528. epulâtus essem 529. ôsculâtî simus 530. percontâbâre 531. contemplârêtur 532. rixârêre

533. testâtus erat 534. contemplâtus esset 535. operâtus erâs 536. suspicâre 537. suspicâtî sunt 538. operâtî erâmus 539. dominâtî sunt 540. laetâtî sumus 541. hortêre 542. venerâtus erô 543. stomachâberis 544. dominâtus erâs 545. precâtî erunt 546. ôsculâberis 547. perîclitâtus sîs 548. morâbâre 549. pergrînâtus erô 550. perîclitâminî 551. cônâtus est 552. arbitrâtî eritis 553. rixâtus erô 554. perîclitâtus erat 555. contemplêminî 556. scîscitâtur 557. vênâbâre 558. testâtus erô 559. imâginantur 560. ôsculârêmur 561. populâtus eris 562. contemplâtus eris 563. opitulabuntur 564. operâtî sint 565. cônâminî 566. precabântur 567. imâginâtus eram 568. venerârêmur 569. populâbâmur 570. imitâtî erâtis 571. pergrînâbor 572. imitâminî 573. dominâminî 574. cônsôlâtus erit 575. speculâtî sitis 576. opitulârentur 577. vagâtî erâmus 578. populâbor 579. dominâbere 580. cunctârentur 581. opitulâtus essês 582. arbitrâtî sunt 583. vagâbere 584. opitulâtus sîs 585. testâtî erâtis 586. testâtî sunt 587. perconter 588. scîscitâtî sitis 589. hortâtî erâmus 590. speculâtî sumus 591. morâtî eritis 592. congrâtulêtur

593. imâginâtî erimus 594. scîscitor 595. congrâtulâtur 596. contiônâtî essêmus 597. tûtâtus erat 598. sectâtus essem 599. hortâtî erant 600. congrâtulabuntur 601. speculâtus eris 602. vagâbâminî 603. perîclitâtus est 604. iocâtus sit 605. precâtî erâtis 606. cônsôlâtî essêtis 607. operârêre 608. dominâtî essêmus 609. perîclitârêre 610. sectêminî 611. scîscitâbiminî 612. perîclitâbere 613. contemplâtus sum 614. pergrînâtî essent 615. cônsôlârêminî 616. stomachêminî 617. stomachârêris 618. dîgnâtus eram 619. rixâtî sunt 620. percontâtur 621. dominâre 622. cônsôlâtus sit 623. stomachâbâminî 624. imitâtî simus 625. congrâtulâbere 626. dominâberis 627. venerârêris 628. iocâtî erant 629. lâmentabuntur 630. populâtus essem 631. perîclitâtî essent 632. cônfâbulâtî sunt 633. vênâbâmur 634. miserâtî erant 635. miserâbâtur 636. cônfâbulâtî essêtis 637. suspicâtî essêmus 638. miserâtus esset 639. vagâbitur 640. hortâtî erunt 641. dîgnâtî simus 642. operer 643. pergrînabântur 644. contemplâtî essent 645. operârêtur 646. speculâminî 647. populâtî eritis 648. cônfâbulâbimur 649. rixâtus sum 650. cônâtus sim 651. vênâtus sîs 652. testâtur

653. imitabântur 654. cunctâtus sim 655. populâtî erâmus 656. percontâbimur 657. rixâtî erâmus 658. contiônâtus erat 659. operâbâminî 660. epulârêminî 661. contemplâtus essem 662. cônfâbulâtus sit 663. iocâbimur 664. sectâtî erâtis 665. contemplâtî simus 666. lâmententur 667. tûtêminî 668. hortâtus erô 669. testâtî erimus 670. morârentur 671. stomachâtus erat 672. epulâtus erô 673. opitulâtî essent 674. precâbar 675. cônsôlêtur 676. congrâtulârer 677. laetâtus est 678. miserâtî erâmus 679. suspicâbere 680. arbitror 681. ôsculor 682. congrâtulâtî sitis 683. laetâtus eris 684. cônsôlêmur 685. miserêris 686. perîclitâmur 687. morêminî 688. stomachâtus sum 689. vagêris 690. rixâre 691. mîrâtus sum 692. scîscitâtî essêtis 693. percontâtus erô 694. cunctâtî erâmus 695. iocâtus sim 696. venerâtus erâs 697. epulâtî simus 698. laetâbiminî 699. precâtî sunt 700. vagâtus erâs 701. cunctêris 702. arbitrêminî 703. scîscitantur 704. congrâtuler 705. vagâtus sit 706. pergrînâtus erat 707. vênâmur 708. sectârêtur 709. miserâtî essent 710. speculêre 711. hortârer 712. pergrînâtus es

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 4

713. sectâtur 714. contiônâtî erunt 715. ôsculâtî erunt 716. scîscitârentur 717. ôsculâbere 718. operâtî simus 719. vagârêris 720. opitulâre 721. cônfâbulêmur 722. dominâbor 723. pergrînâbere 724. pergrînâbiminî 725. cônêre 726. cônsôlabântur 727. pergrînâbâminî 728. stomachêris 729. mîrâtus esset 730. congrâtulêmur 731. laetabuntur 732. cunctêtur 733. tûtâmur 734. dîgnêris 735. congrâtulâtî simus 736. speculâbâminî 737. miseror 738. populâtus sîs 739. cunctâtî sitis 740. pergrînârêris 741. cônfâbulêre 742. morêris 743. stomachâbitur 744. mîrâtus sîs 745. imitâtî sint 746. opitulâminî 747. sectâtus esset 748. speculâtus erat 749. contemplârêris 750. stomachâtî erâmus 751. contemplâtî essêtis 752. iocâtus erat 753. morâtus sîs 754. tûtabântur 755. morâberis 756. sectâberis 757. vagâtus essês 758. lâmentâberis 759. operâtî estis 760. scîscitâtî sumus 761. imâginâtur 762. cônsôlâtus sum 763. congrâtulârêris 764. dîgnâtus es 765. tûtâbâre 766. percontârentur 767. cônsôlâbâre 768. morâbâtur 769. imitâtus sim 770. ôsculantur 771. imitâtî sunt 772. morâtî sumus

773. imitâtus eris 774. vagâtî sint 775. suspicâtus eram 776. miserâminî 777. operâbâtur 778. venerâbâris 779. morâtus erit 780. sectârer 781. populâminî 782. arbitrâtus eris 783. iocâtus est 784. speculâtî estis 785. epulâtî estis 786. ôsculâtus essês 787. opitulâtî essêtis 788. speculâtus eram 789. vênêminî 790. iocâtî estis 791. lâmentâbor 792. contemplâtus erit 793. ôsculêminî 794. rixâbimur 795. dîgnâtî sitis 796. congrâtulâtî erâmus 797. percontâtî erâtis 798. vagâtus erit 799. speculâtus esset 800. speculêmur 801. cônabântur 802. scîscitâtî simus 803. dominâbar 804. stomachantur 805. contemplâtus est 806. vênâbâminî 807. laetârêre 808. contemplâtus es 809. epulâtî essêmus 810. stomachâtus essem 811. precâbor 812. populâmur 813. tûtâtî sint 814. dominâtî erant 815. pergrînâtî sunt 816. contemplârer 817. lâmentâminî 818. hortâbiminî 819. ôsculâtus essem 820. vênâtî erimus 821. dominâtus sîs 822. populâtus essês 823. contiônâbâminî 824. mîrârêtur 825. contiônâbâre 826. tûtêris 827. hortâtus eram 828. cunctârêminî 829. vênâtî erâmus 830. morêtur 831. pergrînâmur 832. contemplâtî erunt

833. vagârer 834. operâtus es 835. sectâbâminî 836. perîclitêmur 837. rixabuntur 838. arbitrâtî erunt 839. precâtus essês 840. congrâtulârêre 841. perîclitâtus sim 842. venerâtus essês 843. stomachâtî essêtis 844. imâginer 845. congrâtulâbiminî 846. cunctêmur 847. pergrînâtî erâtis 848. percontor 849. ôsculâbâmur 850. precâtî estis 851. contemplâbimur 852. morâbar 853. vênâtî estis 854. dominêtur 855. contemplâris 856. vênâtî erâtis 857. epulâmur 858. populâbitur 859. cônfâbulêtur 860. miserâtus erat 861. contemplâbâris 862. imâginâtî erunt 863. lâmentabântur 864. populâbâris 865. suspicâtus eris 866. cônâtî essêtis 867. precâtus est 868. suspicâtî erâmus 869. lâmentâtus erâs 870. arbitrêris 871. epulâtur 872. arbitrâtus esset 873. hortâtus erâs 874. lâmenter 875. speculâbor 876. perîclitârêris 877. cônâris 878. hortâtus essês 879. vagârentur 880. hortâbâminî 881. sectâtî sitis 882. contiônêmur 883. laetêminî 884. scîscitâminî 885. lâmentâbiminî 886. laetentur 887. operâtî eritis 888. dîgnentur 889. percontâbar 890. cônêminî 891. laetârer 892. precâbâminî

893. vênâtî essêmus 894. imitâtus essem 895. stomachârer 896. cônsôlâbâmur 897. sectâtus eris 898. pergrînâtî essêmus 899. tûtâtus eris 900. scîscitâtî essêmus 901. vênâtus erat 902. venerârentur 903. epulâtî sumus 904. dominâtus erit 905. laetâbimur 906. congrâtulâbar 907. cônsôlârer 908. pergrînentur 909. stomachârentur 910. cônsôlâtus eram 911. lâmentâtî estis 912. arbitrârêris 913. rixâmur 914. dominâtus erô 915. pergrînâtî estis 916. ôsculâbor 917. venerâminî 918. perîclitârentur 919. suspicâtus es 920. suspicâtî essent 921. perîclitâbiminî 922. cônsôlâtus erâs 923. dominâtus esset 924. percontâminî 925. sectâtî sunt 926. imâginâtî erâmus 927. miserâtus essês 928. suspicâmur 929. scîscitâbâtur 930. tûtâtus sit 931. laetâbâtur 932. rixârêmur 933. dominâtus sim 934. cônâbere 935. cunctârêris 936. testâbiminî 937. opitulârêre 938. mîrâtî essent 939. hortêtur 940. opitulâris 941. miserâtî sumus 942. hortâtî sumus 943. tûtâtus sim 944. iocârentur 945. morâminî 946. testârentur 947. rixârer 948. percontâtus essês 949. suspicâtus sit 950. imâginâbimur 951. ôsculâtî essêmus 952. cônfâbulâtî essêmus

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 5

953. pergrînâre 954. cônfâbulârentur 955. iocârêris 956. morâtus es 957. percontâtî simus 958. scîscitâtus est 959. dominârentur 960. pergrînâminî 961. vênâtus erô 962. testantur 963. cônârêris 964. sectârêmur 965. hortâbâmur 966. contiônâtus eris 967. cônfâbulâbâmur 968. lâmentâtus es 969. imâginâre 970. tûtâtur 971. rixâtî estis 972. cônfâbulâberis 973. hortâtî erimus 974. populâtî sumus 975. miserâmur 976. imitâtus erat 977. speculâtus es 978. cônfâbulârer 979. miserâbere 980. vênâtî eritis 981. lâmentâtî sitis 982. precâtî sumus 983. cônfâbulâtus essês 984. pergrînêris 985. tûtâbâminî 986. cunctâbâmur 987. tester 988. congrâtulâtî sint 989. hortâtus sum 990. lâmentârer 991. rixâbâmur 992. contiônârer 993. perîclitârer 994. venerâtî eritis 995. dominâtur 996. morâtus eris 997. populârêtur 998. congrâtulâmur 999. dîgnâtus erâs 1000. percontâbâris 1001. stomachêre 1002. mîrêmur 1003. contemplâminî 1004. imâginâtus erâs 1005. vagâbiminî 1006. epulâtus sit 1007. morâtî simus 1008. populâtur 1009. venerâbimur 1010. dîgnâtur 1011. scîscitâbar 1012. cônsôlentur

1013. stomachâre 1014. pergrînâtî erunt 1015. arbitrâbar 1016. precâtus erat 1017. imâginâminî 1018. arbitrâtî sumus 1019. contiônâtus es 1020. laetâtus sit 1021. morâtî sint 1022. precârer 1023. stomachentur 1024. epulâtî erâtis 1025. cônfâbulâtî eritis 1026. lâmentâtî erâmus 1027. pergrînârêre 1028. perîclitabântur 1029. venerâtur 1030. hortâtus sim 1031. arbitrâtus es 1032. epulâtus sîs 1033. speculâtî sint 1034. contiônâtus est 1035. suspicârêminî 1036. imâginâbâris 1037. morâtur 1038. cônfâbulâbâris 1039. testâtî erâmus 1040. contiônârêre 1041. laetâbâmur 1042. speculâris 1043. vagabuntur 1044. percontâtî sunt 1045. cônsôlâris 1046. cônfâbulâtur 1047. ôsculâbar 1048. speculârer 1049. opitulâtus sit 1050. vagâtus eram 1051. perîclitâtus sum 1052. cunctâtus erat 1053. contiônârêmur 1054. operâtî erâtis 1055. cônsôlâtî estis 1056. iocâtî sitis 1057. suspicentur 1058. miserâtus sîs 1059. sectâtî erunt 1060. venerâtus eris 1061. percontâtus sit 1062. dîgnârêris 1063. percontâtus eram 1064. epulêminî 1065. opitulâbere 1066. cônâtus esset 1067. miserâtus erit 1068. populâtus erâs 1069. speculâtur 1070. imâginârêminî 1071. cônsôlâbimur 1072. contemplâtus sit

1073. contiônâtî essent 1074. testâtus eram 1075. opitulâtus es 1076. ôsculâtur 1077. cônfâbulâtî sint 1078. scîscitâtus erô 1079. vênâtî sumus 1080. miserâtus sit 1081. iocâbere 1082. imâginâtî erâtis 1083. opitulâtus essem 1084. speculâbere 1085. dîgnâbâminî 1086. venerâtus sit 1087. contemplâtus sîs 1088. laetâtus erat 1089. mîrârêminî 1090. cônfâbulâtî sumus 1091. dîgnâbâris 1092. lâmentâtî erimus 1093. opitulârêtur 1094. mîrâberis 1095. cônsôlârêris 1096. sector 1097. pergrînâtî eritis 1098. stomachâtî sint 1099. ôsculâmur 1100. stomachârêtur 1101. pergrînâtus erit 1102. dîgnâtî essent 1103. speculârêminî 1104. congrâtulâtus eris 1105. imitâtus sîs 1106. lâmentâtus sîs 1107. sectâmur 1108. laetâtus sîs 1109. venerâtus eram 1110. imâginâtus sit 1111. lâmentâtus erô 1112. cônfâbulâbor 1113. testârêminî 1114. cônfâbulâtî erimus 1115. lâmentâtus essem 1116. testâtus essem 1117. contemplêmur 1118. speculâbâmur 1119. speculâtî erunt 1120. contemplâtî erimus 1121. imitâtus erit 1122. morârêre 1123. testâbâre 1124. miserâbâmur 1125. sectâbar 1126. vagârêminî 1127. laetâtî eritis 1128. morabuntur 1129. scîscitâbâminî 1130. epulâtî essêtis 1131. cônsôlâbar 1132. arbitrêmur

1133. cunctâtus esset 1134. testâtî essent 1135. ôsculêre 1136. cônâbitur 1137. miserâtî sitis 1138. imâginârêris 1139. opitulêris 1140. imâginâtî sitis 1141. morâbor 1142. imâginâtus erat 1143. vagor 1144. stomachâtus sit 1145. laetâtî sitis 1146. morâtî essêtis 1147. vagâtur 1148. miserâtus es 1149. scîscitârêminî 1150. perîclitor 1151. venerâmur 1152. imitâtus est 1153. precâbâmur 1154. contiônâbâmur 1155. miserârer 1156. perîclitâbar 1157. arbitrâtus eram 1158. cônsôlâre 1159. laetêre 1160. opitulâtî erant 1161. cunctêminî 1162. pergrînâtus esset 1163. sectâtus erâs 1164. epulâtus esset 1165. cônsôlêris 1166. pergrînâtî essêtis 1167. cônfâbulâtî estis 1168. vagâberis 1169. stomachârêre 1170. cônsôlâtî erunt 1171. speculâtus essês 1172. imitâtus sum 1173. testâbere 1174. dominâtî eritis 1175. cônâbor 1176. mîrâtî sunt 1177. cunctâre 1178. imitâbar 1179. vênâbar 1180. scîscitâtî erâmus 1181. populâtus esset 1182. cônâberis 1183. imâginêre 1184. precâtus erit 1185. cunctâtî essent 1186. operâbimur 1187. laetâtus erô 1188. arbitrâbâre 1189. cônâtus sit 1190. populêminî 1191. contiônâbor 1192. iocêris

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 6

1193. contiônabuntur 1194. laetârêris 1195. mîrâbitur 1196. populêris 1197. tûtêmur 1198. cônsôlâmur 1199. rixâbitur 1200. suspicâtî erimus 1201. miserâtî estis 1202. cônfâbulâtî erâtis 1203. hortâbar 1204. cônor 1205. hortâtî eritis 1206. miserâtî eritis 1207. stomachâtî sumus 1208. populêtur 1209. cônâtus essem 1210. imâginâtus es 1211. venerentur 1212. imâginâbitur 1213. suspicâbar 1214. cunctârêre 1215. lâmentârêtur 1216. stomachâbor 1217. mîrâtus est 1218. lâmentâbâtur 1219. operâtî essêtis 1220. epulârêtur 1221. percontâtî estis 1222. contemplêre 1223. lâmentârêminî 1224. precâtî erâmus 1225. cônfâbulâbitur 1226. laetâtur 1227. testâtî sitis 1228. cônsôlârêmur 1229. speculentur 1230. populâre 1231. vagâminî 1232. speculâtî simus 1233. cônfâbulâbâminî 1234. cônfâbulâtus esset 1235. epulêtur 1236. epulârer 1237. mîrâtus eram 1238. cônâbâminî 1239. cunctâtus sit 1240. perîclitârêmur 1241. suspicâtî sitis 1242. contemplabuntur 1243. miserabuntur 1244. cônâtî simus 1245. scîscitâbâre 1246. hortârêtur 1247. perîclitâtî erâmus 1248. sectêtur 1249. cônfâbulâtus est 1250. rixâtus esset 1251. tûtâtî erâtis 1252. venerabântur

1253. suspicârêris 1254. dîgnêtur 1255. miserâtus est 1256. speculâtus erô 1257. rixâtus est 1258. opitulâtî erâtis 1259. sectâtus sîs 1260. cunctâtî sumus 1261. precâtî essent 1262. contemplentur 1263. laetâtus sum 1264. lâmentâtus sit 1265. speculâbitur 1266. cunctârer 1267. lâmentâbâre 1268. operêminî 1269. ôsculâre 1270. cônêtur 1271. rixâtus essês 1272. pergrînâbitur 1273. laetâbere 1274. opitulâbâminî 1275. stomachâtî erimus 1276. percontâtî erâmus 1277. tûtârentur 1278. sectêris 1279. congrâtulâtî sumus 1280. hortâtus sit 1281. lâmentor 1282. rixâtî essent 1283. iocârêtur 1284. vagâtus es 1285. precâtus esset 1286. laetâtus erâs 1287. arbitrâbiminî 1288. suspicâtî sint 1289. contiônâre 1290. imâginârer 1291. sectentur 1292. lâmentâtus esset 1293. populâtî essêmus 1294. laetâtus sim 1295. venerâtus esset 1296. testâbâris 1297. epulâbitur 1298. cônâtî eritis 1299. vagâtî erant 1300. miserâtus sum 1301. opitulâmur 1302. cônsôlor 1303. tûtêre 1304. morâbitur 1305. populâtî simus 1306. ôsculâtus est 1307. precâbâtur 1308. vagâtus est 1309. populâtî erimus 1310. vênâtî essêtis 1311. percontêmur 1312. tûtâtî essêtis

1313. scîscitâtus sîs 1314. hortâtus eris 1315. arbitrârêtur 1316. contemplârêre 1317. operâbitur 1318. operâbâre 1319. operârêmur 1320. percontâbâmur 1321. cônabuntur 1322. mîrâtur 1323. vagâtus erat 1324. contiônâtî eritis 1325. cônfâbulentur 1326. ôsculêris 1327. arbitrâmur 1328. vagâtî essent 1329. imitêre 1330. populârêris 1331. epulâre 1332. cônsôlâtur 1333. sectâtus erô 1334. perîclitâtur 1335. congrâtulâtî essent 1336. stomachâtî erâtis 1337. sectâbâre 1338. dominâbâmur 1339. dominâtî sumus 1340. scîscitâberis 1341. stomachâtus eram 1342. hortâbitur 1343. dominâbâris 1344. cônsôler 1345. percontâberis 1346. imitâbâtur 1347. operâtur 1348. operâbere 1349. mîrâtî estis 1350. perîclitâtî sunt 1351. hortâtus essem 1352. cônâbimur 1353. vagâtî sunt 1354. testâtus sîs 1355. venerâberis 1356. dîgnâtî sunt 1357. mîrêre 1358. venerâtî erant 1359. opitulâtî erimus 1360. congrâtulâbitur 1361. sectantur 1362. pergrînâtus essês 1363. ôsculâbâre 1364. scîscitêtur 1365. iocâtî erâmus 1366. perîclitâtî erimus 1367. vênârer 1368. perîclitâtî sumus 1369. perîclitabuntur 1370. mîrâtî simus 1371. arbitrâtus sit 1372. precâre

1373. contemplâbar 1374. venerâtus sim 1375. contemplâtur 1376. laetârentur 1377. scîscitâbere 1378. percontâtî erimus 1379. operêre 1380. dîgnârêtur 1381. hortâberis 1382. perîclitâtî sint 1383. cônsôlâminî 1384. imâginâtus erô 1385. speculâtî erimus 1386. operârentur 1387. hortâtus est 1388. precârêminî 1389. contiônêminî 1390. imâginâtus eris 1391. perîclitâbâtur 1392. arbitrentur 1393. imitâtus es 1394. congrâtulâtus erit 1395. tûtâbere 1396. venerabuntur 1397. mîrâtus sim 1398. suspicer 1399. morâtus eram 1400. cônsôlârentur 1401. lâmentârêmur 1402. opitulâtus erâs 1403. stomachâbâre 1404. imâginâtus essem 1405. iocâbor 1406. cunctâtî sint 1407. tûtabuntur 1408. rixâtus es 1409. epulâtî erâmus 1410. cônâtî erâtis 1411. lâmentâbâris 1412. cônsôlâbiminî 1413. veneror 1414. mîrâtî sitis 1415. stomachâtî erunt 1416. cunctâtî erunt 1417. vager 1418. iocâbâmur 1419. stomachâtus esset 1420. congrâtulâtus es 1421. arbitrâtî sitis 1422. cônâbar 1423. sectâtus erit 1424. hortârêminî 1425. precâtî erimus 1426. cônsôlâbitur 1427. contemplâtus erat 1428. epulâtî essent 1429. precâtus sîs 1430. imâginâtus sim 1431. tûtâtus sîs 1432. rixêris

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 7

1433. operâtî erunt 1434. dominâmur 1435. sectâbor 1436. opitulâtus est 1437. imitârêris 1438. populâtus est 1439. lâmentâtî erunt 1440. vênâminî 1441. cônsôlâtus est 1442. stomachâminî 1443. cônsôlâtus essês 1444. venerêre 1445. cônfâbulabântur 1446. sectâtî sint 1447. cônfâbulârêminî 1448. epulâtus erâs 1449. populârêminî 1450. miserâtus sim 1451. hortâtî sunt 1452. testêris 1453. populâbiminî 1454. sectâtus es 1455. miserêtur 1456. cunctabântur 1457. opitulâtî sint 1458. vagârêmur 1459. cônfâbulâtus erit 1460. populâtus sim 1461. iocâbitur 1462. stomachâbiminî 1463. lâmentârêris 1464. cônfâbulârêris 1465. arbitrâtus erat 1466. miserâbor 1467. sectâtî simus 1468. laetêmur 1469. speculâtus essem 1470. morer 1471. lâmentâbitur 1472. laetantur 1473. cunctâbere 1474. opitulâbâmur 1475. precâtus sit 1476. epulâtî erimus 1477. pergrînâbar 1478. vagâbor 1479. speculâtus erit 1480. rixâris 1481. iocâmur 1482. speculêminî 1483. percontâtî sumus 1484. ôsculâtus sum 1485. miserâris 1486. cunctâtus essem 1487. pergrînâbâtur 1488. tûtâtus sum 1489. cônfâbulâtus eris 1490. opitulâtus eris 1491. epulârêmur 1492. morârêminî

1493. laetârêtur 1494. cônfâbulâbar 1495. laetâtî erant 1496. imâginentur 1497. percontâbor 1498. tûtâbitur 1499. percontâbiminî 1500. epulentur 1501. cônfâbulâtî erâmus 1502. populârêre 1503. venerêtur 1504. testâtus essês 1505. stomachâtus sim 1506. sectâbiminî 1507. sectâtus sit 1508. contiônârentur 1509. cônfâbulâtus sim 1510. dîgnâtî erant 1511. miserâtî erimus 1512. populâtî erâtis 1513. dominêminî 1514. venerâbâre 1515. precâberis 1516. imâginârêre 1517. iocârêre 1518. opitulantur 1519. cônâtî essent 1520. suspicâtur 1521. vênâbitur 1522. dominâtus est 1523. imitâtî eritis 1524. arbitrâtus erâs 1525. laetâbâre 1526. laetâre 1527. mîrâtî erâmus 1528. ôsculâtus erit 1529. morâtî essent 1530. precâtus es 1531. congrâtulâtus essês 1532. dîgnâbor 1533. laetâbar 1534. mîrêris 1535. ôsculâris 1536. pergrînâtî sint 1537. tûtâtî erâmus 1538. operâtî sumus 1539. sectârêminî 1540. venerâre 1541. testâbor 1542. cônâtur 1543. perîclitêtur 1544. scîscitâtî sunt 1545. vagâbar 1546. dîgnâre 1547. cônfâbulâtus essem 1548. testârer 1549. cônâtî estis 1550. precêminî 1551. venerâbitur 1552. epulêre

1553. laetâbitur 1554. hortâbere 1555. cônsôlâtus eris 1556. epulârentur 1557. miserâre 1558. speculâtus sîs 1559. morâmur 1560. populâtus sum 1561. speculâbâtur 1562. operâre 1563. suspicârêtur 1564. congrâtulâberis 1565. dîgner 1566. iocâtus essem 1567. percontâtus sum 1568. laetâtus es 1569. cônsôlâtus erô 1570. laetor 1571. vênor 1572. epulâbâris 1573. iocabântur 1574. miserentur 1575. scîscitâtî erimus 1576. speculâbâris 1577. contemplabântur 1578. contemplêris 1579. miserâbiminî 1580. ôsculârer 1581. contiônâminî 1582. stomachâtî eritis 1583. speculâtî essêtis 1584. dîgnâbimur 1585. speculâre 1586. lâmentâtî sunt 1587. miserâtus essem 1588. suspicâminî 1589. lâmentârêre 1590. ôsculêtur 1591. pergrînantur 1592. stomachâmur 1593. pergrînârêminî 1594. miserâbitur 1595. suspicêre 1596. perîclitêris 1597. vagâtî sitis 1598. cônâtus erat 1599. iocâtî essent 1600. mîrâtî essêmus 1601. lâmentâtî sint 1602. arbitrâbâmur 1603. sectâtî essêmus 1604. congrâtulâtus est 1605. vagâre 1606. miserêmur 1607. opitulâbâris 1608. vênâbâris 1609. scîscitâtî erunt 1610. cônsôlâbâtur 1611. precâminî 1612. perîclitâre

1613. dominâtî essêtis 1614. vagâtî erunt 1615. epulâbâtur 1616. ôsculâtus erâs 1617. testêmur 1618. pergrînêminî 1619. hortêminî 1620. imitâris 1621. congrâtulâtus sum 1622. vagâtus eris 1623. speculârentur 1624. populâtus erat 1625. precâtî sint 1626. populârentur 1627. sectâtî sumus 1628. contemplâtî sitis 1629. testâtus esset 1630. rixâtî erunt 1631. dominâtî sint 1632. cônâtus sum 1633. vênêris 1634. mîrâtî sumus 1635. populâtî essent 1636. arbitrâris 1637. ôsculâtî sumus 1638. morâtus essês 1639. miserâbâminî 1640. precârêtur 1641. vênârêris 1642. contemplâbâre 1643. scîscitâtus es 1644. opitulârer 1645. congrâtulêminî 1646. imâginâbâminî 1647. cônsôlâbor 1648. imâginêtur 1649. opitulâtî sitis 1650. rixabântur 1651. cônsôlâtî eritis 1652. imitor 1653. cônfâbulâtî erunt 1654. iocâberis 1655. vagâtus sum 1656. miserârêris 1657. testâtî sumus 1658. operâtî erant 1659. mîrâbor 1660. opitulêtur 1661. iocentur 1662. dîgnâtî essêtis 1663. mîrâtus sit 1664. rixâtus erit 1665. cônsôlâtî erimus 1666. mîrâbâminî 1667. vênantur 1668. stomachârêmur 1669. precâtî eritis 1670. venerâbâtur 1671. suspicantur 1672. cônâtus eram

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 8

1673. cônâbiminî 1674. imâginâtus est 1675. operâtî erimus 1676. contiônâtus sum 1677. imâginâmur 1678. rixâtus essem 1679. vagâris 1680. opitulêmur 1681. cunctor 1682. stomachâbimur 1683. iocâtî sint 1684. precâtus eris 1685. arbitrâbâtur 1686. suspicâbâtur 1687. vênêre 1688. contemplâtus eram 1689. contiônor 1690. speculor 1691. cônfâbulêminî 1692. tûtâtî sitis 1693. perîclitâbor 1694. dîgnâtus sit 1695. scîscitâtus essem 1696. operâtî sitis 1697. cunctâbar 1698. ôsculârentur 1699. cônârêminî 1700. perîclitâtus essês 1701. pergrînâtus eris 1702. iocâbâris 1703. suspicâtî sumus 1704. laetârêminî 1705. cônâtî essêmus 1706. morâtus est 1707. sectâtus est 1708. precârêre 1709. laetâtî erâtis 1710. stomachâtus erô 1711. miserâtus erâs 1712. miserâberis 1713. dîgnâtus sum 1714. operâtî essêmus 1715. dominantur 1716. perîclitârêminî 1717. hortâminî 1718. percontârer 1719. vagâtus sîs 1720. sectâbâmur 1721. imitâbâminî 1722. cunctâbimur 1723. speculâtî sunt 1724. populâtus eram 1725. opitulâtî sunt 1726. operâmur 1727. pergrînârêtur 1728. testârêre 1729. lâmentâtus erit 1730. arbitrâtî erâmus 1731. percontâtus erâs 1732. dominêris

1733. opitulâtus esset 1734. congrâtulâbimur 1735. iocâtus essês 1736. vagêre 1737. hortêris 1738. populâtus erô 1739. testabântur 1740. pergrînâtî sumus 1741. cônârêre 1742. perîclitâtî sitis 1743. pergrînâtus sîs 1744. vagâtî eritis 1745. vagâbâre 1746. speculârêre 1747. stomachâtus est 1748. dîgnâtî essêmus 1749. venerâtus erat 1750. operentur 1751. ôsculâbitur 1752. miserantur 1753. vênâtî sitis 1754. dîgnâtus eris 1755. cônsôlâtî erâmus 1756. populâbâminî 1757. contiônâris 1758. lâmentêris 1759. pergrînêre 1760. populâris 1761. stomachâtî erant 1762. imâginâris 1763. perîclitêre 1764. cônêris 1765. vênâbor 1766. contemplâtî erant 1767. stomachâtus erit 1768. laetâtî estis 1769. epulârêre 1770. contemplâtî estis 1771. miserâbimur 1772. laetâris 1773. congrâtulâtus esset 1774. speculâtus erâs 1775. contiônâtî sumus 1776. imitârer 1777. scîscitentur 1778. ôsculâbimur 1779. mîrêtur 1780. dîgnâtî eritis 1781. contemplâtus essês 1782. vênâtus sum 1783. iocêtur 1784. congrâtulâtî essêtis 1785. percontâtî essêtis 1786. congrâtulâminî 1787. speculâtî eritis 1788. dîgnantur 1789. dîgnâbiminî 1790. precor 1791. dominâtî estis 1792. contiônâtî essêtis

1793. congrâtulâtus erat 1794. hortor 1795. morâtî erant 1796. miserâtî sint 1797. pergrînâtus sum 1798. dominentur 1799. congrâtulêris 1800. suspicâtus esset 1801. vagâbâtur 1802. cunctâtus sum 1803. tûtâtus es 1804. morâtî sunt 1805. cônfâbulantur 1806. opitulârêminî 1807. operâbâmur 1808. opitulâbor 1809. mîrâbâris 1810. precâmur 1811. tûtârêminî 1812. perîclitentur 1813. cônâbâtur 1814. testâtus est 1815. dominâtus essem 1816. epulâtî erant 1817. testâtî eritis 1818. hortâtus erat 1819. epulâris 1820. perîclitâtî estis 1821. laetâbor 1822. operâtus est 1823. opituler 1824. populâbimur 1825. imâginâtî essent 1826. vênâtus est 1827. tûtor 1828. venerâtî estis 1829. morentur 1830. arbitrâtur 1831. percontêris 1832. testabuntur 1833. populor 1834. percontabuntur 1835. speculabuntur 1836. scîscitârêmur 1837. cônfâbuler 1838. percontâbâtur 1839. arbitrâtî sint 1840. iocâtî erâtis 1841. mîrâbimur 1842. percontârêre 1843. rixâtus eram 1844. dominâbiminî 1845. percontâtî sint 1846. venerêris 1847. suspicâris 1848. cônâtus erô 1849. sectâminî 1850. epulor 1851. contiônâbere 1852. arbitrâminî

1853. laetâtus essês 1854. hortâtî sitis 1855. testâtî sint 1856. precâtî erant 1857. vagâtî essêtis 1858. epulêmur 1859. perîclitâtî erâtis 1860. mîrâbâre 1861. imâginâtî sumus 1862. precâbâris 1863. arbitrârer 1864. iocâtur 1865. speculâbâre 1866. dîgnâbitur 1867. opitulor 1868. rixâbâminî 1869. arbitrâtus sîs 1870. contemplâtî essêmus 1871. sectâtus sum 1872. tûter 1873. ôsculer 1874. imâginabuntur 1875. contemplâbâtur 1876. imitâtî erunt 1877. ôsculârêminî 1878. tûtâtî erunt 1879. rixâtî simus 1880. imitâtus eram 1881. congrâtulârêtur 1882. laetâtî sunt 1883. venerâtî sunt 1884. epulâtî sitis 1885. morâris 1886. opitulâtî eritis 1887. mîrâtus erâs 1888. ôsculâtus es 1889. precâtus sum 1890. dominâtus sit 1891. scîscitâtus eram 1892. contemplâtî erâtis 1893. miserâbar 1894. arbitrâtî erimus 1895. contiônâtus eram 1896. suspicâbâminî 1897. venerêminî 1898. testâris 1899. contemplâtî sunt 1900. cônsôlâbâminî 1901. imâginêris 1902. imitâtus erâs 1903. cunctâtî sunt 1904. imitâbâre 1905. scîscitâtî essent 1906. vagâtus essem 1907. cunctâtî erimus 1908. ôsculâtus eris 1909. suspicâtus est 1910. laetâtî essêtis 1911. rixer 1912. cônsôlâtî sumus

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 9

1913. iocor 1914. testâberis 1915. arbitrâbimur 1916. dominêre 1917. epulâbor 1918. opitulâbimur 1919. vênâtus erâs 1920. dominâtus es 1921. pergrînâbâre 1922. morârêtur 1923. scîscitâbitur 1924. contiônâbiminî 1925. tûtâtî simus 1926. pergrînâtus sit 1927. cônâtî sitis 1928. imitâtî estis 1929. laetêtur 1930. venerârêre 1931. scîscitâtus esset 1932. contiônêre 1933. laetâmur 1934. mîrâtus erit 1935. imitâre 1936. operantur 1937. venerâtî erunt 1938. pergrînârer 1939. percontâtî erant 1940. rixêminî 1941. imâginâbar 1942. morâtus essem 1943. sectâtî erant 1944. operâtus sum 1945. cunctabuntur 1946. testâbitur 1947. scîscitâbâmur 1948. arbitrabuntur 1949. cunctêre 1950. iocâtî erunt 1951. iocabuntur 1952. pergrînârêmur 1953. epulâtus erit 1954. suspicâbâris 1955. dominâtus eris 1956. pergrînârentur 1957. hortâbor 1958. tûtâtî erant 1959. sectâtî eritis 1960. ôsculâtus eram 1961. vagâtî sumus 1962. miserâtur 1963. scîscitârer 1964. cônsôlabuntur 1965. iocâtus sum 1966. rixâbere 1967. cônfâbulârêtur 1968. dîgnâbere 1969. mîrêminî 1970. precârêmur 1971. epulâtus sim 1972. populâtî sint

1973. suspicâtî eritis 1974. imitantur 1975. dîgnâtus sîs 1976. populâberis 1977. contempler 1978. arbitrâtî essêtis 1979. testêminî 1980. contiônêtur 1981. suspicor 1982. mîrâtus eris 1983. venerâtî erâmus 1984. imitârêminî 1985. cunctâtus erâs 1986. morâtî erâmus 1987. dîgnêmur 1988. lâmentantur 1989. contemplantur 1990. stomacher 1991. rixêre 1992. dominêmur 1993. laetârêmur 1994. speculâtî erâtis 1995. hortâbâris 1996. pergrînâtî erant 1997. morârer 1998. lâmentâtî essent 1999. dîgnâmur 2000. contiônâbar 2001. percontâmur 2002. precâbere 2003. scîscitâtus sum 2004. congrâtulâtus essem 2005. epulâberis 2006. miserâtî erunt 2007. scîscitâtus essês 2008. imâginâtî essêtis 2009. rixâminî 2010. testêtur 2011. iocâris 2012. hortâtî essêtis 2013. rixâbar 2014. cunctâtus sîs 2015. congrâtulâbâmur 2016. tûtâtî essêmus 2017. cunctâbitur 2018. suspicêris 2019. morâtî erunt 2020. arbitrâbâris 2021. iocâtî essêmus 2022. dominer 2023. operâbâris 2024. dominâtî erimus 2025. mîrâbâtur 2026. dîgnâberis 2027. suspicêminî 2028. sectâbimur 2029. hortêmur 2030. mîrâris 2031. stomachâtus sîs 2032. imitâbimur

2033. populâtî erant 2034. opitulâtî simus 2035. perîclitâtus eram 2036. epulâbâre 2037. iocâtus erit 2038. speculâtî erant 2039. vênâtî sint 2040. suspicâtus erit 2041. lâmentêminî 2042. operâtus sim 2043. venerâtus est 2044. speculâbar 2045. vênâtî essent 2046. mîrâbiminî 2047. sectâbitur 2048. iocâre 2049. contiônantur 2050. dominâris 2051. tûtârêtur 2052. perîclitâtî essêmus 2053. ôsculabântur 2054. laetâtî simus 2055. percontâbitur 2056. operâtus erat 2057. lâmentêmur 2058. vênâtî simus 2059. operâminî 2060. opitulâberis 2061. vênâtus essem 2062. stomachâtus essês 2063. rixâbâre 2064. cônêmur 2065. lâmentâtî erant 2066. cônfâbulâbere 2067. miserârentur 2068. imitâtî erimus 2069. testârêris 2070. stomachâtî sunt 2071. dominâbitur 2072. vênârêtur 2073. suspicâbimur 2074. lâmentâtus eris 2075. morâtus sit 2076. congrâtulâtus erô 2077. testâbâtur 2078. mîrabântur 2079. percontâtus sim 2080. morâbiminî 2081. perîclitâbâmur 2082. suspicâbâre 2083. perîclitâbâminî 2084. tûtâre 2085. operâtus eris 2086. suspicâtus sîs 2087. populâtus erit 2088. dominâtî simus 2089. venerâtî essêmus 2090. côner 2091. lâmentâmur 2092. miserârêminî

2093. morâbâris 2094. miserâtî essêmus 2095. cônfâbulâmur 2096. iocêre 2097. suspicâberis 2098. cônâtus erâs 2099. venerâbar 2100. dominâtî essent 2101. precantur 2102. perîclitâtus es 2103. arbitrâtî essent 2104. iocantur 2105. venerâris 2106. dîgnâtî erâmus 2107. ôsculâminî 2108. rixâtus sîs 2109. contiônâtur 2110. tûtentur 2111. percontârêmur 2112. imitâbitur 2113. iocârer 2114. vagêmur 2115. scîscitâbimur 2116. imiter 2117. lâmentâtî erâtis 2118. hortâtî essêmus 2119. morâtî sitis 2120. percontêre 2121. percontâbâminî 2122. precer 2123. hortâre 2124. scîscitêris 2125. morâbere 2126. contiônâtus sîs 2127. suspicêmur 2128. vênâtur 2129. contiônâtî erimus 2130. imitentur 2131. imitârêtur 2132. dîgnâtî erâtis 2133. stomachâtur 2134. dîgnêre 2135. percontârêris 2136. testâtus erâs 2137. scîscitêminî 2138. miserabântur 2139. tûtâbiminî 2140. imitâtus sit 2141. perîclitâtî erant 2142. arbitrantur 2143. vagârêtur 2144. dominârêmur 2145. opitulâtî essêmus 2146. ôsculâtî sint 2147. cônsôlâtî simus 2148. populer 2149. testâtus sum 2150. contemplâre 2151. morârêmur 2152. scîscitâtî sint

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 10

2153. stomachâtî essent 2154. morâtî estis 2155. dîgnâtus erit 2156. imâginâberis 2157. hortâtî erâtis 2158. venerâbiminî 2159. speculâmur 2160. dîgnâtus est 2161. precabuntur 2162. opitulâbâre 2163. perîclitâberis 2164. mîrer 2165. percontâtî erunt 2166. pergrînor 2167. congrâtulâtus sit 2168. vênâre 2169. precâtus erâs 2170. perîclitâbitur 2171. cônsôlâtus sim 2172. populârêmur 2173. venerâbor 2174. suspicâtus erâs 2175. hortâris 2176. opitulârêmur 2177. ôsculabuntur 2178. cônfâbulabuntur 2179. imâginâtî sint 2180. scîscitâtus erâs 2181. scîscitâmur 2182. stomachor 2183. ôsculâtus esset 2184. lâmentâtus sum 2185. tûtâtî essent 2186. lâmentâtî eritis 2187. scîscitâris 2188. epulâbere 2189. opitulâbâtur 2190. cunctâtî estis 2191. testêre 2192. testâtus eris 2193. dominârêris 2194. perîclitâtus erit 2195. contemplêtur 2196. hortârêris 2197. contiônâtî erâtis 2198. dominârêminî 2199. mîrâmur 2200. ôsculâtî essent 2201. cônâtî erâmus 2202. vênentur 2203. sectâtî erâmus 2204. sectâre 2205. cônsôlâtus erat 2206. pergrînâtus eram 2207. cônârêmur 2208. vênâtus eris 2209. contemplâmur 2210. mîrâbâmur 2211. mîrâbere 2212. vênârentur

2213. cônâmur 2214. imâginâtus sum 2215. stomachâtus es 2216. mîrâtî erâtis 2217. iocâtus erô 2218. laetâbâris 2219. venerâbere 2220. congrâtulâtus eram 2221. perîclitâtus esset 2222. iocâtî erimus 2223. percontâtî sitis 2224. imâginâbâre 2225. venerâtî erimus 2226. iocêmur 2227. cunctâbâminî 2228. testâtus erit 2229. suspicâtus erat 2230. dîgnâtus sim 2231. pergrînâtî erâmus 2232. contemplâbere 2233. hortâtus erit 2234. contiônabântur 2235. contemplâtî eritis 2236. imâginâtî simus 2237. pergrînâberis 2238. congrâtulâtî essêmus 2239. laetâtus erit 2240. operâtus eram 2241. pergrînâtus sim 2242. scîscitâtî erant 2243. epulabântur 2244. pergrînâtî erimus 2245. arbitrâtî erâtis 2246. tûtâbâtur 2247. cônsôlâbâris 2248. speculêris 2249. imâginâbere 2250. cuncter 2251. congrâtulâbâre 2252. lâmentâtus sim 2253. imâginâtî essêmus 2254. vagâbâris 2255. rixâtî eritis 2256. congrâtulâbâtur 2257. hortârêre 2258. precâbitur 2259. morabântur 2260. iocâtus es 2261. vênârêmur 2262. congrâtulârêmur 2263. ôsculâtî erâmus 2264. congrâtulor 2265. imitâtî essent 2266. tûtantur 2267. arbitrârêmur 2268. percontârêminî 2269. imâginârêmur 2270. ôsculâbâminî 2271. dominor 2272. tûtâtî sunt

2273. contiônâberis 2274. cônâbâmur 2275. stomachâtî estis 2276. rixâbâtur 2277. cônâtus eris 2278. morâbâmur 2279. cônantur 2280. cunctâtus erô 2281. cônfâbulâtî essent 2282. perîclitâtus erâs 2283. speculâbimur 2284. cunctârêmur 2285. ôsculâtî estis 2286. pergrîner 2287. contiônâtus esset 2288. contiônâbâris 2289. laetâtî erâmus 2290. tûtâtî erimus 2291. ôsculâtî erimus 2292. vênârêminî 2293. stomachêmur 2294. epulâbâminî 2295. laeter 2296. operor 2297. vagâbimur 2298. precêmur 2299. sectâtî essêtis 2300. venerâtî simus 2301. lâmentêtur 2302. speculâtî essêmus 2303. scîscitâtus sit 2304. imitâbâris 2305. contemplâbâminî 2306. imitabuntur 2307. dîgnârentur 2308. tûtâtus est 2309. pergrînâtî sitis 2310. dîgnâtî erimus 2311. operâberis 2312. iocârêminî 2313. ôsculâtî erant 2314. mîrâtî essêtis 2315. operâbiminî 2316. laetâtî erunt 2317. venerâtî essêtis 2318. vênâtî erunt 2319. moror 2320. opitulâtur 2321. vênâris 2322. precâtî essêtis 2323. speculâtus sit 2324. populâtî essêtis 2325. congrâtulâtî erunt 2326. laetâtus eram 2327. vênâtus sim 2328. iocer 2329. mîrantur 2330. imâginêminî 2331. vênêmur 2332. cônfâbulârêmur

2333. miserâbâre 2334. suspicâtî essêtis 2335. dominâtî erâmus 2336. mîrâtî sint 2337. imitârêre 2338. contemplârêmur 2339. dominâtî sitis 2340. suspicêtur 2341. stomachabântur 2342. suspicâtî erant 2343. pergrînabuntur 2344. morâtus erat 2345. venerâtî erâtis 2346. miserâtus erô 2347. stomachâbâtur 2348. ôsculâtî sitis 2349. suspicârentur 2350. imitêmur 2351. mîrâtî erant 2352. populâbâre 2353. laetâtî sint 2354. cônsôlârêtur 2355. sectâtus essês 2356. epulantur 2357. mîrâtus erat 2358. precâtî simus 2359. iocâbâtur 2360. vênâtus sit 2361. contiôner 2362. cônâtus erit 2363. stomachâtus eris 2364. suspicâbâmur 2365. contiônâtus erô 2366. populâtî estis 2367. contiônâtus essem 2368. epulâtî sunt 2369. lâmentêre 2370. arbitrârêre 2371. cônâtî erant 2372. sectâbâtur 2373. laetâtus essem 2374. perîclitâtus erô 2375. lâmentâtus est 2376. congrâtulârêminî 2377. precâbiminî 2378. vagâtî simus 2379. tûtâtus eram 2380. tûtâbor 2381. populâbere 2382. ôsculâtî erâtis 2383. arbitrâberis 2384. operabântur 2385. tûtâtî sumus 2386. vênârêre 2387. contemplâtus sim 2388. arbitrâtus essem 2389. speculâberis 2390. perîclitâris 2391. arbitrâtî estis 2392. lâmentâtur

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (Latin to English) 11

2393. cônfâbulâtus erâs 2394. contiônâbâtur 2395. venerâtî essent 2396. imâginârentur 2397. miserêre 2398. imitâmur 2399. stomachâtî essêmus 2400. venerâtus sum 2401. operêtur 2402. hortentur 2403. opitulâbiminî 2404. contiônâtus sit 2405. suspicâbitur 2406. venerâbâmur 2407. epulâtus eris 2408. vagêminî 2409. vênêtur 2410. imitâtus esset 2411. scîscitârêtur 2412. cunctâtî erant 2413. iocâtî simus 2414. epulâtus eram 2415. populêre 2416. suspicâtus essês 2417. cônfâbulâtus es 2418. dominârêtur 2419. cunctârêtur 2420. suspicâtus sim 2421. vagâtî estis 2422. dîgnâbar 2423. rixâbâris 2424. dominâtus essês 2425. percontâre 2426. dîgnabântur 2427. percontâtus erat 2428. perîclitêminî

2429. dîgnâris 2430. contiônâtî sunt 2431. lâmentâris 2432. vagâmur 2433. percontârêtur 2434. arbitrâbere 2435. operâtî sunt 2436. cônsôlâtus sîs 2437. cunctâtur 2438. arbitrâtus erô 2439. operâbar 2440. scîscitârêris 2441. perîclitâtus sit 2442. imâginâbiminî 2443. miserâtus eris 2444. miserer 2445. congrâtulârentur 2446. cônsôlâtî essent 2447. tûtâtus erâs 2448. miserârêtur 2449. rixantur 2450. opitulêre 2451. dîgnâminî 2452. contemplâtî sint 2453. epulâtus est 2454. arbitrâtus sum 2455. venerâtî sumus 2456. rixâtus eris 2457. populentur 2458. congrâtulâtus sim 2459. ôsculârêris 2460. arbitrêre 2461. ôsculêmur 2462. cônâtî erimus 2463. imitâtî essêtis 2464. imitâtur

2465. vagâtus sim 2466. cônfâbulor 2467. epulârêris 2468. secter 2469. iocâbâre 2470. cônfâbulâtî simus 2471. cônsôlâbere 2472. stomachêtur 2473. sectabuntur 2474. contemplâtus erô 2475. opitulâtus sum 2476. cônentur 2477. dominâtî erâtis 2478. cônâtus es 2479. suspicâtî simus 2480. arbitrâbor 2481. contiônentur 2482. operabuntur 2483. opitulâtî erâmus 2484. cônârentur 2485. cônsôlâtus es 2486. imitârêmur 2487. testâtî erant 2488. operêris 2489. precâbâre 2490. morâtus sum 2491. cônârêtur 2492. contemplâbâmur 2493. vagâtus erô 2494. morâre 2495. rixêtur 2496. percontentur 2497. dominâbâtur 2498. epulâbar 2499. laetâtî erimus 2500. vênâbere

2501. congrâtulâtus sîs 2502. rixor 2503. iocâtus sîs 2504. pergrînâtus erâs 2505. imitâbor 2506. vênâtus ervên 2507. miserâtî simus 2508. horter 2509. venerârêtur 2510. arbitrâtî simus 2511. lâmentâbâmur 2512. speculâtus sim 2513. dîgnâtî estis 2514. laetâtus esset 2515. hortârêmur 2516. vênâbimur 2517. cônfâbulâtus erat 2518. operâtus sîs 2519. cônsôlâtî essêmus 2520. cunctâberis 2521. congrâtulâtî eritis 2522. operâtî essent 2523. sectâbere 2524. precâtus essem 2525. imitâtî sumus 2526. ôsculârêre 2527. dominâbimur 2528. perîcliter 2529. rixâtus sim 2530. hortâbâtur 2531. cunctâtî erâtis 2532. mîrâminî 2533. venerârer 2534. perîclitâtus essem 2535. dîgnêminî

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 1

First Conjugation Deponent Verbs, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English)

1. they would have decided 2. x will pursue 3. I will have observed 4. we would beg 5. [I ask whether] you (pl) have feasted 6. you were ravaging 7. [I ask whether] x has borne witness 8. let me inquire 9. you quarrel violently 10. you converse 11. we had ruled over 12. x was pursuing 13. you would kiss 14. [I ask whether] they have feasted 15. you (pl) were inquiring 16. x delays 17. we had wandered 18. they would ravage 19. let us kiss 20. I consider worthy 21. [I ask whether] you have inquired 22. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

congratulated 23. I would have quarreled violently 24. they would delay 25. we will risk 26. [I ask whether] x has inquired 27. you have consoled 28. you (pl) should revere 29. you (pl) have suspected 30. I had inquired 31. [I ask whether] they have wondered at 32. they would have quarreled violently 33. you will have delayed 34. we would pursue 35. let us help 36. they had tried 37. they inquire 38. they will have wondered at 39. x has delayed 40. you had ruled over 41. x had considered worthy 42. they would have ravaged 43. I would have ruled over 44. we were conversing 45. let them hunt 46. we had watched 47. you bewail 48. you will have begged 49. you console 50. they will risk 51. you (pl) would have suspected 52. we will imagine 53. they imitate 54. they would have inquired 55. we would have encouraged 56. x will have congratulated 57. we will encourage 58. [I ask whether] I have wandered 59. you would hunt 60. x would be angry 61. they would have pitied 62. you (pl) would imitate 63. you had hunted

64. you (pl) have hunted 65. you (pl) should watch 66. let them converse 67. you (pl) would have observed 68. x was observing 69. I was imitating 70. you (pl) try 71. they were kissing 72. let me try 73. we would delay 74. [I ask whether] I have conversed 75. you observe 76. [I ask whether] I have hunted 77. they will travel about 78. they had bewailed 79. x had congratulated 80. you (pl) were observing 81. x has imitated 82. you would decide 83. they will have addressed an assembly 84. you have observed 85. you had asked 86. we were joking 87. x was helping 88. [I ask whether] you (pl) have consoled 89. x would have watched 90. we had suspected 91. you (pl) would address an assembly 92. we had imitated 93. you have tried 94. we will try 95. [I ask whether] I have imitated 96. we quarrel violently 97. I feast 98. you (pl) encourage 99. you will imagine 100. let us revere 101. you would have wondered at 102. we would have consoled 103. let x decide 104. x would have revered 105. x would ask 106. [I ask whether] x has addressed an

assembly 107. let us delay 108. [I ask whether] you have congratulated 109. we would have delayed 110. you (pl) had pitied 111. you (pl) would have hunted 112. x would ravage 113. [I ask whether] x has ruled over 114. x would joke 115. you should ask 116. we console 117. they watch 118. you (pl) rule over 119. you (pl) were quarreling violently 120. you had inquired 121. you will have ruled over 122. [I ask whether] you (pl) have hunted 123. x was risking 124. I will have been angry 125. [I ask whether] you have risked 126. we had consoled

127. [I ask whether] you have addressed an assembly

128. x will have decided 129. you (pl) will feast 130. [I ask whether] you have pitied 131. [I ask whether] we have guarded 132. we were asking 133. we would have been angry 134. they will have bewailed 135. you would help 136. x begs 137. I had hunted 138. you (pl) should suspect 139. we would console 140. you will observe 141. I have imagined 142. x has consoled 143. they will beg 144. you ravage 145. let me joke 146. [I ask whether] we have pursued 147. I would have kissed 148. they will observe 149. I kiss 150. you (pl) would have joked 151. they will have considered worthy 152. x will have inquired 153. you feast 154. I have congratulated 155. x would quarrel violently 156. they bewail 157. you (pl) have congratulated 158. I will bear witness 159. you will joke 160. they would quarrel violently 161. we had pursued 162. they were trying 163. you would have imitated 164. you (pl) have considered worthy 165. x was considering worthy 166. you (pl) should observe 167. they were deciding 168. they had been angry 169. we have quarreled violently 170. you were bewailing 171. [I ask whether] I have borne witness 172. [I ask whether] we have imagined 173. you (pl) were ruling over 174. they joke 175. we have addressed an assembly 176. you (pl) should rule over 177. they will try 178. you had feasted 179. we would have guarded 180. you (pl) had conversed 181. [I ask whether] x has ravaged 182. I have tried 183. they were begging 184. x had tried 185. you (pl) delay 186. I decide 187. you should address an assembly 188. x had encouraged 189. you (pl) were helping

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 2

190. we had feasted 191. we have imitated 192. you would have inquired 193. [I ask whether] I have risked 194. x will delay 195. they will hunt 196. [I ask whether] you have consoled 197. we would have revered 198. they had travelled about 199. let them wonder at 200. you have considered worthy 201. [I ask whether] we have joked 202. you would have delayed 203. I have consoled 204. you (pl) will have asked 205. x will beg 206. you (pl) had delayed 207. let them help 208. you will feast 209. [I ask whether] you (pl) have joked 210. they would consider worthy 211. x will have consoled 212. we had revered 213. [I ask whether] I have revered 214. x will have been angry 215. let us observe 216. we had ravaged 217. you would pity 218. I was asking 219. x had begged 220. I delay 221. you will have been angry 222. you have asked 223. we help 224. I quarrel violently 225. I had travelled about 226. we have observed 227. you (pl) ravage 228. x has pitied 229. x would have bewailed 230. x will have delayed 231. we will observe 232. I will risk 233. we delay 234. I would inquire 235. you had delayed 236. I would have encouraged 237. I will have risked 238. you were congratulating 239. you would revere 240. [I ask whether] they have wandered 241. you had pursued 242. [I ask whether] we have pitied 243. they would suspect 244. we had tried 245. they would decide 246. we will have kissed 247. they will feast 248. x will revere 249. x was watching 250. they would have ruled over 251. I was observing 252. they would congratulate 253. I would have joked 254. they would have imitated 255. they would rule over

256. x will decide 257. they had imitated 258. we will watch 259. you rule over 260. x will help 261. you (pl) will pursue 262. I would have imitated 263. I will have travelled about 264. I will have quarreled violently 265. let us joke 266. they will have hunted 267. you were ruling over 268. you (pl) were hunting 269. you will congratulate 270. they would have consoled 271. you (pl) would pity 272. I would have revered 273. we will inquire 274. let us console 275. you would have ruled over 276. you (pl) should ravage 277. [I ask whether] x has wandered 278. you were watching 279. I will encourage 280. I have conversed 281. they would wonder at 282. you have quarreled violently 283. we would risk 284. I try 285. [I ask whether] x has been angry 286. x has decided 287. they have delayed 288. we had hunted 289. they would have conversed 290. we have decided 291. I had pitied 292. [I ask whether] you (pl) have borne

witness 293. you (pl) console 294. you (pl) will help 295. they will have travelled about 296. you would quarrel violently 297. you will quarrel violently 298. you (pl) were suspecting 299. you will bear witness 300. they ask 301. I will congratulate 302. let me kiss 303. they bear witness 304. they were revering 305. we guard 306. you (pl) have travelled about 307. you (pl) would have begged 308. you would have travelled about 309. you would ask 310. let x suspect 311. we were congratulating 312. they observe 313. [I ask whether] we have revered 314. I had considered worthy 315. you (pl) would consider worthy 316. x will encourage 317. let them wander 318. [I ask whether] we have consoled 319. I would have borne witness 320. x will hunt

321. I would guard 322. [I ask whether] they have consoled 323. x will have suspected 324. x will have asked 325. you were addressing an assembly 326. you joke 327. let them risk 328. let me revere 329. you (pl) will delay 330. I would risk 331. I will travel about 332. I will have inquired 333. you were encouraging 334. they had addressed an assembly 335. let us converse 336. x had joked 337. you (pl) will inquire 338. I will have guarded 339. x will have feasted 340. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

addressed an assembly 341. you will kiss 342. we have wandered 343. you (pl) will have tried 344. [I ask whether] you (pl) have asked 345. we would have inquired 346. x would risk 347. you will help 348. I risk 349. x ravages 350. they have borne witness 351. you (pl) will have ruled over 352. they would have bewailed 353. they have delayed 354. I would have considered worthy 355. they had joked 356. I will have wandered 357. [I ask whether] you (pl) have watched 358. I had helped 359. they would have risked 360. you should guard 361. they were pursuing 362. they would converse 363. I had ruled over 364. I would have travelled about 365. you had pitied 366. we have begged 367. they had risked 368. we will have asked 369. we have kissed 370. they would watch 371. you would have delayed 372. I bear witness 373. you (pl) should be angry 374. we would have wandered 375. we would have asked 376. [I ask whether] we have been angry 377. they would have helped 378. I would have addressed an assembly 379. you (pl) imagine 380. x quarrels violently 381. x has risked 382. we will guard 383. you had been angry 384. you have ravaged 385. you (pl) had guarded

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 3

386. x wanders 387. let me be angry 388. [I ask whether] I have pursued 389. I was bewailing 390. [I ask whether] I have quarreled

violently 391. you (pl) will have helped 392. I travel about 393. I will pity 394. I would have watched 395. x pities 396. you (pl) hunt 397. you (pl) have begged 398. you will decide 399. we have joked 400. you address an assembly 401. we would inquire 402. we had inquired 403. they will have watched 404. I bewail 405. I was consoling 406. x will have risked 407. they had encouraged 408. let them congratulate 409. x would have observed 410. x decides 411. I encourage 412. x would try 413. [I ask whether] they have risked 414. you (pl) will revere 415. I hunt 416. I have begged 417. you (pl) will try 418. you (pl) were addressing an assembly 419. let them imagine 420. they would have suspected 421. I would have risked 422. we were ravaging 423. we would delay 424. you were revering 425. you were wandering 426. x will try 427. we will delay 428. you will have imagined 429. you (pl) had consoled 430. you (pl) had begged 431. x delays 432. they were considering worthy 433. I would imitate 434. they had observed 435. I will have ravaged 436. I will have watched 437. you should revere 438. you (pl) should delay 439. we would have begged 440. we will have helped 441. you would have asked 442. they had kissed 443. you (pl) will have travelled about 444. you have revered 445. we have delayed 446. I will have addressed an assembly 447. let x console 448. let me delay 449. we would joke 450. you (pl) imitate

451. you had congratulated 452. you will have revered 453. you would pursue 454. we will have pitied 455. we would travel about 456. we address an assembly 457. you will have considered worthy 458. I was pursuing 459. x will address an assembly 460. you (pl) would have ruled over 461. x would imitate 462. they would imitate 463. they would have imagined 464. I would congratulate 465. you (pl) were pursuing 466. [I ask whether] I have imagined 467. you (pl) had decided 468. x was guarding 469. let x beg 470. they have addressed an assembly 471. you have begged 472. [I ask whether] x has imagined 473. we have risked 474. I had conversed 475. we would pity 476. we would consider worthy 477. x was asking 478. you will have kissed 479. I will have feasted 480. let x ravage 481. they had consoled 482. let us pursue 483. you would have suspected 484. I ask 485. they were consoling 486. you (pl) would have wondered at 487. let us bewail 488. we will consider worthy 489. x has bewailed 490. you would have hunted 491. you should bear witness 492. they have travelled about 493. you (pl) would have inquired 494. x will console 495. [I ask whether] you (pl) have imitated 496. [I ask whether] I have addressed an

assembly 497. you were quarreling violently 498. x kisses 499. x inquires 500. you had helped 501. you (pl) will imagine 502. you (pl) have quarreled violently 503. you should be angry 504. I will have pursued 505. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

conversed 506. you should joke 507. we would try 508. you (pl) should kiss 509. I joke 510. I would quarrel violently 511. we would feast 512. let x inquire 513. they have imitated 514. [I ask whether] you have hunted

515. [I ask whether] we have bewailed 516. we have imagined 517. you (pl) converse 518. let me hunt 519. you (pl) quarrel violently 520. you will have congratulated 521. you should pity 522. we were ruling over 523. x was deciding 524. you would wonder at 525. x would have wandered 526. you (pl) wander 527. [I ask whether] they have encouraged 528. let them inquire 529. [I ask whether] you have asked 530. [I ask whether] you have observed 531. they had watched 532. you will encourage 533. you (pl) were begging 534. [I ask whether] x has revered 535. I will have encouraged 536. [I ask whether] I have guarded 537. I was feasting 538. you (pl) had watched 539. you (pl) were feasting 540. [I ask whether] we have encouraged 541. I was deciding 542. you (pl) would congratulate 543. x would consider worthy 544. they would have wondered at 545. we were bearing witness 546. they had begged 547. [I ask whether] they have watched 548. I would feast 549. you would delay 550. you (pl) would have tried 551. you (pl) will have wandered 552. they pursue 553. I would have congratulated 554. I will have consoled 555. x jokes 556. you imagine 557. we were consoling 558. let x quarrel violently 559. we will kiss 560. you (pl) would have been angry 561. you (pl) will be angry 562. x would imagine 563. you (pl) will beg 564. x has asked 565. they rule over 566. you had revered 567. you will have conversed 568. x had revered 569. you (pl) should address an assembly 570. x will have conversed 571. they had delayed 572. I will have joked 573. they will joke 574. they were congratulating 575. I would have observed 576. you (pl) will imitate 577. you (pl) should hunt 578. we would have suspected 579. they will congratulate 580. you (pl) had delayed

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 4

581. you will have pitied 582. [I ask whether] we have watched 583. you had wondered at 584. I would pursue 585. I will have borne witness 586. let me congratulate 587. you (pl) would have guarded 588. x would have feasted 589. we will have suspected 590. x will watch 591. we will have encouraged 592. you (pl) have revered 593. they travel about 594. you (pl) have addressed an assembly 595. you (pl) were wandering 596. you (pl) have guarded 597. you would ravage 598. you had travelled about 599. you (pl) were asking 600. we would have borne witness 601. I will consider worthy 602. [I ask whether] we have imitated 603. we rule over 604. x had asked 605. x has delayed 606. let them watch 607. we have encouraged 608. we would ravage 609. you (pl) had wondered at 610. I will address an assembly 611. I will have conversed 612. you would consider worthy 613. I was guarding 614. they were inquiring 615. you will have helped 616. they had delayed 617. you would have considered worthy 618. we have bewailed 619. [I ask whether] I have consoled 620. x has watched 621. I would have begged 622. you (pl) would delay 623. they try 624. they had considered worthy 625. x would have considered worthy 626. you will wonder at 627. I would observe 628. you (pl) have kissed 629. I had joked 630. you (pl) had pursued 631. you (pl) will have considered worthy 632. they would hunt 633. I had imagined 634. they have watched 635. they have tried 636. you would have addressed an

assembly 637. they were bearing witness 638. they had quarreled violently 639. x would congratulate 640. you should watch 641. you (pl) will have kissed 642. we will feast 643. they had hunted 644. x will have ravaged 645. I will have pitied

646. x would address an assembly 647. you (pl) were bearing witness 648. [I ask whether] you (pl) have pitied 649. you will address an assembly 650. they would have delayed 651. [I ask whether] we have wondered at 652. x will joke 653. let me travel about 654. they have consoled 655. they have helped 656. they will ravage 657. [I ask whether] they have asked 658. they will have borne witness 659. you will hunt 660. you would have kissed 661. you help 662. they would have asked 663. let them delay 664. x had ruled over 665. you (pl) have asked 666. I was hunting 667. x would have consoled 668. you (pl) would decide 669. you (pl) would have considered

worthy 670. [I ask whether] you have decided 671. I was joking 672. you encourage 673. we were guarding 674. I have observed 675. you will consider worthy 676. x will have travelled about 677. you would have observed 678. x would have been angry 679. [I ask whether] I have wondered at 680. we would be angry 681. x will observe 682. x had delayed 683. I would have delayed 684. [I ask whether] you (pl) have tried 685. you should travel about 686. you (pl) were being angry 687. you will have watched 688. you (pl) have tried 689. [I ask whether] x has observed 690. I wonder at 691. we will suspect 692. we would have hunted 693. x had borne witness 694. let them delay 695. I will kiss 696. let x help 697. you were travelling about 698. x asks 699. we would rule over 700. they had imagined 701. we will bear witness 702. [I ask whether] you (pl) have decided 703. x had decided 704. they had conversed 705. they had asked 706. you would imagine 707. you (pl) have delayed 708. I had delayed 709. I will have tried 710. [I ask whether] they have inquired

711. [I ask whether] you have delayed 712. you will beg 713. we hunt 714. x would guard 715. let them joke 716. you (pl) would hunt 717. [I ask whether] we have observed 718. they have imagined 719. [I ask whether] they have bewailed 720. you (pl) guard 721. you will have ravaged 722. x has encouraged 723. you (pl) had imitated 724. I wander 725. you (pl) suspect 726. x had pursued 727. they were joking 728. [I ask whether] you (pl) have ruled

over 729. we were risking 730. you would travel about 731. we were addressing an assembly 732. you (pl) will travel about 733. x will quarrel violently 734. you decide 735. x was suspecting 736. I would have conversed 737. you (pl) kiss 738. you were being angry 739. they will imagine 740. I was quarreling violently 741. [I ask whether] they have pursued 742. you would have consoled 743. they had ravaged 744. we will have decided 745. I revere 746. x had addressed an assembly 747. they will have decided 748. x will have helped 749. you (pl) were imagining 750. you (pl) will have imitated 751. you (pl) would converse 752. I would have consoled 753. [I ask whether] we have ruled over 754. I would revere 755. x has suspected 756. let x converse 757. I have considered worthy 758. we will have delayed 759. you would have been angry 760. x was pitying 761. I had pursued 762. you will have guarded 763. we will have imitated 764. x will inquire 765. they would have travelled about 766. you (pl) would have decided 767. we will have revered 768. they will be angry 769. you (pl) were guarding 770. you (pl) will bewail 771. they will have kissed 772. we were pitying 773. you (pl) will have observed 774. [I ask whether] they have delayed 775. x will have addressed an assembly

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 5

776. I will revere 777. I had addressed an assembly 778. they would have watched 779. we have borne witness 780. they have risked 781. you had addressed an assembly 782. let us bear witness 783. x observes 784. you will try 785. I would wonder at 786. let us delay 787. you (pl) should bear witness 788. let us rule over 789. you (pl) bear witness 790. you (pl) would pursue 791. you (pl) would have wandered 792. [I ask whether] we have addressed an

assembly 793. you would have tried 794. we would wonder at 795. they beg 796. [I ask whether] they have pitied 797. x would kiss 798. let us wander 799. you have addressed an assembly 800. x would have addressed an assembly 801. let us imagine 802. you should decide 803. you would suspect 804. you (pl) had inquired 805. they will have consoled 806. they suspect 807. we beg 808. they will have delayed 809. they delay 810. we would imitate 811. I will decide 812. x will have quarreled violently 813. let them imitate 814. we will converse 815. I would bear witness 816. you should observe 817. we will decide 818. they will have imitated 819. we were wandering 820. we will congratulate 821. [I ask whether] we have feasted 822. x had conversed 823. let x pity 824. you (pl) will console 825. they would help 826. we would kiss 827. we would have quarreled violently 828. they have begged 829. I will have suspected 830. they have suspected 831. we will quarrel violently 832. I will have congratulated 833. you (pl) would help 834. x will have borne witness 835. they would revere 836. we have guarded 837. x will have kissed 838. x would have tried 839. you (pl) had kissed

840. [I ask whether] they have quarreled violently

841. [I ask whether] I have been angry 842. we had congratulated 843. we will rule over 844. you wander 845. you (pl) will have delayed 846. x would have delayed 847. you (pl) will have encouraged 848. let us quarrel violently 849. you had imitated 850. they have pitied 851. x would have kissed 852. [I ask whether] x has quarreled

violently 853. [I ask whether] we have ravaged 854. x will bewail 855. you (pl) should beg 856. I will guard 857. they would have borne witness 858. you would have ravaged 859. I was wandering 860. we will imitate 861. you (pl) should inquire 862. we feast 863. I have borne witness 864. they had revered 865. we imagine 866. let x joke 867. they would have wandered 868. x will be angry 869. we have asked 870. you had ravaged 871. x has imagined 872. they consider worthy 873. we delay 874. you have conversed 875. x had kissed 876. let us try 877. you were deciding 878. we kiss 879. you (pl) had revered 880. we had conversed 881. you were delaying 882. x has addressed an assembly 883. x had hunted 884. you were suspecting 885. you (pl) would have travelled about 886. I would bewail 887. I had borne witness 888. [I ask whether] you (pl) have helped 889. let x bear witness 890. you (pl) should risk 891. we would help 892. you (pl) had imagined 893. I have wondered at 894. x will congratulate 895. x will kiss 896. I ravage 897. we will have quarreled violently 898. let x wander 899. x was delaying 900. x would have pursued 901. they have decided 902. I had revered 903. they will pursue

904. let x address an assembly 905. let them bear witness 906. we would congratulate 907. you ask 908. you will have suspected 909. [I ask whether] I have delayed 910. you (pl) were ravaging 911. I have pursued 912. let us address an assembly 913. we will hunt 914. they address an assembly 915. let us suspect 916. you (pl) had observed 917. you (pl) would ravage 918. [I ask whether] they have tried 919. I would pity 920. I address an assembly 921. [I ask whether] you have revered 922. x would decide 923. you (pl) will hunt 924. I was addressing an assembly 925. you will have borne witness 926. let x encourage 927. [I ask whether] x has hunted 928. you have helped 929. we had addressed an assembly 930. x would have asked 931. x would have ruled over 932. you bear witness 933. x will feast 934. you were imitating 935. I have wandered 936. you will travel about 937. they had pitied 938. you will converse 939. we have inquired 940. let us beg 941. you should delay 942. x would console 943. [I ask whether] you (pl) have revered 944. x would help 945. [I ask whether] you (pl) have observed 946. let x guard 947. you would have risked 948. I will have revered 949. let x ask 950. [I ask whether] we have decided 951. you (pl) have encouraged 952. they would bear witness 953. x tries 954. you (pl) will have conversed 955. you have wandered 956. we decide 957. we were suspecting 958. you (pl) had ravaged 959. I have feasted 960. we will have observed 961. [I ask whether] we have wandered 962. they will have helped 963. we would address an assembly 964. you try 965. we were feasting 966. we would suspect 967. we will have feasted 968. you pity 969. we have ruled over

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 6

970. they were delaying 971. you were imagining 972. you (pl) were conversing 973. x had watched 974. I would beg 975. you (pl) had ruled over 976. you (pl) will wander 977. I will wonder at 978. [I ask whether] we have conversed 979. I have hunted 980. x was addressing an assembly 981. I have imitated 982. I was ruling over 983. you (pl) were imitating 984. you (pl) would have congratulated 985. you had risked 986. x has revered 987. you (pl) should quarrel violently 988. you (pl) should imitate 989. we would converse 990. x would have decided 991. you (pl) would have revered 992. you (pl) would have borne witness 993. [I ask whether] we have inquired 994. we will have bewailed 995. let them observe 996. you were delaying 997. let me imitate 998. [I ask whether] I have helped 999. you consider worthy 1000. x was delaying 1001. we would quarrel violently 1002. x will risk 1003. they had helped 1004. I observe 1005. [I ask whether] I have considered

worthy 1006. you delay 1007. you should feast 1008. they were helping 1009. you (pl) should encourage 1010. they have hunted 1011. you (pl) would have delayed 1012. you (pl) were trying 1013. we will have ravaged 1014. you beg 1015. they would joke 1016. I pursue 1017. you (pl) will have ravaged 1018. you (pl) delay 1019. they have encouraged 1020. you (pl) were delaying 1021. you (pl) should pity 1022. you should wander 1023. we would have feasted 1024. they will have congratulated 1025. I would have suspected 1026. x helps 1027. x is angrys 1028. they would console 1029. x will delay 1030. you would have helped 1031. [I ask whether] they have begged 1032. we have tried 1033. x would suspect 1034. we will have been angry

1035. you had begged 1036. you (pl) should console 1037. you (pl) would delay 1038. we suspect 1039. we have hunted 1040. you (pl) will bear witness 1041. I would help 1042. x will travel about 1043. they help 1044. you (pl) had tried 1045. you (pl) will have watched 1046. you should console 1047. they were encouraging 1048. you guard 1049. you (pl) would have addressed an

assembly 1050. I had consoled 1051. [I ask whether] they have decided 1052. [I ask whether] you have begged 1053. [I ask whether] they have imitated 1054. x would have risked 1055. x will have wondered at 1056. you (pl) pity 1057. you (pl) were revering 1058. [I ask whether] x has tried 1059. they have feasted 1060. [I ask whether] you (pl) have begged 1061. you should suspect 1062. we were being angry 1063. we will wander 1064. x has wandered 1065. they have inquired 1066. you were hunting 1067. x has considered worthy 1068. you (pl) had suspected 1069. x was hunting 1070. you will imitate 1071. they would inquire 1072. x will bear witness 1073. I had watched 1074. you will have quarreled violently 1075. we would hunt 1076. I will have imitated 1077. we have delayed 1078. they will wonder at 1079. you would console 1080. let me help 1081. [I ask whether] I have kissed 1082. I will imagine 1083. we will have ruled over 1084. let x hunt 1085. we would have conversed 1086. x will have hunted 1087. you (pl) were watching 1088. you (pl) will have suspected 1089. x had risked 1090. [I ask whether] x has delayed 1091. x had wondered at 1092. they will have ruled over 1093. you were helping 1094. you had conversed 1095. you would have revered 1096. you would converse 1097. we will ask 1098. let them be angry 1099. you (pl) have feasted

1100. [I ask whether] they have addressed an assembly

1101. [I ask whether] you have suspected 1102. let x observe 1103. x was travelling about 1104. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

wondered at 1105. I would converse 1106. [I ask whether] x has suspected 1107. x would have encouraged 1108. you suspect 1109. I was begging 1110. they were suspecting 1111. you (pl) joke 1112. you (pl) should travel about 1113. we would have wondered at 1114. we try 1115. we had wondered at 1116. I would have helped 1117. [I ask whether] they have borne

witness 1118. we will have addressed an assembly 1119. I will converse 1120. [I ask whether] you have imitated 1121. [I ask whether] we have congratulated 1122. [I ask whether] they have been angry 1123. let x revere 1124. we would observe 1125. they will suspect 1126. they would have tried 1127. they would have addressed an

assembly 1128. you have wondered at 1129. you would have joked 1130. x was congratulating 1131. you (pl) should try 1132. you (pl) congratulate 1133. I console 1134. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

suspected 1135. [I ask whether] I have observed 1136. we will have consoled 1137. [I ask whether] they have imagined 1138. x has helped 1139. you would bewail 1140. they ravage 1141. you (pl) will have quarreled violently 1142. I will have imagined 1143. let me converse 1144. I delay 1145. they have revered 1146. we will address an assembly 1147. [I ask whether] I have ravaged 1148. you (pl) would bear witness 1149. [I ask whether] they have joked 1150. they have wondered at 1151. we had observed 1152. we would have kissed 1153. x imitates 1154. you (pl) had helped 1155. we have feasted 1156. you (pl) would have kissed 1157. [I ask whether] I have asked 1158. you (pl) bewail 1159. you have kissed 1160. we have consoled

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 7

1161. we have considered worthy 1162. we had considered worthy 1163. you have feasted 1164. you kiss 1165. I would rule over 1166. you (pl) would revere 1167. you delay 1168. x would have quarreled violently 1169. we will ravage 1170. [I ask whether] you have quarreled

violently 1171. you should imitate 1172. we watch 1173. you (pl) will ravage 1174. [I ask whether] I have feasted 1175. x was ruling over 1176. I help 1177. you (pl) should guard 1178. you would have decided 1179. [I ask whether] you have tried 1180. you have encouraged 1181. x would have guarded 1182. I would be angry 1183. we pursue 1184. you will have decided 1185. we will joke 1186. let us feast 1187. x had ravaged 1188. x had delayed 1189. you (pl) should feast 1190. we were kissing 1191. you (pl) would console 1192. let us encourage 1193. you would address an assembly 1194. you (pl) will have congratulated 1195. I would console 1196. x will ravage 1197. [I ask whether] you (pl) have guarded 1198. [I ask whether] you have considered

worthy 1199. you (pl) risk 1200. you had kissed 1201. they will guard 1202. [I ask whether] we have travelled

about 1203. you (pl) had been angry 1204. x would have ravaged 1205. [I ask whether] you have feasted 1206. you will console 1207. x would wonder at 1208. [I ask whether] you have delayed 1209. I am angry 1210. [I ask whether] you (pl) have delayed 1211. x consoles 1212. we will console 1213. you would beg 1214. [I ask whether] we have delayed 1215. they had suspected 1216. [I ask whether] we have suspected 1217. we wonder at 1218. you had wandered 1219. I will joke 1220. x wonders at 1221. x had wandered 1222. they would wander 1223. I will feast

1224. they will consider worthy 1225. they would pity 1226. you (pl) were pitying 1227. x will have considered worthy 1228. I would have feasted 1229. x would encourage 1230. you (pl) will guard 1231. you (pl) were travelling about 1232. [I ask whether] you have guarded 1233. you were considering worthy 1234. I have encouraged 1235. x would revere 1236. x encourages 1237. you (pl) had wandered 1238. you congratulate 1239. you (pl) will have wondered at 1240. [I ask whether] x has encouraged 1241. [I ask whether] I have tried 1242. x suspects 1243. they will have joked 1244. [I ask whether] we have helped 1245. I will console 1246. you would have feasted 1247. let me wander 1248. let x wonder at 1249. x would watch 1250. x had feasted 1251. we were bewailing 1252. I will hunt 1253. you (pl) had bewailed 1254. you (pl) travel about 1255. they will delay 1256. you (pl) had hunted 1257. you (pl) should congratulate 1258. let x consider worthy 1259. you (pl) will have hunted 1260. you should try 1261. they would have congratulated 1262. you had quarreled violently 1263. they would be angry 1264. you would have pursued 1265. you should consider worthy 1266. they have been angry 1267. we would have congratulated 1268. they would have been angry 1269. you will guard 1270. I will rule over 1271. you (pl) would wander 1272. you (pl) had travelled about 1273. I will bewail 1274. we have ravaged 1275. I have ruled over 1276. I watch 1277. they will wander 1278. you (pl) will joke 1279. x will suspect 1280. they will delay 1281. x travels about 1282. let x be angry 1283. we have been angry 1284. we were deciding 1285. let us hunt 1286. they have kissed 1287. I had bewailed 1288. they have joked 1289. you travel about

1290. we bewail 1291. I would ravage 1292. we pity 1293. I had suspected 1294. we are angry 1295. x was conversing 1296. you (pl) have pursued 1297. you (pl) were congratulating 1298. you (pl) have joked 1299. you (pl) beg 1300. they were ruling over 1301. [I ask whether] x has watched 1302. x has guarded 1303. x guards 1304. you (pl) should joke 1305. you would rule over 1306. we will be angry 1307. we will have delayed 1308. we had kissed 1309. let us decide 1310. we had bewailed 1311. let us risk 1312. [I ask whether] you (pl) have inquired 1313. [I ask whether] they have observed 1314. let me console 1315. you (pl) will have delayed 1316. x would have travelled about 1317. I will have decided 1318. you (pl) would have helped 1319. x has ruled over 1320. x watchs 1321. they would encourage 1322. you (pl) were deciding 1323. they will have encouraged 1324. you would have imagined 1325. you (pl) were kissing 1326. [I ask whether] we have borne witness 1327. we will bewail 1328. we had encouraged 1329. let them ask 1330. you (pl) will rule over 1331. you (pl) will have inquired 1332. you pursue 1333. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

considered worthy 1334. you (pl) have ravaged 1335. you (pl) would have feasted 1336. they delay 1337. we will have inquired 1338. let me rule over 1339. you have borne witness 1340. you wonder at 1341. you would imitate 1342. you were pitying 1343. you (pl) had feasted 1344. you will have consoled 1345. they will help 1346. they would travel about 1347. they were wondering at 1348. [I ask whether] you (pl) have imagined 1349. I would have been angry 1350. I have helped 1351. x feasts 1352. you were begging 1353. [I ask whether] I have travelled about 1354. x would have delayed

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 8

1355. they will have asked 1356. x will imitate 1357. I would have pitied 1358. x has feasted 1359. we were travelling about 1360. [I ask whether] x has congratulated 1361. [I ask whether] you (pl) have been

angry 1362. we consider worthy 1363. [I ask whether] they have guarded 1364. we were considering worthy 1365. you (pl) would be angry 1366. you (pl) had risked 1367. you (pl) will risk 1368. you (pl) would try 1369. x would observe 1370. x will have delayed 1371. you will revere 1372. you (pl) will have pitied 1373. [I ask whether] we have kissed 1374. let them pity 1375. you (pl) would ask 1376. x was trying 1377. they will inquire 1378. [I ask whether] we have asked 1379. you have inquired 1380. we had imagined 1381. we revere 1382. [I ask whether] they have suspected 1383. [I ask whether] you have pursued 1384. I have inquired 1385. you (pl) will observe 1386. [I ask whether] x has risked 1387. you (pl) would have consoled 1388. I will imitate 1389. [I ask whether] x has travelled about 1390. we congratulate 1391. I would address an assembly 1392. they would have revered 1393. let us guard 1394. I will help 1395. [I ask whether] x has begged 1396. I have delayed 1397. you (pl) revere 1398. x will have begged 1399. you (pl) were encouraging 1400. let me bear witness 1401. you would wander 1402. you (pl) inquire 1403. you (pl) have borne witness 1404. [I ask whether] x has helped 1405. I have watched 1406. you (pl) help 1407. we would have considered worthy 1408. [I ask whether] they have ravaged 1409. you would have encouraged 1410. we would wander 1411. you will have bewailed 1412. you will have imitated 1413. they were ravaging 1414. I suspect 1415. [I ask whether] x has considered

worthy 1416. let them console 1417. x will have bewailed 1418. I was encouraging

1419. I would have tried 1420. x would have wondered at 1421. you (pl) have conversed 1422. x had travelled about 1423. let them rule over 1424. you will ravage 1425. you (pl) would have delayed 1426. they have ruled over 1427. we have conversed 1428. x was imagining 1429. they will converse 1430. you were trying 1431. I have joked 1432. I was bearing witness 1433. I would have wandered 1434. you (pl) pursue 1435. they will have risked 1436. you imitate 1437. I would have wondered at 1438. you (pl) had borne witness 1439. we will travel about 1440. we would have bewailed 1441. they were hunting 1442. you had tried 1443. you should beg 1444. they would have considered worthy 1445. I have suspected 1446. I was considering worthy 1447. I would joke 1448. you (pl) ask 1449. you (pl) will have bewailed 1450. we had decided 1451. you (pl) will have revered 1452. I would have bewailed 1453. [I ask whether] we have quarreled

violently 1454. [I ask whether] x has joked 1455. you (pl) observe 1456. you would have conversed 1457. x was wandering 1458. x would have suspected 1459. you would risk 1460. you should rule over 1461. they pity 1462. x will have joked 1463. you (pl) will consider worthy 1464. I was pitying 1465. you (pl) would have quarreled

violently 1466. you (pl) were considering worthy 1467. you will have observed 1468. you have delayed 1469. you should delay 1470. I would consider worthy 1471. you (pl) would have encouraged 1472. x would have hunted 1473. we will wonder at 1474. x has kissed 1475. they would have begged 1476. you would inquire 1477. they will ask 1478. I would have hunted 1479. you (pl) have imagined 1480. we will pity 1481. I was conversing 1482. they will have quarreled violently

1483. x was inquiring 1484. x had imitated 1485. I would watch 1486. [I ask whether] you (pl) have travelled

about 1487. you were consoling 1488. we will have travelled about 1489. you will have joked 1490. they would have feasted 1491. we will have joked 1492. they risk 1493. they have conversed 1494. I have quarreled violently 1495. you would have pitied 1496. they converse 1497. I would have guarded 1498. we imitate 1499. you (pl) will quarrel violently 1500. x pursues 1501. x has begged 1502. we would imagine 1503. you (pl) consider worthy 1504. you (pl) would feast 1505. x has conversed 1506. I would have delayed 1507. you have suspected 1508. they were asking 1509. we would have pitied 1510. x will have guarded 1511. they would have observed 1512. I was imagining 1513. we were imitating 1514. I will be angry 1515. you have delayed 1516. you (pl) have observed 1517. I would wander 1518. we were pursuing 1519. you (pl) would have pursued 1520. you (pl) should consider worthy 1521. you have risked 1522. let me bewail 1523. [I ask whether] you have imagined 1524. you (pl) will have guarded 1525. [I ask whether] x has consoled 1526. they wander 1527. we were observing 1528. they will have begged 1529. they quarrel violently 1530. they would delay 1531. you were observing 1532. we would have watched 1533. let x rule over 1534. I would travel about 1535. x had bewailed 1536. you (pl) will encourage 1537. you (pl) would have watched 1538. you will inquire 1539. they were being angry 1540. x has travelled about 1541. x will have watched 1542. let me decide 1543. [I ask whether] x has kissed 1544. you would have bewailed 1545. you have travelled about 1546. you should bewail 1547. you (pl) would have pitied

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 9

1548. you will watch 1549. I was congratulating 1550. you (pl) had congratulated 1551. they would have joked 1552. x was encouraging 1553. you were asking 1554. x bear witnesss 1555. let them encourage 1556. we had been angry 1557. you should help 1558. they will have conversed 1559. they will have feasted 1560. we were revering 1561. you (pl) would observe 1562. I was helping 1563. you would have congratulated 1564. you had encouraged 1565. you were pursuing 1566. x was imitating 1567. they will imitate 1568. we joke 1569. x will consider worthy 1570. x would have begged 1571. you are angry 1572. we will have wondered at 1573. x would have imitated 1574. [I ask whether] you have encouraged 1575. I will have asked 1576. let me address an assembly 1577. [I ask whether] they have revered 1578. you (pl) should decide 1579. I have asked 1580. you would feast 1581. x was ravaging 1582. you will delay 1583. we were quarreling violently 1584. you (pl) will have joked 1585. they were imagining 1586. you would guard 1587. you (pl) should wonder at 1588. we will have imagined 1589. we were delaying 1590. [I ask whether] they have delayed 1591. they will console 1592. we had delayed 1593. you will have tried 1594. you will have risked 1595. x had imagined 1596. let us watch 1597. [I ask whether] you (pl) have kissed 1598. let me risk 1599. we travel about 1600. x will have tried 1601. they have bewailed 1602. let x pursue 1603. you (pl) have inquired 1604. let me pity 1605. x would delay 1606. I was trying 1607. they have congratulated 1608. [I ask whether] you have watched 1609. you will have feasted 1610. we would bear witness 1611. x would feast 1612. you would have watched 1613. I have risked

1614. I will have considered worthy 1615. they would beg 1616. x will have observed 1617. [I ask whether] I have pitied 1618. let me ravage 1619. they had wondered at 1620. let them travel about 1621. you risk 1622. let me pursue 1623. you (pl) would kiss 1624. you have joked 1625. let us ask 1626. they will have ravaged 1627. we were encouraging 1628. they have wandered 1629. you would bear witness 1630. we were begging 1631. x has joked 1632. I had encouraged 1633. you (pl) should bewail 1634. [I ask whether] I have congratulated 1635. you have imagined 1636. let them try 1637. x has congratulated 1638. I was travelling about 1639. we inquire 1640. you (pl) were delaying 1641. [I ask whether] you have wondered at 1642. I will have bewailed 1643. x has hunted 1644. they kiss 1645. [I ask whether] I have delayed 1646. [I ask whether] we have tried 1647. you (pl) would watch 1648. you have watched 1649. they had borne witness 1650. they guard 1651. let us ravage 1652. x will guard 1653. I will have delayed 1654. let x watch 1655. [I ask whether] we have hunted 1656. we would have joked 1657. [I ask whether] you (pl) have ravaged 1658. you (pl) will have been angry 1659. you (pl) should pursue 1660. let them beg 1661. they would have guarded 1662. x had inquired 1663. you will have addressed an assembly 1664. you should risk 1665. [I ask whether] they have ruled over 1666. x will have pitied 1667. you will pity 1668. they had congratulated 1669. you (pl) would have conversed 1670. they will revere 1671. let us consider worthy 1672. x would have borne witness 1673. we had guarded 1674. I congratulate 1675. they have asked 1676. let them consider worthy 1677. you should kiss 1678. you had guarded 1679. [I ask whether] you have helped

1680. they revere 1681. you (pl) will have borne witness 1682. we had pitied 1683. I was revering 1684. you should hunt 1685. I will try 1686. we risk 1687. we would have delayed 1688. you will delay 1689. x was begging 1690. we would bewail 1691. you (pl) would rule over 1692. we were hunting 1693. I guard 1694. [I ask whether] they have hunted 1695. they were risking 1696. they were observing 1697. x was feasting 1698. you (pl) decide 1699. x was revering 1700. they imagine 1701. x had consoled 1702. you (pl) had addressed an assembly 1703. I was wondering at 1704. you (pl) have ruled over 1705. you had observed 1706. I would try 1707. I have addressed an assembly 1708. I was watching 1709. you watch 1710. you will bewail 1711. they have guarded 1712. you will have inquired 1713. you (pl) will wonder at 1714. I had guarded 1715. you (pl) would guard 1716. you (pl) have decided 1717. we had delayed 1718. x will wonder at 1719. they will have pitied 1720. I have decided 1721. we were delaying 1722. x imagines 1723. we will have borne witness 1724. x would pity 1725. you were bearing witness 1726. you had considered worthy 1727. they will have imagined 1728. x was bearing witness 1729. x rules over 1730. we will have guarded 1731. they will decide 1732. I would ask 1733. you (pl) feast 1734. we have pitied 1735. I will observe 1736. let them quarrel violently 1737. we ravage 1738. you (pl) wonder at 1739. x was being angry 1740. you will wander 1741. we bear witness 1742. let us inquire 1743. you (pl) would joke 1744. [I ask whether] you have ruled over 1745. you would joke

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 10

1746. I was risking 1747. you (pl) had considered worthy 1748. you (pl) would have ravaged 1749. we would encourage 1750. you (pl) had joked 1751. I would delay 1752. you (pl) will suspect 1753. x would pursue 1754. you (pl) would inquire 1755. I will have helped 1756. you were feasting 1757. [I ask whether] they have kissed 1758. you have decided 1759. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

wandered 1760. I had begged 1761. let us congratulate 1762. I imitate 1763. you (pl) have watched 1764. [I ask whether] we have delayed 1765. x will have ruled over 1766. they will have guarded 1767. we will pursue 1768. x was quarreling violently 1769. [I ask whether] x has delayed 1770. I had feasted 1771. let x risk 1772. you (pl) would have imagined 1773. [I ask whether] you have borne

witness 1774. we had risked 1775. I rule over 1776. x will have wandered 1777. let me observe 1778. we will have tried 1779. we will beg 1780. we converse 1781. they will rule over 1782. you will ask 1783. we would have ruled over 1784. x was kissing 1785. [I ask whether] you (pl) have bewailed 1786. x will have encouraged 1787. x will ask 1788. I will ravage 1789. I had been angry 1790. I will have kissed 1791. they will have pursued 1792. you were conversing 1793. we have helped 1794. you were risking 1795. [I ask whether] they have travelled

about 1796. you will risk 1797. x was wondering at 1798. I will pursue 1799. I had congratulated 1800. they console 1801. x has inquired 1802. you had imagined 1803. they will quarrel violently 1804. I will suspect 1805. they would have encouraged 1806. you had watched 1807. they will have delayed

1808. [I ask whether] they have congratulated

1809. [I ask whether] they have considered worthy

1810. you have hunted 1811. x would rule over 1812. you (pl) will delay 1813. we encourage 1814. you (pl) will have imagined 1815. you (pl) will ask 1816. they would observe 1817. you (pl) will decide 1818. you (pl) had encouraged 1819. you (pl) were joking 1820. you (pl) would quarrel violently 1821. they wonder at 1822. you (pl) would imagine 1823. I had asked 1824. you would delay 1825. you (pl) will have feasted 1826. [I ask whether] we have risked 1827. I had imitated 1828. they had guarded 1829. they will encourage 1830. they would have kissed 1831. we have congratulated 1832. we will have begged 1833. [I ask whether] you (pl) have

encouraged 1834. let x kiss 1835. you (pl) have risked 1836. you (pl) will have begged 1837. x has pursued 1838. let x delay 1839. you would have quarreled violently 1840. they congratulate 1841. they feast 1842. they were feasting 1843. I have bewailed 1844. you should quarrel violently 1845. you (pl) will have consoled 1846. I have ravaged 1847. I had tried 1848. let me watch 1849. you were joking 1850. let them pursue 1851. you will rule over 1852. x had guarded 1853. I imagine 1854. I will have wondered at 1855. [I ask whether] you have conversed 1856. let me beg 1857. you (pl) have imitated 1858. you (pl) will kiss 1859. they will have inquired 1860. you (pl) will have addressed an

assembly 1861. [I ask whether] I have bewailed 1862. let x feast 1863. you (pl) have wandered 1864. we will help 1865. they were guarding 1866. [I ask whether] x has decided 1867. we had travelled about 1868. they were quarreling violently 1869. you should pursue

1870. [I ask whether] you have been angry 1871. we would guard 1872. they would have hunted 1873. let them suspect 1874. let them address an assembly 1875. [I ask whether] you (pl) have pursued 1876. [I ask whether] you have wandered 1877. I would have inquired 1878. x hunts 1879. we will have watched 1880. [I ask whether] x has asked 1881. let x try 1882. you have been angry 1883. I would have ravaged 1884. we would have addressed an assembly 1885. [I ask whether] we have considered

worthy 1886. we had joked 1887. [I ask whether] x has pitied 1888. you (pl) have bewailed 1889. x will have imagined 1890. [I ask whether] you have ravaged 1891. [I ask whether] you (pl) have risked 1892. you (pl) address an assembly 1893. I have guarded 1894. you had delayed 1895. you had borne witness 1896. you should congratulate 1897. I was kissing 1898. x has tried 1899. they would ask 1900. we ask 1901. x has borne witness 1902. you would have guarded 1903. [I ask whether] I have watched 1904. x will converse 1905. I will beg 1906. they would guard 1907. you should ravage 1908. I will wander 1909. you (pl) would have asked 1910. I beg 1911. I have travelled about 1912. we will have pursued 1913. x will wander 1914. they were conversing 1915. you should converse 1916. let them ravage 1917. you (pl) were risking 1918. they would feast 1919. [I ask whether] they have conversed 1920. they would bewail 1921. they will have observed 1922. I will delay 1923. you have imitated 1924. you (pl) watch 1925. you (pl) would have bewailed 1926. we would watch 1927. we would have observed 1928. they were pitying 1929. you have bewailed 1930. you were kissing 1931. we would have helped 1932. x has been angry 1933. they would pursue 1934. [I ask whether] you have kissed

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 11

1935. you (pl) would encourage 1936. you (pl) were bewailing 1937. you will be angry 1938. you would have wandered 1939. let me suspect 1940. x would have pitied 1941. you (pl) have helped 1942. let me delay 1943. we had helped 1944. I will quarrel violently 1945. they were imitating 1946. [I ask whether] you have joked 1947. they will have been angry 1948. [I ask whether] x has conversed 1949. let x congratulate 1950. we would decide 1951. you will have hunted 1952. I have delayed 1953. you (pl) should wander 1954. x would beg 1955. [I ask whether] I have inquired 1956. x will rule over 1957. I would hunt 1958. you were guarding 1959. let us be angry 1960. let them feast 1961. let me encourage 1962. we have wondered at 1963. I will inquire 1964. let me consider worthy 1965. you (pl) have wondered at 1966. you would have begged 1967. let x delay 1968. you would observe 1969. you will have delayed 1970. they were addressing an assembly 1971. [I ask whether] you (pl) have delayed 1972. x would have imagined 1973. we will have wandered 1974. you had bewailed 1975. x would delay 1976. we would have tried 1977. you revere 1978. we had quarreled violently 1979. [I ask whether] x has guarded 1980. x will have imitated 1981. I had wondered at 1982. we would have imitated 1983. let me ask 1984. I have pitied 1985. you will have encouraged 1986. you will have pursued 1987. I would decide 1988. we will have considered worthy 1989. you (pl) would risk 1990. x was joking 1991. x will imagine 1992. x would wander 1993. you have ruled over 1994. [I ask whether] you have travelled

about 1995. x congratulates 1996. they have quarreled violently 1997. you should encourage 1998. I have kissed 1999. x risks

2000. I had quarreled violently 2001. we have watched 2002. you (pl) should help 2003. we would ask 2004. we will have conversed 2005. you (pl) will have risked 2006. they would risk 2007. x was bewailing 2008. we had asked 2009. you (pl) have consoled 2010. x would have inquired 2011. we had begged 2012. you (pl) have been angry 2013. we would have imagined 2014. they have pursued 2015. we observe 2016. they had wandered 2017. I would encourage 2018. x will pity 2019. you (pl) will have decided 2020. x had quarreled violently 2021. let them decide 2022. they were delaying 2023. they were watching 2024. I would imagine 2025. they would address an assembly 2026. we wander 2027. you (pl) had quarreled violently 2028. you (pl) have delayed 2029. let me quarrel violently 2030. let x imagine 2031. let x bewail 2032. you had decided 2033. x had pitied 2034. they had feasted 2035. you (pl) will have pursued 2036. we have travelled about 2037. we will have risked 2038. x has ravaged 2039. you (pl) will converse 2040. we have pursued 2041. we have suspected 2042. [I ask whether] x has pursued 2043. we would have decided 2044. you (pl) would wonder at 2045. x bewails 2046. let me feast 2047. I would delay 2048. we would revere 2049. you have guarded 2050. we were trying 2051. [I ask whether] x has imitated 2052. x was consoling 2053. x would converse 2054. let x imitate 2055. they will watch 2056. you (pl) will congratulate 2057. they will bear witness 2058. x would have joked 2059. I will ask 2060. they will have suspected 2061. we were helping 2062. x will have pursued 2063. I converse 2064. x would inquire

2065. [I ask whether] you (pl) have quarreled violently

2066. you would be angry 2067. you (pl) would bewail 2068. let us pity 2069. I was delaying 2070. x has quarreled violently 2071. [I ask whether] we have begged 2072. I have revered 2073. I had risked 2074. they were bewailing 2075. we had borne witness 2076. you will suspect 2077. they hunt 2078. you have pursued 2079. you had joked 2080. we would have ravaged 2081. x considers worthy 2082. they decide 2083. let them revere 2084. you should imagine 2085. they had inquired 2086. you (pl) should delay 2087. x had been angry 2088. I would have asked 2089. they will have revered 2090. x would have helped 2091. they have considered worthy 2092. they would have delayed 2093. we will have congratulated 2094. you (pl) should imagine 2095. let x travel about 2096. they encourage 2097. let them guard 2098. they are angry 2099. you would have borne witness 2100. you will pursue 2101. x would travel about 2102. [I ask whether] x has feasted 2103. they will pity 2104. you (pl) should ask 2105. you (pl) would have imitated 2106. they have ravaged 2107. you (pl) would have risked 2108. you would try 2109. I would have decided 2110. [I ask whether] I have suspected 2111. you inquire 2112. we would have travelled about 2113. let me wonder at 2114. let me imagine 2115. [I ask whether] x has wondered at 2116. I will have delayed 2117. you would watch 2118. I had observed 2119. I was delaying 2120. we were imagining 2121. I will have begged 2122. [I ask whether] you have bewailed 2123. I will watch 2124. x had observed 2125. [I ask whether] x has bewailed 2126. we were wondering at 2127. they were travelling about 2128. they would kiss 2129. I would have pursued

First Conjugation : Deponents, All Personal Forms, Exercises (English to Latin) 12

2130. they had pursued 2131. let us travel about 2132. [I ask whether] I have ruled over 2133. you have congratulated 2134. I would suspect 2135. you will have wandered 2136. x had suspected 2137. x would have conversed 2138. I had kissed 2139. we will delay 2140. they will kiss 2141. you (pl) were wondering at 2142. you would encourage 2143. let us imitate 2144. you had suspected 2145. I inquire 2146. I had decided 2147. x converses 2148. you hunt 2149. you (pl) are angry 2150. you (pl) will address an assembly 2151. x would hunt 2152. I was being angry 2153. I have been angry 2154. they had decided 2155. you (pl) had asked 2156. they have observed 2157. x reveres 2158. I was suspecting 2159. x addresses an assembly 2160. I was inquiring

2161. you (pl) were consoling 2162. let us wonder at 2163. [I ask whether] I have begged 2164. we would have pursued 2165. x would bear witness 2166. I will delay 2167. I had delayed 2168. they had ruled over 2169. I would have imagined 2170. you should wonder at 2171. I had wandered 2172. let them kiss 2173. we would have risked 2174. they will address an assembly 2175. let me guard 2176. you (pl) would beg 2177. [I ask whether] they have helped 2178. you will have asked 2179. you have pitied 2180. we will have hunted 2181. x has wondered at 2182. [I ask whether] I have encouraged 2183. [I ask whether] I have decided 2184. they would have pursued 2185. x would bewail 2186. I would kiss 2187. you (pl) would travel about 2188. x would have congratulated 2189. x has observed 2190. they would imagine 2191. you (pl) will pity

2192. you (pl) should converse 2193. we were inquiring 2194. you will have wondered at 2195. they will bewail 2196. I will have hunted 2197. you were inquiring 2198. we were watching 2199. [I ask whether] I have joked 2200. I was ravaging 2201. let them bewail 2202. you (pl) will watch 2203. you (pl) have pitied 2204. I pity 2205. you would congratulate 2206. I had ravaged 2207. they would try 2208. you should inquire 2209. you (pl) would suspect 2210. x will have revered 2211. you had consoled 2212. you will have travelled about 2213. we have revered 2214. they were wandering 2215. we will revere 2216. they will have wandered 2217. you were wondering at 2218. they will have tried 2219. x had helped 2220. I will have ruled over

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