fire protection · otis certified fire hydrant inspection services fire hydrants, also known as...

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Fire Protection Inspections

Fire Pump Inspection Otis Certified Fire Pump Inspection and Testing Services Fire pumps are used for providing sufficient pressurized water supply to standpipe and sprinkler systems in buildings such as highrises or buildings with low water pressure supply. In case of fire, fire pump will increase water pressure and supply it to standpipe and sprinkler systems. NFPA 20, NFPA 25, B.C. Fire Code and Vancouver bylaw define the standards for inspection, testing, maintenance and installation of stationary pumps for sprinkler systems.

Otis Fire Protection company has certified and trained fire pump technicians who could provide you service in inspection, testing, maintenance and installation of fire pump systems. All our work complies with the Local Fire Code and NFPA standards.


• Thepipingisfreeofmechanicaldamageandleakage.• Thepipingisfreeofcorrosion.• Makesurefuelpipingisingoodcondition.• Makesureelectricalcontrolandpowerwiringconnectionsarecheckedfor



• Thepowerindicatorlightonthecontroller(thissignifiestheavailabilityofpowerinthepump)

• Theheatinthepumpisnotlessthan40ºF(4ºC)and70ºF(21ºC)fordieselpumpswithoutengineheaters.

• Makesureventilatingleverscanfreelyoperatewithouthindrances• Thepumpsuction,discharge,andbypasstomakesuretheirvalvesareopen• Examinepiping,fitting,andconnectionsforanyvisualdamageorleakage• Thesuctionanddischargegaugeisreadingnormally• Theaccuracyofthesystempressuregauge


• Alignmentoffirepumpanddriver.• Cableandwireinsulation.• Enginecrankcasebreatherandexhaustsystem.• Fueltank.• Shaftmovementandsuctionscreens.• Dieselfueltesting(dieselpump).• Firepumpalarmandsupervisorysignals.• Reliefvalveandpowertransferswitch.

• Pumpoperationwithoutflow.• Pumpperformancewiththeflow.• Batteries.• Waterfilter.• Control,powerwiring,andelectricalconnections.• Enginelubricatingoilandoilfilter.• Pressuregauges,sensors,motorbearings,andcoupling.

NFPA 25:

Please contact Otis Fire Protection company to learn more about stationary fire pump system, and book your fire pump inspection.

Fire Hydrant Inspection Otis Certified Fire Hydrant Inspection Services Fire hydrants, also known as fireplugs, are connection systems designed to supply water to firefighters in case of emergency. There are 2 different types of hydrants which are the dry and wet barrel. Dry barrel valves are separated from water supply by a valve below the ground in order to keep the hydrant dry. Dry barrel fire hydrants are used in a colder climate to prevent the hydrant from freezing.

The following is the capacity indicating color scheme for most common fire hydrants.

• ClassAA-Blue-Capacityof1500gpm(5678litersperminute)• ClassA-Green-Capacityof1000-1499gpm(3785-5674lpm)• ClassB-Orange-Capacityof500-999gpm(1893-3782lpm)• ClassC-Red-Capacityoflessthan500gpm(maximum1893lpm)


Some private property has their own private fire hydrant; therefore, the building owner is responsible for inspection, testing and maintenance of fire hydrants as per NFPA 291, NFPA 25 and B.C. Fire Code. Fire hydrants shall be inspected annually and after every operation. If the hydrant (dry barrel or wall) is used, it shall be inspected for the following:

• Presenceofwaterinthebarrel.• Drainageofwaterfromthebarrel.• Checkinghydrantforleakage.• Existingofcrackinthebarrel.• Thetightnessofoutletcaps.• Theconditionofoutletthreadsandoperatingnut.• Availabilityofoperatingwrench.


The fire hydrant inspections also involve:

• Inspectingtherateofdischarge• Inspectingthehydrantflow• Operationofeachhydrant• Flushingofthemains• Inspectthefunctionalityoftheshutoffvalve• Checkinghydrantthread• Checkforneededparts• Staticandflowpressuretests• Deliveryofafinalreport

Otis Fire Protection company technicians will perform various professional tests and checks using a special fire hydrant inspection checklist. This may include the use of visual and software. During the fire hydrant flow test, we will collect the following information

• Dateofhydranttest.• Hydrantlocation.• Timeofdaythehydrantwastested.• Staticreadingatthesecondpressurehydrant(pressureinthesystemwith

noflow).• ResidualreadingatpressurehydrantB(pressureduringfullflow).• Flowreading(usingpivotgauge)athydrantA.• Watermaindiameter(ininches).• Hydrantoutletsizeandtype.• Hydrantelevation.

It is important that records of the inspection data are kept for future use and to present to the fire department when they come for an inspection.

Please contact us now to schedule your annual fire hydrant inspection, maintenance, and testing as well as fire hydrant flow test.

Otis Fire Protection Inc. is your number one fire hydrant maintenance company. Looking for information on fire hydrant system and how often should fire hydrants be inspected? As a reliable fire hydrant testing company, our qualified fire hydrant technician will help you to design a customized fire hydrant inspection plan to meet your needs.

Fire Hose Inspection Otis Certified Fire Hose & Standpipe Inspection Services Standpipe systems consist of pipes and valves that can connect fire protection water to fire hoses. Standpipe systems are used by firefighters and trained personnel. There are 3 types of standpipe systems:

• ClassI–Provides2½”hoseconnection.• ClassII–Provides1½”hoseconnection.• ClassIII–Provides1½”&2½”hoseconnection.

Requirements for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of standpipe and fire hose systems are defined by NFPA 25, NFPA 1962 B.C. Fire Code and Vancouver Bylaws. Otis Fire Protection company will provide a thorough inspection of your standpipe and fire hose systems. Our inspectors will ensure:

• Thesystemhasnophysicaldamageorleakage• Allthecontrols,bothhandles,andotherutilitiesareinplace• Hoseandcapgasketsarenotdry-rotted• Theequipmentislabeledandaccessible


Weekly inspections should be conducted on all gauges and valves, except valves secured with locks or otherwise supervised.

Monthly fire hose and standpipe inspections:

• Systemshouldbeclearofphysicaldamageorleakage• Noobstructioninfrontoffirehoses,firedepartmentconnectionand

standpipesystems• Checkingstandpipegauges• Allcontrolhandlesandfirehosepartsareinproperposition• Openclosevalve• Hosevalve• Hosenozzleandstoragerack


Our professional technicians and inspectors make a thorough check on your system to ensure it complies with NFPA regulations and local fire code. We will perform the following:

• Checking the physical condition of the hose and standpipe • Makingsurehosesarefirmlyconnectedtothewatersupply• Nozzleassembly• Checkingthewatersupplyvalve

• Visualinspectionofallthecomponentsofstandpipeandfirehosesystems• Checkingallstandpipepressure-regulatingdevices.• Conditionofpiping.• Firehoseconnections,makingsuretheyarefirmlyconnectedtowater

supply• Firehosenozzlesassembly• Checkingthewatersupplyvalve• Allhoses,hosestoragedevices,andhosecabinets.


Otis Fire Protection will ensure that all valves and hoses are lubricated and operating smoothly.

At Otis Fire Protection company, your satisfaction and safety are our major concern. We guarantee that we will conduct a proper inspection, testing and maintenance of your standpipe and fire hose systems with a proper care.

Standpipe and hose systems which have been improved, elongated or restored after more than one year of not being used must be pressure tested at the highest and most remote hose connection. Every five (5) years, standpipe system must undergo a full flow test to ensure functionality. Fire hoses require hydro-static testing 5 years after installation then every 3 years afterward.

Our certified fire protection technician will conduct an annual inspection and test of your standpipe and fire hose system. We will also train your staff free of charge on weekly and monthly inspection of standpipe and fire hose systems.

Contact Otis Fire Protection now to schedule an inspection.

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Otis Certified Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Servicing Fire needs three elements to ignite, which are heat, fuel, and oxygen. Removing any one of these elements will extinguish a fire. This is where a fire extinguisher becomes handy. I will prevent the chemical reaction between these three elements and prevent the fire from being spread. Fire extinguishers are our first line of defense against fires; therefore, it is important to inspect and service fire extinguishers to ensure proper functionality of these devices in case of emergency. Otis Fire Protection Inc. has ASTTBC certified and experienced inspectors, who will inspect and service your fire extinguishers.

There are different types of fire classes (Class A, B, C, D, K). Fire types depend on a combustible element that involves a fire. Different types of fire require a different type of extinguishing agent. Otis Fire Protection inspectors will assure that you have the adequate type of fire extinguisher. We will inspect, service and supply all types of portable fire extinguishers including:

• DryChemical–ClassA,B,C(themostcommonfireextinguisher).• WetChemical.• CarbonDioxide–CO2.• PressurizedWaterandFoam.• CleanAgent.• DryPowder–ClassD.• WaterMist.• CartridgeOperatedDryChemical.


Referencing NFPA 10, fire extinguishers are required to be inspected regularly by a certified technician. During this inspection, a qualified technician should visually inspect the unit and make sure that:

• Thelocationofthefireextinguisheriseasytoseeandaccess.• Theextinguisherisinoptimalphysicalcondition(ie;nocorrosion,dents,

cracks,anddamagetothepin).• Thearrowpressuregaugeisfunctioningproperly.• Thefireextinguisherisfull(confirmedbyweighingorlifting).•


An annual inspection of each of your extinguishers is required by NFPA 10 and B.C. Fire Code Section 6.2. Depending on your location and the type of unit, the inspection may need to be performed by a certified professional. The following are all considerations for the fire extinguisher inspection:

• Extinguishingagent.• Mechanicalpartsofallfireextinguisher• Expellingmeans.• Physicalcondition.• Allmonthlyinspectionrequirements.• Makingsurefireextinguishersystemisingoodworkingcondition.• Checksafetyseals,tags,pressuregaugereading,andHMIStable.• Inspectshellandnameplate.• Checkhanger/seismicbracing.• Determine6-yearmaintenanceorhydrostatictest.• Weprovide6-yearrechargeserviceofyourfireextinguisher.• Hydrotesting--ifyourextinguisherhasmanagedtomakeitto5to12years,


Contact us to schedule an inspector fire your fire extinguisher inspection.

Fire Alarm Inspection Otis Certified Fire Alarm Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Services Fire alarm systems are necessary to protect your lives and property from devastating fires. These systems are designed to detect fires in early stage and alert thus allows occupants to evacuate safely. Because it detects fire in the beginning stage, emergency personnel can have enough time to put out the fire before it causes significant damage to property and threatening life of occupants. Otis Fire Protection Inc., with ASTTBC certified and experienced inspectors, will ensure functionality of your fire alarm system.

The most common types of fire alarm systems are; conventional and intelligent (addressable) systems. No matter what kind of systems you have, Otis Fire Protection will provide thorough inspection and maintenance of fire alarm systems in Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, Surrey and other cities throughout Greater Vancouver.

Your fire alarm system has input and output. The following are standard inputs:

• Heatdetectors• Smokedetectors• Beamdetectors

The following are typical outputs:

• Strobes• Hornstrobes• Bells

Please contact us to request free annual fire inspection estimate for your fire alarm inspection.


NFPA 72, ULC S536, B.C. Fire Code and Vancouver Bylaws require monthly, semi-annual and annual inspection of fire alarm systems. Please see NFPA 72: 14.3.1 and NFPA 72: for more information. Otis Fire Protection company will perform a thorough inspection of your system. Our inspection includes the following but not limited to:

• Overall system check including testing of every individual fire alarm devices such as manual pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors, pressure switches, tamper switches, etc.

• Endoflineresistors.• Signalingdevicessuchasbells,strobesetc.• Operationsofanyremoteannunciators.• FireAlarmBattery-measuringtheperformanceofthebatteries.• Digitalalarmcommunicatortransmitter(DACT)whichsendsamessagetoa


• Troublesigns.

• Emergencyphones.• In-Suitetestingincludingnon-firealarmdevicesuchassmokealarms.

Our Fire Alarm Inspectors are ASTTBC certified and highly experienced to provide you thorough inspection in Greater Vancouver Area:

• ResidentialBuildingsbothlowandhigh-rises• Schools• RemoteMiningCamps• ManufacturingPlants• ShoppingMalls• CommercialBuildings

After performing inspection and testing, we will provide a comprehensive report. One copy will be left in the fire alarm control panel and another copy will be sent to the building owner.

Contact us to book your annual fire alarm inspection and testing.

Emergency Lighting Inspection Otis Certified Emergency Lighting Inspection, Repair and Installation Services Emergency lighting units and exit signs are battery backup power sources that illuminate in case of power outage. Emergency lighting units are constantly connected to AC power which continuously charges internally installed batteries. When a unit loses AC power, the battery becomes the primary power source and immediately provides lighting throughout a property thus people can evacuate safely in case of emergency. An emergency lighting unit shall provide illumination of minimum 10.8 lux along the path of evacuation route at floor level (NFPA 101: The below is the minimum requirement of lighting:

• 2hoursforhigh-rises.• 1hourforthebuildingofGroupB(jail,hospitalsetc.).• 30minutesforanyotheroccupancytype.

(BC Building Code)

Otis Fire Protection Inc. will help your company install the emergency light in the appropriate places:

• Atescaperoutesandexits.• Openareasgreaterthan60squaremeters.• Atanychangeofdirection.• Nearfirstaidlocations.• Nearfirefightingequipmentareasofspecialrisk.• Atanychangesinfloorlevel.

Emergency Lighting System Inspections & Requirements NFPA 101 and B.C. Fire Code regulate the requirements for emergency lighting and exit sign inspections, testing, and installation. For your convenience, we can train your staff free of charge on how to conduct proper monthly inspections, maintenance and how to prepare proper documentation of any given system in which the documentation form will be provided by our technicians.

Otis Fire Protection Inc. certified technicians will make a comprehensive inspection and testing of your emergency lighting systems to ensure all the components are operating correctly and that indicators are working well. All faults will be logged and corrected as soon as possible in the emergency lighting log book.


• Performingamonthlyverificationofemergencylightingsystem.• Ensurethebatteryisfunctionalbyusingtestbuttonfor30secondsthusthe


NFPA 101: 7.9.3


A full system inspection of the emergency lighting systems and exit signs will be performed by our certified professionals according to NFPA 101 and B.C. Fire Code.

• 30,60,120-minute(dependingonoccupancytype)draintest.• Makingsurebatteriesrechargeproperly.• Inspectionofallcomponents.• Allindicatorlightsarefunctioning.

• Makesurethatthebatterysurfaceiscleananddry(freefromcorrosion).• Checkingallremoteheads.• Certifyingemergencylightsandexitsignsandprovidinginspectionreportto

thebuildingowner.• Ifanexitsignoranemergencylightisfoundinoperable,listofdeficiencies

willbeprovidedtothebuildingowner.• Wealwayshaveaninventoryofmostcommonbatteriesandbulbsinour


NFPA 101: 7.9.3

We have the necessary skills, training and knowledge to perform the required maintenance and service in compliance with NFPA, BC Building Code, and B.C. Fire Codes.

Please contact us to book for inspection of emergency lighting systems.

Backflow Preventer Inspection Otis Certified Backflow Preventer Inspection, Testing, Repair and Installation Services Backflow is the unwanted reversal of water flow into a potable water system. Backflow can arise due to a “cross-connection” within the municipal water system, which exists when there is a connection between city water system and any other system which could carry used water back into the potable water system.

Water is generally provided with a certain pressure from the city line; however, in some circumstances, the water pressure can drop significantly (low pressure can be caused by the demand of water in the area, burst pipes, municipal water work etc.). Reduced pressure can result in a backward flow of the contaminated water into the city distribution pipes. Take a look at some examples below, which signifies what you could end up drinking from your tap.

• Backflowofwaterinarustedandcorrodedsprinklerpipebackintothedrinkingwatersystem.

• Connectingagardenhosetodomesticwatersupplyandusingittosprayfertilizersandpesticides.

• Backflowofwaterfromacommercialdishwasherbackintodrinkingwatersystem.

Backflow devices are designed to prevent the drinking water supply from being contaminated by foreign particles for the purpose of keeping water clean. Hence, municipalities require annual inspection and testing of these devices to ensure their proper functionality.

Backflow Preventer Inspection and Testing Requirements Backflow prevention systems are susceptible to wear and tear over time. It is necessary to hire our licensed technicians for backflow preventer inspections, testing, and maintenance. Otis Fire Protection Inc. technicians are BCWWA licensed and highly trained to take good care of your backflow devices.

Backflow preventer inspections can be performed daily, weekly, monthly and annually.

Weekly/monthly visual inspection

• Reducedpressure• Reducedpressuredetectors• Controlvalves(sealed,lockedorsupervised)(NFPA25:

Monthly visual inspection

• Doublecheckvalves• Controlvalves(sealed,lockedorsupervised)(NFPA25:

Annual functionality test

• Fullforwardflowtest(NFPA:• Fullbackflowtest• Testingofanirrigationbackflow(NFPA25:13.7.1)

5 Year Internal Inspection

• Verifycorrectoperationofallcomponents(NFPA25-13.7.1)

Backflow Preventer Testing A quality fire protection system requires quality backflow preventer testing. Otis Fire Protection Inc. has qualified and experienced fire protection technicians who can help you with your inquiries about backflow preventer testing equipment, and backflow preventer testing procedures. They can also assist with backflow preventer testing cost as well as City of Vancouver Backflow Test Report questions. Check below for more information about full forward flow test.

Knowing forward flow testing

A forward full flow test of the backflow prevention device is required during the building process. These devices must be tested yearly and Otis Fire Protection Inc. is available to ensure that this is accomplished (NFPA 25: 13.7.2)

NFPA 13 (Standard for the Installation of sprinkler systems) requires:

• Ameansshallbeprovideddownstreamofallbackflowpreventionvalvesforconductingaflowtestatsystemdemand(forwardfullflowtest).

• Backflowpreventionassembliesshallbeforwardflowtestedtoensureproperoperation(NFPA13:

• Theminimumflowraterequiredshallbethesystemdemandincludinghosestreamsdemandwhereapplicable(NFPA13:

Contact us for more information about our certified backflow prevention services, as well as schedule a backflow inspection.

Fire Sprinkler Inspection Otis Certified Fire Sprinkler Inspection Services Fire sprinkler systems are effective fire protection systems that do not need any supervision. Fire can break any time of the day. Sprinkler systems are one of the most reliable firefighting systems that can control or even extinguish a fire. This is the reason why fire sprinkler systems are known as one of the most reliable fire suppression systems, which protect occupants and property from fire. Sprinkler head (depending on temperature rating) will trip (sprinkler head bulb breaks) when the temperature reaches its temperature rating and allow pressurized water to flow.

Types of Sprinkler Systems WetPipeSprinklerSystem

A wet-pipe sprinkler system is a fire sprinkler system contains pressurized water within the piping. When a sprinkler head gets activated by heat, the system will discharge the pressurized water from the activated sprinkler head. If the fire spreads out to other areas of the building and triggers more sprinkler heads, the water will discharge from those sprinkler head as well.


A dry pipe sprinkler system is a sprinkler system contains pressurized air. When the temperature reaches the sprinkler head’s rated temperature, the head will allow compressed air to release. This will allow dry sprinkler valve trigger allowing pressurized water to flow into the sprinkler pipes and expel from the triggered head. Dry system is ideal for environment susceptible to freezing temperature.


The pipes are either charged with compressed air or water. Pre-action sprinkler system requires two different heads (zones) to be triggered in order to start water flow. If only one of them triggers, bells will go off; however, the sprinkler system will not be activated. If another head gets triggered, the solenoid will be operated at the sprinkler valve. This action will activate the system by allowing water flow in the lines. Pre-action systems are used to mitigate potential water damage by a possible physical or accidental damage to the sprinkler head. The pre-action system is used in buildings where accidental activation can cause significant damage to items. Places like libraries, museums, and data centers are excellent examples of buildings that pre-action could be used.


The sprinkler pipes are not charged with water and the system has open sprinkler heads in deluge system. A fire alarm system detects the alarm and triggers sprinkler system to discharge water from all sprinklers heads. Deluge system is appropriate for places where highly combustible materials are present. Power plants, chemical warehouses, aircraft hangars, etc.

Otis Fire Protection provides services for inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of fire sprinkler systems throughout Greater Vancouver. Our experienced and ASTTBC certified technicians will ensure that your sprinkler system is in good working condition and complies with NFPA and local fire code.

Fire Sprinkler System Inspections Vancouver NFPA 25 sets the minimum requirement for inspection, testing, and maintenance of sprinkler systems.

Daily/Weekly Inspection

• Enclosureduringcoldweather.• Pressuregauges.Ifairpressurefluctuatesandcompressorkeepsrunning


• Sprinklerroomtemperature,ensuringthatitishigherthan4Celsius.Somesystems,especiallynewerbuildings,havesupervisory,whichresultsinfirealarmtroubleiftheroomtemperaturegetscloseto4Celsius.

Otis Fire Protection technicians will train your staff in performing daily and weekly inspection. Contact us now to book for daily/weekly inspection training.

Monthly Inspection

• Visualinspectionofcontrolvalves.• Visualinspectionoffiredepartmentconnection.• Inspectingpressuregaugesondryandpreactionsystems.

Quarterly Inspection and Testing

• Inspectionofpressuregaugesonwetanddelugesystems.• Inspectionofsupervisorysignaldevices.• Waterflowalarmdevices.• Testingmechanicalwaterflowalarmdevices.

Annual Inspection and Testing

• Hangar,seismicbraces,andsupports.• Inspectionofinformationsignsincludinghydraulicdesigninformationsign.• Inspectionofpipes,fittingsandsprinklerheads.• Maindrainwaterflow(WetSystem)• Triptest(DrySystem)• Antifreezesolution• Valves• Inspectionofheattracingisdeterminedbythemanufacturerofasystem.

NFPA 25: &

3 Years Testing and Maintenance

• Fullflowtriptestisperformedevery3years.• Airleakageforensuringthesystemdoesnotlosemorethanallowedpsi.

NFPA 25:

5 Years Testing and Maintenance

• Replacementorcalibrationofgauges.• Afullflowtestofeachvalvein5yearsintervalsandshallbecomparedto

priortestresults.• Internalinspectionofstrainers,filters,restrictedorifices,andchambers.

Winterization of Dry Sprinkler Systems Winter is right around the corner and your dry sprinkler system can be vulnerable to cold weather. The common question we get from our customers is “why do I need winterization for a dry sprinkler system?” Water vapor develops inside the dry sprinkler pipes throughout the year resulting in condensation that could cause water accumulation at low points of dry sprinkler systems. When the temperature hits 0 celsius, water will freeze and crack the pipe. Loss of air from the cracked pipe will cause air pressure changes in the system then the system will flood with water. It will result in severe damage to the sprinkler system as well as your property.

You need winterization if you have the following.

• DrySprinklersystemorlowpointofyoursysteminanunheatedarea.• Theweathercangetbelow0Celsius.

If your system is in a heated area, you need to inspect the building to make sure there is no broken windows or wall cracks that a draft could enter through.

Contact Otis Fire Protection, one of the most reliable fire protection company in Vancouver, to book for inspection, testing, and maintenance of your sprinkler system.

Fire Protection Installations

Restaurant Suppression Systems Installation Otis Certified Restaurant Suppression Systems Installation Services NFPA 17A regulates requirements of suppression systems for commercial cooking purposes. Places, with commercial cooking equipment, can be protected by installing wet chemical fire suppression systems. Protection of commercial cooking systems is determined by NFPA 17A and system manufacturer’s manual. Otis Fire Protection company has experienced technicians who obtained different manufacturers’ training. We will identify the best suppression system for you to equip your system with satisfactory protection.

Fire suppressions systems shall have automatic and manual system actuation. If the system does not trip in case of fire, it can be activated by pulling a manual pull station. Therefore, NPFA 17A: requires a restaurant suppression system to comply with NFPA requirements and manufacturer’s design and installation manual.

Restaurant systems can be required to be supervised by a fire alarm panel. Systems must be designed and installed to send alarm or trouble signals in following conditions:

• Alarmsignalwhenafireisdetectedbythesystem.• Troublesignalwhensystemexperiencefailureofsuperviseddevices.

Otis Fire Protection, one of the best fire protection companies in Vancouver, also provides semi-annual inspection and maintenance of your systems. Please check Fire Suppression System Inspection page for more information.

Please contact us for more information regarding system requirement and installation of fire suppression system for your restaurant.

Sprinkler Installation Otis Certified Sprinkler Installation Services Otis Fire Protection company provides installation and replacement of fire sprinkler systems. We provide service for:

• Drysprinklersystems.• Wetsprinklersystems.• Delugesprinklersystems.• Pre-actionsprinklersystems.

Our experience and licensed sprinkler fitters install and repair sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13 and B.C. Building Code. Some of installation and repair services we provide as follows:

• Automaticsprinklersysteminstallation.• Replacementofdrysprinklervalve.• ULCapprovedaircompressors.• Tenantimprovementofexistingsprinklersystems.• Sprinklerheadadditions.• Replacementofsprinklerheads.• Andanyotherrepairs.

We offer installation and repairs services by Red Seal sprinkler fitters with trade qualification. All of our work complies with the requirements of national and local codes.

Contact us now for more information.

Fire Alarm System Installation Otis Certified Fire Alarm System Installation Services Fire alarm systems are life safety systems providing timely warning of a fire. These systems not only save lives, they also provide protection to your building by alerting you and authorities in an early stage of a fire. Because these systems are crucial life safety systems, they have to be installed by certified and experienced electricians. Otis Fire Protection Inc. has experienced electricians, who have been installing fire alarms throughout Greater Vancouver for many years.

We will ensure installation of your fire alarm system complies with NFPA and B.C. Building Code. Otis Fire Protection will not only install a system, we will also handle city permit, verification and city inspection.

Replacement of Existing Fire Alarm System Sometimes fire alarm panels cannot be reparable and will need replacement. It is important to have a reliable and honest fire protection company for your fire alarm replacement. Otis Fire Protection ensures that new installation will meet NFPA and local requirements. We will handle electrical permit (the City of Vancouver requires building and electrical permits for fire alarm replacement), verification and city inspection of your new panel.

Verification of a fire alarm system has to be performed by a 3rd party fire protection company.

Why choose Otis Fire Protection Inc. Customers choose us for installation and replacement of fire alarm systems for the following reasons:

• Expertiseandcountlessexperienceinfirealarmsysteminstallation.• Wetakecareofalltherequirementsforsysteminstallation.• Wewillbehonestwithyouandwillneverrecommendyouasystemthatis

unnecessaryandcostextra.• Becauseweknowwhatwedo,wewillnotincurextracosttoourcustomers.

Contact us now for free quote and advice.

Emergency Lighting Installation Otis Certified Emergency Lighting Installation Services Emergency lighting systems and exit signs installation require knowledge and understanding of NFPA 101, B.C. Building and Electrical Code. Otis Fire Protection company has engineers and fire protection technicians, who will determine your building requirements for emergency lighting systems and exit signs. It is crucial to provide lighting for a safe evacuation of building occupants in case of emergency. Our ASTTBC certified technicians will determine location & position of a system with sufficient level of illumination to provide lighting throughout evacuation routes.

Otis Fire Protection company consist of certified and experienced technicians in electrical installation of fire protection systems.

• Commercialbuildings• High-riseandanyotherresidentialbuildings• Industrialbuildings• Schoolsanddaycares• Minecamps

We assure you that your emergency lighting systems & exit signs will be installed certified electricians and inspected by ASTTBC certified technicians to confirm installation complies with NFPA 101, B.C. Building and Electrical Code.

Otis Fire Protection Inc. is one of the most reliable fire safety & protection companies in Greater Vancouver. If you need improvement for your existing emergency lighting system, please contact us to handle all the work needed to be done. We will work with the local fire department and comply your building with their requirements.

Contact Otis Fire Protection Inc., one of the most reliable fire protection company in Vancouver, for a free estimate.

Fire Safety Plans

Fire Safety Plans Otis Certified Fire Safety Plan Services Fire Safety Plans are documents for property that contain important information for owners and employees regarding evacuation of the property occupants. B.C. Fire Code section 2.8 defines the requirements for fire safety plans. Fire Safety Plans include pre-incident plans, which have information about a building specifically for firefighters to facilitate them when they respond for a fire emergency. The municipalities in Greater Vancouver requires fire safety plans for occupancy permit.

Construction and demolition sites shall have fire safety plans for owner and construction workers. These plans must be prepared in accordance with B.C. Fire Code Section 5.6. Otis Fire Protection company planners will assist you with fire safety plans. Our certified technicians will visit your building, determine and gather information about the building and prepare comprehensive binder that includes:

• FireSafetyPlan.• Pre-incidentPlan.• VitalInformationForm.• Floorplans.

Otis Fire Protection employs best fire safety planners in Greater Vancouver. After approval of your fire safety plan, we will manufacture egress & evacuation (wall) plaques and maps for your building. Because Otis Fire Protection has highly educated and experienced planners, we guarantee approval of your fire safety plan.

Some of the municipalities that we prepare fire safety plans:

·Vancouver ·Burnaby ·Richmond·Coquitlam ·Langley ·Delta·NorthVancouver ·MapleRidge ·NewWestminster·PortCoquitlam ·NorthVancouver ·WestVancouver·PortMoody ·Langley ·TownshipofLangley·WhiteRock ·PitMeadows ·Tsawwassen·Aldergrove ·Abbotsford ·Chilliwack

If you are outside of Greater Vancouver, we can still help you with preparing fire safety plans. Please contact us for more details.

Contact us now for free estimate.

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