finding consort ch 8

Post on 17-May-2015



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It's chapter eight, but things aren't so great. Can the new couple last before everyone pulls them apart?


Chapter Eight

It's chapter eight, but

things aren't so great.

Can the new couple

last before everyone

pulls them apart?

Welcome back to Finding

Consort Redux by Kelyns!

It’s the same old silly story,

now in PowerPoint! This chapter was originally

Chapter 9 Part 1 and 2, in

case anyone was

wondering, and let’s get to

it. I believe we left off with

Veronica being proposed


Ch 8:

Big Night

~Veronica's POV~

Now, where did I leave you guys? Oh, yeah, Consort proposed. Squeeeee! You

can't imagine my shock! I never thought he'd actually propose-

Because you're a gold-digger right?

I am NOT a gold-digger, how dare you! You, of all people, are supposed to be on my side!

Well... that's just what it looks like.

I mean, I'm not saying you're actually a gold-digger, but... Well, you know the rest of the song. And why else would you want to marry him?

How about because I fell in love with him? Because he understands me? Because

he completes me—

Yeah, okay enough of that. But are you sure you love him? You sims are so fickle...

I'm sure. He makes me happy. *Lovesick Sigh* Besides we have three bolts. Three. How many sim couples can say they have three bolts?

Well, knowing the sims I create, quite a lot, actually.

*Groan* KB, I love him, okay? I'm in honest-to-Plumbbob love, alright? He makes me happy. Really, really, really happy. And just the thought of losing him, whether to death or just because we break up, makes me really scared and all mopey

inside. I don't want to lose him, KB. I don't want to live without him.

Okay, V, if you're sure...

I'm sure.

Ah, don't you just love this picture? I do. It shows off my shiny new ROCK. *Ahem* Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted: I accepted (Of course). Consort was the man of my dreams. I'd been visualizing this moment for so long, it

took me a moment to realize I wasn't dreaming. In fact, the only reason I knew I wasn't dreaming was because Consort actually spoke.

"Oh, Veronica, my love, you really mean it? I mean, I know I'm not much- You know my fortune isn't as great as it once was since I've been supporting my family, and I AM an old man-"

"Consort, I don't care.“

"I love you, and as long as I have you, I have everything I need."

Uh, huh, we'll see about that when you move in with him and you start rolling wants for a bowling alley or band equipment.

Quiet! And anyway, Consort told me he plans to open his own business to rebuild

his fortune-

Really? When did he say that?

Uh, hello? Consort and I have been going on outings and dates for about a month and a half now. We talked about everything, including the state of his fortune. What did you think we were talking about?

I don't know, I never really paid too much attention to what went on when you two were together.

Then what were you doing?

Oh, you know, reading a book, listening to music, staring into space...

*Rolls Eyes* Glad to know you're so attentive. Anyway, now that we're getting marrying I'll help him out with the business. With his experience and contacts, and my skills and impeccable business instincts, we'll build the greatest business empire since the Landgraabs.

Starting with the perfect wedding and a perfect honeymoon. But I'll plan that later. Right now, it's time to party!

After Consort went home to share the news with his family, I got busy inviting all my friends over for an engagement party.

*Ring, Ring*


"Veronica, hey, what's up? Haven't heard from you in a while. How's things with Consort?"

"Things are GREAT. Actually, that's why I called. Consort and I are engaged and I'm having a party tonight to celebrate!"

"What? Wow, congratulations, V!"

"So can you make it?

"Of course! I wouldn't miss a big event like this; you know I love a good party."

"Great, then I'll see you in about an hour or so. Party's at seven so Contessa Breanna can come."

"Right, I'll see you there. Bye."

"Bye—Oh, Gilbert, wait!"


"I almost forgot. How's Dagmar?"


"Yeah, you know, the live-in-maid on eternal punishment... Don't you remember-"

"Of course I remember!"

"Right, so... How is she?"

"She's- she's great-"


"NO! I mean, uh, things are going great, according to plan and all! Dagmar's, uh, she's miserable; Mom's got her working round the clock.“

"Oh, so things are fine, then.“

“Of course they're fine! Geez, Veronica, what kind of sim do you think I am?”

"I am perfectly competent and able to watch Dagmar just like you asked, and there's absolutely no woohoo or any hanky-panky whatsoever! I am in complete control, and Dagmar's miserable and absolutely nothing is going on! In fact, it's

quite boring here actually, that's how great things are and how much I am in control of everything. And what's with the questions, huh? Are you trying to say that you don't trust me? Do you think I'm stupid, or something? That I can't do one simple little job, huh? Well?"

"No, no, I just wanted to check in and make sure things are fine. I don't- I wasn't- I trust you, Gilbert."

"Humph, well, everything's fine."

"...Right, so then I'll see you tonight..."

"Yeah." *PHEW* That was way too close...

~Dagmar's POV~

"Hey, Dagmar?"

"Mm, what? Can't you see I'm busy? You mother wants the yard cleaned up before dinner." 'Man, I hate fall.

"Snookums, you know I'd love to help-"

"But you can't because your mother's home. I know. I was the one who told you that, remember? So, just go away and let me finish. You can stare and admire me


"I know, Angelcake, but I just wanted to let you know that I won't be home for dinner. I'm going to Veronica's engagement party."

"Engagement party?!"

"Yeah, she got engaged to Consort-"

"WHAT? She got engaged to Consort? When did she start dating Consort? Hell, when did she meet Consort?"

"A couple of weeks ago, around the same time you came here, actually."


"Humph, well, I didn't exactly think it important, now that I'm supposed to be the love of your life!"

Crap. I forgot. *Takes Deep Breath* "You are, you are. It's just that, uh, I was so

shocked because... Because, uh, I didn't even know she was seeing anybody."

"She started dating Consort three weeks ago, but they were good friends before that."

"Oh, well, err... Good for her... I mean now that I have you, I could care less about her. I just hope she's found the same happiness that we have." *Mental Gag*

"Really?" *Beams* "That's so sweet, honey. Right, so I'll see you when I get back, okay, Snookums? I'll count the seconds until I can see you again."

"Bye, Sweetie." Ugh. This lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick. I waited until Gilbert left

and I was all alone to have my temper tantrum.

Holy Crap! OMGWTFBBQ! The walls are down!

And Veronica's getting married! MARRIED! How did this happen? All my plans ruined in one single moment. If I was to have any hope of getting Veronica and busting out of here, I had to come up with an emergency backup plan, FAST. And I mean really

fast. I mean she could already be- *GASP* She could have fallen in love with Consort! *Glowers* Well, no one, no one steals the love of my life out from under my nose. Consort. How I loathed that man. He was always coming between me and Veronica, even before she actually met him. But this- this was the last straw. It was past time that son of a llama had a large dose of payback. I would act swiftly and without mercy.

My actions might make Veronica hesitate to profess her love for me, but... But, I thought, smiling to myself as I thought of Gilbert, there were ways to remedy that...

So once again, I snuck out that night. Mrs. Jacquet had gone to bed early for once- Thank you old people metabolism. I didn't question my luck; I didn't have time. Gilbert could be back any moment (what if the cops broke up the party early?) or

Mrs. J could get a sudden urge to use the bathroom. And tonight, I needed all the time I could get.

Because tonight, I wasn't just sneaking up to Gilbert's room. No, tonight, I was going out. So I quickly and quietly got dressed, grabbed my notes on my superpotion, and crept out the door...

To Aspirational Laboratories. Oh, Free Time, how I love you! Without you I never would have been able to find an open lab that I could use to finish my potion. You see readers, as a townie, I had been given membership to some of the hobby lots

regardless of my actual enthusiasm for that hobby. So I have membership to the hobby lot for science, which happens to be my natural talent. And the hobby lot for science is Aspirational Labs, complete with telescopes, surgical dummies, and a Biotech Station. But I'll have to give you a tour some other time...

Because tonight I was here to work. The Biotech Station allowed me to piece together the last few puzzles of my superpotion.

Don't get me wrong- I didn't get it right on the first try. It took a couple of hours, but after several failed attempts-

I finally got it right. I think. At least the composition was right; I wouldn't know if the potion actually worked until I tested it. But that adventure was for another night; I had to get back.

Everything went according to plan, now all I have to do is sneak back in. *Opens Door Quietly* Oh, good, Gilbert's not back yet...

"And just what do you think you're doing? Where have you been?"

Oh, crap. Busted.

We'll get back to Dagmar later; right now, let's check out the Capp family.

Consort: "Good evening everybody, I'm glad you could all make it on such short notice. I apologize for that, but I have an important announcement to make, and I

wanted to speak to you all before you hear the news from someone else. You know how gossip spreads in this town."

Kent: "Oh, my Plumbbob, we're broke!"

Consort: "No, Kent, we are not broke. If you would shut up for two seconds, I could tell you what this is all about."

Next Door in the Kitchen:

J: "Hey, Hermia, like, do you know what's going on in the dining room? Like, why are all our aunts and uncles here?"

H: "All I know is that Grandpa came home all excited about something, and called an emergency family meeting."

J: *Sigh* "Like, ever since he started dating She Who Shall Remain Nameless, he's been, like, acting all weird."

H: "You mean happy?"

J: "Exactly! Like, Grandpa's not supposed to act happy; he's, like, supposed to be all sulky and moody and stuff."

H: *Rolls Eyes* "Juliette-“

Tybalt: "Hey, you guys know what's going on in the dining room? I came downstairs for something to eat, and everyone shooed me out of the room."

J: "Well, doofus, if you, like, shut up for two seconds, you could see that's, like, just what we're trying to figure out."

Hmm, it seems Juliette takes after her Grandpa...

T: "Hey, twerp, I'm your older brother; that means you gotta show me some respect, or I'll kick your butt."

J: *Snort* "As if! Why should I-"

H: "Shh, you guys, I think Grandpa's saying something."

C: "First, I would like to propose a toast because tonight is a very special occasion: earlier today, Veronica and I became engaged."

Kent: "WHAT?"

Albany: "Did he just say?"

Regan: "I can't believe this..."

Cornwall: "Did you hear that? Or was it just my imagination?"

Goneril: "Are you kidding me? We ALL heard that! Why do you think we're all so shocked? The real question is if he's off his rocker."

J: "Oh, my Plumbbob! Like, Grandpa just said he's getting MARRIED!"

T: "How could he do such a thing? What about Grandma? And now some strange chick is going to come in here, take over everything, and try to kick us out!"

H: "I can't believe he didn't even talk to us about this... We don't even know who this woman really is..."

C: "What is wrong with all of you? I thought you'd all be happy for me..."

K: "You really thought we'd all be happy you're cheating on mom by marrying a woman half your age and who's probably going to end up with more than half of our inheritance?"

C: "Do you really think you're still getting an inheritance after our fight and that comment?"

*Collective Gasp*

K: "Wha- What?"

C: "I cut you out of my will ages ago. Before, you would have been the heir to my estate, since you have no home of your own, but then we fought, so I cut you out of the will, and planned on giving the house to Tybalt or Hermia. It would have gone to

Juliette, but she lost favor with me, too, ever since she started dating Monty's grandson, whathisface... Oh, yeah, Romeo. Anyway, now that I'm getting married, the house will go to Veronica, and my money is to be divided among my children and grandchildren like before, but Veronica will get a cut, too. You, of course, still get nothing."

K: "W-Wow, dad. I didn't know you could be so cold... Disinheriting your own son."

C: "What do you mean cold? Wasn't cold of you to pick a fight with me? To accuse me of cheating when I'm trying to move on after my wife died five years ago? Besides, my will has always been divided according to whom I like best. In fact,

every will is divided that way; it's the way the sim world works! Which means all of you have some serious sucking up to do. The only person at this table who is actually friends with me at this moment is Goneril, which is why she gets the biggest cut of the will next to Veronica."

G: "Thanks, dad."

C: "No problem, m'dear, just make sure you don't do anything to ruin it. Anyway Kent, you've been on my last nerve for some time now. First you picked knowledge

for your aspiration, ruining the family tradition of choosing fortune, then there was that fling with Bianca Monty... The fight was just the last straw; you really should have seen this coming."

K: "Dad, don't you think you're being a bit unreasonable, holding a grudge against me for things I've done in the past?"

C: "Don't you think your feelings about my engagement are 'a bit unreasonable'?"

K: "Dad, we're just trying to look out for your welfare-"

C: "You don't care a thing about my welfare, or else you'd see this marriage will make me happy. All you care about is your inheritance. Which is why you won't be getting any."

Cornwall: "Consort-"

C: "That's sir to you, mister, I don't care how long you've been married to Regan. I know you only married my daughter for her money."

Cornwall *Sigh*: "Sorry, sir. We don't mean to offend you, it's just that we think this Veronica is trying to do the same thing you're accusing me of with Regan."

C: "Not only does Veronica have her own money, albeit not much, but I know she loves me. You on the other hand married Regan without a penny to your name or a job for that matter-"

Cornwall: "I had a job!"

C: "But now you don't, so we're back where we started now, aren't we? You're penniless. And what about love, huh? Veronica loves me. But you- Well, let's just say I've heard stories about your relationship panel. Can you honestly say that you're in love with Regan right now?"

Cornwall: *Blushes* "Look, sir, we're all-"

C: "I noticed you didn't answer my question."

Cornwall: *Blushes* "Regan and I are going through a rough patch right now."

C: "Uh, huh."

Cornwall: "All married couples have them!"

C: "Sure."

Cornwall: "They do! Just look at the... the Pleasants! They have problems, too, but they're working them out just like Regan and I are!"

C: "Oh, so now you're cheating on Regan, too. Just like with the Pleasants."

Cornwall: "What? No! No, that's not what I-" *Deep Breath* Look, we are just concerned about you marrying a sim less than half your age.“

C: "HEY! I am NOT that old! Veronica is half my age and no less! Geez, if you're not squabbling over my will, you all are adding years to my age... Well, may I remind you all THAT I AM NOT DEAD YET!"

R: "Calm down, dad. We just want to make sure that she's not trying to swindle you."

C: "Aren't you one of her best friends?"

R: "That was before I knew she was dating you. She betrayed me when she went out

with you."

C: "She never lied to you about wanting to meet me or why she wanted to meet me."

G: "Which is why we're so suspicious! This isn't some accident; she planned to meet you and marry you, making it seem like she's only after you for your money."

C: *Sigh* "You, too, Goneril? Look, maybe she was, before. She's changed; matured

even. And now I know she loves me only for me."

A: "You know, I've been thinking about it, and I actually think this might be ok."


A: "I just think that if she makes him happy, he should go ahead and marry her. He's

not too old to find love again, and he deserves to be happy after all he's done for all of us. I say- I say congratulations, Consort!"

C: "Huh. Thanks, Albany. I knew I always liked you."

G: "Albany, sweetie, have you lost your mind? Oh, wait you have. I forgot. You're a family sim." *Rolls eyes* "Loonies, the lot of them."

A: "I just don't see any point in standing in the way of the man's happiness. He only wants companionship. He's probably been lonely since Contessa died. "

C: That's exactly right."

Cornwall: "But that companionship comes with a steep price: a house and half a fortune! I'm sorry, but no woohoo is worth that much! Can't you just get a mistress? Or better yet, call the matchmaker! I hear she gives away dates for next to nothing!"

C: "And you would know firsthand, wouldn't you?"

Cornwall: "No, I-"

C: "Look, that's enough out of you."

Cornwall: "But-"

C: "Not one word. I don't even know why you're speaking; I don't like you and you have no say in my business. So just shut it or I'll cut you and Regan out of my will entirely."

R: "Daddy!"

C: "I'm sorry, Regan. I love you, but I'd do it, just to spite him. So not another word, you hear?"

Cornwall: "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

K: "I'm sorry, but Cornwall is right. Veronica is tearing our family apart. She's clearly just out for your money!"

C: "Quiet! You don't get a say either."

G: "Be reasonable, dad. How do you know for sure that she really loves you? Can't you wait a while? Why don't you wait a year, and if she's still around, then marry her."

C: "A year? A year's way too long; I haven't got much time left, I could be dead in a year! ...Which is the whole point, isn't it?" *Sigh* "Look, I'm getting married in a week, and that's final."

K: "But, dad-"

G: "You can't-"

A: "People, just let it go; can't you see the man's happy? Just let him get married. There's always room for more in this family-"

G: "No there isn't. I'm sorry, but I can't just sit back and let my father make such a

huge mistake."

A: "But this is only going to cause more fights in the family; just let it go."

K: "NO!"

R: "I agree with Albany."

K, G, and Cornwall: "WHAT?"

Cornwall: "Honey, have you gone insane?"

R: "Of course I haven't, silly. I just think Albany's right. Dad's only got so much time left; I don't think we should spend it fighting. You know the old saying: you must pick

and choose your battles. Dad's obviously not going to let this one go, so I think we'd all be better off if we just back off and give his marriage our blessing. You know, try to regain some sort of peace in the family before he goes."

A: "Exactly, no sense in causing a brouhaha. We need to keep the harmony in this family, especially for the kids. Cordelia's children have already been through so much. They've already lost their parents and the last thing they need is a fight to

tear the rest of the family apart. Family is everything and we have to stick together, even if it's just for their sake."

R: "Right. And anyway, Goneril, we both know Veronica. She's really not a bad sim. The marriage might actually turn out ok."

G: "Regan, you've lost it. I don't know what's gotten into you, but I know that as long as I live, I can never completely condone this marriage."

K: "The same goes for me. I will fight this marriage with my every last breath."

C: "I can't believe you people. I loved you all and supported you for years. I gave you everything; you wanted for nothing. But now, the one time I want to do something for me, you all act like this?"

G: "Dad's it's just-"

C: "It's nothing. I can't sit here anymore and listen to you insult me like this. I can't even look at you right now." *Storms Away*

J: "Oh, my Plumbbob! Can you, like, believe all this? We, like, totally have to do something; we can't let Grandpa go through with this. It would, like, ruin his whole life! Or, like, what's left of it anyway."

H: "I don't know, J... I think I kinda agree with Uncle Albany. We should just let Gramps be happy."

J: "Are you serious? What's wrong with you? ...Oh, wait, of course you agree with Uncle Albany. You're family."

H: *Rolls Eyes* "So are you, Juliette."

J: "Yeah, but like, come on! This could totally wreck everyone's life!"

T: "I don't usually agree with the pipsqueak, but Herms, you have to admit she's

right. I mean, what's supposed to happen to us? If Gramps gets married, we're going to get tossed out-"

H: "Grandpa would never do that!"

T: "Oh, yeah? Face it, Hermia, Gramps is already in love with this chick. She only has to say 'jump' and Grandpa says how high. She just has to convince him that she needs more space or that she wants more alone time with him, and Grandpa will

kick us out."

H: "But-"

J: "Or what if- what if they, like, have a baby? Oh, eeew! Then, they'd, like, want us gone for sure!"

H: "You guys don't know any of that for sure! We barely know her; she could be really nice!"

T: "Pfft, yeah, and Nannies could actually be competent!"

J: "Like, face it, Herms, we, like, have to stop this wedding."

*Argument Ensues*

Back in the Dining Room:

G: "Okay, Regan, Dad left. What's really going on? I can't believe you actually

agree with Albany. I mean, you're a good, smart fortune sim like the rest of us. Well, except for that black sheep over there. Had to go and choose knowledge. Loonies, the lot of them..."

K: "Hey, will you let that go? That was YEARS ago. I thought we'd all moved on."

G: "Well, you thought wrong. Dad's right. If you had choosen fortune, you might have been able to make something of yourself. But nooo, you choose knowledge

and look where it got you: no house, no job, no girlfriend, and you're living in your sister's attic. And I thought knowledge was supposed to make you smart. But we're not discussing that now. I want to know what's up with you, Regan. Was it a lack of sleep? A heat stroke? Temporary insanity?"

R: "Oh, Goneril, you are so small minded. You only think about the short term; you need to think about the big picture. There is absolutely no point in arguing with Dad now; it will only lead to heartache and less money for us. But if we go along with this

marriage, Dad'll be happy and we'll get more money."

A: "Is that really how you feel, Regan? I thought you were on my side."

R: "Oh, please, yeah right."

G: "In any case, your plan won't work. If Dad gets married, Veronica will get most of

the money."

R: "Will she? Who knows how long the marriage will last? If Dad dies a couple months after the wedding, we could always say he was tricked into the marriage because he was senile and have the marriage annulled. Or we could 'persuade'

Veronica to leave. We could cause a few fights between her and Dad, show her how hard being married really is. We can even arrange for an illicit affair or a tragic accident, insuring Veronica will never see Dad again. The possibilities are endless people! We just have to be discreet."

K: "A 'tragic' accident?"

R: "Oh, come on, Kent, we don't really have to kill her; I was just using that as an example. The point is, we can easily come up with ways to make Dad see that marrying Veronica wasn't a good idea. Hell, we could probably even figure out a

way to make Veronica leave him."

Cornwall: "And why can't we do this before the wedding?"

R: "There isn't enough time, if Dad's getting married in a week. Besides, it'd be too sudden- Right now, they're wary and don't trust us. They'd expect something like this. They know a fortune sim would do anything to get his hands on some money.”

R: “We need to catch them off guard and make the problem or fight seem natural and spontaneous, so they don't suspect we had anything to do with it. If we plan it right, Dad and Veronica's marriage could be finished in a month or two."

G: "Why, Regan, I'm sorry I underestimated you. I like the way you think; such a brilliant plan, and you're not even knowledge. It's a wonder Kent didn't think of something sooner. And he's supposed to be the brains of the family-"

K: "Hey-"

G: "Can it. We'll all go along with your plan, Regan. One by one, each of us will come around and accept that Dad has the right to make his own decisions. We'll all make up with him by the end of the week. Except for you, Cornwall. I don't think there's any hope for you."

Cornwall: "Please, like I care what he thinks. But I must say, this is a brilliant plan, honey."

K: "Yeah, even I'm impressed. It's way sneakier than your normal stuff."

R: "Aw, thanks you guys."

A: "Well, I for one don't want any part of this. I can't believe you'd all willingly sabotage something as sacred as the holy bond of matrimony."

G: "That's okay, dear, we won't tell you any of the details. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut."

A: "Humph."

G: "Now let's toast to something we can really support: to the end of Consort and Veronica!"

All, except Albany: "To the end of Consort and Veronica!" *Glasses Clink*

And back to the kitchen, where Tybalt, Juliette, and Hermia are still arguing:

T: "Hermia, why can't you accept that this marriage will ruin our whole lives?"

H: "Because I just don't think it will. We barely know Veronica, how can you be so

sure that she'll change anything? Besides, you know how much Grandpa cares for us. He swore he'd look after us when Mom and Dad died. I just don't think he'll let her kick us out."

T: "But-"

J: "No, no Tybalt, like, Hermia is right. We won't, like, know anything for sure until we, like, meet her."

T: "Have you gone mental, too, J?"

J: "Like, no. I'm just saying that, like, we need to meet Veronica and, like, form our own opinion. Preferably, like, before she moves in. Then, like, if she's all Cruella and

stuff, we still have time to persuade Gramps to dump her."

T: "Gramps would never let us go. He'd think we're trying to sabotage his relationship."

J: "Like, duh. That's, like, why we're not going to tell him."

H: "Are you kidding me, we will so get caught!"

J: "Not, uh! Like, besides, didn't you, like, say you wanted to meet this chick?"

H: "Yeah, but I never said we should sneak out!"

T: "Exactly. Besides, I'd get in so much trouble if anything happened to you guys."

J: "But it's, like, the only way to get this family sim to see Veronica is bad for Grandpa!"

H: "Okay, Jules, for the last time, YOU ARE FAMILY, TOO!"

J: "Okay, yeah, but, like... I'm still not as weird as you are. Can't you, like, see we have to protect Grandpa?"

H: "I do, but what if this is good for Gramps? You know how unhappy he was before,

do you really want him to go back to that?"

J: "Well... Like, I guess not..."

H: "You don't. None of us want Gramps to be unhappy. But you're right." *Sigh* "The only way we'll know if this marriage will hurt Grandpa is if we meet her for ourselves."

H: "I think we should go, Tybalt."

J: "Yes! Like, now it's two to one! You can't say no now, T."

T: "Oh, alright fine."

"But if we get caught, I'm telling Gramps it was all your idea."

And finally, back to Dagmar. We left her in a bit of a jam, didn't we? Let's see how she gets herself out of this one.

~Dagmar's POV~

"I asked you a question. Where have you been?"

"Uh, in the garden, um, I was, uh, night gardening... Never can tell when those weeds are gonna sprout, heh, heh..."

"...Do you think I was born yesterday?"

"Um, is that really a question?"

"I CAN SEE THE GARDEN FROM MY BEDROOM WINDOW! I get up to go to the bathroom, and not only were you not in your bed, but you were most certainly not in the garden!"


"I've put up with a lot from you; you're an incompetent fool who can't ever get anything right! But tonight was the last straw!"

"Wha-What do you mean?"

"Do you think I'm stupid or something? Don't think I haven't noticed what's been going on around here. Money's missing from the bakery, there's new clothes in the closet, and there isn't enough produce in the fridge. With the amount of time you've

spent in the garden, the fridge should be overflowing, but it isn't. Tonight I finally took a look back there, and what I found growing are NOT proper gardening plants!"

"And I don't know what you've done to Gilbert! Oh, where should I begin? When he's not sneaking around doing all your chores, he's following you around, trying to steal kisses like some lovesick puppy! It's absolutely disgusting! I don't know what's

gotten into him... But I'll have a talking to with him later. I know you did something to him, and you're going to tell me what right after you tell me where you were tonight."

Drat, I can't let her know what I was up to!

*Sigh* "Or else what?"

"Or wha! Or else I'll suck your brains out!"

*Snort* "I'd like to see you try."

"Such insolence! Listen, missy, I've just about had enough of you-"

"You've had enough? You've had enough? You have got to be kidding me! I've had enough! I've cooked, cleaned, gardened, sewed, ironed, and danced for you! I

danced to your silly little tune for almost two months now, and I've had it! I catered to your every whim and fancy, and I'M FED UP! Yes, I snuck out tonight! Why? BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO BUST OUT OF HERE, LADY!"

"I've put up with you for long enough, and I've finally come up with a foolproof plan to set me free. And there's nothing you can do to stop me! I've been running this house for the past three weeks while you were completely oblivious. Too caught up

with your jogging, your myshuno, your bakery, and your search for Gilbert's spouse. You didn't see a thing coming! And don't even get me started on Gilbert. The sim is a complete fool, you couldn't possibly think it took much effort to control him! AND he's romance! Totally obsessed with the mere possibility of hot sim loving!"

"He was easy to fool, as were you. You both thought I was too scared of you and too high on cheese to plot escape. And you gave me so much control of the house that it was simple, and let's face it, downright easy, to take control."

"A fact I'm soon going to remedy. You won't fool me again."

"Oh, please! What are you going to do now? You've done all you can to me! Face it! I'm not afraid of you anymore, and I can handle anything you throw at me."

"Are you sure?"

I thought about the potion in my back pocket. *Smiles* "Positive. Bring it on old lady."

"I'm so glad you feel that way."

"Look over there, it's Veronica making out with Consort!"

*Whirls Around* "What! No way..."

"Made you look!"


"Dagmar, meet Mr. Simvac, Mr. Simvac I believe you know Dagmar; you're already

sucking her face. ...And her aspiration points, tee hee!"

"Y-Y-You w-will s-s-so p-p-a-ay f-for th-this-s-s!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try! People always underestimate the old lady! Well, this old lady's got tricks! I'M in charge around here, and don't you forget it!"

"I give, you win, you win, geez, just stop!"

"Oh, I don't know... Have we learned our lesson?"


"You better have, cuz I got a million more where this came from!"

"AAH, get away from me, you crazy old bat!"

"Hmm, I don't think it worked right..."

"What do you mean, I feel like my head's about to explode!" *Swoon*

"Mr. Simvac + Mrs. Jacquet = ME CRAAAZY!"

"There we go! I guess it works just fine."

"Moo! Moo! MOO! More Milk! Um, I mean, cheese! Moo! Moo!"

"Pfft, and I'm crazy? You're the mooing chicken. Never saw anyone 'Moo' while doing the chicken dance. Knew that one was messed up..."

"Have to admit though, it makes for great entertainment."

"Moo! MOO!"

"Ah, justice tastes great.“

*Struggles to Stand Upright* "I hate you."

"Feeling's mutual. Now don't think you've gotten off easy. You think you've worked hard before, well, starting tomorrow, your work doubles. You won't have a minute of free time to yourself, and I'll be watching your every move."

"And what makes you think I'll still listen to you?"

"You want a second visit from Mr. Simvac?"

"N-No, no thanks."

"Didn't think so. Now, go change while I think of more punishments for you. I think I'll

ask around the neighborhood and see if anyone has any toddlers you can take care of..."

*Shudders* "Please, Plumbbob, I hope not."

"Well, that's not up to you so, scram!"

*Sniffle* ...Old hag... Just wait... I'll get her. Enough's enough, I'm not taking this anymore! The question is, how... *Looks Out Window at the Garden* Hmm... I think I know just the thing.

~Denise's POV~

Oh, Plumbbob, why doesn't anyone around here listen to me? Did that girl really

think she could out smart me? Like I would just sit by and watch her take over things around here... I know I was busy, but really, this is too much. Stealing money, poisonous garden plants, sneaking out... *Sigh* But this is partly my fault; I should have known that girl's mind was too strong to be brainwashed by cheese. I should have known she'd try to rebel. But Gilbert...

*Groan* That boy's a complete idiot! He should have known better than to mess with her. I thought he'd be too smart to really fall for her, or anyone else for that matter. But he's completely besotted with her; practically worships the ground she walks on.

I don't know what's gotten into him! I taught him better than that! I taught him to never get too close to a romantic interest he's not serious about. Heck, I taught him to be his own accountant, and double check the books. And I know I taught him about loyalty to friends and family. Why would he betray Veronica by hooking up with, Dagmar of all people? *Sigh* Something's just not right...

In any case, I don't know what to do with him; he's just not getting it and I've only got so many years left to teach him... I'm gonna have to knock some sense into that boy if it's the last thing I do! Ugh, just thinking about it gives me a headache.


"I was just about to go to sleep, too." * Grumble* *Grabs a Small Vial From Under Her Bed* "Coming ma'am!"

"You can go to bed when you're done; I haven't thought of any extra chores for you to do yet."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And first thing tomorrow, you're going to dig up all that stuff you put back there and replant the garden."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And don't think for a second I forgot about the money you stole. You're going to give that back tomorrow, too."

"Yes, ma'am.“ D, to herself: Ha! Yeah, right. There won't be a tomorrow, for you. *Sprinkles Powder into the Cups*

"Enjoy your drink, Mrs. Jacquet."

"Wha? Are you giving me sass?!"

"No, Mrs. Jacquet, I was just trying to be polite, you know, like you taught me."

"Humph, well, scram."

"Yes, ma'am. Goodnight."

What am I going to do with that girl? *Sighs* *Takes a Sip* I guess I'll figure that out later.

Hmm, you know this nectar tastes funny...

Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick! But why... Oh, Crap! Dagmar!

That conniving little- *Cough, Cough* *GASP* That wench! I'll... I'll- *Chokes*

I can't be dying, not yet! There's so many things I didn't get to do, so many places I didn't get to see... So many things I didn't get to teach my son...

Gilbert! Oh, what is he going to do without me? And how is he going to break free from that witch?! I didn't even find him a wife! Oh, I am SO haunting her for this...

It wasn't long after when Denise Jacquet took her last breath. She was a good sim; Plumbbob rest her soul. She was a smart, cunning, and tough old lady, but end the end, Dagmar outsmarted her once and for all.

And now this is all that's left of her. A small, dull, un-Platinum urn.

~Dagmar's POV~

What? Oh, come on, you all knew that was coming. And she was in my way! How

could I have won Veronica back if she told my secret? Plus you know that mean ol' witch deserved it! She made my life miserable!


~Veronica's POV~

Hey, simmers, long time no see. Some of you may remember that I am giving an engagement party tonight. But Consort's not coming; he doesn't like parties. He's

more of a sit-by-the-fire-and-chat kind of guy. Say, you think I'll still get presents?

Um, no.

Hey, why not?

Sim parties don't work that way.

Hmm, I think that you and my other friends are really just a bunch of cheapskates...

Anyway, so the party went great. Everyone was there- Traci, Marylena, Robert, Contessa Breanna, Carla, Gilbert, and even that blond chick that Contessa bit in Ch 4, whose name I can't remember.

Veronica, she's one of your best friends!

Yeah, but it's not like I really even talk to her anymore... I just needed her for the promotion. And I only invited her over to cure her vampirism. And for the presents. I was really hoping she'd bring presents. Anyway, we were all having a good time just hanging out.

Oh, and KB was there, too.

"Hey! I'm right here!"

"Sorry, but aren't you proud of me? I mean, I've topped two careers, and I'm gonna

get married. The story's practically over!"

"Um, yeah..."

"And I'm gonna move out tomorrow! And live in a mansion!"

"Yeah, about that, V. Be careful."

"Wha? What do you mean?"

"I can't really say... It'd kinda ruin the whole plot... It's just that... Well, the Capps don't really like you and there's... Look, just promise me you won't sell all your stuff; keep some of it..."

"I don't know. I'll probably need the money to renovate Capp House. I see what Consort says."

"No! Listen, V. The money will be a safety net. In case... Well, that doesn't matter. It'll be like... Like a prenup. Or having separate accounts! Yeah, lots of married couples nowadays keep some separate assets."

"But the house-"

"I'll help you out if you need more money for the house."

"But couldn't you do that later if I need more money?"

"No, cuz then it'd be Consort's money, too, but this will just be yours."


"LOOK, just do it, okay?!"

"Okay, okay, geez."


"I promise, okay?"

I didn't really get what KB was hinting at, so I just put it in the back of my mind and rejoined the festivities. There was gossip, pool, chess... Rock, Paper, Scissors...

...And smustling. Because what good party doesn't include a smustle?

And finally, there was champagne.

V: "Okay, everyone, gather 'round."

Robert: "Aw, man. Why do I have to stand next to Ravi? Someone switch places with me."

Ravi: "Like I want to stand next to you. You're a wuss and a traitor."

V: "Cool it you guys, I'm trying to make a toast here." *Ahem* "You all have been very good friends to me."

"You all helped me through a really rough time, a time when one of my best friends betrayed me. But you all supported me, stuck by me, and helped my defeat me greatest enemy. And now that I've met the man of my dreams, and as I'm about to

become married, I just wanted thank you all for being such good friends to me. For being there for me when I needed you. To friends!"

All: "To friends!" *Glasses Clink*

V: "Okay, guys, back to the party!"

KB: "Wait, wait. I want to say something, too. Veronica, you've been a good friend to all of us, as well. In fact, you've brought us all together and helped make us each who we are today."

"And I think I speak for us all when I say that we're truly happy for you, and that we wish you all the best. To Veronica!"

All, except V, cuz that would be conceited: "To Veronica!"

"Aw, thanks guys. Now, let's see who can make the best smustle face!"

And the party continued on late into the evening. Luckily, there were no cops. I just

hope everyone had as good a time as I did.

~Dagmar's POV~

G: "Mom, Dagmar, I'm home! I know it's a little late, but-"

"Oh, my effing Plumbbob! Mommy!"

I'm guessing Gilbert saw this. I don’t know what he’s freaking out about, honestly— things are going to be great. The nagging old witch is finally gone—thank Plumbbob—and my superpotion is complete. Things are going quite smoothly,

actually, and I really think that Veronica will be mine in a matter of-

G, in a high pitched girly scream: "Mommy! Oh, Mommy, what happened to you?!"

I guess I better go deal with this.

G, hyperventilating: "This... This can't be happening... I have to be dreaming... I have to be…"

"Hey, Gilbert, what's wrong?"


"Oh, that..."

"YES, that."

"Look, Gilbert... um, Honey... don't feel bad. These things happen."

"How? How did she die?"

"Sweetie, she was an old woman."

"But she had so much time left. At least... I thought she did..."

"Mistakes like that happen all the time. Many people misread the life meter. They think they have several days left, then BAM! The Grim's calling their names.“

"But, how? I didn't even know aging was on in this house. We've never aged before..."

"Uh, it was turned on just after I was resurrected, remember? So that I could age

while Veronica stayed young... It was part of the revenge, you know? Sort of like a joke..." Please buy that...

"Oh... Okay, but... she was platinum. If she died of old age, why isn't her urn platinum?"

"Um, because... It must have been a glitch! Yeah, that's happened loads of times; the Grim loves to rob people of their platinum graves. And she definitely was

platinum! I saw the hula zombies and everything! It was definitely a glitch; she was robbed, I tell you! Robbed!”

"Okay, but... But WHY? Why now? I still need her."

*Sigh* "Gilbert, don't be such a baby; you'll be perfectly fine. And, um, you'll have me. ...I mean, I know we haven't woohooed before, but..."

"We could start, if you think that would help..."

"Dagmar, how could you be so insensitive? How could you possibly think I'd care about woohoo right now? My mother just died!"

"Sorry, I was just trying to help..."

"Well, don't! You're just making everything worse!"

"Sweetie, I was just-"

"JUST GO! I need some time alone... to think... to cope."

"Okay..." Stupid sensitive moron...

Oh, my Plumbbob, I can't believe he bought that whole 'it was a glitch' thing. He is such an idiot! He definitely didn't get any of his Mama's brains. And that crying! What a wuss! Oh, man things are going perfect! Now all I have to do is steal an

invite to the wedding, and that shouldn't be a problem considering Gilbert's emotional state. The Mama's boy won't want to go anywhere alone. Hee hee, I am a genius!

~Gilbert's POV~

I decided to put my Mom's grave outside under the willow. She always loved the

outdoors... In fact, she always l-l-loved this t-tree....

*Sniff* She always looked out for me... Tried to encourage me, teach me everything she knew... And instead of listening, I spent these last few weeks ignoring her, sneaking around with Dagmar, and trying to get away from her as often as I could.

B-b-but now... S-she's n-n-not here a-a-anymore.... WAAHHH!

If only I had listened. Oh Mom, what am I going to do without you? Who's going to run the bakery? The house? Who's going to do my laundry? ...Oh, yeah. Dagmar. I still got her. She'll help me through everything... At least when I'm with her, I-I won't

be s-s-so a-alone.... *Sniff*


And back to Veronica, who while in her own little world was completely oblivious to what was going on at the Jacquet house. Or any other house for that matter. Still elated from the party and her engagement, the next night Veronica went

downtown to do what a fortune sim loved to do best: spend money.

~Veronica's POV~

The next night I went downtown on a very important shopping trip. That's right; it was

time to buy my wedding dress!!! SQUEEE! And naturally, to make such an important purchase, I went to my favorite store: The Corner Shoppes.

And since there was a huge selection, I couldn't pick just one. So, I decided to try on the ones I liked best. ...This one looked nice, but I still wasn't completely sold. I was looking for the perfect gown- it didn't have to be the most expensive, or the

most elaborate...

But it had to be just right. It had to be 'me'. So this one was out. Too laid back.

Money wasn't an object- and let's face it, in the Sim world, all wedding dresses are only 400 simoleons, anyway.

But even if they weren't, I'd still have spared no expense. Because my wedding day just had to be PERFECT. This one was out, too. It was too... *Sigh* It's just not me.

And this one wasn't quite right either. Anyway, while my wedding dress didn't have to be traditional-

It definitely had to make me feel like a princess. Because this day only happens once.

Though Consort is so old, it'll probably happen twice.

Shut up, KB; there are elixirs.

ANYWHO, my wedding was going to be a chapter out of a fairy tale. I had planned everything out. My wedding day would also reveal the renovations to Capp Manor, complete with a new wedding chapel, which would also be spectacular.

Does Consort know about these plans?

Shut up, KB. And yes he does. He said we'd spare no expense to make Saturday the

wedding of my dreams.

Consort and I have an understanding; we talk about things. Anyway, I finally chose a dress, and no it wasn't any of the ones you saw. It's going to be a surprise. But I found a perfect dress for my perfect wedding, and everything was going to be

great, and absolutely nothing was going to ruin it.

So I headed back home to pack- tomorrow was moving day, after all and—


I opened my door to find that teenagers had taken over my home. And not just any teenagers, either; they were Consort's grandkids.

Tybalt: "Just chill out would ya? I'll explain after me and Herms finish this game."

V: "Uh, excuse me; just who do you think you are, breaking in like this? And it's late! Does your Grandfather know where you are? I demand an explanation! NOW!"

T: "Alright, alright. Jules, quit playing around; she's back."

Juliette: "Wha? Aw, like, come on, I was, like, just getting into my grove..."

V: "Don't you people have a curfew? Well, if not, you guys are definitely getting one tomorrow! You can get in your 'grove' some other time. Preferably at your own house. ...Which is soon to be my house, too, I guess..."

T: "Yeah, about that. We aren't too sure that's going to happen."

V: "WHAT?! Y-you- Consort's called off the wedding?!"

Hermia: "Calm down. Gramps said no such thing. What Tybalt means to say is that we want to talk to you about the wedding."

V: *Sigh of Relief* "Look, we can talk some other time, right now you need to go home; your Grandfather's probably worried sick about you! So let's go right now!"

T: "Um, yeah, let's get one thing straight, toots; I do what I want when I want."

"And right now I'm not going anywhere until I know whether or not you're just some skank out to steal my Grandfather's money."

V: "... That's really what you came to talk about?"

J: "Like, duh."

V: *Shrugs* "Usually people don't ask, they just assume."

H: "Well, we don't really know you, so we couldn't really make that judgment."

J: "Which is, like, why we're here: to, like, get to know you and see if, like, you're really the skank my aunts and uncles think you are. So, like, are you or aren't you?"

V: "What kind of question is that? Of course I'm not a skank!" *Sighs* "Though I suppose I can't blame you for asking..."

T: "So if Grandpa lost all his money tomorrow and had to move to... let's say a trailer,

would you still marry him?"

V: "Of course! I love your grandfather!"

V: "I mean, I wouldn't be happy about living in a trailer; I am a fortune sim, after all. But I'd still marry him. We could always make more money and buy a new place. Though now that I think about it, if he were living in a trailer, we'd just live here, that

way we could- Oh crap, we're gonna have to talk about this aren't we? Fine, bring on the questions."

T: "Awesome. By the way..."

T: "Do you got anything to eat?"

V: "...Are you kidding me?"

T: "No, I really am starving. Pleeeeaaase?"

V: *Sigh* "Fine."

I can't believe this. A couple of teenagers break into my house, demand to interrogate me, and now I'm making them dinner. What twisted world am I in?

V: "Okay, you guys, it's ready. Take a seat."

T: "Mmm, smells good. And it's not even burnt."

H: "See Jules, she can cook, that's a good sign."

J: "Okay, okay, but that, like, doesn't mean anything for sure. Besides, we, like, haven't even tasted it yet. It could be, like, disgusting."

V: "Okay, what was it you guys just had to sneak out and ask me?"

*Silence, except for Tybalt and Juliette shoveling down their food.*

V: "Whoa... Don't you guys get fed at home? You can't tell me that there's no food in that huge mansion."

H: "We do, but... It's mostly just take out, crappy buffets, or whatever Grandpa


T: "And what Grandpa cooks is usually burnt."

J: "Yeah, it's, like, always burnt Mac and Cheese."

T: "I haven't had anything this good in ages. Usually, the only decent meal we get is

birthday cake."

H: "Lucky for us, we have a lot of birthdays in this family."

V: "Well, I guess that's something that will change... Anyway, now that you have something in your stomach, why don't you all tell me what's on your minds?"

J: "You, like, didn't answer my question. Like, are you a skank or not?"

H: "Jules! What she means to say is that this is all very sudden. We just want to make sure that you actually love Grandpa."

"Like I said, I do love Consort, with all my heart. When I'm with him, time stops. And he makes me feel so alive. When I'm him, my heart's content and-"

T, H, J: "EW!"

V: "Sorry, I realize that may have been too mushy for you guys. But anyway, this wasn't sudden. Consort and I have been friends for a while before we got together. Technically, we have been seeing each other for about... six weeks. Do you know

how long that is in the sim world? It's... Well it's a really long time; it's practically unheard of. And we both thought about this a lot before we decided to get married. I mean, don't you think I had some concerns about marrying someone so much older than me?"

T: "Um, no. We kinda just thought you were in it for the money."

J: "Totally. I, like, thought you would spend your marriage wondering, like, when Grandpa was going to croak."

V: "That's awful! Give me some credit!"

H: "Well, we thought you were a golddigger..."

T: "Yeah, we didn't think skanks had any morals or values."

J: "Which, like, brings me back to the main point. Like, are you a skank or not. You, like, haven't really given us much evidence you're not."

V: "But I-"

J: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You, like, say you love Grandpa, but you know, there's, like, no real way we can tell. So, like, just come out and say what you think of us. Just, like, tell us what's your grand master plan."

V: "Um... What? What plan? I'm a bit confused here."

J: "Hello, like, where are you going to send us?"

V: "...Send you? What are you talking about? I'm not sending you anywhere."

H, J: "What?"

J: "Oh, come on! Like, every evil stepmother, or, like, in your case, step-grandmother, has some grand plan to, like, ship all the kids off to Siberia or

something. So, like, what's yours?"

"...I don't know what to say. I don't have a plan. I wasn't going to send you anywhere; I didn't even think about it."

H: "Yeah, right. Even I don't buy that. Come on. Are you going to send us to Aunt Goneril's, Aunt Regan's, or just plain kick us out?"

V: "Seriously, I'm not sending you anywhere. Except perhaps to college."

H: "Really?"

V: "Yes, really."

T: "Well, what about me? Are you going to kick me out? I probably won't go to college."

V: "Why not?"

J: "Tybalt isn't really suited for college. He could go, but he'd probably flunk out his first year."

V, H: "Juliette!"

T: "No, no, the pipsqueak's actually right. I'm no scholar. I'm destined for a rough life

with financial and aspirational failure. It's just how my story goes, just like Dirk Dreamer, Ripp Grunt, or Dustin Broke.“

V: "Well, I don't know about those other kids, but KB told me about Dustin. The kid's already made at least 100,000 simoleons, and he's still a teen. And you can bet he's going to college."

T: "Really?"

V: “Yeah. Apparently, Nina Caliente took him under her wing when she started her business empire.”

V: "She showed him the ropes, let him skill up and earn badges, and eventually he

became assistant manager for all her businesses."

T: "Well, how many businesses does she have?"

V: "She only has two now, but at one point she had six. But anyway, the point is Dustin overcame his surroundings and made something of himself, without any help from his mother. But being the good kid that he was, he supported his mother and took care of his younger siblings, paying for renovations for their house, and even

creating a trust fund for his two brothers, all while his mother was sleeping around town looking for men with good genes to make more babies. Stupid family sim..."

V: "Anyway, if Dustin could do it, you can do it."

T: "But Dustin had help. You said that Nina chick helped him."

V: "You'll have help, too. Consort and I will do everything we can to help make sure

you'll succeed."

T: "But my grades are in the toilet."

V: "Stop making excuses. We'll get you a tutor and help you skill. You might go to college a little later, but you'll go. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. All of you are going to college."

J: "I don't get it. Why would you do that? Why do you care?"

V: "Because I think every sim deserves a chance to go to college; higher education is the key to success. You learn most, if not all, of the skills need for your chosen profession or professions, you make good contacts, and... Well, it's fun. And with

your privileged backgrounds, there's no reason why any of you shouldn't go. Besides, family is important to Consort, and I respect that. Except for my friends, I have no real family of my own, and I would love be a part of a family that's as big and loving as yours."

H: "Loving? I don't know if you could actually call our family loving."

V: "But you are. You all look out for and care for one another. The reason why your aunts and uncles are so wary of me is because they're all concerned for Consort.

They want to make sure he doesn't get hurt. That same reason is why you all came down here to talk to me isn't it? You have a very loving family, Hermia, and when I marry Consort, his family will become my family. So, I'll do everything I can to look out for all of you and your other relatives. Because no matter what, family sticks together."

J: "Are you, like, on bubbles, or something?"

V: "...No."

T: "Then what's with you? Our aunts and uncles would do anything to stop your

wedding, and here you are talking about how much you admire them for being so caring. They're not caring, the only people they care about are themselves; they're in it for the money."

V: "I don't know if I believe that. You're probably just exaggerating; I'm sure there's good in them somewhere."

J: "And, like, I'm sure you're in denial."

H: "You're one of those nice sims, aren't you? It must be the nice points."

V: *Shrugs* "I guess. I do have seven nice points."

H, J, T: "Seven?"

V: "Yes, seven. Now come on, it's past time I got you kids back to your Grandfather."

H: "Wow. I guess we misjudged you. You seem like a good sim after all."

V: "Thank you."

J: "So now that we're, like, all cool and all, you're not, like, going to tell Grandpa on

us, are you?"

V: "Ha ha, nice try. Of course I'm telling your Grandfather. Now let's go."

T: "This is your car? Nice."

H: "Even Grandpa doesn't have his own sports car..."

J: "Like, wait. I'm, like, confused. Where did you get the money for this?"

V: "Um, I work? I bought it for myself when I topped the Show Business career."

J: "But I, like, thought you were in Business?"

V: "I am. That was my old job. Now I'm a Business Tycoon.“

H: "Wait, you've topped two careers?"

V: *Shrugs* "Yeah. So?"

J: "Grandpa's, like, spent the last ten years just trying to top business."

V: "Um... I'm sure your Grandfather just lacked the motivation."

H: "Yeah, right. ...I guess you're not really a golddigger after all."

V: "I told you I wasn't. I mean, I don't have as much money as your family... But I don't exactly make chump change either..."

T: "Hey, so... Can I drive?"

V: "Hahaha! No. Now let's go."

I made sure the kids got home safe and sound, then came home and went to sleep. I had to get up early this morning; today is moving day after all. I packed all my stuff, and left anything I didn't want. Then I cleaned the place from top to bottom so

that the next person who moved in would have a nice clean home. *Sigh* I was going to miss this place. I mean, it wasn't much, but it was mine. And there were a lot of memories here. Not all of them good, mind you. Let's see... I died here. I caught on fire. Twice. I turned into a vampire here. I cured my vampirism here. And then there was that whole thing with Dagmar...

Still though. As I walked out the door for the last time, I felt a bit of sadness, even though I was moving on to bigger and better things. Well, I guess this is it. So long...


Oh, Crap, Veronica I forgot! You need a placeholder for all the pictures!

Way to ruin my dramatic exit, KB.

Oh, shut it. Just get someone to move in here.

I thought of all my townie friends. Who would I pick to have such a great place? Who would I save from the lonely, nomadic life of towniedom? And then it hit me.


"Veronica! I can't believe I get to stay here! No more serving drinks and waiting on people at the bar! How can I ever thank you?"

"There's no need. I'm just doing for you what KB did for me. She saved me from CAS, I saved you from towniedom. It's what friends do."

KB hooked Marylena up and gave her and the house a makeover. She didn't do that for me... I had to earn everything...

I didn't do that for you because I was trying to play without cheats when I first started to play you.

And now?

Now I realize it's almost impossible to write a story without cheats, so I don't care as much.


Oh, be quiet. You get spoiled plenty. Besides Marylena isn't a part of the main storyline anyway, so it doesn't matter if I used cheats to liven up her place.


Oh, come on, she came with next to nothing and you took all your stuff. Would you have one of your best friends live in squalor?

I'm not buying it...

I just got IKEA Stuff, okay? I wanted to decorate things!


Yeah, so Marylena got new clothes, too. And yes, that's a brand spanking new car. Humph.

You're moving to a mansion!

Uh huh. "Have fun in your new place, Marylena." I bet she will; she's romance, did you know?

"I will. Tell KB I said thanks, will ya? And good luck with the move; I'll be there on Saturday for the wedding."

"I'll see you then. I probably won't get to talk to you beforehand; I'm going to be

super busy.“

And that's it. This is where I leave you, simmers. I'm off to my new place and my new life. The next time you see me I'll be living in a newly renovated Capp Mansion, and it will be my wedding day. Can you tell I'm nervous? It's a big step, and, well... the rest of the Capps don't like me. In fact, they barely like each other right now, so I'm

sure there will be a fight or tw- Oh my Plumbbob, is there going to be a fight at my wedding?!

Calm down, Veronica. Excuse her, readers. She just has cold feet. I'll take it from here, V. So that's it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed it; the next one’s gonna be a doozy.

And why is that, huh? HUH?!

Breathe, V, breathe.

This chapter was brought to you by—okay none of these people. But don't you just love Uni? It's the only place where streakers stalk you in your sleep.

Streaker: "Hey, Hal, I see you!"

Hal: *Snore*

Streaker: "Dump, Kendra, Hal. You know you want meee!"

Hal: "I am so awesome... ZZZ ...I can pick up girls in my sleep... ZZZ"

Later, simmers. Happy reading.

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