financially fit

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Daniel Study: Financially Fit





Sermon Date: Feb. 2 & 3, 2013 Sermon Title: Financially Fit Sermon Text: Daniel 1-6

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy was always known as a good man. Unlike most coaches, he never cursed nor berated his players. In a field where coaches are over-worked and families normally take the back seat, Tony Dungy, demanded that his coaches should put family first. Eventually, he became known as, “a good coach who couldn’t win.” Some felt that his light-hearted, caring, and good-willed personality wasn’t well suited for a game like football. However, after winning the Super Bowl in 2006 he would go on to say, “I didn’t want to win to have more accolades or to quiet the critics, but rather to prove to the world that you can do things the right way, commit to your faith, and still come out on top.”

In this week’s study we’ll see how Daniel proves the same point to the people of his day and culture. Daniel honored God, and in due time God honors Daniel.

1. Read Daniel 1:8-21. What decision did the Hebrews make that would require them to meet with the King of Babylon?

2. Review Daniel chapters 1-3. As the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego proceeds, what happens to their status?

3. Read Malachi 3:10. In this Scripture, God challenges us to put Him to the test with our finances. Have you trusted God in this are of your life? Why or why not?

4. What kind of tricky situations can you find yourself in at work? What are you willing to risk in order to obey God?

1. Throughout this story, we see Daniel emphasize prayer in his daily life

and before making any decisions for the King. How often do you pray over work decisions?

2. What have you learned from Daniel’s path of promotion? How can you implement his faith in your work life? What can you do to emphasize prayer in your work life?

3. In the stories above we see men being honored and promoted at work because their faith remains strong despite of circumstances. Interestingly enough, when they put God to the test the rest of the community is able to see the work of God in their lives. What would it look like if you made a choice to put Christ in the center of your work, finances, and daily life? In what area can you put God to the test today?

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