final study guide

Post on 21-May-2015






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Final Study Guide – Social Studies

Unit One – Culture Page 60What is population density?

Know what the two factors lead to the population boom of the 1900’s.

Page 67Be able to contrast between migration and immigration.

Know the difference between voluntary and involuntary migration.

Know what are some factors that have lead to involuntary migration in the past and today.

Be able to define urbanization.

Page 74Know what producers and consumers are.

Know the difference between capitalism and communism.

Know the difference between developed and developing nations.

Know what interdependence is.

Page 80Be able to compare and contrast direct democracy and representative democracy.

Be able to compare and contrast absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy.

Be able to compare and contrast dictatorship and oligarchy.

Know what tribal rule is.

Know what a theocracy is.

Know what totalitarianism is.

Know what the difference is between an alliance and international organization.

Page 96Know what social classes are.

Page 104Define globalization (also known as cultural diffusion).

Know what assimilation is.

Why are people trying so hard to defend their culture against globalization and assimilation?

Page 114What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Page 120Know what industrialization is.

Know what cultural landscape is.

Unit Two – Economy and CivicsWhat is a theocracy and what is a famous example of it?

Know what a dictatorship is and be able to list an example.

Describe and give one example for each o the following isms.









Explain what it means to be a “single party state”

Know what the role is of each of the following branches of the US government




Explain the difference between command, market, and traditional economies

What are factors of production?

What is human capital?

Describe what the major problem with overproduction is…and what is a famous example of overproduction?

List and describe three major causes of the Great Depression.

What plan helped deliver America from the Great Depression.

What is the global pool of money?

What are NINA loans and why do they seen as “bad”?

What was “Leon the Lender’s” role in this whole subprime mortgage crisis?

What role did “Mike the Broker” play in the crisis?

Be able to explain why banks were not worried that people were not able to pay back their loans.

What is a CDO?

Unit Three – REPSI

Renaissance (1300 – 1700)

Know that the renaissance was a rebirth of the interest in learning.

Be able to explain what humanism is.

Compare and contrast human values of the middle ages and the renaissance period.

Know the characteristics of paintings from the middle ages and renaissance.

Know the causes of the French Revolution and what the reign of terror was.

What was so glorious about the Glorious Revolution?

Exploration and Monarchy (1400 – 1700)

What were the major world powers during this time period?

Be able to explain how exploring new lands helped the countries listed above gain so much power.

Know the difference between expansionism and imperialism.

Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation

Know that the Roman Catholic Church of the 16th Century was too powerful and became a religious monopoly.

Know what indulgences were and what the money raised by them were used for.

Who was Martin Luther?

Know what the 95 theses were and be able to explain the basic complaints that Luther had against the Church.

What was his stance on salvation and being divine?

Be able to explain the significance of Luther’s translation of the Bible to German…as well as whom he inspired to translate the English version.

What was the 30 Years War?

Know what the major purpose of the Council of Trent was.

Explain what the major results were that the Council produced.

Define heretic.

Who were the Jesuits and what was their “job”?

Scientific Revolution (1500 – 1700)

This period is often referred to as being a “Age of Reasoning”….be able to explain what this means.

Be able to explain how the scientific revolution and humanism are closely related.

Be able to explain medical and scientific discoveries such as…

Blood circulation

Orit of the planets


Laws of gravity

Industrial Revolution

Know that this revolution changed how goods were produced, from being done by hand to machine made.

Know that the industrial revolution started in Great Britain and the first machines produced textiles.

Unit Four – Causes of WWII and Propaganda

What was the Treaty of Versailles and what were the terms in the treaty?

What was the League of Nations and why did it fail?

What major actions did Hitler take in order to restore Germany’s power?

What is propaganda and how did the Nazi Party use it to their advantage?

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