final report of ob

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  • 8/2/2019 Final Report of Ob





  • 8/2/2019 Final Report of Ob




    The topic of the report is Learning and development and the key objective of the

    report to check its importance and implication in a Bank. For this purpose the

    Standard Chartered Bank has been visited to get the practical implication of the

    different learning theories within the organization. Further the report provides a

    brief overview of the different learning theories and the implementation of

    different theories of learning in bank and their role in the shaping of behavior

    along with findings and recommendations because the leaning shows the negative

    and positive behavior of the employees and managers towards work, company

    goals and objectives. In this report the focused theories of learning are: classical

    conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning and the shaping behavior.

    Report also provides the overall conclusion and recommendations regarding to the

    learning and development.

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    This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help

    of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their

    valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

    First and foremost, our teacher Mr. Zakriya Zafrullah whose sincerity and

    encouragement we will never forget. He helps us at every stage of our report

    entitled Learning and development. Due to his encouragement we are able to

    write this report.

    Last but not the least, the one above all of us, the Omnipresent GOD for answering

    our prayers for giving us the strength to plod on despite our constitution wanting to

    give up and throw in the towel, thank you so much Dear Lord.

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    To check the impact of learning in any organization we have selected Standard

    Chartered Bank. We ask different questions related to learning and its impact on

    the changing of behavior. We ask these questions to different employees and

    manager of the bank. We also collect data through internet and concern some

    books. After collection of data we make some observations and at the end we give

    some suggestions.

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    Contents Page #

    Introduction 06

    Organization Behavior 06

    Learning 07

    Different learning theories 08

    Classical Conditioning 09

    Operant Conditioning 10

    Social learning 14

    Shaping Behavior 19

    Conclusion 22

    References 23

    Questionnaire 24

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    Before coming towards the topic first we have a complete overview about the

    organizational behavior.

    Organization behavior is a field of study, meaning that it is a distinct area of

    expertise with a common body of knowledge.


    Organizational behavior also a field of study that investigates the impact that

    individuals, groups, and structure has on behavior within organizations, for the

    purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations

    effectiveness. It studies three determinants of behavior in organizations:

    individuals, groups and structure. In addition organization behavior applies the

    knowledge gained about individuals, groups and the effect of structure on behavior

    in order to make organizations work more effectively.

    After defining the organizational behavior, a question arises: what is learning? It is

    necessary to understand how people learn, if we want to explain and predict


    Learning is acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behavior, skills,

    values or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.

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    Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

    The above definition has three main components:

    1. Learning involves change

    2. Change must become ingrained (permanent)

    3. Some form of experience is necessary for learning

    The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals and some machines progress

    over time tends to follow learning curves.

    Learning Theories

    During the early part of the twentieth-century, a number of psychologists became

    increasingly interested in turning psychology into a more scientific endeavor. To

    be more scientific, they argued, psychology needed to study only those things that

    could be measured and quantified so different theories of learning are introduced.

    These theories are as follows.

    Classical Conditioning

    Operant Conditioning

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    Social Learning

    Shaping Behavior

    The impact of these theories of learning in any organization especially in a bank is

    checked in this report. It also describes that how learning helps the managers and

    employees to change their behavior and how they are reinforced through these


    Different Learning Theories

    1. Classical Conditioning TheoryClassical conditioning is a reflexive or automatic type of learning in which a

    stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by

    another stimulus.

    Classical conditioning (Pavlovian or respondent conditioning, Pavlovian

    reinforcement) is a form of conditioning that was first demonstrated by Ivan

    Pavlov (1927).


    The classical conditioning involved the salivary conditioning of Pavlov's dogs.

    When Pavlov presented the dog with a piece of meat, the dog exhibited a

    noticeable increase in salivation. Withheld the presentation of the meat and merely
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    rang a bell, the dog did not salivate. Then Pavlov proceeded to link the meat and

    the ringing of the bell. After repeatedly hearing the bell before getting the food, the

    dog began to salivate as soon as the bell rang. After a while the dog would salivate

    merely at the sound of the bell, even if no food was offered. In fact the dog had

    learned to respond- that is, to salivate- to the bell.

    During his research on the physiology of digestion in dogs, Pavlov noticed that:

    Unconditioned Stimulus:

    The meat is considered an unconditioned stimulus (UCS).

    Unconditioned Response:

    The dogs salivation is the unconditioned response (UCR).

    The bell is a neutral stimulus until the dog learns to associate the bell with food.

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    Conditioned Stimulus:

    Then the bell becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS).

    Conditioned Response:

    Conditioned Stimulus produces the conditioned response (CR) of salivation after

    repeated pairings between the bell and food.


    According to our findings in Standard Charter Bank the Classical theory of

    learning is not following as its original form. There are some actions in that

    organization which may attract us as a classical conditioning but these are not

    classical conditioning, these are just physiological effects of a personality.

    2. Operant Conditioning TheoryIt is volunteered behavior. The tendency to repeat this behavior is influenced by

    the reinforcement. People learn to behave to get something they want or to avoid

    something they do not want. The organization by keeping this concept in mind,

    applies the operant conditioning to get the desired behavior from their employees.

    Reinforcement actually strengthens a behavior and increase the likelihood that it

    will be repeated again and again.

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    The operant conditioning theory is implemented in the organizations worldwide.

    These are the words of the Indian billionaire Aneel Ambari that; There is no

    motivation tool than a monetary reward From that phrase the importance of

    reward or reinforcement becomes clear.

    Operant Theory in Standard Chartered Bank

    The standard Chartered Bank Management also follows that learning theory. They

    also use the monetary rewards and incentives for the motivation or self satisfaction

    of their employees. According to the Naeem Akhtar , the Branch Manager of

    Standard Chartered Bank Abdali Road Branch Multan We shape the Employee

    behavior with the help of reinforcement tactics by offering the employees rewards

    and incentives. He said that there is lack of persons who work voluntary hard and

    are much enthusiastic. The ones who have passion of work lower that passion

    when they same that they are working more than they on the same scale.

    Interval of Rewards

    The rewards in SCB are given on a fixed interval at the end of each calendar year.

    Here must be noted that time is fixed, not the rewards. The reward amount is

    changing depending upon the performance of employees.

    This fixed interval reinforcement is not working well in the organizations. There

    are two reasons behind this; first is the environment and culture in which

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    organization is very strict. One of the employee at SCB said that we are trained in

    that manner that if reward is not given in one year, our performance remains

    same. However when we asked about their satisfaction level in that condition,

    they said that it must be lower. So in that way their satisfaction affects their

    motivation level and when this would happen again and again then they must quit

    the job.

    The second reason is that the employees feel that the reward is their right.

    According to the policy of SCB reward is also given to that person who did not

    even achieve his target so the rest of the employees think that it is the part of their


    Conflict in Reward Programs

    The SCB gives the fixed year end reward to its employees but for the sales force

    the reward is given on quarterly basis. The employees in the branch are of the

    opinion that they must granted rewards on quarterly basis.


    According to our findings or analysis of employees interviews ,the desired

    behavior is achieved by the management by fixed interval schedule of

    reinforcement but this has a very rapid extinction. Once you stop giving reward,

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    the employee satisfaction level decreases which will lead to the lower motivation



    We recommended to the branch manager of SCB is that the reinforcement should

    be done by the variable interval or variable ratio. This may generate a moderate

    performance but the extinction of the employees is very slow. If reward is not

    given on one interval, the employee motivation or desired behavior remains the


    Scenario 1

    An office employee of SCB outlines his task on a whole year. He knows that

    reward is given at the end and he divides his task or target into whole year. He may

    go on leave for 15 days and then completes his task. This is less motivated and less


    Scenario 2

    A sales representative who receives reward on variable intervals, organize his work

    on daily basis. He always does his work up to date because the reward is given at

    any period of time thats why he remains prepare for the work whole year. This is

    most productive one.

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    3.Social learning:The social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the

    mostly influential theory of learning and development. While rooted in many of the

    basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct

    reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. His theory added a social

    element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching

    other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning

    can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors.

    According to just-released survey data from Hyunkyung Lee, a MASIE Fellow

    from South Korea, and 76.57% of some 781 global organizations are either

    currently using or planning to use social learning at some point in the future.

    It is wrong to analysis whether an organization is indulged in social learning or not,

    because social learning is a natural and continuous phenomenon, therefore it is

    obvious that an organizations employees are affecting by social environment.

    Here we need to analysis that whether an organizations employees social learning

    is positive or not (productive or not), e.g. if an employee starts to come late in

    office due to the reason that his/her colleague comes late, this would be a

    destructive learning. Therefore here we will analysis that STANDARD

    CHARTERED BANK social learning is positive or negative.

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    STANDARD CHARTERD BANK has 75000 employees all over the world out of

    which 45% are female employees because they believe that behind every

    successful man there is a women, and when both work together they learn more

    and more productive in their tasks. There observation level increases, they become

    more conscious about their performance and feel like a family which ultimately

    leads to productive social learning. The same belief we found in there branches

    located in Multan. There number of female employees is more than any other

    banks branches, so we can conclude that as STANDARD CHARTERD BANK has

    no discrimination in terms of gender therefore it is a positive step towards

    productive social learning.

    Conflict as the Primary Engine of Social Learning can be disturbing, painful, and

    destructive. Social learning occurs when an individual or group objects to the

    current state of affairs and proposes improvements. Conflicts arise when others

    disagree about the desirability of these proposed changes. The role of conflict

    processes is to determine which improvements should be accepted and which

    should be rejected. Strategies for dealing with conflict which present prevent this

    process also prevent learning. The process of constructive dispute can therefore be

    seen as a mechanism for facilitating social learning, rather than a strategy for

    preventing conflict.

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    In interviews with employees of STANDARD CHARTERD BANK they admitted

    that most of time our conflict arise among colleagues but we make these conflict

    productive and sit around the table and resolve our issues which helps in

    understanding each other.

    Manager of STANDARD CHARTERD BANK takes care of employees while they

    are working in hot weather and of other problems and remains in contact with

    them. This is true because when during interview one of our fellow while asking

    question used words your employees, the manager quarter and said not my

    employees but organizations employees. This reaction by the manager indicates

    that he is very concern about employees respect, which works as role model for

    employees and can cause social learning for employees.

    When we asked from manager that do employees come late he said no but one of

    the employees said he comes late most of time, actually it does not mean that

    manager encourages to be late, the reason we found that manager wants to hide the

    deficiencies of employees in front of third person while definitely he would have

    gotten angry on coming late to bank. These types of measures can increase

    confidence between manager and employees and can result employees loyalty

    towards the organization.

    Employees also involve in volunteering activities and large number of employee

    participates in such activities which show their concern towards social well fair.

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    Number of volunteers are increasing year by year which depicts that organization

    is influenced by positive (constructive) social learning, last year 450 employees

    from 9 cities volunteered in various philanthropic activities (beach cleaning, blood

    collection, painting the hospital s and giving lectures at schools) across the


    Therefore we can conclude that STANDARD CHARTERERD BANK is moving

    towards positive social learning.


    Ensure Social Learning is CONNECTED with your Business Goals.

    Just because it is a hot topic doesnt mean social learning is for everyone.

    As human resources professional your overwhelming concern is supporting

    your organizations business goals. Any effort that fails to do this is a waste

    of valuable resources. Therefore, if you are not extremely confident that

    your social learning strategy will help reach those goals, defer social

    learning and pursue another strategy that does. For example, if the goal of

    the organization is to grow revenue by 10% per year and the business

    strategy is to become the market share leader, increase client retention to

    95%, grow new clients by 15%, and increase customer satisfaction to 85%,

    then the social learning strategy you create must be-focused on delivering

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    learning experiences that improve sales performance and customer

    satisfaction. Anything else is a drain on resources and damages your

    credibility as a leader in the organization. Ask yourself what problem you

    are trying to fix with social learning and is there a clear line of sight to the

    target business goals.

    Know where Social Learning fits within your overall Learning


    STANDARD CHARTERD must follow 70%-20%-10% learning and

    development model that states:

    1. 70% of learning & development takes place from real-life and on-the-

    job experiences, tasks, and problem solving.

    2. 20% comes from feedback and from observing and working with role


    3. 10% of learning and development comes from formal training.

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    4.SHAPING BEHAVIORIt can be defined as follows:

    Systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to

    the desired response.

    We shape behavior by systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves

    the individual closer to the desired response. Reinforcement would increase as

    responses more closely approximated the desired behavior.


    There are four ways to shaping behavior


    Positive reinforcement

    2. Negative reinforcement

    3. Punishment

    4. Extinction

    These are defined as follows:

    Positive reinforcement

    Following a response with something pleasant is called positive reinforcement.

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    In SCB employees are granted fixed bonuses at the end of the calendar year. This

    will increase their motivation level as well as their satisfaction level.

    Negative reinforcement:

    Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is

    called negative reinforcement.


    If a college instructor ask a question to his student and he does not know the

    answer looking through your lecture notes is likely preclude your being called on.

    This is negative reinforcement because you have learned that looking busily

    through your notes prevents the instructor from calling on you.


    Punishment is causing an unpleasant condition in an attempt to eliminate an

    undesirable behavior.


    In SCB if an employee commits something wrong then he or she may faced a

    penalty and if the negligence is severe then the employee may be fired.

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    Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior is called



    Employee of the SCB told us that whenever the final year reward is not given their

    performance does not affect but there satisfaction level decrease which will

    ultimately lower their motivation level in future years.

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    Shaping behavior according to the organizations requirement is one of the

    important tasks of the management. There are some theories which will help the

    managers to train their staff according to the organization culture. But according to

    our findings in SCB we found that the managers are not aware about the theories

    very well. The main reason is that they just follow the instructions of their Head

    Office. For example according to the operant theory rewards must be paid on

    variable interval basis for getting higher performance but the management decided

    to give fixed rewards at the end of each year. Our recommendation is that the

    reward must be given on variable interval basis and lower management must also

    involve in the decision making process.

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    Naeem akhtar

    Branch manager SCB

    Amara nosheen

    Sales officer

    M. Imran

    Trainiee Officer

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    Questionnaire for the manager

    Q.No.1 Which type of problem are you facing regarding behavior?

    Q.No.2 What are the criteria for the reward granting?

    Q.No.3 What is your opinion about the concept that employees working are related to the

    reward given to the employees?

    Q.No.4 Have you observe any changes in the employees working behavior after the training of

    the employees?

    Q.No.5 What are the expectations of the employees from the organization?

    Q.No.6 Are bonuses and other rewards given after the fixed interval or variable interval?

    Q.No.7 Are you use the some type of punishment to increase the employees working or not. If

    yes, then off which type?

    Q.No.8 Are the employees work attitude change with your presence or absence in the office?

    Q.No.9 What you think that your any motivation step retain in the minds of the employees or


    Q.No.10 Are the working of your employees is related to working environment or not?

    Q.No.11 Are your employees follow up another employee in any matter or not. If someone

    comes late the others follow him or not?

    Q.No.12 Are your employees satisfy with job or not?

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    Q.No.13 Are they their self always ready to do work or ready to achieve any task?

    Q.No.14 Are you give any type of reward to self motivated person?

    Q.No.15 Have you ever faced the moment that you give a task to your employees and he

    neglect it. If neglect, then how you tackle it?

    Q.No.16 Have you ever sent your employees forcefully on leave?

    Q.No.17 Are you monitoring the employees working on daily basis?

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    Questionnaire for the Employees

    Q.No.1 Which type of problem are you facing from your boss?

    Q.No.2 Do you satisfy with the criteria for reward granting?

    Q.No.3 Employees working are related to the reward given to the employees? Are you agreeing

    with this statement?

    Q.No.4 Are you observe any changing in your working behavior after the training?

    Q.No.5 What are your expectations from the organization?

    Q.No.6 Are bonuses and other rewards given after the fixed interval or after variable intervals

    to you and your colleagues?

    Q.No.7 Are you bearing the some type of the punishment to increase your working or not. If

    yes, then off which type?

    Q.No.8 Are you showing extra attention when your boss come to the office or not? Is this

    attention is for the respect or as a duty?

    Q.No.9 What you think that any motivation step taken from your manager has some effect on

    your performance and how much it retain in your minds or not retain?

    Q.No.10 What you think that the working of you and your colleagues is related to the working

    environment of the organization/

    Q.No.11 Are you satisfy with the job or not? Is your salary is the response of your working?

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    Q.No.12 Are your thinking and working is associated with your other colleagues or not?

    Q.No.13 How much are you willing to work voluntary with the the organization? Are you

    accept the challenges or not/

    Q.No.14 Are you given any type of reward for voluntary work?Are you given any extra benefit

    for the working late at night?

    Q.No.15 Have you ever neglects any task given by your boss or not?

    Q.No.16 Have you ever been sent forcefully on leave due to any mistake?

    Q.No.17 Are your working is checked on daily basis by your manager?

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