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Branding Strategy of Samsung Electronics

Interbrand, the worlds leading brand consultant has ranked Samsung as the fastest growing brand in the world. For any new company, when it enters the market, there are two options to stimulate the growth; intensive advertising campaign, and offer products with unique functions. Samsung opted for both, but tilted more towards advertising and brand making strategy-creating awareness of its name by investing enormously in million-dollar brand making campaigns. One problem with older companies is that they often portray their product as commodity and normally sell their products only on the basis of brand without improving their quality and lowering their price.Samsung worked on all directions, it not only invested hugely in brand creation campaigns worldwide ($3billion marketing budget per year), while it also remained ahead of the market by introducing innovation. In order to create a different image, Samsung decided to position itself by developing innovative products and become leader rather than a follower.The reason for this success is Samsungs holistic approach to develop several strategies for different regions, but guided by one unified Samsung brand image building strategy. The branding strategy started in 1996 by its Chairman Kun Lee, whose aim was to launch a coordinated global program to make Samsung an international brand. Over the last one decade Samsung has been busy in executing its comprehensive brand building strategy. Samsung annual investment in branding and marketing is about US$3.5 billion, which has been spent to increase its brand awareness around the world. Samsung the approach is holistic reaching the world customer. It created its branding in multiple ways, ranging from traditional adds to billboards, racing, Olympics games, cricket matches, marathons, in short wherever it saw the crowd, it communicated Samsung message by presenting itself as a leader of innovation with affordable price.

Brand Equity of Samsung Electronics

In Smartphone Industry, brand equity strategies are one of the most important marketing tools to increase customer base because manufacturers differentiate them based on brand equity. The competitiveness of Smartphone market in Thailand is contending fiercely because the features and attributes of all Smartphones resemble in the consumer market. Therefore, it is very difficult for consumers to distinguish between products due to the variety and accessibility. To capture higher market share and consumer loyalty, the manufacturers should focus on branding strategies and marketing campaigns of the product to get success in their industries. Especially Smartphone manufacturers, those are introducing their products in Thailand market have to compete with international brand like iPhone, Samsung and national brand such as G-net, I-mobile. In such a situation, consumer loyalty played a vital role in generating revenues and increasing brand equity. In this study, we selected Samsung Smartphone brand because Samsung launched its Smartphones with intensive and energetic marketing campaigns in Thailand market. The research was aimed to explore the distinctive aspects of brand equity, which compose on brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality and country of origin. It also analyzed the influence of these dimensions on brand loyalty of Samsung Smartphone. Simultaneously, from investment perceptive in Thailand this study could guide investors and managers about the crucial aspects to generate revenues based on brand equity dimensions. From consumer aspects, brand equity is the value of the business and expectations of consumers to the organization, products and services, including the experience of communication and awareness of the brand. Brand equity management can be measured by brand loyalty or willingness to pay higher prices. Thus, manufacturers have to create brand loyalty in mind of the consumer by building a strong brand which consists of developing the product features and makes a difference until it protects the brand and attract consumers. Prior research on consumer perspective, such as Aaker concluded that brand equity could be measured by five dimensions which consist of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand assets and brand loyalty. On the contrary presented the concept of (CBBE) customer base brand equity that measured value of the brand from consumer perceptions. It is a guideline for analyzing the behavior of consumers towards the brand and to create marketing programs that are associated with the brand. The brand knowledge is the important key to build customer base brand equity and can be divided into two components: brand awareness and brand image which exits in the customer memory. Meanwhile, brand awareness consists recall and recognition. Brand image can be divided based on three characteristics which are product related attributes, non-product related attributes and benefits. The product-related attribute represents the physical and functional attributes. On the contrary, non-product related attribute are mentioned as marketing mix which includes price information, packaging or product, user imagery and usage imagery (Keller, 1993). The benefit characteristic specifies the outcome of consumer after using or purchasing that product or service. Benefits are further divided into functional, experiential and symbolic benefits. The linking of the attitude describes the overall assessment of the consumer to the brand arising from a link on the features and benefits expected to be received from a brand. Based on psychological and reliability availability to consumer of different culture, brand equity is measured by means of four dimensions which are brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand associations. Yoo & Donthu, (2001) concluded that in different cultures, brand equity-related marketing strategies need to focus more on different dimensions of brand equity for the greater loyal customer base. Moreover, Kim, H. b., Kim, & WG (2005) concluded that brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand image is a key component of brand equity in the consumer mind which has a positive relationship with the firms performance. In the restaurant industry, brand image and brand loyalty are a key factor in building brand equity and in the hotel industry, perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image are a key factor for brand equity. Thus, each dimension has its own characteristics which affect the behavior of the consumers. In a manufacturing industry, Taylor, Celuch & Goodwin (2004) conducted a study on the importance of brand equity to brand loyalty. The result suggested that brand equity, reliability and trust are the first important factors before the behavior and attitude of customer loyalty.

Brand Awareness In general, the consumers began from an unknown brand until sales-representatives communicate to consumers about the product/service which result in knowing and when they often hear the brand name. Thus, consumer began to recognize and remember the first brand name. Aaker and Keller have mentioned brand awareness into two parts: brand recall and brand recognition. The brand awareness is a component of knowledge about the brand as well as about its services. On the other hand brand awareness concept of the buyer's ability to recognize and recall the brand of the product. The main goal of the brand management strategy is to develop and maintain brand awareness because it influences the decisions of consumers and affect the business value. Thus, by using this approach, consumers should be able to recognize the brand and the brand is considering the purchase. The selection of brand consists on the remembering and recognizing the brand name. Moreover, brand awareness is linked to the brand strength in the minds of consumers, which provide firms with a brand value that can be used in future to attract and promote products or services (Kim & Kim, 2005). Based on previous research, we extract top of mind, unaided brand recall and brand recognition variables because they measure brand awareness from a consumer perspective. These measures predict the behavioral aspect of the consumer based on brand recall and brand recognition.

Brand image Brand image is a set of brand association. Brand association is the image of the brand come from the perception of consumers about the brand that links in the memory of consumers. The association has come from all forms and it affects the features of the product. Positive brand image is created by marketing programs that are associated with strength of brand association, favorability of brand association and uniqueness of brand association. According to Chen (2001) association with the brand can be divided into three aspects. Firstly, attributes association described the characteristics of the goods or services and these attributes can be divided into the product related and the non-product related. The product related represents the physical features and functions and features. The non-product related represents the price, packaging, user imagery and usage imagery. Secondly, benefits association described the consumer can get benefits from the using of goods. It can be divided to the functional benefits, experiential benefits and symbolic benefits. Thirdly, attitudes association described the overall assessment of the consumers towards the brand as a result of a link on the attributes and benefits that would expect from the brand. Thus, brand association means the many things that are associated with the memory of the brand which would have increased from frequency of brand awareness (Yoo & Donthu, 2001). So, linking the image of the brand is clearly reflected in the increased value priced over competitors (Debra Grace & Aron OCass, 2002). Based on previous research, consumer perception about brand image was predicted by product-related attributes, benefits and attitudes of consumers towards that product or service.

Perceived QualityPerceived quality is the overall performance of the product. The perceived quality is the ability to perceive the features of the product which build consumer satisfaction and used as the criteria for decision making process to purchase products or services. The perceived quality comes from the decision of the consumer about the brand in terms of physical characteristics of the product such as no errors, have a permanent and no defects. Moreover, the brand name is created to reflect familiarity with the product quality and associated with the value, utility and confidence in the quality. According to Baldauf, Cravens, & Binder perceived quality is evaluated about the product for varied individual consumers that according to their satisfaction. The perceived quality is used as a key factor by many firms to create their competitive advantage in their relative industry. So, Keller (1993) concluded some features on which perceived quality can be measured which consists of performances, conformance quality, reliability, durability, serviceability and style and design.

Brand LoyaltyIn general, brand loyalty means the repeat purchase of a product or service based on consumer satisfaction. Brand loyalty is a major factor in increasing the market share of a firm because when consumers are loyal to the brand they purchase and promote that specific brand which results in higher market growth and profitability. As Schiffman & Kanuk (2004) defined that brand loyalty represents a commitment of the consumer to the brand which makes it as an intangible asset that reflects the company's price of the product or service. With respect to brand equity, loyalty played an important role because higher loyalty increases consumer satisfaction, feeling towards the brand and repurchase. Meanwhile, Aaker (1991) explained that brand loyalty dimension is different from the other dimensions of brand equity because of brand loyalty is linked to the usage experience.

Samsungs Brand Architecture

Samsung Electronics highrankingat number 25 on the list doesnt mean it has the competition beat. Sony came in at 20, a position it has basically owned for the last three years (21 in2002, 20 in2001). But Samsungs upward rise from 42 in 2001 to 34 in 2002 to its present position at 25 indicates that the brand has gathered momentum against its competition. The whole possibility would have seemed unlikely to many observers just five or six years ago. At that time, Samsung was seen as a low-quality brand in a tough consumer electronic industry (Korean companies in general were associated with corporate scandal and Asia was in a financial Today the brands parent company, Samsung Group, is the number one business group in South Korea edging out Hyundai Group. Total sales for 2002 were reported at won 146,052 billion (US$ 116.8B; 110.4B). Founded in 1938, thechaebolnow comprises 14 listed companies, including divisions in credit cards, chemicals and securities.But it is Samsung's electronics' arm that is perhaps most visible to the public with consumer products like flat-screen TVs, mobile phones and microwave ovens. Less visible to the public, but comprising a large part of Samsungs revenue, is its manufacture of semiconductor chips, a highly cyclical industry. As the worlds top memory chip maker, Samsung hit a bump when chip prices fell in the second quarter of this year, down 41 percent from the first half of last year. However, analysts expect profits to increase as sales of computers rise in the second half of 2003. (Memory chips are used to store data in equipment such as computers, digital TVs, digital cameras, and MPR3 players; Samsungs dominance in this field is not to be confused with Intel Corporation's success as the worlds largest producer of microprocessors.)As South Koreas top electronics company, Samsung Electronics is the third largest electronics maker in the world behind number one Sony and number two Matsushita which counts Panasonic, Quasar, Technics, and JVC in its brand portfolio. Both Sony and Matsushita are Japanese behemoths with over 50 years of experience in the global market.In spite of its strong position globally, whats extraordinary about Samsung Electronics is the way it has managed to reinvent itself as a brand of quality despite decades of consumer perception that it manufactured low-end, cheap knockoffs. Today, consumers appear to take Samsung seriously as a quality brand of VCRs and TVs, and even consider it a superior brand in areas like mobile phones where it competes with Nokia, Motorola and Sony-Ericsson.Director of Brand Valuation at Interbrand Jan Lindemann observes that Samsung is changing popular perceptions: In different markets, Samsung is moving up more on the premium side. For instance, they used to produce -- a couple of years ago -- middle of the range [mobile phones], now in many markets around the world [they] focus on the premium high-end phones. They tend to be among the most expensive ones you can buy in most cases.Samsungs real estate is improving as well. By moving its product from budget stores like Wal-Mart to more specialized retailers like Best Buy, the brand is better showcased as a quality brand.Certainly making a more appealing quality product is one way to change perception, but Samsung has coupled this with a consistent and highly visible marketing and PR effort across many channels of communication. Kyung Suh, a manager at Samsung, cites what he refers to as a holistic brand campaign strategy to reposition the brand in consumers minds.Corresponding by email, Suh cites Samsungs commitment to a single global advertising agency, which allows it to control consistency and continuity in its communications across all markets. The brand owners have also made good use of Internet advertising on heavily visited sites, sponsorship and product placement in movies such as theThe Matrix: Reloaded, and sponsorship of popular sporting events such as the Olympics. The attention to entertainment marketing is seen as a way to enhance brand familiarity. Lindemann thinks its working. [Samsung] has marketed itself much more efficiently. They are reaping the benefits of having set up a proper global marketing organization, he says. All those years theyve spent much more and the visibility of Samsung is much bigger now. Two years ago they sponsored the Sydney Olympics; they are in the movies. All those things help to push the brand forward. Samsung intends to concentrate on maximizing sponsorship of the Olympics in Athens 2004 to continue the global association with popular quality events.The brand management end, Samsung took the now standard approach for any successful global company of mapping out a platform to determine what the Samsung brand stands for; this information is used to arrive at target segments, positioning, and brand architecture. Suh suggests that the primary reliance of the Samsung masterbrand will come under scrutiny in the next year while the company looks at the feasibility of introducing sub-brands.Perceptions do not change overnight and consumer electronics products are easily copied and quickly commoditized. But it is the combination of these factors that makes Samsung a formidable opponent. Just five years ago, it would have been laughable to suggest that Samsung might pose a threat to huge brands like Sony. Even now, although Samsung may be a stronger name in certain product ranges or regions of the world, it still faces strong competition (which differs depending on business area).Sony, for instance, has done an extraordinary job of image management overall. Even though some analysts wonder if Sony is not overstretching its brand, the size and scope of its brand management work is extremely strong by any standard. The company, however, sees its broad range of businesses as a competitive factor in its edge over its equally broad range of competitors.A spokesperson for Sony, commenting by email, says that Sonys unique position as a global media and technology company is that it can create new product categories through the convergence of our different businesses. PSX, which has yet to be released, was used as an example. This souped-up version of the PlayStation 2 offers games, DVD, TIVO, and CD/DVD burning capabilities as well as the ability to download media from the Web and access content from Sony's memory sticks. In this manner, Sony aims to integrate its game and electronics technology to compete at a different level than the competition.Sony can also throw its weight around by creating unique products and accessories that are not interchangeable with non-Sony equipment. For instance, connectors for DC power or signal transfers are created as proprietary plug types forcing the consumer to buy Sony cables. Aftermarket AC adapters are difficult to locate for Sony products because the company creates its own standard rather than merely manufacturing equipment that could use any of the five universal tip sizes available. Strategic brilliance? Perhaps if there is no competition, but with other reliable brands offering alternatives, the practice could turn risky if consumers get fed up with being forced to buy overpriced Sony accessories that are generally considered commodity components. Sony will have to work harder as reliable alternatives like Samsung become more prevalent.Samsung clearly has its eyes on Sonys top position. According to Suh, the goal for the next five years is to position Samsung as a company that is leading the digital convergence revolution and to fortify leadership position in key business areas such as flat panel TVs, monitors, mobile phones and semi conductors.

Brand Positioning of Samsung Electronics

Product CategoriesThe product categories of Samsung are as follows Mobile phones Tablets TV/Audio/Video Camera Home Appliances PC/Peripherals Memory cardsProduct CategoryMarket ShareMarket size(units)

Mobile phones21%86.6 million

Tablets9.90%4.4 million

TV/Audio/Video30%39 million

Camera15%129 million

Home Appliances24%1.7 mil +7 lakh

PC/Peripherals8%1.9 million

Memory cards42.40%

Role of Samsung in Each Product CategoryMobileIn the mobile phone category, Samsung has made sure to have a lengthy extension of its products starting from basic phones to the most advanced smartphones. In India the brand equity of Samsung is very high. About a decade back what was once dominated by the Nokia and Motorola have now been captured by Samsung. The brand ambassador for the company is Aamir Khan known for his integrity in the Bollywood industry. Amir Khan mainly promoted the hero series of mid-range phones.Later in 2009 Samsung launched its corby series which was believed to take the mobile phone market to a whole new level. Affordable cost multimedia combined with the mobile internet made customers go crazy after the product. The positioning of the corby series was perfectly made by targeting the youth segment of the country, which constituted more than half of the target group in the mobile phone segment. Instant updates on facebook and affordable touch screen phones added further value to the phones.In 2010 Samsung further raised the bar by introducing the galaxy series which took Samsung to higher end segment which was enjoyed only by APPLE. Ads were made targeting the customers of Apple. Most of the ads implicitly instigated customers to move from apple to Samsung. Samsung promised better feature at a lower cost.

TelevisionIn 2009, Samsung sold around 31 million flat-panel televisions, enabling to maintain the world's largest market share for a fourth consecutive year. In early 2010, the company had set the year's sales goal at 39 million units (including 10 million LED televisions). In March 2009, Samsung launched the "Finger-Slim" super-slim LED television. In 2009, the product sold around two million units. The company has led the flat-panel television market for the past five years with the 2006 introduction of its "Bordeaux" line, followed by the 2007 Bordeaux model, the 2008 "Crystal Rose" line, and the "Finger-Slim" in 2009. The company retained the leading position by successfully selling more than 1 million 3D televisions as of August 2010. Samsung launched its first full HD 3D LED television March 2010. Samsung had showcased the product at the 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2010) held in Las Vegas.Samsung sold more than one million 3D televisions within six months of its launch. This is the figure close to what many market researchers forecast for the year's worldwide 3D television sales (1.23 million units). It also debuted the 3D Home Theater (HT-C6950W) that allows the user to enjoy 3D image and surround sound at the same time. With the launch of 3D Home Theater, Samsung became the first company in the industry to have the full line of 3D offerings, including 3D television, 3D Blu-ray play, 3D content, and 3D glasses.Smart televisionsIn 2007, Samsung introduced the Internet TV, enabling the viewer to receive information from the Internet while at the same time watching conventional television programming. Samsung later developed "Smart LED TV", (now renamed to "Samsung Smart TV") which additionally supports downloaded apps. In 2008, the company launched the Power Infolink service, followed in 2009 by a whole new Internet@TV. In 2010, it started marketing the 3D television while unveiling the upgraded Internet@TV 2010, which offers free (or for-fee) download of applications from its Samsung Apps store, in addition to existing services such as news, weather, stock market, YouTube videos, and movies. Samsung Apps offers for-fee premium services in a few countries including Korea and the United States. The services will be custom-tailored for each region. Samsung plans to offer family-oriented applications such as health care programs and digital picture frames as well as games.

CameraAfter having successfully captured the mobile phone industry in India, Samsungs next big plan is to become the market leader in the camera segment. The market was valued at Rs 17.5 billion during the fiscal year 2010 and is expected to attain a CAGR of 43% to reach Rs 104.6 billion by 2015. There prevails a cut throat competition between the major players which includes Sony, Nikon, Kodak, Canon and more recently Samsung. The strategies followed in marketing the cameras sound similar to the strategies followed by Samsung in the mobile industry about a decade back. They have entered the industry by releasing 12 new digital cameras at the lower end which starts at Rs. 5000. They have understood the fact that 80% of the sales come from under Rs 10,000 segment. The high feature rich and affordable pricing makes Samsung products desirable. With the brand loyalty created by home appliances and mobile phones, Samsung was able to efficiently leverage on its secondary associations. Samsung took enough measures to understand the brand feelings among the customers. They efficiently differentiated its brand association between its lower end segment and the higher end segment. The lower end segment cameras were positioned among the middle class and upper middle class families. The emotion in the families was captured in the ads. On the other hand the higher end SLR cameras were positioned among the professionals and youth segment.

Laptop/PCSamsungs entry into PC segment began by launching monitors. This was a huge success and even today many people prefer having a Samsung LCD monitor. But their entry into laptop segment was a bit late. Moreover their market share is also less. This clearly shows that Samsung has identified its key strength and decided to concentrate only on those rather than focussing in every segment.

TabletSamsung with the launch of Galaxy Tab series of tablets compete against the much stronger Apples I pad. But Samsungs tablets run on Android platform and the prices are also quite low when compared to its competitors. Samsung would definitely come up with further new innovations in this field as Microsoft has also entered the market with its launch of tablets which would further increase the rivalry. Home AppliancesSamsung is also a leading manufacturer of many home appliances. Among them it leads in the microwave segment where there are no stiff competitions. Refrigerators and Washing machines are manufactured by Samsung. TV/Video/audio players Samsung has become the company with the highest sales of TVs . They were the first to introduce 3D Led tvs .They have always had a head to head competition with sony in the TV segment. In the past few years Samsung has managed to become the leading producers of TV. Their possession of Samsung chip has also enabled them to come up with innovative products like the smart tv in response to sonys internet tv . They have been successful in integrating technology with electronics thus becoming the market leaders . they also have the advantage of manufacturing their TVS in their own factory while sony outsources the manufacturingPoints of parity : Both sony and Samsung give importance to innovation and picture quality . both had a tough competition introducing slim/ultraslim Tvs .sony introduced internet TV , while Samsung introduced smart TV . Samsung also introduced 3D LED TV.Points of differentiation : Samsung has 3 points of differentiation .First one was it tried to create an emotional connect with the Indian families. They wanted to project the TV as a member of family through advertisements that spoke about naming the TV . This campaign was specially developed for Indian audience because TV was considered to be integral part of every Indian middle class family.Another point of differentiation was providing more value for the money they pay . The third point of differentiation was design . their ad campaigns had tag lines like design that performs , dikhayiye acha , dikhiye aur bhi acha

Overall positioning: better quality and design , innovative features value for money , integral part of family Home appliances: Samsung has a variety of products under home appliances category . They include air conditioners, microwave oven , refridgerators ,washing machine , vacuum cleaners , etc . In india Samsung has tough competition from another south Korean company LG. Points of parity: There are a lot of pops between Samsung and LG . Both concentrated on innovation and brought new technologies. LG bought innovation in the form of side by side door fridge , automatic doors for fridge ,health guard in AC , tallest cooler in fridge .while Samsung imtroduced innovation like s series compressor in AC,Digital inverted compressor that keeps food fresh for 7 days ,uniform cooling , FRUNCH new sound of freshness , bubble generator in washing machine ,biosleep :-ac sets temperature according to body temperature.Both concentrated on healthy lifestyle.LG s tag line itself is lifes good . while Samsung concentrates on keeping food fresh , pure air from ac , protection of soft clothes and other product benefits .Points of differentiation: Samsung has a brand ambassador for its home appliances segment whereas LG doesnt have a brand ambassador . samsungs brand ambassador is priyanka chopra . having such a popular personality as a brand ambassador helps in keeping the brand in peoples memory .samsung also develops appliances specifically for Indian market . they have ACS designed specifically for Indian summer .washing machine that protects soft clothes like Indian cotton ,silk etc and also removes toughest of stains .microwave ovens campaign says way to his heart is through his stomach .The most important differentiation is that samsungs appliances are energy efficient and runs on less power hence gives 20% percent savings in electricity bill . This is specifically for india where Indian middle class segment is very much concerned about growing electricity bills .

Overall positioning: Healthy living , innovative product features , energy efficient hence cost savingCameras: Samsung is not a very big player in cameras segment buut still its a popular brand. it has got tough competition from canon and sony. Cameras segment include handy cam, digital cameras . Points of parity: Product features and innovation like super zoom , 270 degree wide angle shots in sony. Better picture quality in canon . dual view and multi view cameras from SamsungPoints of differentiation: There is not many pods in this segment . all the companys are focused only on increasing the product features and innovation and samsung too does the same.Mobile phones: Samsung is one of the highest sellers of smart phones .it has a tough competition with apple. There is a tough competition between apples iphone and samsungs galaxy. In India Samsung has tough competition with nokia . it has also raced ahead of Nokia. They used the possession of their own chip to their advantage and bought about lot of innovation Points of parity: Product features and innovation is a major point of parity.Nokia focuses on features like music player. And also on emotional connect with family , which Samsung does it with the guru phone . while apple focuses on innovation which Samsung does it with corby and galaxy phonePoints of differentiation: Samsungs main point of differentiation is more features and better features for the money that you pay . they have the tag line sab kuch behtar hai for Samsung guru .they have aamir khan as their brand ambassador because his personality and image of a reliable superstar who can perform a variety of roles to perfection matches samsungs personality and positioning. Samsung guru was introduced as a competition to nokias 1100. It positions itself having better features than other lower end phones. They also used innovation as a point of differentiation, they were the first movers in smart phone segment in India by introducing corby and galaxy .Overall positioning: Better and innovative product features , value for money , affordable luxury

Laptops: Samsung is an emerging player in laptops . Though it has its own chip , it uses intel chip in its laptop to be on par with the competitors . it has competition from dell and hpPoints of Parity: The major points of parity is performance and style . Points of difference: Samsung laptops focus more on some basic needs of customer like light weightedness , longer battery life , safety in the form of spill proof keyboard , brighter screen Overall positioning: Samsung laptops have a better version of the consumers basic expectations from a laptop

Overall brand positioning of samsung All samsung products focus a lot on product benefits and features . They want to provide a variety of benefits and features from a single product Most important feature is the integration and use of technology in delivering the necessary value Innovation is also a key criteria . All samsung products focus on value for money . one of their positioning is that of getting more than what you pay for . They also position themselves as better providers of the points of parity than their competitors

Positioning Statement of Samsung For every person who wants to get the maximum value for the price that they pay . The samsung electronics is an electronics firm that provides electronic goods that satisfy all your explicit and implicit needs more than your expectations . Unlike other electronic firms , our products are innovative , at the same time provides maximum value . on the whole its affordable luxury . ConclusionThe brand associations collated, it was observed that most of the consumer insights were touching upon the following dimensions of the brand: innovation, market leadership, design, performance, reliability and affordability. After many deliberations the group arrived at Innovation with Value as the key insight. The value factor adds significance to the innovation by creating solutions for the consumer and sales and revenue for the company. The key insight is validated even when tested with Brand Key elements as it goes hand in hand with the Brand Essence.1. Competitive Environment2. Target3. Consumer Insights4. Benefits5. Values and Personality6. Reasons to believe7. Discriminator8. Brand essence

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