final monkey frog project

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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  • 1. Giant Waxy Monkey FrogPhyllomedusa bicolor

2. Background of Frogs
They originated during the Carboniferous Era
340 million years ago
There are now 6,150 known species of Frogs
3. Morphology
Males 91-103 mm
Females 111-119 mm
The dorsum and sides of the head are green; the flanks and hidden surfaces of the thighs are reddish brown with cream spots bordered by black. The throat, chest, and ventral surfaces of the limbs are gray. The iris is silvery gray.
4. Dorsal
Legs-used for crawling not hopping
5. Habitat
Found in Brazilian rainforest all the way to the Peruvian rainforest
Lives in tropical climates
Can be found at altitudes from 0-372 meters
Live on land most of their life, but return to water in order to breed
6. Taxonomy
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Hylidae
Genus: Phyllomedusa
Species: Phyllomedusa bicolor
7. Method of Reproduction
Breed during the rainy season
Males croke in order to attract females
Mate in water, not on land
Proof of a sexual barrier i.e. behavioral isolation-males crocking in order to attract female
8. Reproduction
They will make nest that hangs above water
When eggs hatch they will fall into the water in order to continue their development
Due to high mortality rates female Giant Waxy Monkey Frogs lay up to 700 eggs
9. Development-Larval Stage
After hatching from egg, frog is in larval stage
They are aquatic herbivores with gills
Later line system resembling aquatic vertebrates
10. Development-Metamorphosis
During this stage the larval develops: legs, lungs, external eardrums and digestive system which then enables it to become carnivorous
Gills then disappear due to the development of lungs
11. Food Consumption
The diet of the giant waxy monkey frog consists of:
fruit flies, termites, springtails, beetle larvae, lesser wax worms, parasitic wasps, and very small pinhead crickets
12. Digestion
Digestion begins in frogs mouth
Mouth has teeth, only on the upper jaw which are minimally used
Tongue is highly specialized, by being folded back it can therefore flick its tongue out in order to catch prey
Tip of tongue is sticky
13. Digestion-continued
Food passes from the frog's mouth into the stomach by way of the esophagus
food moves into the small intestine where most of the digestion occurs
Large digestive glands, the liver and the pancreas, are attached to the digestive system by ducts
Liquid wastes from the kidneys travel by way of the ureters to the urinary bladder. Solid wastes from the large intestine pass into the cloaca
14. Frog Interior Diagram
15. Nervous System
Highly developed nervous system
Consists of a brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Medulla regulates automatic functions such as digestion and respiration.
Body posture and muscular coordination are controlled by the cerebellum. The cerebrum is very small in the frog.
Only 10 cranial nerves originate in the frog's brain
Humans have 12 cranial nerves
16. Here one can see where the nerves originate from the brain and travel throughout the entire body
17. Threats to them today
Due to:
Spread of fungal pathogen
Habitat loss
Climate change
This species is at risk of extinction.
18. Works Cited

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