final film propsal

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Final Film Proposal.

Film title ideas

Problems The Problem with Society The Affected Affected Scarred

Our final idea for our film title is ‘Affected’ as our feedback shows the audience feel as ‘Affected’ is most interesting.

Choice of genre

We chose ‘Social realism’ as our genre. This is because we asked our target audience and they decided for us that the best genre is ‘Social realism’ because as they are teenagers they are able to relate to the characters stories. Our group also thought this would be best genre as we will be able to make it look professional as it is based on people at our age, so we would be able connect with the characters. Also we could make it look more professional rather than horror because we are able to get the equipment whereas with horror we are unable to make it realistic.


We based our film to teenager girls(13-19), this is because we feel as girls will be able to connect more with the characters rather then boys will, this is because they have a softer part inside them rather then a boy and would feel more hurt after the film. Whereas boys would not take the story serious.

Final Plot

Our final plot, we needed 3 different storylines for 3 different characters as our audience target thought it would be best to base it on more than one character. We decided that the three storylines would be: a character being bullied, a character who is going through an eating disorder and the last one is a character who trying to commit suicide.

Summary Opening two Minutes

In our 2 minute opening scene we are going to make sure the audience  know what our genre is, which is social realism: we thought that we would be able to make the film look professional as it would be based on teenagers. We decided to base the story line of 3 main characters, where one character is bullied, another character has an eating disorder and the third character is suicidal.

 In our opening scene the audience will find out little parts of the three characters. The first character you will meet will be the character which is getting bullied, the film will only show her getting bullied over the internet will horrible messages. The second character will be the one committing suicide, the part you will see is her trying to jump off a high building however her little brother stops her. The final character would be the one with the eating disorder, all you will see of her is her throwing her dinner in the bin. Finally, you will see all the characters in a meeting which is there to help them with their problems.

In the opening it will include: opening billing; such as the characters names, who is the producer, director, editor and camera person.

Character List

Eating Disorder – Hafsah Zaman

Suicide – Rakha Tewany and Harv Wilkhu

Bullying – Zeba Zaman

Locations Eating Disorder – In a house, in the kitchen of

the house as it shows her throwing away food. Suicide – Based on top of a high building such

as the Library in town, as it makes the audience feel the character is going to jump of the building so builds up the tension.

Bullying – In a house, based filming on a laptop, as it shows the character getting bullied over the internet (cyber-bullying)

The making of these decisions

We decided on these decisions as we got help from our target audience. Our target audience was help to us when we were planning because they responded on what they would enjoy best to watch and what interests them the most. However our group also helped on the planning because we worked together and thought about what sounded best, and what would attract the most amount of people. We thought of it as if it was in the cinemas would we watch it.

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