filming session #2

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Alex Vernon



Panoramic Pan Shot

Too begin with, we had to locate to Reigate Avenue Recreation Ground. In this scene, the shot that we captured will be the very first displayed within our opening sequence. It will give the audience the sense of the location where the murder event was first captured. Furthermore, the scene will occur within the daytime because it won’t follow the traditional rule of a thriller where its usually implemented at night-time. In addition, this can be an act of an establishing shot since the audience will be introduced to a new location.

This shot was captured by placing the camera on a tripod which would create a more balanced shot, without looking to similar to a handheld shot. We further met our criteria in relation to our storyboard by using a pan shot which travelled from the far right to the far left which created the emphasized how empty our location and atmosphere were.

Finally, this was completed because it would allow us to connect to the audience as they most likely have similar locations close to them. As well as the events in the opening sequence being relatable as it could happen to them at any point in time. Moreover, this makes the aspects seem more realistic.

Close-up, High Angle Shot of Prop Blood

Within this shot, we implemented the use of our fake prop blood then poured it onto the grass where our actor laid as if they were actually dead. Once the blood was in the correct position, Nathan directed our actor to be placed in the most suitable spot. We then proceeded to take the shot whilst the camera was set up on the tripod. Moreover, we linked up a close up of the actor an blood as well so it was clearly portrayed across to our target audience.

By having both of these shots it allowed the audience to see everything in high amounts of detail. This will further create tension which is a typical convention for the Thriller genre as the audience will be unaware of who the person is in relation to the story, who killed him and why. By leading our audience to this path it can initiate a cliffhanger.

When improving this shot to make it seem more important within the editing stage we will highlight the blood by creating a richer color, contrast and saturation, as well as creating an effect similar to high-key lighting. Therefore allowing it to stand out more in the eyes of our consumers. The disadvantages of filming in this location with this prop was that the grass proceeded to absorb the blood which made it less visible.

Another improvement that we could make is that if we decide to re-film this footage, we can simply show the blood on the characters face which will make it more believable for the audience. As well as incorporating a prop weapon which may have killed him.

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