film openings

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Types of Film OpeningsRyan Pather

Discrete Opening

✤ A discrete film opening is when the opening is completely separate from the film but still gives you information about it. The film “Se7en” uses a discrete opening, we are shown heavily edited footage of someone preparing for something. We notice things like the word “God” cut out of the note, this tells us religion is likely to be the basis of this film.

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Narrative Opening

✤ A narrative opening is part of the film and introduces the key elements that feature in the film. The film “Panic Room” used a narrative opening, it introduce the location, the setting and the main characters, this gives the audience just enough so they want to watch on.

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Credits over a blank screen Opening✤ This, simply put, is

when people who were involved in the picture (Director, Production companies etc.) are shown as text blocks on a blank screen. However you can still get ideas about the film from the font and music used. For example in “Dead Calm” It uses bold, red, sharp edged font, this gives the idea that blood may be shed and the music creates suspense.

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Stylized Opening

✤ A stylized opening used heavy editing to emulate the what the movie is based on. In the case of “The Taking of Pelham 123” fast wipes across the screen are used to give the impression of trains.

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