figure 13.03 chapter 13 circulatory system or left atrium or right atrium

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Figure 13.03

Chapter 13

Circulatory System

Or Left atrium

Or Right atrium

Figure 13.03










Figure 13.04

Figure 13.11

Figure 13.11

Figure 13.16ab

Angiology – The study of blood vessels

Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Veins

System Circulation Vessels:

Arteries & Veins are composed of 3 layers of cells

Capillaries are made up of only 1 layer of cells

All the blood vessels are lined with endothelium

Two types of Arteries: Elastic Arteries near heart to take the high pressure

Muscular Arteries all the others in the body for distribution of blood

Tunics “layers” of an Elastic Arteries:

1. Inner most – Tunica Interna – Endothelial Cells and Elastic fibers

2. Middle - Tunica Media – Mostly Elastic fibers and some smooth muscles

3. Outside – Tunica Externa – Elastic fiber & Collagen fiber make it very strong This layer also contains Vasa Vasorium these are the blood vessels that bring nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the blood vessels.

The opening in the center of a blood vessel is called the Lumen


Tunic Interna

Tunic Media

Tunic Externa

Artherosclerosis – Plaques begin in Tunica Interna that are rich in cholesterol

Figure 13.19

Figure 13.20

Note: This is not the really color of the blood in the vessels

Blood is always RED


Tunic Interna ( Endothelial Cells)

Tunic Media

Tunic Externa


Veins have Valves

Small clots can form in these areas

Baroreceptor for BP VideoChemoreceptor for BP Video

MRI of the arteries in head and neck

Figure 13.28


Vertebral Arteries pass through the Transverse Processes of the Cervical Vertebra in neck and enter skull through the Foramen Magnum

The Subclavian changes to the Axillary Artery then to the Brachial Artery in arm

Abdominal Arteries :

Celiac Artery – Liver, stomach, spleen & pancreas

Superior Mesentary Artery – Small Intestine and first half of Large Intestine

Renal Artery – Kidney

Gonadal Artery – Ovary or Testes

Inferior Mesentary Artery – Second half of Large Intestine & Rectum

Figure 13.27

Figure 13.30

Figure 13.31

Veins – Return blood to the heart

Have 3 layers but veins - Have thinner layers,

Have larger lumens and

Contain valves

Blood is pushed in veins by contraction of skeletal muscles

All the veins carry blood containing Carbon Dioxide except the Pulmonary vein that carries Oxygen.

Figure 13.32These sinuses formed from folds in the Dura Mater a thick connective tissue cap over the brain

The Sinuses collect blood from the brain and return it to the Internal Jugular Vein

Figure 13.33

Figure 13.34

Figure 13.35

Figure 13.31Left Common Carotid



Bifurcation of Carotid is where plaque may form

Thoracic Aorta

Abdominal Aorta

Ascending Aorta

Esophageal a.

Bronchial a.

Blood Vessel Disorders :

Aneurism – weakening & swelling of a blood vessel Most common in the aorta due to the high pressure

Hypertension – High blood pressure 140/90 or higher 1 out of 5 people have high blood pressure

Varicose Veins – Swollen superficial vessels usually found in the lower extremities (Varicose = inflamed)

DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis - Clots that form in the deep veins of the lower legs due to inactivity or poor circulation can move to the heart and lungs – Very dangerous and often fatal if not detected and treated.

Angina – a temporary lack of blood to the heart muscle caused by physical or emotional stress.

Heart Attack – AMI – Acute Myocardial Infarction – Death of heart tissue due lack of blood carrying oxygen caused by a blockage of a coronary artery.

Basic First Aid for Vascular Injuries

Bleeding –

1. Direct pressure - Over the site of the injury use a piece of cloth or gauze and apply pressure with your hand.

2. If the cut in on an extremity – elevate the site of the cut above the level of your heart to reduce blood pressure while maintaining the direct pressure

3. If on an extremity – Find the closest arterial pressure point and apply pressure to the artery to restrict the blood supply to the area of the injury.

Never remove any dressings once the bleeding has stopped leave everything in place until you receive medical attention

If abdominal bruising is noticed internal bleeding may be indicated so treat for shock.

Shock is reduced blood flow throughout the body due to loss of blood or psychological stress.

Younger people can compensate for shock so they may seem fine but can suddenly show symptoms so plan ahead and treat for shock early.

Treatment for shock:

1. Call 911

2. Have the person lay down

3. Keep the person warm

4. If the person feels dizzy or confused slightly elevate the legs to improve blood supply to brain. If the injury involves trauma to the head or lungs don’t elevate the legs.

5. Don’t give anything to eat or drink, if the person becomes unconscious this may cause problems.

Heart Attack – symptoms • Pain or heavy feeling in the chest

• Pain may radiate into left arm and jaw

• Labored or difficulty breathing

• Nausea may feel like indigestion or heartburn

• Sweating (Diaphoresis)

• Person will deny they are having a heart attack

Treatment –

1. Call 911

2. Have the person rest in position of comfort this can be sitting or laying down, many people having a heart attack don’t like laying down.

3. If the person is thirsty have them suck on a wet cloth don’t give food or water.

4. If the person becomes unconscious begin CPR

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