figurative language.. personification – an animal given human like qualities or an object given...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Figurative Language.

Personification – An animal given human like qualities or an object given

life –like qualities.

Ex. Now if the sun’s smiling down, or the boat hugged the shore that’s


Alliteration-Consonant sounds repeated at the beginning of words.

Ex. When sally seems to sit somewhere separate from Sonia or Caleb calls Chris cause he’s coming to California its called alliteration .

Assonance – Repeated VOWEL sounds in a line or lines of poetry.

Ex. But when you’ve got a vowel sound that keeps sounding the same that’s a figure

called assonance.

Hyperbole – Exaggeration often used for emphasis.

Ex. Man, that's like a million times harder!Take something true , then exaggerate it way

farther .

Onomatopoeia –Words that imitate the sound they are naming.

Ex. Crash, Boom, Hiss, Bang,Pop, smack.

Metaphor – A direct comparison of two unlike things.

Ex. A metaphor is similar but watch out!Be careful cause you’ve got to leave “like” and “as”

out. My mind is an ocean; my words are a river,

Simile –A comparison of two things using “like” or “as”.

Ex. A simile is something that you use to compare Two un related things with an element that’s shared .

My mind is like an ocean ;it’s as smooth as jazz but it’s only a simile if it uses “like” or “as’.

Imagery – Most images are visual,but they can also appeal to the senses of

sounds, touch,taste,or smell.

Idiom -

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