fertilizer technical working group validation...

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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Prepared by IFDC

Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Workflow – DAY 1(14 June, 2016) ....................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Opening of the Workshop ............................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Updates on Current Programs and Projects ................................................................................. 4

1.2.2 AfricaFertilizer.org (presence and activities): ............................................................................ 5

1.2.3 CountrySTAT (Ghana): ................................................................................................................ 5

1.3 Presentation of 2015 fertilizer trade statistics overviews ............................................................ 5

1.3.1 Group work sessions to analyse 2016 Production, Imports and Exports data per country ...... 6

2. Workflow - DAY 2 (15 June, 2017) ...................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Company Presentations ................................................................................................................ 7

2.2 CountrySTAT (Nigeria): .................................................................................................................. 9

2.3 Presentation on the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative .................................................................... 9

2.4 Sierra Leone Agriculture Industry ............................................................................................... 10

2.5 2017 Fertilizer Subsidy Program in Ghana .................................................................................. 10

2.6 Finalization of Group Work and Country Presentation .............................................................. 11

2.7 Ghana .......................................................................................................................................... 11

2.8 Nigeria ......................................................................................................................................... 14

2.9 Sierra Leone ................................................................................................................................ 16

2.10 Challenges of Fertilizer Private Sector ...................................................................................... 18

3. Workshop Recommendations........................................................................................................ 19

4. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 19

ANNEX : Workshop Agenda .................................................................................................................. 21

ANNEX : Terms of Reference ................................................................................................................ 23

ANNEX: List of Participants ................................................................................................................... 27


For the past five (5) years IFDC, through AfricaFertilizer.org initiative and USAID / WAFP (West

Africa Fertilizer Programme), has been working with the CountrySTAT program of FAO to produce

and disseminate, reliable and up-to-date official statistics on fertilizer manufactured, imported,

exported and consumed in countries within the West Africa Sub-region.

In 2012, fertilizer technical working groups (FTWG) were established in 11 Sub-Saharan Africa

countries, including Ghana and Nigeria. These working groups have been responsible for the

review of the data and the presentation of tables of results of these statistics which will be later

validated by the National Technical Working Group before publication.

Under this partnership, CountrySTAT, USAID West Africa Fertilizer Program and

AfricaFertilizer.org have agreed to organize a workshop to validate the national statistics on

fertilizers every year for the 5 years including 2016. This data after the validation is assumed to

be reliable enough to be used for asserting various forecasts, quantity of nutrient used, apparent

consumption etc.

The main objective of this year’s workshop was to validate the national fertilizer statistics for

2016. The meeting provided an opportunity to present and discuss detailed statistical data on

production, imports, exports and apparent consumption for the year 2016 as well as update

participants on current fertilizer programs and initiatives for different countries.

For the first time, the validation workshop was held for not only Ghana and Nigeria but also

included Sierra Leone. The Workshop took place at Blue Royal Hotel, Larteh-Ghana on 14 and 15

June 2016.

1. Workflow – DAY 1(14 June, 2016)

1.1 Opening of the Workshop The workshop was called to order by Mr. Awusi Mahama Natoma; West Africa Anglophone sub regional liaison for IFDC/WAFP, and moderator for the workshop. He took participants through the programme for the day after welcoming them. Thereafter, the participants from the three countries (Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone) introduced themselves.

Welcome Remarks Madam Judith Fagbegnon, Acting Country Representative of IFDC Ghana welcomed participants

to the Workshop. She indicated that the objective of the workshop was to principally validate the

statistics generated on fertilizer in 2016 from Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. The platform was

also to facilitate exchange of information on production, trade and consumption of fertilizers.

The above she intimated falls within IFDC's core objective of enhancing sustainable use of

fertilizers. While wishing every participant a fruitful workshop she also urged all the participants

to use this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful environment.

Mr. Francis Dzah- Ghana CountrySTAT Coordinator, and Head of Agriculture and Environmental Statistics also welcomed all especially participants from Nigeria and Sierra Leone and encouraged them to take time to ensure the objectives of the Workshop was achieved. He indicated that IFDC has been supporting the generation and validation of fertilizer statistics over the years. He also stated that GSS has also been assisting with validation of the statistics over the years and urged all to take the opportunity availed to them to learn from the process and replicate same in their respective countries.

1.2 Updates on Current Programs and Projects

1.2.1 USAID West African Fertilizer Program (WAFP):

Mr. Awusi Mahama Natoma (Anglophone Sub-regional Liaison of WAFP) gave an overview on

USAID WAFP, which is a five year project (June 2012 to May 2017). He pointed out the various

partners the WAFP works with (ECOWAS, CORAF, etc.) as well as the various intervention areas,

including; private sector leadership in the supply and distribution of quality fertilizer, site and

crop specific fertilizer recommendations, implementation of ECOWAS regulation on fertilizer

quality across the West Africa sub region and fertilizer subsidy. He also informed the gathering

that the USAID WAFP was to end in May 2017, but is currently on a No Cost Extension till the end

of July 2017; with the hope of a new project continuing from where WAFP will be leaving off.

He highlighted some key achievements of WAFP as;

Organising the annual West Africa Fertilizer Stakeholders’ Forum

Establishment of the West Africa Fertilizer Association

Compilation of crop and site specific fertilizer recommendations

Gazetting of ECOWAS Regulation C/REG.13/12/12 by 12 out of the 15 member states

Compilation of the West Africa Fertilizer Subsidy Program Matrix

1.2.2 AfricaFertilizer.org (presence and activities): Mr. Fred Gyasi (Fertilizer Statistics Specialist, AfricaFertilizer.org) gave an overview of the

AfricaFertilizer.org initiative, its activities and achievements, he opined that the initiative is to

improve statistics data computation across the region. He said that the main objective of

Africafertilizer.org is to provide quality fertilizer statistics in Africa, aside from carrying out

improve market intelligence by developing a catalogue with producers’ information.

He revealed that a survey was carried out on their website to ascertain its usefulness to the users.

Visitors to the website were questioned on the reason for visiting the site, this was to aid in

making the new website being developed better than the former one which often takes a lot of

time to update. He also mentioned the monthly newsletter FertiNews, jointly published by


1.2.3 CountrySTAT (Ghana): The CountrySTAT Coordinator for Ghana Mr. Francis Dzah presented their activities highlighting successes and challenges of the program. He also spoke about the updated CountrySTAT platform and confirmed that after the validation, the data would be uploaded to the Ghana CountrySTAT website for easy access to everyone. 1.3 Presentation of 2015 fertilizer trade statistics overviews Fred Gyasi made presentation for both Ghana and Nigeria; he apologized for the absence of some

of the participants from Nigerian which was due to logistical challenges. He stated they would be

arriving that afternoon to participate in the next day’s workshop. On the Ghanaian statistics

overview, he emphasized that Ghana does not produce any inorganic fertilizer and is basically

blending hence, all the raw materials are imported. He also took time to explain the various

fluctuation in the data according to the years. He looked forward to the validation which would

be done later in the day.

Click to access 2015 Ghana & Nigeria fertilizer statistics overview

On the methodology for processing fertilizer statistics, Fred took the participants through the

AFO data processing guidelines. He explained the basic information that has to be present to

process fertilizer data as well as the detailed information which when present, would make

processing faster and would also help in making more analysis. He also touched on pivot table

generation which summarizes processed data to easy and readable tables.

1.3.1 Group work sessions to analyse 2016 Production, Imports and Exports data per country The participants were divided into two groups, Group 1, Ghana and Group 2, Nigeria and Sierra

Leone. The import data of the respective countries were reviewed by the respective groups by

validating the organizations that imported these fertilizer in order to ascertain whether it was

used for industrial or Agricultural purposes. The quantities were also verified with the support of

the Fertilizer companies. After thorough deliberation by both groups the figures were validated.

The export figures for Nigeria that was processed was not having the proper units but were later

corrected and confirmed by the two producers who were present with their production data.

Sierra Leone learnt the process of validating from the Nigeria group and after that, with the help

of IFDC, validated their country statistics. At the end of the validation process, the production,

export and import figures where validated and agreed.

In his closing remarks for day 1, Mr. Awusi Mahama Natoma, the moderator thanked all for

working together to make the day fruitful.

Picture 1: Participants validating statistics for their countries

2. Workflow - DAY 2 (15 June, 2017) The second day commenced with the introduction of the participants because some participants were not around for the previous day. A recap of the previous day's session was provided by Mr. Ernest Osei Assibey of Ghana (Ministry of Food and Agriculture), and Mr. Samuel Ali of Nigeria FEPSAN). 2.1 Company Presentations A brief presentation from all the fertilizer companies present (Notore, Indorama, Ominifert and

Louis Dreyfus Commodities) were made, each of them shared their capacity and the various type

of products they have.

A few highlights from the Indorama presentations included:

1. An increase in capacity from 1.5 million Metric Tonnes per Annum (MTPA) of UREA to 3 million MTPA by 2021.

2. A doubling of investments in Nigeria from 2 billion USD to 4 billion USD by 2021 3. An investment in complex NPK plants with a capacity of 450 KPA. This capacity being

moderate in recognition of the competition in the area. 4. The ownership of a fleet of 35 trucks and a private Jetty at the port.

A highlights from the Notore Chemicals presentations included:

1. Their UREA and NPK capacity stands at 500 MTPA each 2. Plans to increase their UREA capacity to 750 MTPA by 2018 and to a further 1.75 million

MTPA by 2020. 3. Will not increase the NPK blending capacity in the same period until a steady source of

good DAP and MOP are guaranteed.

A highlights from the Louis Dreyfus Commodities - Ghana presentations included:

1. Has a blending plant at Tema 2. Sells imported fertilizer products 3. Mostly blends for Cocoa Board 4. Has a Warehouse Facility of 50,000 MT

A highlights from OmniFert presentations included:

1. Has a blending plant at Dawhenya

2. Omnifert entered the fertilizer mid-2016, a subsidiary of OmniEnergy. 3. Blending fertilizer for plantations 4. Did 13,000 MT and 9,000 MT of urea and NPK respectively from 2016 to date 5. Has a 100 ha maize farm in Northern Ghana

Picture 2: Mohammed Murtala from Notore making a presentation

Questions from the participants were directed at each organization, notably; one question to

Indorama was their level of involvement in the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative. Responding to the

question Mr. Surendra Kumar Srivastava, National Logistics head explained that they are very

much involved and are the suppliers of Urea for the program, furthermore he opined that Nigeria

is their prime market and they have more than 250 agro dealers particularly in the North West.

Also Notore was asked why they were looking for markets elsewhere if they haven’t satisfied the

Nigerian demand for Urea, while responding Mr. Mohammed Murtala, Regional Commercial

Manager for Notore explained that in a business the profitability determines the market even

though they still try to satisfy the Nigeria market first.

2.2 CountrySTAT (Nigeria): The Nigerian CountrySTAT Coordinator, Mr. Raphael who apologized for presenting late, said it

was due to logistical challenges faced at the airport. He then took time to explain the various

interventions of CountrySTAT in Nigeria and expressed optimism that new leadership who is so

much interested in statistics would bring improvement and sort out the challenges especially

financing. He added that they also plan to have a new CountrySTAT website which will also

include crop data.

2.3 Presentation on the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative

Mr. Samuel Ali (FEPSAN, representative) gave a presentation on Nigeria’s presidential fertilizer

initiative. He explained that the presidential fertilizer initiative was approved by President

Muhammadu Buhari in December 2016, aimed at achieving local production of one million metric

tons of blended NPK Fertilizer for the 2017 wet season.

The main aim of the Presidential Initiative is to procure the 4 constituent raw materials for NPK

Fertilizer; locally-sourcing Urea and Limestone granules (LSG), Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

imported from Morocco, and Muriate of Potash (MOP) sourced from Europe and blend these

locally to produce NPK Fertilizer at a much reduced cost, utilizing the local blending plants. This

led to the signing of the bilateral agreement between OCP of Morocco and FEPSAN.

The Initiative is been driven by FEPSAN in partnership with Nigeria Sovereign Investment

Authority (NSIA) who are providing the necessary funding for the production of one million tons

of NPK fertilizer at a single digit interest rate.

The finished products will be delivered to Nigeria’s farmers at a starting price of about NGN 5,500

per 50kg bag, thereby making fertilizer available to Nigerian farmers at affordable prices,

resulting in enhance food security as a result of the expected increase in food production; which

in turn would stimulate economic activities across the agriculture value chain and create

thousands of direct and indirect jobs.

The representative of Indorama enquired about the sale of their fertilizer raw material sold in

the open market which was meant for the PFI, while answering Mr. Samuel was of the view that

some of the reports received are usually speculative, however any serious breach in the

agreement by any blending plant would be investigated and the necessary actions would follow.

2.4 Sierra Leone Agriculture Industry

Dr. Abdul-Rahman Conteh made a presentation on the Agriculture industry in Sierra Leone.

According to the 2013 Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey

1. More than 70 percent of the labour market was working in agriculture, including more than 90 percent of those in rural areas.

2. Only 4.7 percent of farm households purchased inorganic fertilizers and 2.2 percent purchased organic fertilizers.

3. In the Western region, an estimated 58 percent of farm households purchased inorganic fertilizers

4. Whereas in the Northern, Southern, and Eastern region, 5.2, 4.3, and 0.7 percent respectively, purchased inorganic fertilizers

Generally, fertilizer usage in Sierra Leone is among the lowest in the West African region and he

was happy they were part of this year’s fertilizers statistics validation as with the validated data,

it will help them to make decisions and learning from what was happening in Ghana and Nigeria,

they will be able to develop their fertilizer industry.

2.5 2017 Fertilizer Subsidy Program in Ghana Michael Owusu of Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture presented the Implementation and Operation modalities of the Ghana Fertilizer Subsidy Program. He also touched on the new agricultural initiative, planting for Food and Jobs to be implemented alongside the subsidy program. The highlights of the Ghana’s fertilizer subsidy program included:

Government is subsidizing Fertilizer by 50% for 2017 season.

Smallholder farmers cultivating all kinds of food crops such as maize, rice, sorghum, millet and vegetable entitled to (10 bags NPK, 5 bags, Urea), enough for 2 Ha.

There are outstanding payments for suppliers of the 2016 subsidy programs

Planting for food and jobs (PFJ) subsidizes both fertilizer and seed by 50%

Farmers are required to deposit half of their contribution before joining the PFJ and pay the remaining either in cash or kind at harvest

Click to access all presentations

2.6 Finalization of Group Work and Country Presentation After the 2016 statistics data was validated for various countries, summary output tables were


2.7 Ghana

The statistics summary for Ghana depicted that fertilizer imports in 2016 amounted to 239,883

metric tons, a -17% reduction from 2015 which directly translated into decrease in apparent

consumption in 2016 (239,858 metric tons) compared to 2015; a further -17% reduction. This

reduction was attributed to the recently conducted presidential elections in Ghana, which made

business organizations apprehensive of the market. Although there is ongoing production and

sale of organic fertilizers, data on production volumes, capacity and sales were not available.

Some of the organizations involved in organic fertilizer production in Ghana includes Accra

compost and recycling plant (ACARP), Safissana, S. Agyei Limited, Farmer’s Hope and Jekora


HS Code Product Name ProductionTotal




Non Fertilizer






Calcium carbonate (lime) 23 23 23 23

2510000000 Phosphate rock 1,401 1,401 1,401 1,401

2833210000 Magnessium Sulphate 89 89 25 64 64

2834210000 Potassium Nitrate 243 243 13 230 230

3101000000 Organic Fertilizers 8,800 25 8,775 28 8,772 8,747

3102100000 Urea 39,235 39,235 200 39,035 39,035

3102210000 Ammonium Sulphate 23,268 23,268 0 23,268 23,268

3102300000 Ammonium Nitrate 49,204 49,204 49,204 0 0

3102500000 Sodium Nitrate 158 158 158 0 0

3102600000 Calcium Nitrate 665 665 665 665

3102800000 UAN 520 520 520 0 0

3102900000 Other nitrogenous fertilizers 156 156 156 156

3103101000 TSP 13,802 13,802 13,802 13,802

3104200000 MOP 13,969 13,969 127 13,842 13,842

3104300000 SOP 5,430 5,430 0 5,430 5,430

3104900000 Other potash fertilizers 521 521 0 521 521

3105200000 NPK 15 15 15 53,478 53,478 0 53,478 53,478

3105200000 NPK 23 10 5 24,320 24,320 24,320 24,320

3105200000 NPK 23 10 5 + 3S + 2MgO + 0.3Zn 19,972 19,972 19,972 19,972

3105200000 NPK 14,672 14,672 14,672 14,672

3105200000 NPK 2 23 18 + 8CaO + 6MgO + 0.5B + 0.5Zn 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500

3105200000 NPK 20 10 10 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000

3105200000 NPK 13 11 21 + 2MgO + TE 452 452 452 452

3105200000 NPK 10 10 30 306 306 306 306

3105200000 NPK 10 10 10 + TE 165 165 165 165

3105200000 NPK 10 26 5 + 3MgO + 1.5B 161 161 161 161

3105200000 NPK 15 10 12 146 146 146 146

3105200000 NPK 19 5 9 + 2MgO + 5.5S + TE 122 122 122 122

3105200000 NPK 20 20 20 118 118 118 118

3105200000 NPK 15 8 33 + TE 58 58 58 58

3105200000 NPK 19 19 19 + TE 53 53 53 53

3105200000 NPK 7 35 23 23 23 23 23

3105200000 NPK 4 3 3 21 21 21 21

3105200000 NPK 17 8 9 16 16 16 16

3105200000 NPK 30 10 10 + TE 14 14 14 14

3105200000 NPK 3 18 8 11 11 11 11

3105200000 NPK 18 18 18 + TE 7 7 7 7

3105200000 NPK 9 16 30 7 7 7 7

3105200000 NPK 10 5 30 + TE 6 6 6 6

3105200000 NPK 28 10 10 + TE 4 4 4 4

3105200000 NPK 13 26 8 + 0.8MgO + TE 0 0 0 0

3105400000 MAP 42 42 42 42

3105900000 NPK Unknown 0 0 0 0

Grand Total (mt) 290,159 25 290,134 50,276 239,883 239,858

Table 1: Ghana 2016 fertilizer statistics output table

Ghana Participants

Picture 3: Participants from Ghana

Organization Name Position

Ghana Statistical Service Francis Korku Dzah CountrySTAT National Cordinator, Head, Agri and Environmental Stats

Ghana Statistical Service Samuel Yaw Mortey Statistician

Louis Dreyfus Commodities Ghana Stephen Tour Sales and Development

MOFA (SRID) Daniel Denku Wawo Agric Officer

MOFA (CSD) Michael Owusu Agric Officer

MOFA (PPRSD) Ernest Assibey Agric Officer

Ghana Revenue Authority Edward Osafo Addo Chief Revenue Officer

OmniFert Francis Dei Head of Agronomy

Louis Dreyfus Commodities Ghana Asma Chemlal Trainee

IFDC Gyasi Fred Fertilizer Statistical Specialist

IFDC Awusi Manama Natoma Anglophone Subregional Liaison

IFDC Brou Ebo Isaac MIS Specialist

IFDC Diyana Bawiena Administration Assistant

2.8 Nigeria

The statistics summary for Nigeria showed that in 2016, there was a 147% (695,000 metric tons)

increase in urea production as compared to 2015 (281,750 metric tons). This was due to the

coming on board of Indorama against only Notore producing Urea in 2015. Import and exports

also saw increases in 2016, thereby increasing apparent consumption to 959,364 metric tons as

compared to 617,897 metric tons in 2015.

HS Code Product Name Production


Import Export



Non Ferilizer






2510100000 Phosphate rock 1,521 1,521 727 794 794

2814100000 Anhydrous ammonia 54 54 54 - -

2814200000 Ammonium hydroxide 1,147 1,147 1,147 - -

3101000000 Organic fertilizer 176 176 176 176

3102100000 Urea 695,000 21,013 329,630 386,383 21,013 386,383

3102210000 Ammonium sulphate 27,679 27,679 229 27,450 27,450

3102500000 Sodium nitrate 68 68 68 - -

3102900000 Other N 100 100 100 100

3103100000 SSP 16,599 16,599 16,599 16,599

3103900000 Other P 22,452 22,452 22,452 22,452

3104200000 MOP 4,165 4,165 482 3,683 3,683

3104900000 Other K 499 499 371 128 128

3105200000 NPK 380,455 380,455 380,455 380,455

3105300000 DAP 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250

3105400000 MAP 49 49 49 49

3105510000 NP compounds 115,645 115,645 115,645 115,645

3105590000 Other NP 200 200 200 200

3105600000 PK compounds 17 17 17 - -

Grand Total 695,000 597,089 329,630 962,459 3,095 593,994 959,364 Table 2: Nigeria 2016 fertilizer statistics output table

Nigeria Participants

Picture 4: Participants from Nigeria

Organization Name Position

FEPSAN Samuel Ali Advocacy Officer

Indorama Surendra Kumar Srivastava National Logistics head

Notore Mohammed Murtala Regional Commercial Manager

CountrySTAT Olorunmola Dare Rapheal CountrySTAT Leader

FMARD / FISS Adamu Sale Deputy Director

IFDC Felix Nwoche JFMA

2.9 Sierra Leone

The statistics summary for Sierra Leone was a time series between 2010 and 2016. Imports and

apparent consumption volumes are very low as compared to Ghana and Nigeria

Imports Product Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

31010000 Organic fertilizers 80 1,224 27 5 1

31021000 Urea 883 627 1,056 398 1,550 950

31022100 Ammonium sulphate 15 490 118

31022900 DS of AS or AN 432 40 1 0 3

31024000 CAN 298

31026000 Calcium nitrate 343

31029000 Other N fertilizers 1 73 16 75

31031000 SSP 25

31039000 Other P fertilizer 68 0 146 1,305 1

31042000 MOP 0 0 130 275

31043000 SOP 5 0

31049000 Other K fertilizer 3 53 0 145 451

31052000 NPK 2 55 135 64 5,164 5,271

31053000 DAP 51

31054000 MAP 0 16

31055900 other NP 10

31056000 PK fertilizers 13 4

Grand Total (mt) 1,479 2,727 178 1,171 690 9,232 6,621 Table 3: Sierra Leone 2016 fertilizer statistics output table

Sierra Leone Participants

Picture 3: Participants from Sierra Leone

Organization Name Position

Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute Abdul-Rahman Conteh Soil Scientist

Ministry of Agric Henry Kargbo Director of Crops

Click to access summary output tables

Click to access CountrySTAT output tables

2.10 Challenges of Fertilizer Private Sector

Indorama – Delay in the approval by National Security Advisor (NSA) to allow movement of

trucks. Logistics is another major concern

Notore - Facing the similar problems as Indorama, but they are facing more of logistic challenges,

especially with Indorama coming on stream as they have to now share the number of commercial

trucks available for transporting these products.

Sourcing for forex is also another issue as they have to buy gas with forex from the black market

that is 40% more expensive than the official Central Bank rate.

Also until they can access a reliable source of MOP and DAP, their production will keep


Both Indorama and Notore would want an independent freighting company to ease the challenge

of trucking.

Ominifert fertilizer - Delay in subsidy payment is affecting their business operations.

Louis Dreyfus - Inspection fee, delay in subsidy payment, 5% CIF import payment fee to be return


Figure 1: Apparent consumption for 2015 and 2016 by country (MT)








Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone

2015 2016

3. Workshop Recommendations

There is a need to conduct the workshop within the first quarter of the year, so as to make

the data more relevant and not stale.

When Notore and Indorama are requesting for approval from the NSA, it should also make a

copy to the ministry of Agric, so that work can commence on time even before it officially

gets to the ministry.

There should be improvement in travelling arrangement for the next workshop.

Ghana’s government needs to work on the modalities of the 5% CIF value upfront payment,

which is returned after verification to the fertilizer importers.

Indorama and Notore have been advised to make supplies to ECOWAS instead of exporting

to Europe and South America.

The meeting should be held twice in a year, while maintaining and improving on the country

STAT format.

There is a need to share data on time especially, fertilizers producers.

More participants from the fertilizer private sector, should be part of subsequent workshops.

4. Conclusions

All participants took turns to highlight how the workshop benefitted them and how it can be

improved upon. Most of the first time participants such as Indorama and representatives from

Sierra Leone, confirmed the workshop has been an eye opener on how statistical validations are


Closing remark was given by Mr, Francis Dzah. He thanked everyone for coming and specifically

apologised to Nigeria team for the poor logistical arrangements especially those that were not

able to make it. He further, thanked the companies for coming and opening up their data to

participants, adding that the programme was getting bigger as for the first time, we had three

countries present excluding Liberia who could not make it. He wished that the workshop would

cover all ECOWAS countries before 2020.

Diana gave the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to everybody for coming and wishing all safe

journey back home, she once again apologised for the logistical inconveniences especially to the


For more information on fertilizer data in Africa, visit AfricaFertilizer.org

Website: www.africafertilizer.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com\AfricaFertilizer.org

Twitter: http:\\twitter.com\AfricFertilizer

ANNEX: Workshop Agenda




LARTEH, GHANA, 14-15 JUNE 2017


Day 1

Time Activity Responsible

Wednesday 14th June, 2017

08:00-09:00 Registration of participants

09:00-09:30 Introduction of participants Awusi Natoma

09:30-09:45 Welcome address (IFDC)

Welcome address (Ghana & Nigeria CountrySTAT


Martin Drevon

Mr. F. Dzah & Mr. Raphael

09:45-10:00 Program, objectives and expected outcomes of the


Phred Gyasi / Patrice


10:00-10:30 Coffee / tea break

10:30-11:10 Updates on current programs

USAID WAFP (presence and activities in the region)

AfricaFertilizer.org (presence and activities)

CountrySTAT Ghana (activities, status with FAO)

CountrySTAT Nigeria (activities, status with FAO)

Awusi Natoma

Patrice Annequin

Mr. F. Dzah

Mr. Raphael

11:10-11:30 Presentation of 2015 fertilizer trade statistics overviews Phred Gyasi / Felix Nwoche

11:30-12:30 Country data available, methodology and processes Phred Gyasi / Felix Nwoche

12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 Group work sessions to analyze 2016 imports and

exports data per country

Country groups

15:30-16:00 Coffee / tea break

16:00-17:00 Group work sessions to analyze 2016 imports and

exports data per country (continues)

Country groups

17:00 END OF DAY 1

Day 2

Time Activity Responsible

Thursday 15th June, 2017

08:00-08:30 Registration of participants

08:30-10:00 Analysis of available statistics on

actual consumption by crop and by product

primary and secondary production

Country groups

10:00-10:30 Coffee / tea break

10:30-12:30 Updates on country fertilizer programs and initiatives

2017 fertilizer subsidy program in Ghana

2017 Presidential Fertilizer Initiative program in Nigeria

Fertilizer Initiatives and programs in Liberia

Fertilizer Initiatives and programs in Sierra Leone





12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-16:00 Presentation of fertilizer statistics by country (and 5 minutes of

questions / answers)

Discussions Fertilizer and agricultural sector:

- Private Sector issues and concerns

Country groups

Private sector

16:00-16:20 Coffee / tea break

16:20-17:00 Workshop Recommendations

Closing remarks

Representative of


Patrice Annequin


ANNEX: Terms of Reference




LARTEH, GHANA, 14-15 JUNE 2017


Context and justification

Since 2012, IFDC, through AfricaFertilizer.org initiative and USAID / WAFP (West Africa Fertilizer

Programme), has been working with the CountrySTAT program of FAO to produce and disseminate,

reliable and up-to-date official statistics on fertilizer manufactured, imported, exported and consumed

in countries within West Africa.

In 2012, fertilizer technical working groups (FTWG) were established in 11 sub-Saharan Africa countries,

including Ghana and Nigeria. These working groups have been responsible for the review of the data

and the presentation of tables of results of these statistics which will be later validated by the National

Technical Working Group before publication.

Under this partnership, CountrySTAT, USAID West Africa Fertilizer program and AfricaFertilizer.org

have agreed to organize a workshop to validate the national statistics on fertilizers for the year 2016.

Objectives of the workshop

The purpose of the workshop is to:

1. Present, review, process and validate detailed 2016 statistical data on production, imports, exports, apparent and actual fertilizer consumption for Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

2. Update 2010-2016 series of statistics 3. Update participants on current fertilizer programs and initiatives

Expected results of the workshop

At the end of this workshop, participants will have prepared the statistical output tables in

CountrySTAT format on production, trade and fertilizer consumption for the year 2016.

These tables will then be presented to National CountrySTAT Technical Working Groups for validation

and then official publication on the CountrySTAT website of the participating countries.

Participation in the workshop

National institutions invited to take part in this workshop are:

The Ministry of Food Agriculture – Ghana

Customs Service - Ghana

Customs Service - Nigeria

The National Secretariat of CountrySTAT – Ghana & Nigeria

Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)

Farm Inputs Support Service Department of Federal Fertilizer Department (FFD/FMARD) – Nigeria

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) – Nigeria

Ministry of Agric – Liberia

Central Agricultural Research Institute – Liberia

Ministry of Agric – Sierra Leone

Agric Research Institute – Sierra Leone

Private institutions and organizations include:

Louis Dreyfus Commodities Ghana

Chemico Ghana Limited

Yara Ghana Limited


Fertilizers Producers & Supplies Association of Nigeria (FEPSAN)

TAK Agro

Notore Chemicals Industries Plc


Organization and methodology of work

Participating institutions and organizations are invited to gather and share with the National Secretariat

of CountrySTAT and with IFDC data available at their level concerning:

The production capacity and the production of fertilizer

Imports and Exports (in Raw format - see below)

The actual fertilizer consumption, their use by crops and by cultivated area

The data collected will be pre-formatted by the experts of IFDC and AfricaFertilizer.org initiative

These data will then be analyzed and validated during group work by countries, with the technical

assistance of IFDC and CountrySTAT. The results will be finally presented in plenary; recommendations

will be made to ensure a wide dissemination of these results and improve the quality of the

information collected.

Format of the data

For the data on imports and exports

The disaggregated data of imports and exports, generally available at the level of customs services and points of entry and exit of fertilizers (Port Authorities)

Note that only the aggregated data by product and per year are published. The information relating to the operators or the values are only used to verify and validate the types of fertilizer, the volumes and the agricultural or non-agricultural use of these fertilizers, but are not published.

The data are to be provided in Excel format to allow for a thorough analysis by the participants. Scanned files or in pdf are excluded. They must contain the following information:

o The customs codes in the format Harmonized System HS o The exact description of the goods in addition to the customs index o The net volume in kg or in tons o The value (local currency, or in US Dollar) o The name of the importer or the Exporter o The country of origin and/or destination o The date of the operation (day/month/year)

Table 1: Example of data imports (here data of the Ghana for 2015)

Moisjour An Code HS Produit (description 1) Produit (description 2) Point d'entréePays d'originePoids net (kg) Valeur en douane (FCFA)Importateur

01 9 2015 3102100000 PRILLED UREA IN BULK ( 3,000 MT) TMA1 LY 3,000,000.00 3,746,912.56 YARA GHANA LTD

01 12 2015 3105900000 384 BAGS X 25KG (FERTILIZER MAP) TMA1 IL 11,228.96 45,836.58 DIZENGOFF GHANA LIMITED

01 12 2015 3105900000 FERTILIZERMILLION MORE 15-7-15-2MGO+ME (528 BAGS X 25KG) TMA1 IL 11,608.90 47,387.44 DIZENGOFF GHANA LIMITED

01 12 2015 3105900000 FERTILIZERMULTICOTE 15-7-15+2MGO(42 BAGS X 25 KG) TMA1 IL 1,542.14 6,295.00 DIZENGOFF GHANA LIMITED




01 15 2015 3102300000 AMMONIUM NITRATE TMA1 CN 115,598.00 210,107.20 ANIGORD FAMILLE COMPANY LIMITED

01 19 2015 3105590000 FERTILIZER 20115 - COATED FERTILIZERFLEXICOTE VU LR 18 19 - 5 -9 + 2MTKD1 BE 61,200.00 349,406.86 PLANTATIONS SOCFINAF GH. LTD


01 20 2015 3102100000 ALIMENTAR20 BAGS X 1200 KG = 24T PER CONTAINER X 5 TKD1 BE 120,000.00 271,584.48 GOLDEN STAR (BOGOSO / PRESTEA) LTD

02 11 2015 3105200000 NPK FERTILIZER 23-10-05 IN BULK TMA1 NO 1,275,000.00 1,723,842.51 YARA GHANA LIMITED

02 12 2015 3102500000 SODIUM NITRATE MIN. 98%PACKING: 960 BAGS X 25 KGS TKD1 BE 24,000.00 64,189.44 MAXAM GHANA LIMITED(FORMERLY UEE EX

02 13 2015 3102300000 AMMONIUM NITRATE - EMULSION GRADE1440 BIG BAGS X 1250 KGS= 1800 00TKD1 RU 1,800,000.00 3,042,665.02 AEL MINING SERVICES (GH) LTD

02 13 2015 3102300000 AMMONIUM NITRATE - POROUS PRILLS800 BAGS X 1250 KGS = 1 000 000 KGTKD1 SE 1,000,000.00 2,442,418.13 AEL MINING SERVICES (GH) LTD


02 16 2015 3105200000 FERTILIZERCRISTALAND 15.30.15. NPK TMA1 LB 138.78 1,352.40 NAD-ADRA COMPANY LIMITED

02 16 2015 3105590000 FERTILIZERCRISTALAND 20.20.20, NPK TMA1 LB 324.45 3,161.70 NAD-ADRA COMPANY LIMITED

02 16 2015 3105590000 FERTILIZERCRISTALAND 28.14.14, NPK TMA1 LB 58.14 566.54 NAD-ADRA COMPANY LIMITED

For data on production

The volumes produced per year and by type of fertilizer, if possible with the indication of the formulas produced and their use by crop

Information on the location, the operator, the production and storage capacity of blending and manufacturing units

For data on consumption

Volumes consumed per year, by crop and by type of fertilizer.

Information usually from statistical services of the ministry of agriculture, public corporations sourcing through tenders, annual report of the agriculture, studies channels, etc

Table 2: Example of Data of consumption by products and crops (in Côte d'Ivoire)

Cultures Types of fertilizers use

Volumes of fertilizer applied (tons)

2012 2013 2014


Urea 18,840 20 898 28,500

NPK 15 15 15 + 6S + 1B 65,287 76,177 86,700


NPK 0 23 19 + 5MgO + 10CaO + B 18000 31500 45,000

NITRABOR 1000 2000 2,000


Urea 1,500 1.550 2,000

NPK 15 15 15 + 6S + 1B 4,600 5,400 7,000

NPK 12 22 22 600 1000 1,000

NPK 12 24 18 1,000 500 500

Cereals (but,

sorghum and


Urea 1,700 1,750 2,000

NPK 15 15 15 + 6S + 1B 5,200 6.050 8,300

NPK 12 22 22 500 1,000 1,000

ANNEX: List of Participants

Country Location Organization Sector Name Position Number Email

Ghana Accra Ghana Statistical Service Public Francis Korku Dzah CountrySTAT National Cordinator, Head, Agri and Environmental Stats233 242546810 f.dzah2002@gmail.com

Ghana Accra Ghana Statistical Service Public Samuel Yaw Mortey Statistician 233 244176683 yaosamm@yahoo.com

Ghana Accra Louis Dreyfus Commodities GhanaPrivate Stephen Tour Sales and Development 233 244423012 stephen.tour@ldcom.com

Ghana Accra MOFA (SRID) Public Daniel Denku Wawo Agric Officer 233 244087173 wyadd@yahoo.co.uk

Ghana Accra MOFA (CSD) Public Michael Owusu Agric Officer 233 248386529 mickyy05@yahoo.com

Ghana Accra MOFA (PPRSD) Public Ernest Assibey Agric Officer 233 244877298 sieversaty@yahoo.com

Ghana Accra Ghana Revenue Authority Public Edward Osafo Addo Chief Revenue Officer 233 244642002 eaosafoeoa9185@gmail.com

Ghana Accra OmniFert Private Francis Dei Head of Agronomy 233 24202512 franscis.dei@omnifert.com

Ghana Accra Louis Dreyfus Commodities GhanaPrivate Asma CHEMLAL Trainee 233 664158823 a.chemlal@gmail.com

Ghana Accra IFDC Public Gyasi Fred Fertilizer Statistical Specialist 233 243030004 fgyasi@ifdc.org

Ghana Accra IFDC Public Awusi Manama Natoma Anglophone Subregional Liaison 233 244482121 mnatoma@ifdc.org

Ghana Accra IFDC Public Brou Ebo Isaac MIS Specialist 233 242280191 Ibrou@gmail.com

Ghana Accra IFDC Public Diyana Bawiena Administration Assistant 233 543810396 dbaweina@ifdc.org

Nigeria Abuja FEPSAN private Samuel Ali Advocacy Officer +2347036043838 info@fepsannigeria.com

Nigeria Abuja Indorama private Surendra Kumar Srivastava National Logistics head +2348150829270 sksrivastava@indorama.com.ng

Nigeria Abuja Notore private Mohammed Murtala Regional Commercial Manager +2348056696311 murtala.mohammed@notore.com

Nigeria Abuja CountrySTAT public Olorunmola Dare Rapheal CountrySTAT Leader 234 8051634840 pastordaree@gmail.com

Nigeria Abuja FMARD / FISS public Adamu Sale Deputy Director +234 80 2884 2311 234 8096333775 ujibrin3264@gmail.com;

Nigeria Abuja IFDC IFDC Felix Nwoche JFMA +2348178605154 fnwoche@ifdc.org

Sierra Leone Free Town Sierra Leone Agric Res Inst Public Abdul-Rahman Conteh Soil Scientist 232 79 501 135 contehar@yahoo.com

Sierra Leone Free Town Ministry of Agric Public Henry Kargbo Director of Crops 232 76638932 drixkargbo@yahoo.co.uk

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Participants with IFDC-Ghana country representative

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A working session

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