fennas drunin background

Post on 08-Nov-2014






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Extract from The Guild Companion Ready-to-Run Adventures for Rolemaster or MERP


Fennas Drunin Background - The Northern Angle Page 1 of 14

Ready-To-Run Adventures Enemy Within By Phillip Gladney

Edited by Joe Mandala for The Guild Companion Copyright ©2000

Amrill's Townhouse

The townhouse owned and lived in by Amrill is one of the largest buildings in Fennas Drunin. Only the Town Hall and a few of the inns are larger. Made of stone with a tile roof, the architecture is reminiscent of what one would see in Gondor or Arthedain, long ago. Consisting of a large main house as well as an entrance tower and

courtyard, the edifice is two stories tall. There are no windows to the outside on the ground floor, however there are many on the second. Stout, oaken timbers reinforced with iron protect these second floor windows. The

windows on the ground floor all look into the courtyard. These designs are for obvious security purposes. Security also includes armed guards patrolling the grounds at all times. There are 10 guards stationed within the confines of the manor to protect it from thieves and other threats. Two guards are on duty at all times, one in the

entrance tower and one roaming throughout the remainder of the house. These experienced warriors all hail from the Angmarean army, but their cover has them from the other side of the Misty Mountains. They will

defend the townhouse almost to the death.

1. Entranceway- Two large double doors made completely of iron secure the only means of legitimate

entrance into the merchants’ compound. The roof is of above-average height (15’) to allow riders to enter without having to dismount. There is a small window in the main doors to allow guardsmen to peer

out and question potential visitors. There is always at least one guardsman here protecting the entrance. A stool is provided to help alleviate the boredom of the long hours of sentry duty.

2. Courtyard- This bailey is cobbled to protect the horses’ hooves and keep out mud on rainy days.

3. Stable- Four horses are kept within this building constructed of wooden planks. The nicest is a powerful, jet-black stallion owned by Amrill. There is also a horse for Leoric and Dainyl as well as one extra. Well fed and cared for by the house servants of Amrill’s house, these beasts can run with the

fastest in the entire Angle. Oats, hay, saddles, bridles and other livery gear are stored here as well.

4. Wall- This defensive construction is approximately 12 feet high. There is a wooden walkway throughout the entire interior of the courtyard. Two ladders located near the entrance tower allow access to the walkway.

5. Great Hall- This large room is tiles and contains an abundance of expensive artwork on the walls.

This is where Amrill greets and entertains his guests. A marble pool stands in the center of the chamber along with a large statue of a man and woman embraced and kissing. There are several other smaller statues and busts symmetrically situated around the perimeter of the hall. A grand staircase stands

opposite the main entrance leading up to the second floor. To either side are situated hallways that proceed into other areas of the house. During times of high alert a guard will be stationed here right

outside the main door. At other times this section of the house harbors partygoers intent on having a good time. Amrill is well known within Fennas Drunin for his expensive galas and invitations to these events are well sought after.

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6. Younger Servant’s Quarters- Home to three relatively attractive women of varying ethnic stock, these rooms are surprisingly well furnished. The servants have their own beds as well as dressers with mirrors and a supply of makeup. If questioned, these maidservants will cheerfully express their

admiration of and gratitude towards Amrill. The reality of their situation is far bleaker. Each has a close family member, some of which are children living as slaves in Litashi- ishi-durbaz. If any of the

maidservants were to do anything to endanger the spymaster’s mission, their family members would be gruesomely tortured and killed. Indeed, the young ladies would most definitely do everything in their power to protect Amrill and preserve his secrets. Also, Amrill would not be against using any or all of

the servants as hostages or human shields if necessary.

7. Older Servant’s Quarters- Two elderly women live together in this sparsely furnished room. There is little here aside from two cots and a small chest for clothes. The duties of these two women differ greatly from those of the other three maidservants. They do all of the cooking and clothes washing as

well taking care of the horses. The younger maids do the lighter house cleaning so as not to sully their looks.

8. Kitchen- The two elderly servants usually spend most of their days here. Doing all of the cooking for the entire household can be a time consuming chore. This kitchen is like most others. A cutting table

dominates the center of the room while a stove sits off to one side. Cabinets are built into the walls to hold foodstuffs, dinnerware and other sundry items. There is nothing of interest here.

9. Pantry- entire households’ food supply is kept here. Most is dry and can keep for quite awhile, however fresh meat and fish is kept here also. Like the kitchen, there is nothing of interest here.

10. Barracks- Amrill has close to a dozen full-time caravansaries working for him at all times. These men are mostly from Angmar and its client states much like the guardsmen who protect the compound.

One difference, though, is that the caravansaries have not been entrusted with the fact that Amrill is an agent of the Witch-king. They merely believe that he is an unscrupulous trader who is sending shipments to the realm of Angmar. They are paid well to keep their mouths shut and they haven’t a care

or a clue as to what Amrill’s true motives are. If questioned, they will be unable to give any information about the Umbarean spy’s’ methods or secrets. When in town waiting for the next caravan to be

assembled, they stay in Amrill’s house. Now that all caravans to the east have been put on hold the majority of the caravan guards are here. They are at his beck and call and will do most anything for him for the right price, including murder. This lot is looked down upon in most quarters of the city. There are

currently 3 caravansaries here and they keep their meager possessions (10-30 sp) on their person at all times.

11. Barracks- This room also houses 3 caravansaries much like room #10.

12. Common Room- A large table stands in the center of this room. Cards, dice and other gaming accessories lie about the table, as do empty ale tankards and eating utensils. This is the common room

for the guardsmen and caravansaries and they spend much of their free time in here getting drunk and eating. A dartboard and keg fill out the sparsely furnished room.

13. Barracks- Much like room #10, this room houses 4 caravansaries.

14. Armory- A sturdy wooden (locked, Hard –10 to open) door protects the arms and armor of the household. Most of the warriors in the townhouse keep their weapons on their person, but a reserve is kept here also. Mostly consisting of arrows and spears the weapons are all of average make. Most have

never seen action but are still kept in good condition. Grinding stones, oils and other preservative items are kept here also.

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15. Staircase- This massive staircase is intricately carved from oak wood and is an extravagant addition to the manor house. The middle section stands high above the ground floor and is primarily used as a

speaking platform during parties.

16. Upper Hall- The upper hall is a continuation of the grand hall below it. Decorated similarly it is a perfect place to entertain party guests and host banquets.

17. Leoric’s Chambers- The Evil Animist Leoric lives in and operates out of this suite situated in the top of the entrance tower. He is a recluse and spends most of the day within his room spying on the

townsfolk. The contents of the room consist of a simple wood-frame bed, a small telescope set on a tripod, a desk covered with papers, a bookshelf with a large quantity of books, a large chest, a dresser and other miscellaneous small pieces of furniture. There is nothing of value in any of the drawers or the

chest and none are locked. Most hold clothes or worthless bric-a-brac. The papers on the desk are all notes Leoric has made about his observations of the townsfolk or manifests, invoices, etc. from the

merchant business. Rafters upon which a perceptive PC might notice the unmistakable signs of bird waste support the roof.

This is from the crebain that he summons at night (when no one can see them) and uses to transmit messages to his contacts and superiors. These creatures are never present during daylight hours but fly in

only when summoned by Leoric. Since the first floor of the tower is taller than normal, Leoric has an excellent view of the entire town.

He uses this vantage to its utmost, spying almost continually upon the townsfolk. To aid him in his voyeurism he has obtained a large crystal rhombus set in a pedestal. This powerful magical device adds

to his already potent abilities. About the size of an average mans’ head, the crystal concentrates and magnifies Channeling spells. If touching the rhombus, a user of channeling will have x5 duration and range on all spells cast. Currently Leoric has the pedestal set near his telescope so that he will have easy

access to it. When not in use, the bearded Northman keeps a blanket over it.

In addition to his spying and bookkeeping duties, Leoric keeps the missives, all written in Black Speech, to be transferred to and from agents of the Witch-king within Cardolan. These he hides in a hidden compartment set into the stone wall. This compartment is Very Hard (-20) to find. Inside there are

messages from most of the agents of the Witch-king residing in Cardolan. Unfortunately, all use vague terminology to conceal their vicinity and code names such as Blackwatch, Nightbringer, Fellsword,

Darkmere, Thornspike, and the like. 18. Guardroom- This room houses 5 guardsmen. Wooden cots, small clothes chests and stools are

spread about the room in an orderly fashion. Each guardsman, culled from the most reliable of men within the army of Angmar, keeps his personal wealth (10-50 sp, depending upon who was luckiest the

night before with the dice) on his person. Well paid, these rogue Northmen and Rhudaurim can frequently be seen out in town drinking or whoring.

19. Guardroom- This room also houses 5 guardsmen much like room #18.

20. -22. Guest Rooms-These rooms, reserved for important guests, are kept immaculately clean by the house servants. They have the regular household furnishings needed to accommodate guests for extended periods of time. These rooms are also used as a safe house for servants of the Witch-king

needing a place to hide. In the past, many figures of note fleeing to safety in Rhudaur and Angmar have been smuggled into town by the servants of Amrill so that they may "lay low" until their pursuers have

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given up. Currently, a spy who was uncovered working out of Metraith has taken up residence in one of these suites (#22). His name is Gorm Tavar and he is a talented assassin who works extensively with poisons. He has a small cache with him in a small wooden box covered with leather. He is waiting for

the right time to re-enter Rhudaur and must wait for the activity on the border to die down before he may begin his journey. There is also a significant bounty on his head in the amount of 50 pieces of gold. This

bounty can be obtained by traveling to Metraith with the scoundrel in tow or providing an identifiable part of his body to the local magistrate. While Gorm is living with Amrill he will do whatever necessary to help his benefactor, including one of

his favorite pastimes, cold-blooded murder. This he has already done once for the Umbarean spymaster. It was Gorm who stuck the poisoned dagger into the back of Corvan, the Weaver’s Guildmaster, and

planted the false message. Gorm has a small pouch containing the money he was able to escape Metraith with. It holds 8 gp, and 27 sp in addition to one gem worth 50 gm sewn into the hem.

23. Dainyl’s Chambers- Dainyl, the Rhudaurian guard captain, lives in this spacious suite of rooms. The rooms, consisting of a bedroom and sitting room, are well furnished with expensive furniture and

accoutrements. The accomplished soldier is looking forward to retirement and is beginning to acquire items for that day. Don’t underestimate his determination and resolve when it comes to defending the townhouse though. He, as well as everyone dwelling in the house, knows that a hideous death awaits

them if they fail in this important endeavor. Being hunted by the minions of the Witch-king for the rest of his natural life is not something Dainyl is prepared to accept and he will sacrifice his own life to

prevent this from happening. He knew what he was getting into when he accepted this well-paying and relatively easy assignment.

Dainyl’s responsibilities within the compound are organizing the sentry rotations, drilling the guards and overseeing the overall defense of the townhouse. Technically, he is second- in-command of the

operation, but in truth he fears Leoric and frequently defers to his wishes. The animosity of a powerful Channeler is something the wise warrior is apt to avoid. In front of his subordinates, however, Dainyl is a powerful authority figure who accepts no less than 100% effort. An unyielding taskmaster, Dainyl

drills the guards daily and has indeed created an elite, albeit small, force of heavy infantry.

Within this suite lies a small fortune in gold. Dainyl has become a wealthy man after serving many years under Amrill in the service of Angmar. His stipend was always healthy, but he has operated rigged gambling games in the past and this increased his personal assets tenfold. He now has a stash of well

over 350 pieces of gold hidden in a false bottom of his clothes chest that is Hard (-10) to detect.

24. Study- several bookcases as well as a desk and leather chairs adorn this dimly lit room. Many books are about Gondor’s history and geography, so that Amrill may be able to know more about the country he is supposedly from. The remaining books are a mixture of ribald stories and tactical manuals. The

desk is locked (Very Hard –20 to open) and contains various notes about this or that. Most involve his merchant business, but the others are simply worthless. There is no evidence of his surreptitious

activities in this room. Leoric can be seen here occasionally when he is auditing the accounts of Amrill. 25. Sitting Room- Amrill spends several hours of each day relaxing in this airy room. A couch and

various chairs sit about the room for that purpose. A dumbwaiter provides immediate access to the kitchen and a fully stocked bar sits against the north wall. A large dining table located directly in front of

the fireplace completes the room. Amrill dines here in solitude most every evening. Occasionally he will entertain guests here, but for the most part this is Amrill’s sanctuary. Amrill’s greatest pride and joy, a very large portrait of himself, sits perched atop the mantel of the fireplace.

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26. Amrill’s Chambers- This opulently decorated chamber is dominated by a massive four-post bed centered against the wall opposite the door. The posts are made of exquisitely carved wood straight from Woodmen-town and show various woodland animals in natural poses. Mink comforters cover bed sheets

made of silk. Other elegant pieces of furniture are positioned around the room including two dressers, a bench, a clothes chest and several small tables. Amrill is rarely in this room during daylight hours, but

can be found here every night in the company of the maidservant that struck his fancy that day. There is no incriminating evidence of Amrill’s activities here; however there is a hidden compartment built into the bed that is Extremely Hard (-30) to find. It is locked (Extremely Hard –30) and contains a simple

needle trap that is both Extremely Hard (-30) to find and disarm. It contains a 10th level circulatory poison that nauseates its victim for 1-5 days. Inside the hidden compartment is most of Amrill’s wealth.

He has converted what he could into gemstones and mithril pieces for ease of concealment and transport if necessary. This amounts to 3,300 gp in gems, 10 mp and 57 gp.

On one wall are pegs for Amrill’s arms and armor. All are of fine make and ready to be utilized at a moment’s notice. Amrill prefers not to be seen in these items as it may make his cover as a merchant

difficult to explain. Instead, when in town or entertaining, Amrill wears simple garments that, although expensive, keep his fellow townsfolk from discerning his actual martial skills. Amrill hates this attire and would much prefer to don his armor and have his potent sword by his side at all times.

In case of emergency, Amrill has had one of the windows in his room that looks out into the courtyard

and surrounding wall modified. While protected by stout wooden shutters to keep out the cold and intruders, the window can be opened from the inside by a simple switch of a lever, which is located on the wall close to the bed. The shutters will swing open instantly allowing Amrill to exit quickly should

his inner sanctum be violated. The palisade walkway is situated a mere 5 feet directly below this window. In an emergency, Amrill will simply jump out of the window, land on the palisade wall and

turn to another small lever set in the stone. This lever brings down two iron bars from the wall above the window to shut off the exit and cease any pursuit. From there, Amrill will make his way to either Descarr’s stables or a small boat moored on the pier closest to his warehouses. This boat is intended as a

pleasure craft, however it can serve as a means of escape in a pinch. It is provisioned for a week’s journey at all times and has a small sail to power it. If Amrill uses the boat to escape he will travel

downstream to the smuggler’s base camp and use a horse there to flee to Rhudaur via Eregion. Amrill has a lot of free time and uses much of it to ensure his safekeeping should he ever be discovered as an agent of the Witch-king.

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Ready-To-Run Adventures Enemy Within

Other Places of Note

Smuggler Camp- The hidden base of the small network of smugglers working out of Fennas Drunin is made up

of several log huts with thatch roofs set in a circular pattern. Out of sight of the river and located in a swampy area beside a small creek on the far side of the Bruinen, this camp is known to no one outside the smugglers

except for Amrill, Leoric and Dainyl. (Note: the only “swampy area” on any of P. Fenlon’s maps of the area is a little over 20 miles upstream, on the south bank of the Bruinen. E. Holmes) All told, there are 7 outlaws in this gang under the supervision of a Dunlending named Fiernoch. The other smugglers are made up of many

different ethnic groups including Easterlings, Cardolani, Rhudaurim and Northmen. There are a total of 4 huts and one cowshed in the small compound all circling a common fire pit. Fiernoch lives by himself in one of the

huts. The 3 remaining huts each house two of the smugglers. The cowshed holds one old cow for milk purposes and one horse for emergencies. Chickens and pigs run about throughout the entire camp.

For defense there is a small 5’ palisade around the camp to keep out wild beasts and two tree-stands in the nearby forest from which archers can rain down missiles on anyone unfortunate enough to stumble into the

camp. Two dogs of indiscriminate lineage also dwell with the smugglers and can provide early detection of intruders if the wind is blowing the right way. The smugglers have two sail-powered skiffs that they use to transport illicit goods to and fro moored in the nearby creek. A third oar-powered boat sits on the creek shore

and is currently being fitted with thin plates of iron to act as armor to protect the rowers. A ballista, acquired during the smuggler’s last trip to Rhudaur, has been riveted into the prow. Fiernoch plans on using the ensuing

confusion from the war to start a new career: that of river pirate. In conjunction with the meager defenses of the camp, several traps in the nearby forest protect the hideout from

intruders. All are of simple design but since the area around their refuge is so boggy due to its proximity to the river they are difficult to detect. All of the smugglers know the exact location of each trap and are able to avoid

them with ease. Some are located on the main trail between the camp and the creek while others are randomly placed throughout the area. Encounters in the near vicinity of the hideout should be governed by these guidelines:

% chance of


Perception difficu lty Description

01-10 n/a No traps

11-25 Medium (+0) Simple p it trap. Stakes set in ground. 1-5 "C" Puncture Criticals. Feces

and other waste matter smeared on stake. 50% chance of infection.

26-40 Hard (-10) Branch with spikes. Pulled back and triggered by tripwire. If released

will swing into whichever character t ripped the wire (GM decision). 1-

3 "D" Puncture Criticals.

41-70 Very Hard (-20) Spiked Log suspended by rope. Triggered by tripwire which releases

hidden log. May attack up to 2 characters with 1-5 "C" Puncture

Criticals and 1 "C" Crush Critical.

71-00 Extremely Hard (-30) Elaborate pit trap. Uses standing water as concealment. Metal spikes

located directly underneath surface. 1-5 "E" Puncture Crit icals.

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Descarr’s Stables- The home and workplace of the despised Descarr is a filthy, unkempt place. It is littered with empty wine jugs, rotten food and various other bits of refuse. Coupled with the animal waste from the adjacent stables the building has acquired a certain unappealing odor. This keeps the average citizen from

visiting, however this suits Descarr just fine. With the contraband he is concealing here he does not want too many visitors in any case.

The main building houses an office and kitchen on the first floor and sleeping quarters on the second. The adjoining livery can be accessed both from inside the main house as well as the street outside. None of the

furniture in the entire building is of average make or better. There is also nothing of value within the living section except for a small amount of coinage for transactions involving the mules and worn-down horses

Descarr deals in. The Dunlending’s real wealth is kept in the stable. Hidden in a wooden box underneath a pile of manure (naturally the last place any sane person would look) is the cache of drugs Descarr transports to and from Angmar and Rhudaur. He also keeps the illegal earnings from these sales here. So far, Descarr has

accumulated 504 gp and 223 sp.

The only other unfortunate inhabitant of this foul-smelling structure is a small Dunlending boy named Surrol. He is an orphan from the Stonearm Wars and is kept by Descarr as a menial laborer. Only fourteen years old and unable to speak due to the torment he has endured from Descarr and the shock of losing his parents, Surrol

tidies up the living quarters and stable as best he can. The townspeople believe that Surrol is a true mute, however this is not the case. Tender care from a loving household over time would help alleviate the pitiful

young mans’ affliction. As it is, Descarr abuses him on a regular basis, both physically and mentally. The child is unaware of Descarr’s true calling and would be unable to help in any investigation, although he does know about the hidden cache of drugs and money. Unknown to all, however, is the fact that Surrol is the son of a

powerful Animist and is exceptionally talented in that area as well (101 Intuition). With training Surrol could develop into an extremely potent Channeler.

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Ready-To-Run Adventures Enemy Within

NPC Stats Character Stats

Name # Level Hits AT DB Sh Gr 1stOB 2nd

OB 3rdOB MM Notes

Amrill 1 14 137 14 65 Y A/L 136bs 120sb 102ml 15 Black Numenorean Warrior

Leoric 1 7 52 2 5 N N 64ss - - 10 Gramuz Ev il Animist

Descarr 1 5 68 5 35 Y N 76ss 60da - 10 Dunlending Scout

Dainyl 1 9 130 Pl/18 55 Y A/- 123bs 97sb 85sp 10 Rhudauran Warrior

Fiernoch 1 7 90 RL/10 35 Y A/- 105ha 86sp 60sb 10 Dunlending Rogue

Gorm Tavar 1 7 86 SL/6 45 N N 88ss 86sb 74da 25 Dunlending Scout

Master Military Table

Name # Level Hits AT DB Sh Gr 1stOB 2nd

OB 3rdOB MM Notes

Guardsmen 10 4 80 Ch/15 35 Y A/- 85bs 80sb 70sp 10 Warriors

Caravansaries 10 3 70 Rl/10 30 Y N 70sc 60sb - 5 Rogues

Smugglers 6 3 65 Sl/8 30 N N 60ha 65sb 50sp 10 Rogues

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Ready-To-Run Adventures

Fennas Drunin Map Phillip Gladney ©1999

Located at the intersection of the Mitheithel and Bruinen rivers, this border town serves as the last vestige of

human civilization this side of the Misty Mountains. Fennas Drunin, inhabited by a strange mixture of farmers, river men, shepherds and mercenaries, serves as the center of government for the entire En Egladil. Closely allied to the Cantons, in truth a part of them, the people of the region hold back the armies of Rhudaur and to a

lesser extent Angmar itself. To this end, Fennas Drunin is subsidized by the Canotar in Tharbad and the king of Arthedain. Without this financial aid, they would never be able to afford the number of hired warriors guarding

their town. They are well prepared for war and have the ability to mobilize large numbers of men in a relatively short amount of time. This served them well when Ermegil Stonearm invaded the region a few years ago.

For protection, the town boasts a keep and is surrounded by a stone wall. The Gate Keep, the only means of entering the town from the north, is older than any other building within 500 miles and was built in the time of

the Numenorean expansion in the Second Age. It served as protection for a trading colony the Numenoreans once had here. It has been repaired so many times no one can remember, however it is still a strong structure and will hold up well to any attack. On the flat roof are two catapults and a ballista ready to fire their deadly

missiles. The walls surrounding the town have recently been repaired and are twenty-five feet tall. A wooden parapet allows guards to repel attackers from any point of attack. Interspersed along the wall are three-story

towers. These strengthen the integrity of the wall and provide a barracks and store rooms for the garrison. Five to ten troops sleep in each and serve sentry duty in shifts. A ballista also sits atop the roof of every tower. There are always at least five men walking the parapet and three more in the Gate Keep at any time. During the

day, strangers are allowed in to town if they have a good enough story. At night the gate in never opened.

Other than the excessive number of armed warriors in the town, the citizens lead normal lives. A Council rules over the town and pays the mercenaries. Merchants sell their goods from stores and the taverns are always full at night. Strangers are a rare sight, since the town is so close to the border with Rhudaur. Any strangers that do

meander into town are watched carefully since the agents of Angmar and Rhudaur are everywhere.

The main source if income from this area is wool, followed closely by agriculture and horse breeding. Vast flocks of sheep wander about the southern tip of the Angle under the close supervision of shepherds. Their wool is shipped south down the Gwathlo to be sold in Tharbad. Crops are primarily used by the people of the

Angle, but surplus grains are sometimes shipped to Tharbad along with the wool. Horses are raised here mainly by men of Northron descent. The best horses go to the Red Lances (a large mercenary company), in Thuin

Boid. The rest are sold to noblemen in Cardolan and even Arthedain. 1. Council Hall. The town leaders gather here to debate serious subjects and make decisions. Comprised

of quarried stone from the hills to the north this building is the largest in town next to the Gate Keep. Town meetings, festivals and celebrations all take place inside the main hall, which takes up most of the entire edifice. A raised dais against the middle of the wall opposite the two oaken main doors holds a

large wooden table. It is from here that the town council metes judgment and presides over the citizens of Fennas Drunin.

2. Town Square. This large area, like the majority of Fennas Drunin itself, is paved with stone and serves as a place for festivals and markets. A well in the center of the square provides water to anyone who

desires and will not run out unless the two rivers are dammed. Sometimes traveling merchants set up

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shop in the square to sell their goods. In addition, the two major fairs celebrated in this part of Endor take place here.

3. Inn. Named "The River's Edge"; this establishment is the towns largest and wildest. The poorer inhabitants of the region frequent the tavern as well as visiting bargemen from the south. This is the best

place to hear rumors and gossip (as the patrons become inebriated their tongues loosen). The fare is edible and the ale is not watered down too much.

4. Inn. This establishment is the nicest in town. Called "The Oak Grove" this is the oldest inn in Fennas Drunin. The food here is expensive, yet excellent, and the clientele well to do. Ruffians are turned away

at the door. Most of the town council eats here during the week and gathers to talk of important events. 5. Amrill’s Residence. The wealthiest merchant in town, Amrill, owns this extravagant house. It features a

three-story stone tower with walls extending to either side. These walls connect to an L-shaped wooden house and form a small courtyard. Ostensibly a Dunadan from the "south", Amrill buys food and wool

and ships them over the Misty Mountains. He also brings manufactured goods from Rhovanion, notably leather goods, fur coats and wine. In reality Amrill, whose real name is Uzathor, is from Umbar and serves as the Witch-king's principal agent in the area. It is his responsibility to pass on information

gathered by Angmar's agents in Cardolan. He also smuggles drugs into and out of Angmar. Leoric, Amrill's scribe and bookkeeper, lives in the top floor of the tower and handles the ravens that carry the

messages north. He spends his free time spying on the people of Fennas Drunin. Amrill has bribed a few of the guards that live in the tower nearest to his house and the riverbank. They look the other way when his men smuggle goods into town from a camp on the other side of the Bruinen.

6. Residence. This building is home to the head of the town council. Paetric is an old yet hale veteran of

many wars. He now owns the largest farm system in the Angle. He has powerful friends in Feotar and his farms could raise and support a small army in and of themselves. He normally stays in Fennas Drunin in his townhouse with his granddaughter Jayelle. He remains apprised of all events in and out of

town by his capable steward Raniyr.

7. Stables. Owned by Feagwin, this stable houses the best horses in eastern Eriador next to Rivendell. Most of these horses go to the war effort with Rhudaur and in particular the Red Lances in Thuin Boid. Like his good friend Paetric, Feagwin has many contacts in Feotar and owns a large ranch outside town

where he raises his horses. He stays in town frequently and has many workers serving in the town levy.

8. Herbalist. This small stone building sits far away from the hustle and bustle of the Town Square. The owner, a half-Dunadan named Andalyn, prefers the quiet to work on his potions and herbal concoctions. A friend to the Elves and even Gandalf, this apothecary services the town with medicinal healing and on

occasion advice, since he is well traveled. He has even been to Gondor and because of this Amrill tends to shy away from him.

9. Stable. This stable deals in inferior horses and mules. The owner, a Dunlending named Descarr, works for Amrill and operates the drug-running network. He mostly deals in Gort and Merrig, but he also

works with poison. Descarr is a bad-tempered man and the people of Fennas Drunin stay away from him for the most part.

10. Tavern. Called the "Battle Standard", this tavern is for heavy drinkers. Most patrons are warriors from the town guard or visiting caravansaries. Many fights break out here. This tavern is not a good source of

information as the guards are tight- lipped and the visiting caravansaries are generally new to the area.

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11. Tavern. Named the "Silver Shear" but actually called the "Rusty Shear" behind the owners' back. The service is lousy and the food is terrible not to mention the serving wenches. This tavern is for the lower class inhabitants of Fennas Drunin. No respectable upper-class townsperson would ever be seen here.

12. Shore. A gentle bank in the river provides a refuge for the town's fishing boats. Approximately ten

single-masted boats rest on this shore when not at use on the river. 13. Buildings. A few wooden buildings on the western side of the Gwathlo cater to travelers to and from

central Cardolan. There is a tavern, a stable and a residence located right on the shore where the ferry lands.

14. Warehouses. These large buildings use to house quantities of goods, but now most are empty. The few that are still in use belong to Amrill.

15. Dunnish Quarter. This section of town is the poorest. The houses here are small and made of wood

with thatched roofs. Women and children work and play in and around the houses all during the day. The men are normally out on the river fishing or in one of the many fields just outside the town walls farming. Many work on farms of wealthy Feotari or Northmen.

16. Homestead. A family resides here making a living off of the land. They grow grains and vegetables as

well as raising livestock such as pigs, chicken and sheep. 17. GateKeep. The center of the towns defenses, this keep also houses the town guard. Thorlaven the

mercenary captain has a suite on the top floor and the town armory is located on the first floor. Half of the mercenaries who make up the town guard live on the second and third floor. This keep is the only

surviving building from the time of the Numenoreans. It has been damaged many times due to war but has been repaired every time. It is still a formidable barrier to any invading army.

18. Tower. Built around the walls, these towers protect the walls and house parts of the mercenaries who make up the town guard.

19. The Mitheithel. This violent river flows south into the Gwathlo. The remains of an old bridge crossing over to mainland Cardolan can still be seen when the water level is low. Currently a ferry runs across the

river three times a day. Any special trip other than those three times per day will require gold.

20. The Bruinen. This gentle river merges with the Mitheithel to become the Gwathlo. This is the favored fishing area of the Fennas Drunin townsfolk.

21. Smithy. Called the "Iron Anvil"; this establishment serves as the front business for the dwarven smiths from Smallforge. Run by Folgrin (who also serves as the official dwarven envoy to Fennas Drunin), this

two story stone building houses a small smithy and a weapons store. Weapons crafted in Smallforge are shipped here for sale. No weapons are crafted here, but repairs are done in the smithy for a price. Currently, six dwarves live and work here and are seldom seen around town. The weapons for sale here

are all of dwarven make and excellent pieces of work. Most are average, but there are a few +5 and even +10 non-magical items for sale.

22. Weaver's Guild. This large wood and stone building is three stories tall. The guild is in charge of all aspects of the wool trade. They have direct dealings with their counterparts in Tharbad. Looms take up

the entire first floor and work the wool acquired from the shepherds into cloth. From there it is shipped

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down the river for sale (along with a good bit of raw, carded wool). A small amount of wool is worked into clothing for the people of the region and the quality is quite good.

23. Inn. Called "The Shepherd's House". When the shepherds bring their flocks into town for sale they usually stay in this establishment for a week or so, spending their well-earned money in one of the

taverns while their sheep are being sheared. The transients never stay for long because the sheep need grass and they must get back to the hills before the flock gets damaged (and they soon spend their earnings on alcohol and other "entertainments"). Hay purchased from the owner of the Shepherd's House

is enough to get the flock by until they return to greener pastures.

24. Sheep pens. While the shepherds are in town haggling over prices or downing a pint or two of ale, their flocks of sheep remain here. The sheep are not allowed in town except for when they are being sheared at the Weaver's Guild and then they are taken in a few at a time. The guards in the GateKeep and the

nearby towers are entrusted to look after the flocks and at night torches are lit so that the flocks can be seen easily from the walls.

25. General Store. Named "Polendur's Outfitters" after its owner, Polendur. A lesser Dunadan from Cardolan, Polendur came to Fennas Drunin to make his fortune. It hasn't been as easy as he had thought,

but he has managed to turn a profit in the past few years. He supplies goods and various dried foodstuffs for those who can afford it. Adventurers seeking to stock up on supplies will need to make a visit to this

shop. 26. Tannery. Cleverly named "The Tannery" by its owner Turwol, this enterprise provides the citizens of

the Angle with leather goods. Kept working almost constantly due to the high demand for armor and horse equipment, Turwol churns out new items every day. He employs several apprentices and keeps

them under close scrutiny. His work is exemplary and frequently he coordinates with the dwarves from the "Iron Anvil" on one project or another. He purchases his leather from the farms of both the Angle and the Cantons.

27. Brothel. Not having any real name, this building is usually just called "Miss Branlyn's Place". Owned

and operated by an Eraidorian woman named Branlyn, this house renders a much-needed service at a fair price. The mercenaries of the River Guard, visiting caravansaries, and shepherds are the biggest customers, since most of the farmers of the area can't afford it, even if their wives were to let them.

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