feng shui

Post on 08-May-2015






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basic principles of Feng shui




2Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Fengshui, or wind-and-water, also known as geomancy, is an ancient practice that uses almanacs, charms, and complex compasses to coordinate the interactions of people, their living spaces, and the natural environment.

• Fengshui regulates two dimensions of the environment - the spatial (the physical configuration of the land), and the temporal (determining the most favorable time to build).

• According to these principles, humans change the environment when they build habitation sites, with a potential to alter the flow of beneficial energy or qi in a positive or a negative way.

• The best sites allow energy or qi to flow freely, but not too rapidly. 

• The placement of earth (hills) and water (streams) was seen as especially crucial.

3Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Fengshui, a special Chinese tradition in architecture, usually links the whole process from site selection, designing, construction and interior and exterior decorating in ancient times.

• Feng means WIND and shui is WATER.

• Fengshui combines the trinity of the Heaven, the Earth and humans, and seeks harmony between selected site, orienting, natural doctrine and human fate.

• It repulses human destruction of nature and stresses cohabitation with the environment, which is regarded as perfect and occult.

• In China, a fengshui practitioner, or a diviner, usually applies theories as Yingyang, Sixiang, Wuxing and Bagua, based on the principle of the Heaven and the Earth in harmony, to select an optimum place for accommodation.

4Feng Shui & its Applicability

• There are five elements - long (dragon), xue (cave), sha (sand), shui (water) and xiang (orientation). They avoid evil qi and gain auspicious qi.

• In order to keep qi of the Heaven and the Earth in harmony in the construction of a new structure, earth vein should not be spoiled.

• The best orientation is a building with its face facing a river or a lake in the south and back against a hill in the north.

• Qi, deemed as the basic element of the physical world in ancient Chinese philosophy, is the essence of fengshui.

• The art of fengshui advocates there is a certain field, sort of like magnetic field, termed as qi field.

• An auspicious qi field is what fengshui practitioners seek while an evil one is what they strive to avoid.

5Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China.

• It is a complex body of system that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

• In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune.

• Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy.

• The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break the kingdom.

• The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism.


• Feng shui is the art of placing objects and arranging space in a way that harmony and a balance of the elements can be attained in that particular environment.

• Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi(chi)

• Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner.

• Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese practice dating back over 7000 years that, literally translated, means "wind-water".

• Used primarily in architecture, landscaping and interior decorating, Operating on the belief that all things both living and inanimate have a "chi", or energy force, that flows through it.

• Most Chinese interior design principles are based on Feng Shui, or the ancient tradition of arrangement of space to create a harmonious environment.

• It is believed that adjusting the energy of the home through feng shui can promote health, prosperity, success and love.

• Manipulating our outer world is often an effective way of changing our inner selves.

• The success of Feng Shui depends on one’s intentions and constant attention.

• One has to forget negative beliefs and this will help in overcoming the obstacles that are preventing positive things from happening .

• In Feng Shui it is important to harness positive energy and allow it to flow freely.


Feng Shui Octagon

8Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Feng shui principles operate mainly around the openings in a room.

• Doors that face high activity roadways and windows that look out onto a beautiful view are preferable.

• Foyers should be brightly lit and completely free of clutter.

• Chi flows through the home like water, through doors and windows, so it is imperative that these entrances not be blocked.


• Inauspicious (unlucky) energy is called "killing breath".

• Lucky energy lines travel in a curved, wandering pattern.

• The unlucky lines that create killing breath are straight and sharp, pointed objects which are referred to as poison arrows.

• Sharp corners, pointy roof angles, even outside electrical poles or exposed overhead beams are all considered to be poisonous.

• Too many sharp angles are aggressive.

9Feng Shui & its Applicability

• WATER – promotes opportunities and wealth; Colors -Blue, Black

• WOOD - promotes development and creative energies; Colors -Green, Brown

• METAL - generates attention and transmit energy; Colors - White, Gray

• EARTH – represents stability, permanence; Colors - Light Yellow, Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown

• FIRE - is considered the most powerful of all five elements and represents energy & passion; Colors - Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink


10Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Colors of Feng Shui helps to get as much positive energy as possible.• the color chart of Feng Shui determines the best color to harmonize the emotions and to radiate positive energy.• Ultimately, Feng Shui is the belief that believes in the manipulation of colors and the positioning of the various objects in a house, in order to divert the same amount of energy strong and positive as possible.

The feng shui Color chart


11Feng Shui & its Applicability

Feng Shui Chart – representing the placement/grouping of spaces in a house

12Feng Shui & its Applicability

Feng Shui Chart – representing the placement/grouping of spaces in a house


13Feng Shui & its Applicability

• The Bagua, originating from the I Ching or Book of Changes, is an eight-sided map that overlays the floorplan of a lot, building or room. • Each of the eight sections and the center corresponds to a section of life experience: career, wisdom/knowledge, family, finances, reputation, relationships, children/creativity, benefactors/supportive people, and health.

• By overlaying the Bagua onto a floor-plan, the locations of these life areas are identified for the flow of chi through the structure. • For less chi areas simple solutions to adjust the chi flow to strengthen the area and bring it into harmony. • Simple Solutions such as Colors, textures, plants and mirrors are just a few of the many elements that easily create good energy flow and transform an environment to one of harmony and well being. 

14Feng Shui & its Applicability

• Feng shui (or Fung shui) is a Chinese system of geomancy believed to use the laws of both Heaven and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive qi.

• It involves the intuitive, aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors, realigning all dimensions of the environment into a balanced, harmonious state.

15Feng Shui & its Applicability


Frogs are said to bring fortune and luck.

The Fish (Carp or Koi) Wealth, strength and prosperity

16Feng Shui & its Applicability

The Chinese Horse -Success, fame, endurance, courage and speed

The Chinese Ox Success, abundance and accumulation of wealth

17Feng Shui & its Applicability

The Chinese Cranes Longevity, health, happiness, wisdom and good luck

The Wise Old Elephant Strength,wisdom,prosperity, good luck and prudence

The Lucky Money Cat Money luck, business, wealth, prosperity and opportunities

18Feng Shui & its Applicability


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