female reproductive system and all its many parts. (last chapter in the book in case you were...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Female Reproductive System

And all its many parts.

(last chapter in the book in case you were wondering)

Venus De Milo

Birth of Venus

How she became girly…

Estrogen- released from ovaries. Enlarges ovaries, vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes.Maintains secondary sex characteristics. Breasts and fat for curves

ProgesteroneIn ovaries. Causes changes in uterus. Helps maintain endometrium. Also maintains pregnancy and prepares breasts for milk.

The Duct System

Ovary. Floats freely. Contains and matures eggs.

Part of the Endocrine system. Secretes Estrogen.


Fallopian Tube- 4in/10cm longNo contact between Ovary and Fallopian


When ovary expels the Oocyte the fimbriae or ends of the fallopian tube capture it. Eggs can get lost here in the peritoneal cavity

Carried by peristalsis by cilia that line the fallopian tube. (3-4 Days)

*Gonorrhea spread from the fallopian tubes into the peritoneal cavity= PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and leads to infertility by closing fallopian tubes.

UterusReceives, retains and nourishes egg.

Pear shaped before pregnancy

3 layersEndometrium – Egg implants here. Sloughs off monthly

Myometrium- middle layer- smooth muscle= contractions

Epimetrium- outer layer

Outlet is the cervix

Cancer of the Cervix detected by a pap smear. Caused by human papilloma virus- STD


3-4 inches long= birth canal

Hymen closes at distal end.

Humans tilts forward.

Endometriosis: When endometrial tissue forms outside of the uterus. Can cause infertility and severe menstrual pain.

Examples shown:


The Hormone Cycle

Oogenesis and Ovarian cycleOogenesis- making of female sex cells (eggs)

700,000 most present at time of birth400-500 used per lifetimeDuring puberty FSH is used to stimulate eggs into maturing. FSH swells follicle to 10mm. 1 follicle develops at a time, 1st polar body made (1st meiotic division). Figure16.10Continues until menopause ~ age 50.

Menstrual Cycle

Day 1-5 Mensus. Lasts 3-5 days. Blood loss is ¼ to ½ cup. *Iron pills important.

Pg. 493

Cycle Charts



Days 6-14

Endometrium, glands, and blood supply increase. Estrogen (produced by follicles on the ovary) and LH peak day 12 + 13 =

Ovulation Day 14. Follicle is like a boil on the ovary. LH causes it to rupture and the egg is released= ovulation. Used follicle becomes the Corpus Luteum= secretes progesterone.

Mature follicles not ovulated deteriorate.

Check of Estrogen Levels for fertility.

Using Saliva Ovulation Predictors (Saliva Fertility Tests)

The egg

Released egg is Large, Non-motile, Full of food. Lives 24hrs on average.Still has to go through the last meiotic division. Becomes 1N only when sperm penetrates. Pg 489In the fallopian tube it is fertilized and becomes a blastula.

Days 15-28

Corpus luteum secretes progesteroneProgesterone = increase in blood supply and nutrients to the uterus, increases blood vessels and glands. If not fertilized the corpus luteum disintegrates.Endometrium spasms and kinks eventually dying without its blood supply.

How fast does this happen?

Menstrual cycle can be as fast as 21 days long and as long as 40.

There are exceptions to everything.

Mammary glands- all mammals have em’.

Mammary glands- present in both sexes. Modified sweat glands and part of the skin.15-25 lobes radiate around each nipple. Lobes are subdivided into lobules which contain alveolar glands.Alveolar glands produce milk when a woman is lactating.Lactiferous ducts open to the outside of the nipple.

How to do a self breastExam. Both Men and women

Should do these!

Mammography- The dreaded ritual

Breast cancer- leading cause of death in American Women

Men die at a higher % than women

Signs: Changes in: skin texture, puckering, leakage of nipple, hot areas, new lumps

Prevention: Monthly breast exams- men too!

Mammography: X-ray of breast beginning age 40. Every 2 yrs.


Pregnancy and Development:Remember eggs last 12-14 hrs and sperm lasts 12-72 hrs

Egg sends “homing hormones” to direct the sperm. Takes 1-2 hours for sperm to complete the journey up uterine tube.

Acrosomes- lysosomes on head of sperm break down egg. = Fertilization



What happens to the egg?

Zygote= egg & sperm combine

Cleavage= Egg splits into 2 cells

Blastula= a hollow ball of cells

Gastrula= caved in blastula with 3 layers

Ectoderm = skin and nerves

Mesoderm= muscles, bones, reproductive sys.

Endoderm= Intestine, Respiratory sys.Fetal


Cleavage, Blastula, Gasturla, Fetus



And then?

3 days after ovulation- floating down fallopian tube into uterus

Day 7 implantation

Blastula secretes LH like hormone. Stops the corpus luteum from disintegrating. Keeps producing progesterone.

We have barely begun (in making life.)

After Implantation blastulocyte and endometrium form placenta. Functions around the third week.

2nd Month it produces the hormones (progesterone) not the corpus luteum

How pregnancyTests work

And then it became a fetus.Amniotic sac surrounds the embryo

Umbilical cord connects embryo to uterus

Week 8 embryo looks human.

Week 9 embryo is considered a fetus

270th day = full term. Ready to be born.

Overview of Ultrasound

Effects of Pregnancy on Mother

Crowded abdominal organs

Ribs flare- thorax widens

Changes a women's center of gravity- back ache

Relaxin- hormone causes ligaments to relax and ease birth canal= pregnancy waddle

Effects on the systems of the body

GI SystemMorning sickness= elevated progesterone and estrogen levels. Takes time to acclimate.

Heartburn displaced esophagus and stomach

Constipation displaced intestine

Urinary SystemIncrease in urine because of baby & bladder is compressed.

More Effects….

Respiratory System:Nasal passageways = stuffinessDifficulty breathing= displacement

Circulatory System:High blood pressure and pulse rate25 -> 40% more H2O. Safeguards against blood loss in birth.Increase in varicose veins. Uterus presses pelvic blood vessels.


Around 15 days of due date.

Increase in estrogen (peaks).

Increases oxytosin= contractions.Braxton Hicks Contractions= false labor

Hypothalamus is activated. Positive feedback system.

Aspirin and ibuprofen= antiprostaglandins can inhibit labor

Stages of Labor

Dilation= 10 cm 6-12 hoursExpulsion= 20min- 2 hrs

Head first- breath quicklyBreech- butt firstC-section- if baby is in danger (O2)

Placental= 15min after birthPostpartum bleeding- all afterbirth not removed.

Overview of Childbirth

The control of birth: surgical methods first

Tubal ligation (female)

Cutting, Cauterizing, or banding the uterine tubes

Vasectomy (male)

Cutting or Cauterizing the vas deferens33% Chose these methods. Usually permanent

Non-medical methods

Coitus interruptus - withdrawal before ejaculation. –Highly problematic. Mistakes occur and some semen is expelled before ejaculation.Rhythm method- abstinence during ovulation. Can use body temperature index. (body temp raises .6 deg F during ovulation). Can also use microscopes for “fern pattern”.

Mechanical barriers: prevent sperm from entering female reproductive tract.

Condom: thin latex sheath placed over erect penis.

Diaphragm: cup-shaped device with a flexible rim covers the cervix. Must be fitted by a physician, used with spermacide, left in position for several hours following intercourse, and be put in properly.

Chemical barriers

Creams, foams, and jellies with spermicidal properties.

One of the least effective.

Waiting period.

Oral contraceptives

THE PILL- contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone- body thinks its pregnant.

Prevents ovulation.

100% effective if used as recommended.

Side effects in some women: nausea, bloating, tenderness, moodiness

Should not be used if you are a smoker

Contraceptive implants

Norplant- 6 silicone rods that release progestin for 5 years.

Depo-Provera- injection every 3 months.

Problems: some women continually menstruate. Others menstruate not at all.

Intrauterine devices (IUD’s)

Small solid objects often with exposed copper parts. Physician implants in uterus. Prevents embryo from implanting because the uterus has an inflammatory response. Must be checked periodically by a physician.Can have serious negative health effects.

After the incident

RU486: abortion pill. First 7 weeks. Causes intense uterine contractions. Induces miscarriage.

MAPS-morning after pill (1-72 hrs after unprotected sex) . Prevents the embryo from implanting.

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