february 2020 the2020 hart - hotze health & wellness center...treatment into our health and...

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We have made significant progress against heart disease. Since the 1960s, the death rate from cardiovascular disease has steadily declined—until now. Over the past few years, progress has stalled, the mortality rate from heart disease is inching up, and for the third year in a row, life expectancy in the United States has decreased. It’s easy to chalk this up to the aging of the American population, and this obviously plays a major role. Health problems disproportionately strike older people, and 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day. However, there has also been an alarming increase in deaths from heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure in younger people. Wall Street Journal reporters recently crunched the numbers and found that the cardiovascular death rate in the 45–65 age group has skyrocketed in recent years. In the top 10 hardest-hit metro areas—which include Corpus Christi and Beaumont—it increased by about 25 percent! The reasons behind this disturbing trend aren’t all that surprising. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight and 40 percent are obese. Thirty million have diabetes, and 84 million more have prediabetes. Although smoking rates are half what they used to be, a quarter of younger people still smoke. Only 23 percent of us get the recommended amount of physical activity. The average American diet is low in

vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats and high in refined grains and added sugars and sodium. A third of adults say they don’t get enough sleep, and surveys suggest that the majority have a lot of stress in their lives. I’m laying out these facts not to scare you but to make you aware of these cardiovascular risk factors, encourage you to take a close look at your own life—and get serious about your health. Hotze Health & Wellness Center can help. First, we’ll help you understand where you stand with an in-depth history and physical exam, comprehensive blood tests, and cardiac calcium scanning. Based on these results, you will be started on a personalized treatment regimen. Every one of our therapies—from nutrition and weight loss to hormone balancing and allergy treatments to detoxification and vitamin and mineral supplementation—will enhance the health of your cardiovascular system, reduce your risk of heart disease, and help you enjoy a better quality of life. Committed to your health success,

Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

A Letter From Dr. Hotze

WHAT’S INSIDE: 2The Healing Power of Stem Cell Exosomes 3CoQ10 and Longevity • Hypothyroidism: the Cardiovascular Connection 4News You Can Use 5Dear Dr. Hotze

February 2020 • Vol. 5, No. 2

H O T Z EHealthy Living



February 2020 · Vol. 5, No. 2 Find out more at www.HotzeHWC.com • 281.579.3600 2


One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.

Heart disease is #1 cause of death in both men and women.

Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing 365,914 people in 2017.

About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year – that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.

Take charge of your health today!

The Healing Power of Stem Cell ExosomesThe Hotze Health & Wellness Center is now incorporating regenerative medicine into our treatment programs. Regenerative medicine is a natural approach to activating our cells to repair tissues and organs in order to establish normal function. The Hotze Health & Wellness Center is the first medical center in the United States to be accepted to study stem cell exosomes under the regulatory oversight of Pathway Research Institute, an FDA approved Institutional Review Board (IRB). The approved studies will include treatment of 1) osteoarthritis of the knee, 2) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 3) Alzheimer’s disease, and 4) traumatic brain injury. We will be applying for IRB approval of studies regarding the treatment of 1) Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune thyroiditis), 2) Parkinson’s disease, 3) cerebral palsy, 4) rheumatoid arthritis, 5) dementia, 6) autism, and 7) atherosclerosis. God has given your body amazing restorative power, a natural ability to heal itself. This is known as the body’s Innate Regenerative Capacity. Stem cell exosomes are nano-sized vesicles that play a key role in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes are biologically active molecules which create an environment where the injured tissues can regenerate themselves. They enhance the viability and activity of the mitochondria, which are the power plants contained in every cell. Exosomes can be given intravenously or directly into joints. Stem cell exosomes have been shown to have therapeutic benefits in the treatment of 1) pain and joint management, 2) immune system modulation, 3) tissue and organ repair, 4) autism, 5) aesthetics and hair restoration, 6) dementia, and 7) holistic revitalization of cellular processes. Over the past several years I have been extremely interested in offering stem cell treatment to our guests, however, the FDA prohibits the most beneficial stem cell therapy. Prior to 2014, stem cell companies could harvest stem cells and then put them in a medium where they would expand and grow into hundreds of millions of stem cells. These stem cells were then given intravenously or directly into patients’ joints. This is what the FDA has

prohibited. People have to travel outside of the country to obtain this treatment, which is very expensive and inconvenient. This is why exosome treatment is so exciting. It allows us to give you the benefit of stem cell therapy by using exosomes, which are the biologically active molecules produced by stem cells. This also makes it much more cost effective and affordable. Here is an analogy that will help you understand the relationship between stem cells and exosomes. Many oil refineries line the Gulf Coast. Crude oil is refined into various petrochemical products, such as gasoline, diesel, butane, and propane. These products are shipped to the various industries that use them. When you pull up to a gas station, you fill your car with gasoline that was produced at the refinery. Think of the stem cells as the refinery, and the exosomes as the gasoline. There are scores of articles in the medical journals about the regenerative health benefits of exosomes. The more I have studied exosomes, the more excited I have become about offering exosome treatment to our guests at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. Exosomes are truly catalysts for whole-body health.

I am extremely enthusiastic about incorporating exosome treatment into our health and wellness program. It has shown great potential for allowing individuals to have an additional way to improve and restore their health.

The following are some key points about the exosomes used at Hotze Health & Wellness Center:

1. The exosomes are derived from placentas of full term, live C-section births and are donated by consenting mothers who have passed a comprehensive medical background check and blood screening. They are purchased from an FDA registered tissue bank that I have personally visited.

2. Third party testing is done on every batch, specifically for sterility and characterization of biologically active molecules.

3. Single generation harvesting. A new placenta is used for every batch of exosomes to produce the highest potency.

4. Our treatment contains high quantities of exosomes for effectiveness. For example, for a knee treatment, each injection contains 15-30 billion exosomes. Intravenous treatment contains approximately 75 billion exosomes.

Contact one of our wellness consultants today at 281-698-8698 to determine if you would benefit from exosome treatment.

Hotze Happenings IV Vitamins and Other Nutrients

CoQ10 and LongevityVita-MinuteVita-Minute

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential supplement for the prevention and treatment of heart ailments. Multiple studies demonstrate its benefits for hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and heart failure. CoQ10’s benefits aren’t limited to the cardiovascular system. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation and increases cellular energy in tissues throughout the body. Age-related declines in CoQ10 have been linked with increased susceptibility to not only cardiovascular disease but also diabetes, liver, and kidney disease. And by reducing the burden of these disorders, supplemental CoQ10 may increase longevity. Swedish studies found that older men and women who took CoQ10 had a 50 percent reduced risk of death.

Ubiquinol is the form of CoQ10 I recommend, as the other form, ubiquinone, must first be converted in the body into ubiquinol. A good dose for health maintenance is 100 mg a day. For cardiovascular disease, I recommend a minimum of 200 mg. If you are taking a statin, protect yourself with a daily dose of 200 mg of CoQ10/ubiquinol. For more comprehensive protection, try My Hotzepak Heart Pak, which includes ubiquinol plus vitamin K2, L-proline, and other heart-healthy nutrients. Call 800-579-6545 or visit hotzevitamins.com to order Co-Q10 today!

February 2020 · Vol. 5, No. 2 Find out more at www.HotzeHWC.com • 281.579.3600 3

Intravenous vitamin infusions are quite trendy these days. Offered in spas, strip malls, and even mobile vans that come right to your door, they are promoted for recovery from hangovers, travel, and athletic events as well as for energy, detoxification, skin care, and overall well-being. IV nutrient infusions can indeed do all this—and much more. Targeted IVs are a bona fide medical therapy. Intravenous alpha lipoic acid is a powerful treatment for serious liver disease and neuropathy. Magnesium infusions can normalize heart arrhythmias, relieve migraines, and stop asthma attacks. IV glutathione provides exceptional

antioxidant support and facilitates detoxification. And IV vitamin C, in very high doses, kill microbes and cancer cells and is a proven adjunct therapy for cancer. Because IV nutrients bypass the gastrointestinal tract, they rapidly take effect. This also enables us to administer doses that are much higher and more therapeutic than could ever be tolerated or absorbed orally. Last but not least, IVs optimize hydration, and even mild dehydration can sap energy, cause headaches, and more. For more information, visit www.hotzehwc.com/vitamin-iv-s/

From the Pharmacist Hypothyroidism:the Cardiovascular Connection

Everyone with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) knows it can make your heart race and beat irregularly. But you may not be aware of the cardiovascular effects of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). When thyroid hormone production is too low, everything slows down. Hypothyroidism decreases cardiac output (the amount of blood pumped through the system), raises cholesterol, and impairs the release of nitric oxide in the arteries, making them less flexible and driving up blood pressure. Untreated hypothyroidism elevates your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and cardiovascular death.

The good news is that treatment with natural thyroid or compounded bioidentical T3/T4 thyroid hormones enhances multiple parameters of your health. In addition to noticeable improvements in energy, mood, weight, and overall quality of life, you can rest assured that thyroid replacement therapy also has equally profound, if less obvious beneficial effects on your cardiovascular system. Call us at 281-828-9088 or visit physicianspreferencerx.com to learn more—and save $50 when you transfer your compounded prescription to Physicians Preference Pharmacy.


February 2020 · Vol. 5, No. 2 Find out more at www.HotzeHWC.com • 281.579.3600 4

Vitamin D Protects Against Respiratory InfectionsWant to increase your chances of sidestepping colds and flu this winter? Take vitamin D3. In a study published in the BMJ, an international team of researchers reviewed all the pertinent clinical trials and concluded, “Vitamin D supplementation was safe, and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall. Patients who were very vitamin D deficient...experienced the most benefit.” It is particularly important to optimize your vitamin D status during the winter, when levels tend to plummet—

even in sunny Texas. The meager RDA of 600–800 IU is rarely enough; a daily dose of 5,000–10,000 IU is often required. Monitor your vitamin D blood level and take enough vitamin D3 (along with vitamin K2) to maintain an optimal blood level of 50–80 ng/mL. To learn more about vitamin D’s many benefits, check out my interview with world-renowned expert Michael Holick, MD, PhD. To order, visit Hotzevitamins.com or call 800-579-6545 and talk to one of our Certified Holistic Nutritionists and Vitamin Consultants.

Testosterone Improves Long-Term Weight ControlMen, if you’re struggling with your weight, low testosterone may be the culprit. At a recent Endocrine Society annual meeting, German physicians reported on an observational study of long-term use of testosterone replacement in 273 obese men in their late-50s to mid-60s. When the men were reevaluated 10 years after starting on testosterone, they had lost an average of 50 pounds (20 percent of their baseline weight) and nearly five inches of waist circumference. Meanwhile, a control

group of 189 men who declined testosterone treatment had gained an average of 7.1 pounds and 1.8 inches in girth. There were also significantly fewer deaths, strokes, and heart attacks in the group of men who were treated with testosterone compared to those in the control group. Weight loss is one of testosterone therapy’s many benefits. If you’re dealing with loss of muscle mass, low libido, erectile, dysfunction, depression, or just feeling old before your time, come in for an evaluation and we’ll determine if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.

“I could not fall asleep easily and woke up often during the night, unable to go back to sleep. I would wake up feeling worse than I did when I went to sleep. I lived in a daze! I went from doctor to doctor, but my insomnia was written off as ‘aging.’ Of course I had a lot of stress in my life—very few people do not. I was taking prescription medications for anxiety, depression, etc., and the doctors just kept increasing the dose or changing medications. “Then I heard about Dr. Steven Hotze and watched one of the videos explaining his clinic. I kept thinking, ‘This is me, this is me!’ I called and made an appointment and have been blessed ever since. My tests showed thyroid problems, imbalances in other hormones, and a lack of important vitamins and minerals our body needs. They reviewed the test results with me, gave me written explanations and suggestions, and encouraged me to call for any problems. I left the office with encouragement and hope.

“The first thing I noticed was that I could fall asleep and sleep through the night. This alone was worth a lot—to be able to get restful sleep, which I direly needed. My energy level soared. I can keep up with anybody and often work harder and longer than many people much younger than myself. My general emotional and mental state of mind has improved immensely, and I am completely off the depression and anxiety medication. I have not felt this good since I was in my 30s. My husband, children, family and friends could all tell the difference within two weeks. With the Hotze Clinic, I received help getting my life back.” Share your success story—and let your experience inspire others. Email us at admin@hotzemail.com.

News You Can Use

How Hotze Helped Me

No More Insomnia

February 2020 · Vol. 5, No. 2 Find out more at www.HotzeHWC.com • 281.579.3600 5

Dear Dr. Hotze

Heart Scan I am considering getting a heart scan because my best

friend recently had a heart attack. She is slim

and fit, exercises, and eats well, so this came as a big surprise. She ended up having two stents, and one artery was 100 percent blocked! I want to have this scan, but I have heard that it exposes you to a lot of radiation. Is this true? — Louise

First, let me say your decision to have a heart scan is a good one. As your friend’s experience shows, heart attacks often seem to occur out of the blue, but there’s almost always an underlying problem. Cardiac scans, which measure calcium deposits in the coronary arteries, are a reliable indicator of “hidden” heart attack risk. It’s good to know where you stand because it enables you to take steps to reduce your risk such as adopting a healthy diet, exercise regimen, and heart-healthy nutritional supplement program.

These scans, which are a type of X-ray, do involve some radiation exposure. However, with sophisticated scanners such as the electron beam CT (EBCT) we use here at Hotze Health & Wellness Center, you receive about 1 mSv, which is similar to the amount of radiation from a mammogram.

Protein PowderWhat is the best type of protein powder? There are so many choices nowadays that it’s confusing. — B.H.

We have tried several types of protein powders over the years, including whey, rice, egg white, and hemp. They all have their pros and cons, but we have settled on pea protein. In addition to containing high-quality protein (20 g per serving), a great balance of amino acids, and no added sugars (it’s sweetened with stevia), our pea protein mixes well and tastes great. And because it contains no dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, nuts, or animal products of any kind, it works with most any type of diet or food intolerance.

Cold Hands and FeetDo you have any recommendations for cold hands and feet? My feet are the main problem. My husband says they’re like icebergs when I get in bed at night. Except for being a little overweight, I am pretty healthy and all my blood tests are normal. Thanks in advance. — Jean

The first thing I would recommend is to check your thyroid function. Most doctors rely on a single blood test (TSH) to diagnose thyroid disorders. When results are in the “normal range,” as 95 percent of them are, hypothyroidism is ruled out—even if you have obvious signs of low thyroid function. Because it is entirely possible to have a normal TSH test and still have hypothyroidism, it’s important to dig deeper. To learn more about how we diagnose and treat thyroid problems, visit hotzehwc.com or call us at 281-698-8698.

Email your questions for Dr. Hotze to admin@hotzemail.com and look for answers in upcoming newsletters.

Crock-Pot Mexican ChickenINGREDIENTS2 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts1 (16 oz.) jar of your favorite salsa (use El Pinto if on the Yeast-Free Diet)1 Tbsp. chili powder1 Tsp. low-sodium chicken bouillon concentrate1 cup canned black beans (add more if desired)3 oz. Monterey jack cheese (omit if on the Yeast-Free Diet)6 Tbsp. light sour cream (optional, omit if on the Yeast-Free Diet)

DIRECTIONSPlace chicken in crock pot. In a bowl, stir together salsa, chili powder, and chicken bouillon until well mixed. Pour mixture over chicken. Cook on low for 7 hours. When done, shred chicken with a fork and stir in black beans. Continue to cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes or until beans are hot. Serve topped with cheese and sour cream if desired.

This guest favorite, which is a variation on a recipe from Hotze Optimal Eating Program, will warm you up—plus it’s quick and easy to prepare. Recipe of the Month

Serves 6 Per serving (with cheese)Calories: 268Fat: 6.5gSat. fat: 3gCarbs: 11.5gProtein: 41.5 g

Fiber: 3.7g

⋔ Enjoy—and share your favorite recipes with us!

20214 Braidwood Drive, Suite 215Houston, Texas 77450

Sinus Infections“Whenever anyone in my family gets a runny nose or other sinus symptoms, we use Argentyn 23. A few sprays in the nostrils for two or three days nips it in the bud.” — G.T. This product, which contains purified, positively charged silver ions, is great for sinus and throat infections because it creates an inhospitable environment for bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. Available only through professionals, it can be ordered at hotzevitamins.com or by calling 800-579-6545.

Weight Loss“I went to Hotze Health & Wellness Center because I wanted to increase my energy, function at a higher level, get rid of brain fog, and sleep better. The magic key for me was to eat right. After following Dr. Hotze’s grain-

free, wheat-free diet, yeast-free diet for 71 days, I lost 62 pounds. — Derek Impressive! If you need help with your weight loss goals, check out our 28-Day Slim Down Program. In addition to an initial nutritional consultation, it includes a step-by-step guide with recipes, a Skinny Pak Plus supplement kit, and protein powder—plus weekly accountability check-ins with our nutritionist.

Digestion Problems“I have been taking your Probiotic Blend for years and my tummy issues are under control.” — Tina Probiotics support healthy gut bacteria, which also enhances immune function and other aspects of health. I believe probiotics should be a part of most everyone’s daily supplement regimen.

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