february 2013 updates: the sisters enjoy their time together and with friends

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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The girls enjoyed dress ups, the trampoline and playing in the mud – all in Hebrew!


February 2013 Updates: The Sisters enjoy their time together and with friends We enjoyed a surprise visit from Eyal, Inbal and their lovely girls Mika (Year 1) and Ariel (3 years old). The girls enjoyed dress ups, the trampoline and playing in the mud all in Hebrew! The sunny and hot weather was occasionally broken by drizzles Hahgoot chose the poses for this photo shoot (as she had a new dress from grandma Eti) and was frustrated Alma had her own style The girls spent a lot of time together, either playing nicely or wrestling and quarrelling... After school each day they have a snack together while watching TV (usually a DVD in Hebrew) and then play. Their communication and interaction, both physically and verbally, has improved greatly. Below, left: Hahgoot wanted to pick Alma up and discovered it was too hard. When Alma was a baby she refused to even hold Alma in her lap. Now it is a bit late... Alma will probably be able to pick HER up soon... They spent an afternoon trying to connect the two vehicles with string. I let them solve the problem themselves. Hahgoot still refuses to learn how to tie a knot (beyond the very first step) so I had to help a bit. In the afternoons they enjoy riding bikes and scooters around the yard. Hahgoot wanted to ride her scooter and Alma wanted to play doctor, so I suggested they do a dramatic story, where Hahgoot falls off her scooter and Alma comes in the ambulance to treat her. Everyones happy! This came in handy as a few days later Alma really fell down in the yard and Hahgoot could really take care of her. Progress with empathy! In our next presentation: Sharing play time adventures!

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