feb 7, 2013 224 powerpoint

Post on 26-May-2015






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all the pretty colors


TODAY1) Icebreaker2) Color3) Some Things to Think About4) Looking at sites you love: colors5) A little Typography talk6) Homework


What’s your name and your favorite item of clothing?

Research blog

Any questions remain about the research blog?

Color: good palettes mean…

…good design. Look at the following famous logos and the color choices. Think about what the audiences and contexts are for each, and ask yourself: are these colors the optimal choice? Why or why not?


Two sites to look at

ActivityI want you to go to sites you use regularly, or Google images/ads for products you use regularly. Look at how they use color.

Are they using color well or poorly? What do the colors they use communicate to you? How might they be more savvy?

I will ask for people to offer examples, so email images or have a URL ready to offer up.

I want to spend some time in Photoshop. Please ask questions so that you can learn what you need to finish your projects.

With the rest of class…


Dr. Phill needs a new door sign, so I’m going to make that here in class, talking you through the process. As I do it, you can learn some Photoshop skills/ask questions/etc.

If you are comfortable in Photoshop, use this time to work on your project.

Before we go…

… I want you to take a few minutes to think about issues relating to digital rhetoric and writing that you’d like to discuss in class.

Go to my blog at http://phill224.tumblr.com/ click on the “ask me anything” button in the right margin, and offer up your ideas. I will use those to guide our readings for the remainder of the semester.


For Tuesday: Read for class: Wysocki “With Eyes that Think and Compose and Think” (on Niihka) and Wysocki “The Multiple Media of Texts”

Come in with a rough draft of your typography project

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