#fd-83 · what does your e-mail say? 49. if you were going to design a t-shirt with a written...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Symbol Key: = correct response = incorrect response = ______________


Prompt: Date: 1. If you had to eat the same thing the rest of your life, what would you choose? Why?

2. Pretend you found a bottle on the beach with a note inside. What did the note say?

3. If you could change your first name, what would you like it to be? Why?

4. How would you give your pet porcupine a bath?

5. You are the tires on a bicycle. Tell about your life!

6. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you like to have with you?

7. You have a magic bicycle. Why is it magical?

8. You are a secret agent. What kind of spy gadgets do you use in your job?

9. Imagine you could make everyone in the world happy! How would you do that?

10. If you were the teacher for a day, what would you teach? What rules would you have?

11. You’ve won a free trip to anywhere in the world! Where do you want to go? Why?

12. Pretend you are invisible. Tell about your adventures.

13. Pretend you are a movie star! What is the title of your latest movie? Talk about it.

14. The zoo animals are hungry, and you are going to the grocery store for food. What’s on your list?

15. Imagine you are as tall as a giraffe! What problems would you have?

16. You are 100 years old. Describe what your life has been like.

17. You’ve just won an award from the President of the United States! What did you do to win this honor?

18. Think about the color blue. What does it mean to you? How about yellow, red, green, orange, purple ...

19. You have invented a new video game! How do you play it?

20. Pretend you are a pirate and you discovered some buried treasure! Describe what you’ve found.

21. A spaceship has landed with aliens on board! You want to be friends with them. What happens next?

22. Describe what would happen if you spent the day with your favorite cartoon character.

23. Pretend a herd of cows got into your school. What would you do?

24. Pretend you’re an astronaut. Tomorrow is the big day your rocket blasts off. Talk about your trip.

25. You have some magic glasses. Every time you put them on, something strange happens! Talk about it.

26. Pretend you are a snowman. Describe your life.

27. Wow! You found a money tree. What would you do with the money? Why?

28. What would life be like if everyone looked the same? How would you recognize your family and friends?

29. Pretend you are a talking monkey in a zoo. What will you say so the zookeeper will open your cage?

30. You got a pet alligator for your birthday. How will you take care of it?

31. If you were a spider and could write a message in your web, what would it say?

32. Imagine if dogs and cats could talk. What would they say to each other?

33. You are making a time capsule to be opened in 100 years. What things would you put in it?

34. You’ve just been named “Inventor of the Year.” What did you invent?

35. Imagine you are the king or queen in a castle. What is your day like?

36. You’ve just discovered a new animal. Describe it. Where does it live?

37. If you could do anything you wanted all day long, what would you do?

38. Pretend you have a crystal ball. You can look into it and see the future. Describe what you see.

39. What would happen if people had wheels instead of feet?

40. If a baseball could talk, what would it say when the batter hit a home run? How about when ...

41. If an octopus could play a sport, what sport would it play? Why?

42. If you were a talking car, what would you say as you went through the car wash?

43. Pretend you are a bird. What do you see when you are flying?

44. Describe how you would build the tallest sandwich in the world! What is on it?

45. If you could cure any disease in the world, what would you cure? Why?

46. What if you went fishing and caught something no one had ever seen before? What would it look like?

47. Pretend you are a news reporter. Who would you like to interview? What questions would you ask?

48. Imagine you are visiting the moon. You send an e-mail to Earth. What does your e-mail say?

49. If you were going to design a T-shirt with a written message, what would it say on the front? ...

50. Pretend you are a camera. Talk about the pictures that you would like to take.

51. Imagine there was no night, just the sun shining all the time. Talk about your life.

52. If you could make changes in your school lunchroom, what would they be?

53. Pretend you are a mirror. What would you say when someone looks into you?

54. Imagine everything in the grocery store turns to chocolate! What would you do?

55. If you were a piece of trash and someone was going to throw you on the ground, what would you say?

56. Imagine you just discovered a secret door in your house. What will happen when you open the door?

Totals: / / / / / / / / / / / /

© Super Duper® Publications


If you had to eat the same

thing the rest of your life,

what would you choose? Why?


© Super Duper® Publications #FD-83

Imagine you just discovered a secret door in your house. What will happen when you open the door?


© Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student: _______________________________________________________________________________

D.O.B.: _________________________________________________________________________________

I.E.P. Due: ______________________________________________________________________________

Goal: __________________________________________________________________________________

100% 90%80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%


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Student: © Super Duper® Publications


If you had to eat the same

thing the rest of your life,

what would you choose? Why?


© Super Duper® Publications #FD-83

Imagine you just discovered a secret door in your house. What will happen when you open the door?


© Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

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