fayetteville observer. (fayetteville, tenn.) 1863-03-05 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · fayettsville...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Thnndajr Morning March 5, ISC3.

Confederate Congress

Tbe suljtjct .yf extortion baa been

brought, htforo the House of.Repre-gentatiy'ef- .,

by 'a resolution to subject

to conscrip'io:i sill citizen?, resident

or sojourners, without regard to age,

physical al4iity, trade, profession, or

pursuit; who -- re fuse to rocejve on-feder- ate

money for articles, sold by

them, or tor selling any article at an

advance of more than r per cent,

opon 4he prices charged for the same

articles two years ago. The main

object of the bill is to punish fraud

nod overreaching, tbe great vice of

the tim.'S. In ordinary times, the

passage of sumptuary Jaws is unad-vLsabl- e;

but in time cf war, when

trade is thrown out of its legitimatechannel!--- , there 6hould one wou!d

think, some method be devised to

make knaves and pickpockets of all

orts amenable to tho lash of the

law. People who have no consciences,restore our

end sense righttbe-

-lle6lC-- S

endconsciences and senso of light of the

community. r.re D0 certain that

placing such4 culprits in tho army

would pe the course mosi utiiy 10

inspire them with a wholesome fear

of their Auy remo-

val from the sphere of operations

v hick engrosses all their affections

must be a but it wouli

hardly seem just to oar scMiers

who are, for the most partrbiave and

Lonoialle men lbt they should be

f.irced to mirch in the ranks with

Each a set truculent fallows.v - i

FromMhe ArajLetters hnvi) been l(?ft at this

place for the following persons

Miss Jane English,Mrs L J Ellis,Daud L I IanMiss Mioday CJames P Ilice?,John Mnrt-h'-f

Mrs II A Pope,Jackson Smith,t ILShwrj,Mrs E A Smith,11 A C Stavens. n,MisRhodiae Williamson,Mrs M L Whitworth,Mrs JaneMr?. Mrtha A E Walker,A h Walker.

Watch. for Tkcm -Qaito 'a cumber of horses and

mules hr;ve.been stolen from drflVrent

parts this count y lately. We have

heard it suggested that there is a

bacd bl horse thieves prowling About

iho country, who hope that their mis-deed- s

may be attributed to 6ohJ!crs

nod tbe sugge stion mny really be

well founded.' O.vners of stock

would do well to keep on "eye open.

Visito- r- .

Our cilice .was illuminated Inst

Monday, by the presence the veri-

table 4,5ld Gan," of Jhe Winchester

Bulletin. he was an old

personally, a new one.

. We found him to be a genial, intelli-

gent, maa just the

eort to c?er to the tastes of an(


tellectual perple. Buccera attend'

Lim. , .

Kcw Adtf -A valuable tract land is ndver-lise- d

in this p,nper, to bo offered to

ths highest bidder, at executor's sale,

a is lilfplc Slaves Horses ODd- - - rU J

Mules, elc. And the hooks and nc

';nn'u nf Wright &. Ransom are

now To' the hands Bright &

Bright. . , r '. . '.,;

; "' 'Spr'akln -

I'ursuant to' Brig

; Gen.. Pillow . made ap'eech in this

,laco last; Monday. : Oar engage-- merits wcio so imperative a nature

ca'lo Prevent our attendiog, but we

understand bi remarks were charac-

terize i by good practical sense and

souud judgment., ... , . ... ; . .

The French Emperor has6 000 additional Freach troops io

embark for Mexico.


Jackson, Feb. 25. I am permit-ted to copy the following dispatch toGen. Petnberton :

Feb. 2o. Lnst nightabout 10 o'clock on board theCouled-- "

erate bieamer .Dr. Batty, four milesbelow Vicksburg, I foil io with thaU. S. iron clad Ipdiauolu, which wasgoing in quest of tbo ram Queenof the West and the steamer Webb.I engaged the Icdianola lor an hourajd . the u ran along side, when hercommander, it. B.rown; of the S.. i-

- ViT' I uNavy, surrendered to me; .'

. . Sulli;a,u- - W Q"fTA.nll (K rrP,';f i:.,-- 1

Hiranj Wilson, back; L B.Lockbnid,

Vu" ouoru,jDeavenport,hould,r; Geo: N Wil- -


Brent," t have turned theover to Lim,iQ a sinking condition,but we .hope to save her. Only fiveof our number hurt.

Signed Feed. C Brand, i

- Lieut Col.Hichmond, Feb. 27. A procla-

mation from tha Presideut willnublished appointina the27th of March as a day fastiog,humiliation, and prayer, and invitingtbe people the Confederate Statesto repair on that day to tbe usualplace oi puouc worsmp, aou join iugrayer to Almighty bod, that hewill continue his merciful protectionover ourciuse, scatter our enemies,set at naught their evil designs, and

peaceA jaifcu x rauKioii v)

' . .gwes some. partiealarS OI me aispo- -

isal of the Democratic Convention at

no cf themselves,! he graciously 'to

ohl CO compelled to respect thebuIoved ,C0UlI.fof

transgression"!?.- -

























luace me iue,u:n. Tnh !?,,, .n,.i.iewi ironn.lHouse of Representatives' having,by a uccidid vote, rtlusec tho Con-

vention the use of the Hallot Dele-gatu- s,

that body, rented the Theatre.Delegates from forty counties were

present. David Mtrriwether Wii.s

elected Chairman. Ou taking the.chair he txpressed a hope that theConvention would do uothmg thatfjgood and lojal citizens should cotdo. . In the meantime a regime ofmMipim 5h . fixpd hflvonetB formed

r. r tko-j- m r, nKnn

the call of the counties was made,Col. Gilbert took a stand and informed the Convention that none hutmen of undoubted loyalty to the

,T vGovernmenti would be allowid toran for any office. -

lie advisel the Delegates to dis-

perse to tbeir homes, and in futuredesist from all auch attempts to pre-

cipitate civil war upon the State.Tbo jfissemblflge then adjourned.There was some excitement tut nodisorder.

Gun Boafs about. We learn thattwo or more Gun Boats and severaltransports came up the Tennessee afew days ago to Fiiir- - oce. Bainbridge,&c., and that several hundred of theenemy's cavalry had entered Frank-fort, RussehVille, Tuscumhia, &c,having probably come up from Cor-

inth. Ojr cavalry retired to Court-l-nt- d.

. The river is now falling andthe gun boats will have to retire.Ocr steamboa4, the Dunbar, escapedover tho Shoals. v e have been un-

able to learn what dam tges were doneby the enemy to the citizens. Ad-


The cars Rnt running from Louis-ville to Nashville, and from Nashvilleto Murfrt eshoro. Flour 3 per hun-


in NashvilK' Sugtr 10 cents,and Coffee 50, In Louisville South-

ern money 10 to 20 per cent dis,and Confederate 40 to 50 cents ontho dollar. The Federals report-ed to have issued orders prohibitingthe cultivation of the ground insideof their lines by Southern people inMidJla Tennessee, in order to starveus out! It behooves us to try to

raise the more every nhero 'else.

Among tho trophies of the war

displayed in the Virginia State Li-

brary,' wbite silken banner cap-

tured from a Fhiladelphia1 Turn Vtrein Regiment, on one sida of. which

is tho mitto Gut Iltil." The translation of the words is s:dd to be

Good Luck,' 'ibut' tho 'majority ofjvisitors Vive them a phonetic 6irnifican'crcadily believing that the reg-

iment, to whidh the banner belonged

"got hell" on the occasion of thecapture. .

''.' '. ', ' ' ' ' "

Flonr WantedWe wfsh to Purchase for Our own

usa a" few! hundred pdunils of Floormiddlings or first quality- --

for which the cash will, bo paid. ' Any

of our friends to can. furnish us

from twenty-ffv- e .'p.opnds op, will

please seed H to tho Observer office.

JEST The 6th Iowa, cavalry, now

at Davenport, have sigoea no agree-

ment not to go into service at all, ex

cept flgairjst the Indices.

List of Ri!!cd, Wouadtd and Miss-- ,

log in the 18th Rrg't lean. Fol sin flip !at haffU fif.fi Wnrfrs- -

Doro. :

J. B.Puliusr, (Colonel) wvusdetliu soinnuer, Knee. C

rises 6 15 Sun sets..Monday, March 9.

lIse3 6 u 1 Suu .....Tuesday 10.

f C'

teat Ti



M..I i i l rn .i.iuaiei.uoocu, o;ipiaio; WOUT Si

ded in hand and chest., Lt. J. M. DougliS3, (Adj't) ia,s'JQ

Ion- --

.r ietct:er liurrusbrgeapt Maj.;r,contU3od wound from sht-U-. Si

4 ICompany 1.Killed. Jno. II. Vaccf.Wounded. Capt. G. ' McCabe, A

thigh; W. Ii. New, arm; SrgM. C.o i i? it i t

.. . , e rr : i irof

wu";.u,uu' u?in Action. Corporal A. It

H. Freeman, and J. B. Sullivaru

CoIPASY 4B" ...Rilled. Corporal W. W. Cole.Wounded. 1st Lieut. S. C. Bow- -

ers, coram c comonnr. stishtlv:' 2d i

Lieqt. , S. . Cols slightly; J..M.Hatch, mortally; W.-1I- . llamilton,leg; Y. A. Hulsey, band,

JW'ss wg in Action- .- John Sabely,anu u 11. tuiks.

Company "C." .--

Killed 1st Lieut. S. M. Smithcom g com: J. b. lJ,iercy, (bergwant;;Color sergeant G. K. Lowe; A. A.Abernnthy.

Wounded.-- JL F. Brown, h e: B- -

Js. Grouse. ' hanC: J. E. Dromrroolc,hand. L M Gordon, -7 t--i

Jotn, U)el, J. W Nisli. thieh:. . . ,


0f the shouldt rCompany 11 D.

Killed. tione.Wound d.-- Cwi. M. E St. John,

arm; 1st Lieut. B. F B irrot, head; j

D. D. Bryfcon, arm: Alfred Reed,U . T T CI I 1. A

,,nSt. John, shoulder- - W. J. Williams,shoulder:' J.J. Warmack, urm.

GM pany ut?vI Killed, fee rgea nt J. T. Miles and! Private J. N. Biien.


Wounded Ckpt. Gid. II. Lowe,lee: 2d Lieut. D. G. Parchee. arm.S.lT Jpnf M I SriiLrt ho.l-St.rtt- i'

O. W. Felts., shoulder; Privates S. WDemumbrane, arm; J. Ethigh; Washington Morris, arm; CTomiin, side; J. W: Sione, leg.

Missing in Action. Sergeant J.M.Bidwell.

Company " F."Killed.-1- 1. R. Stovall.'Wounded. lstserg't R. Ogleby,

arm; 3d serg't 11. II. Hortons fjot;Corporal II. L'. Wood fin, thigh; Corp'lJ. A. Moddrill, head; Privates D. C,

Williams, bowels; W. A. Cordon,head; R. D. Owen, hand; W. M. Gil- -

tman, nan1; vj. in. Ilarr.s, unKnown;J. N. Newman, since dt-ad- W. II.Thomas, wound unknown; DavidBurden,-(44t- h Tenn.) th'gh.

Company G.v.Killed. Capt, John Dick.Wounded 2d Lienf.D.W.Stuhbs,

arm; 1st Serg't John Walker, head;Privates Uiley llestr, leg?; ILirdyMcNeal, neck; Frank Simpkins,thigh; Wm. Bird, eye; Calvin Ab-fiitir- e,

1 g; Rubert Bell, lep; JamesGodwin, thiyb; George Brings, shoul-

der; John Smith, thigh.JSlissivg in Action. Dempsy

Gladden. -Company-4- 4 II.".

Killed. Private James Childresa.Wounded. Capt. X-- G. Corlee,

shoulder; 1st Sergeant J. P. Ware,chest; 5tli Sergeant M. F. Cuffrey,thigh; 1st Corpl J. N. MvKoighr,knee; 2d Corp'l'M. N. Uerrodf'sirm;Privates James Burchelt, W M

Bowen,arm; Jackson Bt!tcbett,kg;Lu aJ. Cdruthers,,lcg;. A, Fioley, thigh;Simon CTiUey, arm; Wm. M. Ivey,arm;,J. T,., McMahon, hand; V. A.Mitchell, arm; T. E Prater, bead; J.C. Gunner, chest; W. II. Spicer,hand. .

, M issing in Action.. J G D.4e. '

Company ".I."Killed Privates W. C; Allen, ly

JQ0 Ciouso, arid R R Clemens. :

Wounded. Capt Z W Williams, r

knee; 2d Lieut T C Florida, leg bro-- j v.T

ken; 2d berg t b b Clemens, wound-

ed since died; 4ih Serg't W J Ca.

son, bowels; Corp'l W LileCoyJeg;7.A II Ciemens,'waurrded since died;)t

C F Dillon, idt;; I R Far, shoulder;A Moon hand: W G Moore.thiirh:

side; R Snider;. arm; vY V Thomp-



foot. ' '; ' '('' '

. Cv!rANVuIL"i "-

Killed. Private A M Hadsob.

Wounded. Cnpi W B U'dy, er.r:1

2d Lieu't T II LUnr.iltorY, foot: 3dSerg't I) B Ftor, hip; Smi Gray,hie: J A II. II all, loot: Saadford Jar- -

rells, hip; J "N 'Piirsley he'aJ N andTiptCD;mm; C.BTuroage, wrbt. of

thcbsdat.m ah 5, isG3.Slln ......6 18 Sun tots.... ...5 42



Fbidat, March 6.;San rises C 17 Sun sets.. .5 43

Saturday, March 7.rises G 16 I Sun sets. . 5 44

a...... nr.. a,JJ1,'i jiki.u o. v

5 43

Sun A-...- -...C 13 Baa et3. . .'. . .5 4T.

' , Wednesday, March 11.'rues. ;,.,.6 Xi Suu sets..; ..& 4

J.J1From the Cincinnati Enquirer

Me&t Alrocioas Bill has Passed



lie benate-rX- he

' i, tocstiinUon t

Annulicd.We'iovite attention to the Snf,..'


mous bill, annuliioff the Constitution'

' the United States, which has jostpassed the Senate at Washington.--

was printed on tie first page of

tho Eoquirer of Thurjday.: TheNew York Wtrrld well says of it:

.Every Who VOted iOrtbel

'detestable bills if sworn to supportiu., r... . ..i : :.tiio ouS1u.uu .u. u 'V'",open confessed repudiation. 1 hebill' if 'it-passe- s the other House,(which it will) is .nothing less than anact Jar the establishment of a despo-

tism, in JthU mice free and happyUoittd States, and taking from bcpeople the protection 4jf afreo Constituiion. It auihorists and justifiesarbitrary arrests at the will of ..tbeExecutive, in delhnce of esplit-I-t pro-

visions of tho Constitution forbiddingsuch arrests, It puts .every man's

tr v hii.i i r mpr v nu iti ih oro- -V' "7 ,1

.T" V'"" : ri'.uviuiuu,i ryiiunui' sun

.a -

governments to .protect tbeir citizensagainst illegal violence ; it tells thorresiJent aud Ins min;ons that theyniy. ivilh itnouuitv. nt'ro.'trate all

sylvania, and Mitchell in Massachu-- ! Jcondd or the of. the this Courtri.. 1 : ordinary processof

acts despotism tb:jTmS.t cd'lOUS tyrants ill the Worst ages

(have earned the txciation of man- -,.Kltl'J- - '


We ask tho deliberate attentionf tha th. f..i.f- - ... ;il

V " ' "Hnow recite add whic'l appear on re- -

cord. Mr n .rlilu ..rVimlni.! mi1aJ7

tO amend tlie lirat Section Oi ICO M: : c I 1 l.T) :

l) ilifec I Llli"" ulttr lUc I'UiaaO f.CM

.1..... ru , tt..:..i o. ...... i l- - iuemui tut, uuneuotaief, iuu wo.iuain the exercise of his COUStltuteu

authority '' an aniOlldmcnl wbidlWOU1U give mat OlllCer immuniry forall acts, arrests ami proceediogs whichhe has done or ordered in tbe exer--

. . . . . , , .CISO 01 Dis COnSlllUUonaJ aUlDtiriiy,but leaving him and his subordinatesIII tbe lull Consequences and penal- -

ties of acts done in Violation Of thepinc.;((- -UonslUUUOO.- - Itie UepUDHCari oen -

JttorS Saw that tha adoption O.f thisamendment would rpnd. lhi hill nil- -

gatory; alle- - Althoughgianee Constitution

uccoronmly-njpcte- d eleven ayesugaiust twent ioe

. hs linvnin.J 1

Browni Carhle Cowan HardinirPowtll, baulaburv, luri'lO. Uall andWilson of Missouri 11

iraver,Unanilier,DiXOU, they

F.,o!e, Griues, Ifch,llarlar., liarris, Henderson. Hick?,ICing, L'lne of MuriiM, Pomroy, biiermau, Suran. Ten Eyek,

Tnimbnll, N de, Wil.SOtl, Wiley, -

mot and Wilson Massachusetts2G." .



aeclaretl tneir Ueiermmauon -

treat tho Constituiijn which theyhave sworn support, and guar-antees it throws around the libertiesof a p. as a nullity."

Capture of the Brooklyn. Wehave information,which through

well-know- n from NewOrleans, General JMagriidt-- cap;

famous Yaokerf of-w- ar

Brooklyn, Galvestou, asince. grounded, andher crow were the of

.uiuua.--r icovayWhig.

Ex-Preside- Pierce, of New- -

occupies positionValland:gham, lsenj. Wood, Bright,and othei peace Democrats. He iiactively engaged the politics

State, liboiiog carry tbeMarch elections Lincoln.'

Ah attempt to arrest deserterHudson city, lastresisted by thc people, and tho Pro-vo- at

forced liberate prisoner. -

is made in OhioMiphigan prospects

the ncxtwheat crop.

Singular Story about the CaplrtieKeW Orleans ! ...

:.A letter from Richmond, .Va.; published a Belfast paper, contains tbefollowing statement

. !

umal nnrl ' - 1 uiKiMAnrT CIV I

r r k a t ' a. 1weens, viuenuy m oepinjnuer anuOctober last.) While there I

InPKS o P trial hi nniirtmnrtixl ( fnln 1 XT :h,.ln o1

.Officer J..X Mitchell, the former J

icommandet' of kj. i. uui', nuniho latter commander the Confed- -

!erate flotil,a on tha Mississippi river

ofjNew ori..Vjlrheynouna guiny 01 naming, ior me sum

r.,nr.t,0 v.fiRWfc V LI V U. V VMi J M

tboosrnd dollar?, allowed the United'States fl iet to rJa the forts without! fti,u ot ' Vfvsee, fllar.iiail Co.

any , 1 tola ; you j - i- - , --

Belfast that, this was;"! T our Justico's Court io civilmakingwhen in .

tieacherouslv Sold, and it has beenso proved..: Gn. Duncan is living at in Yankee in Perin- -

s Tennee, and:, f ,, 'ore cannot



etts. jAii.i vocii uttrdtors, ; the Federali neVt-- r

have taken ibis

Q23IgTT RY.a .f n', rv,;V..,, MS

f .Tn. ik- - Mi- - vv.,.,.,..tatehved-atthetimep- bw death, bou:d- -

" v-j-- "- "J luuji 1 ZGytZTp. frr FX

"ITa""" J "l' , , . 5 i 2 SI If 2 I P h"u BUUKiCU. 3 y d rj J. &. tr ysecuntias will be required of tho purchaser. f (

w,- -.- ;a" " '"S" A.--', , , '

I. i 1 . . . "

iiiiL nu ri iriii iuii. i.ii.bif iur. .niu niin iiit,i nu.. Abouttheyear

parents moved North Caroli..a, Sitrrr,t0 Lincoln county .Tetin. Jlis early habits of!

. yl .;.,h ;n .v,o

tjmution of ail with win.m it was hi fortuneto an acquaintance. He was a bright

favored by Providence with" a and re--(

7. When the diiUouities b',tiween toe ixorinern ana oouiuera uithe United opened, he atoace es - j

pouseJ th3 ra0:'0 f Southera and j

Uthern independepw.'. When the ews j

reached thst the victories which j

'hitherto crowned Southern arms reversed

?h0;fl of .hich

had;"- - Ten- -

that this confessiou pij atld etlter a ne w moJe of existence.

tO the WOUld ren jconvinced of his death, he was and

, : 'qnil, and conversed wiih his hospital ecru- -r . of nomoreeflect ibao so muchd; 8tating to him that he ilJeil notblank paper. Tbe amendment Was tho ran of ieaih : that be was in full

wa strong, soon con- - 1;.

bynoes :

i ,iifsr-- ah nnnr jnff,


-- "o' - - - - ci:irvp. nut .

tenlion tothe last and

V 1 beautiful and affecting invoking1V1J e dlCSSrS, LlaiK, !ll9S!,;ngS ef heaven to be propitiously fchow-Collam- er,

, Doolitlle, Fesscn-'ere- d devoted family, and that.1- -n ..sler,

Kansas, -







'; respected relative, and an affectionate de-t- he

Ot UDlteU , btafeS:V0ted hiuband whose loss theytOi

to the



thar,tur. d the man

oil 6borttime Shewhile act

".u-.a- u


jo ofio"


N. week, was


beingof poor






dis- -

ease land,

u.jiui wivacWOUld






.,vtr1S10 his.





bclhousthen States







v..h io' irr?.


upon his

'Hanlberate the and



at Fort Donelson, the fire of ratriotJam whichnr,a nUn4 .liMuiriff in hiti KuC(m n o vir hn ranto burn With increasine ardor and vehemence,tt: i. r (.....1 ,v tlqm.uisHMOui tuuuut oa 1

'111.:- - 1 1 1 a..anu uia cuurao ueu;i"J luviuciuic. no uo--.termined at oaco,at whatever sacriSce. to en- -ter the field conflict the first opportanity i

rhatmifjht offer. Accordingly about the 1st,

wa3 theD bein,; raised by patriotic J. R. ':

Bright. Under that brave awl aailant manfas his flantain.( . . h marched straight. to the ,

flnl.l oi rr!itpst rpnd nt . moment, if Be !t - J ' :

rcessity should riuire it, to offt-- r himself a sa- -wmeo uioa freedom a. tar. A vary short

r- - l.n Ta tantaA fi,.H Vio '

attacked by fever. Being predisposed to con- -sumption, his fever grew violent.. In a fewdav it became arnareBt that hw disease had

aggruvated form ar)li that tha'pointed sickle of Death piercing his mor - ,

!tal frame. He became fully convinced that .

t lia 1 .1 eriAn nnad fiAm tKa clatra AI fiptlitri

of heaven's king lorn and all the beaiuu-'sap-d j

nlnriio rT rrnmuoil laml- -, tht h'9 faith fkmsiiiovi .wv .w.... i

was strong, and his evidence iu:i. his faith

Id vine friend, the deceased offered up a most

Sy,CTJZrJZTJlJ lie cxpres-e- d his ardent hope that familyiaml U his friends would methim it heaven,! where thej wouldll uuite in sinjing the songw.hich jeria'.dauhterti, wi.iie giv- -

.ing praises to Sa'em's bright nnd gloriousiving. in cvuciusion, permit io say tnar,in the death of friend the county has lostone of htrr.olde sons, his acquaintances a friedand friend, his relatives and a

deeply lament ai mourn. A Friend.


1st, Kind animal i given.... 2d, color....3d, description . . ..ith.ae. . . .5tb, poster'sname. . . .Cth.time and place arrest. ..7th, valuation. '

. MSCOLN COUHTT .Cow and Ca'f--th- e ow, pale red color, star

in forehead, some white spoU About her,markd with crop off the left ear andfork in the riht.'abont 5 vrsold; by A.Moore, 22d dis, Jan 2, 18G3. Valued at :$20

j LIME-sToN- COU38TV.Two JTuea one yellow, black streak on his

back and weathers, marks or pear, black mane

with letter B on shoulder. 4 veare old, valued at $175 another, a dark nuse colored toMare Mnte, br.mded with letter S, 15,hands high, valued at $175 other, a darkbrown, Mate Mule) marked vilh'gear, nobrands perceprable, ' hand high valafdiat $145, all br John Thorn! Jan 2.

llule, black, long mane and tail, old mark?m.k 0k.

hands hifih about 7. Years old; br Kobert Y- ' - i ed.?eev, Jac , 18C3. at $.90.Afare Jwfr, niou.e colored, bo 'marka or

brand perceivable, shaved tail aixi mane, 10hards high, about 14 hands high; by Thomas

3a miles north-we- st of ilanUville,Jan 13. Valued at' $75. U -

" Ihrte ifule,' mouaeteojorpd.' blind in' Ift oner, alout 15 hands hih. b nt 10 or 11 yra doold :'bv Thos. S. McCalley,' Feb. II.- - Val-ued


at $60. ' . : ,jHone ate M-ir-e Hide .torso, brown, tlem

ish right eye, marked with ear; va'ued-a- t A$i0. " The Mulc.'ismalf. sorrel, withgear; TaJaed t$3Q, '. "Dctlt by Fleming Jor-dan, Feb 10; ' . , .

shifting the guns to get her 611, Ma-!an- 1ta,, flbout i,a"'19 h gh aix-u- t 8 yrs

."old, valued at. $50 the other dark brown,grudersent OUt hS mUSqnilO. fj- - et(0 rUUxt of the gear, 14ra' high,and boarded her. TblS uews WHS ful ' about 8 years old, valued at $K0 both by

credited in New Orleans. This is! T-- ? nvd. west of Athena, .od. . . - i road (leading J lorence fo Athens, Dec20

certainly .i bnlu int achievement, and mm rso county. ;

dds additional lustre to th OMme of I Tlrfe --- "t Ilor.e Mule, 1G,

T?.t,V,.wt ' Tr- - r.r..;. ' n-- s high, marRed with gear and

t&r.Hampshire, ih


a inJL










The Yankee army of thehas consumed as fuel

square miles of forest.


PIJBLiC. SAkEIYtj, WILL. oiler Tor sde, for cash, ai

. Pulaski. Tennessee, on Wednesday,-

fl L U H 1J ill f1 tIJ ilUIldLO,m .....


Sale to cummeoce at 10 A. M.. HUMBLE,

Teh. 23, 18C3. Capt. anl A. M . U.S.

Wright1 & Ransom.IF. ,nl--a on) A rlAiinta rf1

ior co'iection. f' OD. ZO. ISOi-- Bt UlUGIIT & UuIGtlTi

; trJct Vo. 3, on tke 13th day February,1863, on motion of tha plaintiff the abovocause, aiid it appearing to the satisfaction oftfta Justico, that the satd defendant has nb--

be served on him.it is therefore onW-'.- l that, to said defendant appear at our office tha

civil district, on the 3d l f1903, to plead, answer, or demur to the saidattachment, or the said cmisa will be heardex parte. WASU1XGT0N HUNTER,

eb. 20 Justice of the Peace.

Sale of-Land- :

iTNDorsuanca nf tlm h'st nn,ljX testament of Ezekiel Sanders, deceased. I!will offer for sale to the holiest bidder, on tUoptemises, Saturday, the 2Slh duof JTIart-Ji-, 1SC3. upon a c edit of one andtr0 years, the following TRACT OF LANDlying on the waters of San Ureek.tn Dis-

trict Xo 14, LincJn Couutj, State of Ten- -'jnessce, being the s.vne on which iaid fntes- -

ed as follows : North by tho lands of Tilman Wells, East by the W.Is of Wm. Dyer. j

Eolith hv-th- bii.Ij of V m. Dyer and James ;

. .l- - 1 ..C 1. - 1. ! ; 1wuo,eui l" ,urVia'e."V KVa- - .1j. A. OA.MJtliS. JLXT. &C.

Feb. 2G. 18-- td

:. "3 Cgrt.IPS1 11 1 1 u lsyL lljlj I L I

jLHlLo lUli UMLL !.

PURSUANT h decree of the

nessee jnnounced at its February term. 18G3,;iu the case of Hugh Thomison, a.lm'r of

V m K Kliaa I &c nrhnN Kill a

'of Sla vea I will, on S iturtl'iY. tlie 21stv m C .! miTf Dnl il, I. ; .k ... i

..- - ....... ocu me iiiiici-- .

l. J,.:.. .1.- -. fuukk--i av iuc uuii-uuuteu- wi in iiio lun ii viFavettcville, Linln countr, Tennessee, thofollowing SLAVES, viz: Eliza, and aboutof years; I utile, about i'l years; Uen, aged

, , . - "about 7 years Julia, alxutt yearc; Em i--tine, .about 13 years; X ed, about 45 vears-- :


Lathannc. about tlx Years, and her three chAi

dren. to-wi- Lucv. about 5 vears: Wn.h." . -

about d years, amt Jlanah. ab.mt 10 montns,which will be sold in ocr Malii dn. alumt1 f v i.i t s nh it Vi pr t wo iK 1 rt ran Vjiny, ng.nl about 5 years., Wills, about 3 year. !

wil I also be sold in or.e lot. Said Slaves willbe sold tipon a redit of 12 months, except '

the sum of cent, which u required tobe paid in cash.. Xotcs with two or more ap - -

proved securities will be requked of thn pur- -chaser.-- and a lien retained nnon ni.l S!huntil the purrhasa monev is paid. ;

DANIEL J WIIITTINGTON,Feb 26 Cleik and Special Commissioner, j

1 .

IWOI7IC?23, .'

iiMijubAS my. wile ijAiLLlAbIf has left mv bed and tioard with- -

any just cause or provocation, in.S is,

.'KSTAT3J "nitick. jA LL persons baring cliims against;

the estate of Thom-'sM- . CLuk, dec. are'atifiujl to prtpent theju jroperlv authenti.a--

ieu for payment, within the time prescribedry law; and tnos-- owing the estate must coaiuforward and settle.

Feb. l'J. M. D. HAMPTON, Ainu'..


Confederate Ionej.ALL tl-oa- indebied to II. L :

VVTnilTB 1,., m r n ... .

...ft. Tll.1..',l It'flAn Will ..T..neji ..II ......um p .uvundersigned and m ike payment, as he wishes ,

to wind up the business as soon ai possible, i

Confodcr.ita mnev will be taken in payment'of the same. Fe'blOl T. C. GOODRICH.

P.S--- I .havea Urge amount due ma by!notes and accounts, an I would ur 'o alT thoseindebted tome, while Confederate money is1

'plenty to make par ment, I want all theUonledtrate monev' I can get. I

Feb. 1. 1S63. T. GOODRIfTII.T.ITj,"t iEDLT'ATIO.

County Court of Lincoln roantv.

ttiar. na won it do in in .,.,nr.,u r -- 11 ..


-j ... , .vf jivvii, nu iiiic'lil. ...-- oJ





v inv










tnmarked- -


S.Q A.









School for the rVccV.i oTofPllsitthe Female The 8 i"nwill continue five months. Terns aa UM.al.

party oi hoiu.trs. Feb 1803.

Your Ailcntion !

hoj.e iude'tcd-t- GKOUflE JXX GOODRICH, find nmr.nM.!with DanielJ. who i author-- jized to settle and receipt the name. You

on a coi.uer oy cajiing andfettling up immediately, as I am compelled

have momy, and oblijaD.30 23,1862. J.

Take:': Notice.TDERSOXS ssndine to tbe Drn a" Store for

Amiga or rpti.1th.e,r ,T V"1".' 1. our exhiHt- -


:;Lo3tIN, Fayctttville, Wed ne.srl4v. night,10th'int., a'mcd'rum sizcl DRASS

The wiH thantleaving it as vt u illin ro service to any one but owner 'Dccvlii. ".i .


LL" indebted to me By or ac- ---.i. w-- ..i plaiwo come forward hnd !

payment. , T. C."October' 30,' 13(32;- -


New Drug Store

succrssoBs To



fK$ (XI

medicibes; .mm,- FRESH. &"GENUINEf

(I tl 1. II U U Li UTaints and FaiDt Craskrs,

hnn aiiti (Cailrf Sriirlrj


.' MEDICAL xtses,FlclVOril Extracts,

PT5 K WtK IT JVt .

W W V-- V

X a

surgical Denial iElrcsicjj!-- ,


Tobacco,mm books,

PAPER, ENVELOPES, &C.A afl other articles UMiallv

--tx. kept in a Dni Store. VVf J'"fmake our pufchaaes relial.K ?5f J Al

fora. feel assured ilmt m--

.11 V.l. : :ii.ijo aii, uuui 111 qualify aH( Sti ... . , ... --. !? -

'rue. i iivsiriiins mils aol rre- -scriptions shall receive rartTctil.-i- -

attention at all tinus.. 0.lorfiom the country premptly liljid....... .. ....v i) l r. ir. r.jin n hi 311V Ii ti O

in the State. All we tdt i trialSert.2. DlrTMF.H X-- MIT rc2i. P. Wp har. n hit,. 1 t.. .r- - - j i i

mial 7fli4ll:iiiniak. r.. f. .. i ..uuun?, nuirii .owill sell extremely low. J

Dr1if V

ATT n r 1'f OOHielrf ate ( tij.vr;? nJ.en wht hav br-e-

, cap'nr.;,! and f a- -,n V",:Ia flrJ nny tin,

m o''1'"? of l.nst.litips t. the t foi'. rnbfr, 186.', have been gu!v eschatjed.

an'' r' r"r' so .Iftlu-vd- .

- All Cunf.-tlerat- e oCi'ers and mii whojve been delivert-- d at Aiken's Lr.di.?. onJames risr. at any time previous f. tha11th of November, 1802, have be.--n duTv ei- -changed, and are hereby s. d

3. Corifr.lt-ral- e ctli.'frH nnd r!.n nl,n, ";p?,"- - "t-- n delivered at Vickbur, MUs!?:r-- -

ni i ,!- -, t" "fen i.iiiv n- -are bt-r.-b-v o dcli'rd.

RtinERT Ot'LD.Agont of Y.xrr.wff.

IJesertedSpBIVAlK V. D. G I LI. I. ,M.to m- -

VanJ lst regimrtit Tei nesM-.- ; V.lin- -,pfl rear Oxford, Hi,... J,il;,ne arch fr..m I'lpjah lrd tt t'li r;ar.;

1"r- - l,e IH aton: 0 le t Uh, ll.tjsmdy hair, red whikm, bin-- ? rvrsai d redimpiecli.-- Ifc savs he is S", iP:ir., ,.f

i niny .iurrs rcwanl wili le pid f .r li a;.- -KSif and .di-.mr- um:iv i.il fr.t

r n bin. I iis;d in inM "s u!1 ct'a "l--

T '.r Un!'" 'lv,i"- -

it. li. ru. li.l.K,f.r,f f. ....... I I It . I n1 J ' mit.l. WV.O.-

(Jretjii.ia, 3Iis.,.

LUc. 13. W,2

Exc!i;.ne Notice, 4.Richmond, Va , J.m. Io ?.r,?,.

,The following officers and m n hue been

,!"'' '' ''""T aril:,--v

V A" "m,'p" ru'-- c:.p nr.I in KrtucK; 1 AhiUmia. ilissis.;,,pi G- --

uarouna, up o Ue- -!CemLc.rID' 1HG- -',

2. All ffhreM and men captured in Missou- -ri. Kansas. New Mexico. Arizona. Arl:a..sa.,

on- -IT!? 7"" "f C'M"te feT'

?r J;wn,K1',r 'r"liil army t,,I,4t . .Lntt Safes,

' ' ' ' ' "pi:.irt.r; ,"'creleased, ai.d dtlivcrcJ to Confederateauthorities. .

t. All efllcer and nun - T

have been delivered at City Pu'jit ur. to Jauarv Cih. nr,1

6- - AH Conlederafo cAWr and mrrj wh- -

hav5 at VifksburT u- - to I) -temoer m i, icoj, ann aid date.

t . iiip iroie.i hcniederate fhrersar.il menreceipted for at Vkfcidmrj up to Decembtr23d, and including said date.

8. All Confederate nd.. i i , . . .. . mer car- -.

'iureu hiiu pri.ci as i rectricfesbur ' Va. in1862. ,

"0. Alt Confederate efficeri and men rap-

tured and paroled at GulJsloro, X. C, in De-cember. 1??"2.' . .

10. Other miircllaneons and minor excVar-g- e,

of which the appropriate flh-cr- beduly iufcrmcd. "

' , EOBFRT OUI.D,Jan. 22-- St ' Exchange A-- nt.

0"A1I SmtheTTT papers are requested tocopy, and send bills to tire Mar Department.

Por StXo.rPIIIlEE-FIN- JACKS-o-ne 7

years oM tRia svn-ing-. ore 5 varr?. ami

Itlte 3 year oi.1. T5e two oldest havtrproved themsolves to be sure foal-oett- ers anilrood breeders. Call on ma rfMnlU,

Jan 20 6t

'."y0' and b,s '??CO .P-1"0- 4 ter on my iccwunt,.a9 I will be responsi- -i o'-- "-

words ot his ihhx ptrc .JanJ bt























ON M'nday. the lCrb of thi3 month. I "l' '"-'- ". P to Jamnry 1st, I8G.T.

M1S MARY AVVA M.fww ...:nl. S- - ' 1? two foregoing seeli-- ns aprly not


She would say to ber frien.ls that the :" V'?, f t''would have commenced earlier, but f.r j r? L i h,t,,e-


of the Academy nn.lV-un- ds UajS irr612.

A LLwill




Alcaicme. will r!easfT,a'f,(0et2

DOORKEY. finiLt eceive manv

atlhe Observir office,t!i2


those nefocount,















es.sion t'OMtoU

top related