fave 5 images

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Outfit1 - Antonia WoodsFavourite 5 Images

This image could be used for my fashion spread because it is a very attractive image. The model is making direct address with the audience which is a very good feature used within the image. The lighting is very high key, which allows the audience to see the setting of the image, thesetting seen is a park of some kind, it looks rather rough as if it is somewhere a boy would hang out. The image is a midshot and is rather interesting, the model stands centred and is positioned between two railings. The first thing the audience would look at would be the models eyes. The styleof the fashion shoot would instantly be recognizable by the audience, she is obviously wearing male clothes, and fashionis about setting trends, this photodefinitely does that.


This image could also be used for my fashion spread, it is slightly different from other images. The model is making direct address with the audience and the camera shot usedis a long shot. This shows more of the environment around the model, this adds to the setting of the photograph. We can see more of the costume of the model now, she is wearing grey chinos. The grey chinos signify that she is manly and that is the main theme that runs throughoutthis fashion spread. The lighting of the image is very high key, this has connotations of happiness & it is very usefulthat it is bright because it meansthe audience can see more of the image and the setting aroundthe model.



This image is quite attractive, the lighting is very high key, especially on the models face. This is a good feature to have because it means that the first thing the audience looks at on the photograph is the models face. The modelis also making direct address with the audience, this is so that the audience is firstly attracted to the models face.The shot is a mid shot, we can only see the models torso though which is a problem, it would be better if the wholeoutfit was shown as it would convey the genre much moreclearly to the audience. We can see more of what’s above the model now because of the camera angle just showing the models torso, this shows offthe actual setting of the photoshoot, allowing the audience tosee more of it.


In this image the angle used is a low angle, this anglesignifies the dominance and authority of the model. This

angle works well with the theme of this fashion spread, as the theme is gender reversal and this angle gives the actormore authority and increases her manliness. The model is still making direct address with the audience, which is good because her face is the first thing we look at. The setting of the scene is rather out of focus but I think the general setting can is still easily recognizable. The railing which is propped up on is important as it delivers a message of where the model is. The hair of the model is neatly done so we can still recognize she is a girl, butjust in males clothing.


In this image the shot used is again a low angle, this signifies dominance & authority but in this image the model is looking away, almost as if she is too good to give the audience attention. The appearance of the model is very important in these images, in this image she is seen not wearing any make-up, this is necessary because the theme of the fashion spread is gender reversal, and boys do not wear make-up so this model wasn’t allowed to either. The costume of the model is a little hard to see here, we only see bit of the shirt & jacket, some is covered by the models hair and the other half showing her wearing chinos isn't visible in this image.The model is in focus in thisimage with the two railings she has her hands on, this is so she attracts the audience’sattention.

Outfit 2 - Antonia WoodsFavourite 5 Images


In this image the shot is very unique, we see the model sideon, turning around to look at the audience, giving them direct address. The shot size is a mid shot, we see the models jeans, top and jacket, but the top is mostly covered by the jacket. The model is in focus here and the rest of the image is slightly y blurred, this is so the model gets the audience’s attention first, the rest of the image isn't too blurred because I wanted the audience still to see the setting the photograph was taken in as it’s important. The model is sat on some sort of concrete. The lighting in this image is again high key, so that the audience can easily see thecostume of the model & the setting the photograph wastaken in.


In this image, it appears that the shot size is a still a mid-shot, the model is more facing the camera, we can see her torso more and the shirt she is wearing. The model is still making direct address with the audience. The background of the image can be seen quite clearly, the audience can clearly see the setting of the photo-shoot. The models hairis done neatly and is the only part of the image that has connotations of feminine aspects, the rest of the image is very manly. The model especially isn’t wearing any make-up which signifies she doesn’t care about her appearance, giving a very manly theme.


In this image the shot is a mid shot, it shows off most of the models outfit and I turned the model around so we are now facing her. She is now in front of us and the background of the image is very grotty / dirty. The model is resting on a block of concrete with graffiti on it, the setting behind the model is rather dark compared to the model. The model is also clearly not wearing any make-up in this image, this has connotations of manliness. This image is particularly interesting because of the pose the model is in, she is showing her clothes as much as possible to the audience, all the layers she is wearing as the point of a fashion shoot is to set themes.


This image is very attractive, the shot size is a mid shot and the model is in a similar pose to the last image. The interesting this about this image is that there is a slight high angle on the shot which usually signifies the character in the shot doesn’t have much authority or appears small but in this photograph because of the models facial expression it is almost as if we become small and not important irrelevant to the shot angle. The models hair is parted out of her face so we can clearly see her, this is important in this photograph as the models face adds to the theme of the fashion spread, as she is expressing a rather manly face whilst not wearingany make up.


This Is a good image which I could use for my fashion spread, we can see all of the models outfit in this phographincluding her brown shoes. The lighting in this image is extremely high key, maybe too bright because it looks rather un-natural and the face of the model is slightly distorted because of how white it is. The shot is a mid-long shot with a slight high angle, I don’t think we are close enough to the model in this image though because her face isn’t the first thing we look at and its hard to see she’s making direct address. I feel as though the setting is more important in this image but I don’t like how bright it appears.

Outfit 3 - Antonia WoodsFavourite 5 Images


This is a very attractive image that I could use for my fashion spread, the model is clearly in focus and the background of the image is a railing. The model seems tall in this image, signifying dominance. The direct address of the model brings attention to her face & eyes. The fact that the model is in focus draws attention to her from her surroundings, the rest of the image is slightly out of focus. The model has positioned her clothes so that we can see the grey shirt under the cardigan, this compliments the grey beanie hat she is wearing. The hair of the model is flowing out of the hat running down her body so that it is very noticeable, this shows the audience she is in fact a girl even though she’s wearing a full outfit of men's clothes.


This image is taken from a different side of the model, she is looking to the left at the audience making direct address. The models lower body cannot be seen which is a little problem as we need to see her whole outfit. The shot size is a low angle, this signifies the dominance of the model over the audience as we are placed lower than her. The model is centred in the image so she is the first thing we look at. The hair of the model is flowing out of the beanie so we can see it clearly and it is obvious that she is a girl. The background of the image is very interesting, it is out of focus so that we instantly are drawn to the model in the image.


In this image a low angle is used as it makes the model seem extremely powerful, it signifys dominance over the audience. The model is also making direct address with the audience which shows she is giving them attention. The bad part of this image is at the far left there is a very darkened bush which detracts from the light mask on the image. The model is in focus in this image and we can see here whole outfit which is very important in a fashion shoot as the whole point is to show off different outfits and showcase them to an audience, hopefully the angle of this shot doesn’t detract the focus

of the outfit to the audience.There is a benefit to having this shot angle as it allows the audience to see the complete full outfit of the model.


This image is very interesting, the shot size is a low angle which makes the model look much more dominant in the image. The full outfit of the model can be seen by the audience which is extremely important in a fashion shoot. The model is making direct address with the audience, but her facial expression appears as if she is much better than us. This expression gives her even more dominance over the audience. This image is also very interesting because the image has a slight tilt on it, its called a canted angle or a Dutch tilt. This shot angle in cinematography is an uncommonly used angle and the fact I have used it and it worked is very good. The model placed her hands behind her back so we can see her full outfit which is a very goodmove, seeing the full outfit allows the audience to fully see what she is wearing.


This image could be used for my fashion spread, the shot size is a long shot so we can see the full outfit of the model, we can even see her shoes in this shot. The model has the cardigan behind her back so we can fully see the grey shirt, I don’t think this is very effective because I believe the cardigan is more interesting than the shirt, so I think the model should've shown more of that instead of the shirt. The background of this image isn’t as good as previous ones aswell, the audience cannot see the sky in this image which we can see in previous ones. The hair of the model is flowing out of the beanie hatand slightly covering the shirt,this is a good feature because there is a logo on the shirt of a well known retailer.

Outfit 4 - Antonia WoodsFavourite 5 Images


This image could be used for my fashion spread, the whole body of the model is in focus and the audience can see the whole outfit of the model. In this image though the background of the model is extremely darkened because of the wet patch, this isn't appealing and makes the image look rather wrong. The hair of the model is covering the logo of the hoodie, this is important so that I do not have any product placement in my fashion shoot. In this image, the background isnt really as much out of focus as I would like it to be, because it would bring more attentinon to the model if the background was More out of focus. The modelin this image is centred in the long shot, this makes surethe audience’s eyes is drawnthere first.


This image is very interesting and could be used for my fashion spread, the shot size is an over the shoulder but the model is still looking at the camera and making direct address with the audience. The models top half is in focus including her face & hoodie, her joggers & shoes arent really in focus but it doesn’t matter because we can still see what they are. The bottom of the ramp is very much out of focus, this is very good because even though the model isn't centred in the image, our eyes are still firstly drawn to her. The colours of the outfit in the image are very prominent, it makes sure we look at the model first becauseher colours are extremely vibrant in the image.


This image is very interesting and could be used for my fashion spread. Firstly the shot size is a mid shot, the model is slanted on a ramp but she is still centred in the image because of how the shot was taken. We see her full outfit in this image and her top half is in focus so we are attracted to her. The rest of the image is out of focus which is very could as it prominently shows depth of field. The model isn't making direct address with the audience but it works in this image because we can still see her face, but she isn't paying any attention to us. The rest of the image apart from the model is dull & grey, this isimportant as it makes sure weare attracted to the charactersoutfit which is a very vibrant red colour.


This image is very interesting and could be used for my fashion spread, the shot angle is an over the shoulder but the model is making direct address with the audience. The model is the only part of the image in focus, this is good so we are still attracted to the model even though she isn’t centred in the image. The bad feature about this image is that the models face seems over-exposed, her face looks extremely white compared to the surroundings because of the flash so it distorts her face & nose, not allowing us to see her expression.


This image is taken from the other side of the model, showing a different background, the model is making direct address with the audience and takes up most of the image. She is sharply in focus whilst the background isn’t, we can see the whole outfit apart from the shoes. The model is making direct address with the audience which makes the image more personal. The hair of the model flows out of the cap so we know she is a girl even though it is a gender reversal magazine. The way she is sat shows the audience her whole outfit. The colour red in this image is very prominent which makes the model stand out in the grey background, this is very good as it will be the first thing the audience is attracted to.

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